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News and discussions of the Russian Army

Personnel training Russian FPV drone operators in Ukraine. Recently, FPV drones have become very popular and are increasingly being used by the armies of Russia and Ukraine. The drone is small enough that it is difficult for air defense systems to notice and intercept it. The FPV drone is able to fly into buildings and maneuver there at high speed, it can also carry out reconnaissance at close range and direct artillery. The main difference from large drones and UAVs is that the operator controls the copter in the first person with glasses, which increases the accuracy of the strike. Depending on the model, the combat load of an FPV drone can be up to 1 kg. But the most effective load is 400 g of TNT. In battles in Ukraine, VOG-17, VOG-25 and other lightweight ammunition are used to defeat the enemy.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has received the first batch of new BMP-3 armored vehicles from the High Precision Complexes holding. Machine builders "Kurganmashzavod" equipped the BMP-3 with the main sight of the gunner-operator "Sodema". To enhance the protection of the machine received additional armor screens and grilles. “The Sodema multi-channel complex guarantees high accuracy in aiming weapons and reducing the time it takes to hit targets. It immediately replaces 2 sights of the gunner-operator: "SOZH-M" and "Spring-K" of Belarusian production. ""Sodeman" has "independent stabilization of the field of view in two planes, day sighting and thermal imaging channels, a built-in laser rangefinder and an anti-tank missile control channel." Targets such as "tank" device identifies at a distance of 5.5 kilometers.

The Russian calculation of the mobile 82-mm mortar 2B9 "Vasilek" spoke about his combat work in Ukraine. The Russian mortar 2B9 "Vasilek" was put into service in 1970 and a few years later was upgraded to the 2B9M version, the water cooling of the barrel was replaced with air, since the mortar's excessive rate of fire, and it could reach 300 rounds per minute, was not needed. After modernization, the rate of fire of the mortar was up to 120 rounds per minute. The mortar proved itself well and was actively used in Afghanistan and Chechnya, where it was installed on different chassis. The mortar was copied by China and is produced as Type-99, and China has already produced more of these mortars than Russia. The mortar is fired with mines in cassettes of 4 pieces, at a distance of up to 4200 meters, the calculation of the mortar is 4 people.

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Russian craftsmen continue to create home-made military equipment. The video shows the tests of two self-propelled robotic combat modules. In the first version, 2 twin 7.62-mm PKT machine guns were installed on a self-propelled platform with a remote-controlled tractor. The second version of the robotic self-propelled gun is less noisy because it runs on a battery, a 12.7-mm NSVT machine gun is installed on the platform. Both self-made mini-robots are controlled online, the video from the cameras is sent to the operator's console. In case the robots fall into the hands of the enemy, explosives are installed on them, which is activated by the operator.

In Russia, the development of ekranoplans has begun again. Petrozavodsk began testing the experimental ekranoplan "Orion-25", built at the local shipbuilding enterprise "Avangard". The exoplanet is unique because it can reach high speed like an airplane, and at the same time it is adapted for autonomous navigation, like a ship. The Orion-25 eco plan can be used for border protection, military and scientific purposes, and for disaster relief. It should be noted that "Orion-25" is not the first ekranoplan, the tests of which began in Petrozavodsk. In 2012, Orion-20 was developed, but after a serious accident, its development was suspended. The Orion-25 ekranoplan is capable of flying at low altitude from the surface of the earth, water, snow or ice. It develops a speed of up to 500 km / h, its flight range is up to 3600 km, and its duration is up to 11 hours. The fuel consumption of an ekranoplan is small due to the ship's screen effect.

Footage of the work of the Russian armored personnel carrier BTR-ZD "Screen" has been published. The armored vehicle BTR-ZD was developed in 1984 and is designed to destroy low-flying air targets. The armored personnel carrier BTR-ZD is armed with a ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun with a caliber of 23 mm. The rate of fire of the ZU-23-2 reaches 2000 rounds per minute, the firing range in height is 1.5 km, and the range of destruction of ground targets is 2.5 km. The machine weighs 8 tons, has light aluminum armor and is controlled by a crew of 3 people. The speed on the highway is 60 km / h, the cruising range is 500 km.

The Russian army began to use the new Khosta self-propelled guns. The 120-mm self-propelled artillery mount 2S34 "Khosta" is a deep modernization of the self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika" and was developed in 2008. The vehicle is based on the chassis of the self-propelled guns "Carnation", in order to improve the performance of the new self-propelled guns, it was decided to replace the main gun. Instead of the 122 mm 2A31 rifled howitzer, the 2A80-1 120 mm gun is now used. The gun is equipped with special recoil devices that allow firing in a wide range of elevation angles at a distance of up to 14 km, self-propelled guns ammunition 40 shells. In addition to the new weapon, to improve the performance of shooting, they began to use new fire control equipment and an automatic system of topographic location and orientation. High hopes were pinned on the new self-propelled guns, but shortcomings were revealed during the tests. Some of them were related to the chassis, which was unstable. The car did not go into series, only about 50 of them were produced. Despite this, the gunners spoke well of her. The weight of the self-propelled guns is 16 tons, the crew is 4 people, the cruising range is up to 500 kilometers, at a speed of up to 60 km/h. Estimated cost of self-propelled guns 2S34 "Khost" 300 thousand dollars.

The Russian army began to use the upgraded BRM-1K commander combat reconnaissance vehicles. The reconnaissance vehicle BRM-1k was developed on the basis of the BMP-1 in 1972, work on the modernization of the vehicle began in the early 2000s. The main difference between the BRM-1K and its predecessors is the new uninhabited turret from the BTR-82A with a 30 mm 2A72 automatic cannon and a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. In addition, the machine received a new engine UTD-20S1, modern means of communication radio stations R-168-100KB and R-168-25U2, modem R-168 UPS-2. The equipment was equipped with new navigation equipment, reconnaissance and surveillance equipment. Now the gunners of the machine use modern, computerized fire control systems. The vehicle has a SBR-5M Fara-VR ground reconnaissance radar, we talked about it, a link to it is in the comments to the video. BRM-1K speeds up to 65 km/h on the highway and up to 8 km/h afloat. The weight of the machine is 13 tons. Crew - six people.

Naval exercises of Russia, South Africa and China ended in the Indian Ocean. Training took place from 17 to 27 February. Warships of Russia, China and South Africa carried out artillery firing at a sea target, trained to free a captured ship with hostages, to provide assistance to a ship in distress at sea and personnel floating on the water. Russia was represented at the exercise by the frigate Admiral Gorshkov of the Fleet of the Soviet Union and the medium sea tanker Kama of the Northern Fleet. In a number of episodes of the exercise, a Ka-27 helicopter was involved on board the Admiral Gorshkov. The Chinese Navy was represented by the frigate "Rizhao", the destroyer "Huainan" and the supply vessel "Kekesilihu", the South African Navy was represented by the frigate "Mendi".

Published footage of the destruction of the Ukrainian AN / TPQ counter-battery radar of American production, the Russian high-precision projectile "Krasnopol". To aim the Krasnopol high-precision projectile at the target, a Russian 1D22 laser designator-rangefinder is used, fire is fired from a 152-mm Msta-B howitzer. The 1D22 laser designator-rangefinder can be placed at command and observation posts, as well as in the Mashina-M and Kapustnik-B artillery fire control vehicles. The maximum illumination range of an openly located “tank” type target, in the target designation mode, is at least 7,000 meters, the maximum identification range of a “tank” type target is 20,000 meters. The optical visor of the complex has a 15x magnification. Ready time rangefinder 1D22 to work no more than 3 seconds. The complex is powered by a standard battery with a voltage of 22 to 29 volts. The mass of the portable laser target designation complex LCD-2 is not more than 45 kilograms.

Footage of military personnel training on the command landing vehicle BMD-2 KAU has been published. The modernized Russian combat vehicle BMD-2 KAY began to enter the army in 2015. The main difference between BMD-2 KAU and BMD-2K is the installation of a 3rd generation communication automation complex KSAS-3. The complex was created to include the BMD-2 KAU itself and all BMD-2M operating under its control into a single tactical level control system. The equipment of the combat vehicle BMD-2 KAU provides communication and control of the unit in several modes. Depending on the situation, the battalion commander can perform all operations manually or transfer part of his duties to automation. The design of the armored personnel carrier BMD-2K-AU, the power plant and armament remained the same.

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Training footage of Russian ATGM mobile crews using ATVs. The calculation quickly arrives at the firing line, deploys anti-tank systems and prepares to defeat enemy equipment. As it turned out, the ATV is one of the best vehicles for the operation of mobile anti-tank systems, the equipment copes well with off-road, has small dimensions and is difficult to distinguish from the ground and air.

Footage of the work of the Russian BMP-2M with the Berezhok combat module. The BMP-2 was created in the early 80s and is now one of the most widespread infantry fighting vehicles in the world. The machine has proven itself in Afghanistan. However, now there is already insufficient armoring of the car and an increase in the efficiency of fire is required, especially at night. The combat module "Berezhok" developed in 2010 was supposed to increase the firepower of the vehicle, which, in principle, the creators succeeded. Tests of the upgraded BMP-2M were completed in 2019, its combat capabilities have increased by about three times. The developers decided not to change the main strike armament of the BMP-2, the 2A42 gun. To enhance firepower, an AGS-30M automatic grenade launcher was installed on the BMP-2 and the PKT machine gun was replaced with an upgraded version of the PKTM. Four Kornet anti-tank systems were installed on the tower to attack targets such as tanks and armored personnel carriers at a distance of 5 to 10 kilometers. During modernization, the existing BMP-2 turret does not change, but is simply upgraded. The BMP-2M armored vehicle received new sights with night and thermal imaging observation channels, weapons and observation devices are stabilized and can automatically hold the target. Regarding the topic of booking an armored personnel carrier, various options were developed to enhance the armor of the vehicle, but none of them has become widespread at the moment. In general, it is impossible to improve everything on a car, since improving some characteristics worsens other characteristics of the car.

For the first time, a video appeared showing the work of the Zoo-1M calculation inside. The 1L260 complex can calculate the trajectory of the projectile in 2 seconds and give the coordinates from where it was fired.

The Russian army began to actively use the Inohodets UAV, this is a strike version of the Orion UAV tested in Syria. The development of the Russian UAV "Orion" began in 2011, since then it has been constantly developing. The drone is quite large, the wingspan is 16 meters, the length of the device is 8 meters, but thanks to the use of composite materials, even a propeller is made of them, the drone is difficult to detect by air defense systems. The drone uses elements of artificial intelligence, thanks to which, in the event of some kind of failure, loss of communication with the operator or other emergency situation, the device is able to return to the base, land and drive into the hangar. The UAV is equipped with an anti-icing system, which allows it to be used in northern latitudes. The Pacer drone is capable of conducting reconnaissance and correcting fire with laser-guided munitions, and can itself deliver high-precision missile and bomb strikes. The armament of the drone is KAB-20 and KAB-50 corrected aerial bombs, UPAB-50 guided gliding bomb and Kh-50 guided missile. The drone is also armed with X-UAV ammunition, this is an air version of the Kornet-D ATGM missile, the missile can hit targets at a distance of up to 10 km and be guided by a laser beam and using a thermal and television system. The average height of the use of the drone is 5 kilometers, which will allow it to avoid being hit by MANPADS systems. The range of the drone with a repeater is up to 300 km. The drone is equipped with radar and optoelectronic reconnaissance equipment. The takeoff weight of the UAV is 1200 kg, the payload weight is up to 200 kg, the flight duration is at least 24 hours, the cruising speed is 180 km/h, the drone can rise to a height of up to 7500 meters.

There were shots of the use by the Russian army of the Eleron-7 reconnaissance UAV, also created by the ENICS company. The Eleron-7 UAV is built on the basis of the serially produced Eleron-3SV complex, the developers have updated the airframe, power plant, battery and payload equipment of the drone. The Eleron T28ME UAV is designed for round-the-clock aerial optoelectronic reconnaissance at a distance of up to 40 kilometers and an altitude of up to 5000 meters. The UAV can fly autonomously, for this, before starting, a task program is entered into the onboard memory and the drone flies in radio silence mode. The drone is equipped with electric motors and is able to stay in the air for up to 3 hours, while developing a speed of up to 130 km/h. The UAV uses a parachute system to land. The takeoff weight of the drone is 6.5 kg, the maximum payload is 1.5 kg.

An unusual hybrid of the MT-LB armored vehicle and the Russian 2M-3 naval gun. An unusual hybrid of military equipment appeared in the Russian army. On the chassis of the lightly armored transporter MT-LB, developed in 1964, a 25-mm double-barreled automatic naval anti-aircraft gun 2M-3 was installed. The 2M-3 gun is reliable and put into service in 1953, the firing range of this gun for ground targets is 7500 meters, for air targets 2800 meters, the rate of fire is up to 1000 rounds per minute. This batch of armored vehicles was converted in Vladivostok and entered the 155th Separate Marine Brigade. It is not clear how this installation will be used, the MT-LB is not suitable for attacks, it is poorly armored, perhaps it will be some kind of mobile firing points that will dig in or quickly transfer to the enemy’s breakthrough line.

Installation of a mechanized bridge by an engineering machine TMM-3M2 of Russia. The TMM-3M2 engineering vehicle on the KAMAZ-53501 chassis was first shown in 2016, the vehicle replaced the Ukrainian TMM-3 vehicle on the KrAZ-255B chassis. The main difference between TMM-3M2 and its predecessors is the use of a hydraulic winch for assembly and disassembly of the bridge, which allows to increase the speed of opening, folding and lowering the bridge block in a larger range. The new car is equipped with rear-view cameras to monitor the laying of the bridge spans. The TM3 M2 machine can create bridge crossings up to 40 meters and a depth of up to 3.5 meters in order to pass wheeled and tracked vehicles through them. The carrying capacity of the bridges is 60 tons, the length of a link of four bridges is 42 meters, the assembly time of four span bridges is no more than 40 minutes.

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