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New wave of well-off Pakistani women drawn to conservative Islam

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Whatever... It's useless arguing against you guys... Have fun making your wives stay as housewives :tup:

If u pay attention to ur sroundings u gonna find many girls wearing scarfs but participating in Pakistan's ecnomic growth. I have seen many.
U can also see many women not wearing burqa or hijab but still not working at all. Scarf has nothing to do with employment.
Yes, they may not be able to work in camera showbiz field but can do off camera work.
Another example , years ago everyone in Bangladesh used to say Khuda Hafiz... Now it is rare. Only Allah Hafiz is heard now a days as Khuda is not an Arabic word.

I also used to say Khuda Hafiz but someone told me, its better if u use Allah Hafiz as many non-muslim also used to call their gods as khuda and Allah is also the greatest name among 99 names of Allah Ta'lla.

It was not a bad thing to do thats y, i just started calling Allah hafiz but still I dnt mind if someone says khuda hafiz.
I also used to say Khuda Hafiz but someone told me, its better if u use Allah Hafiz as many non-muslim also used to call their gods as khuda and Allah is also the greatest name among 99 names of Allah Ta'lla.

It was not a bad thing to do thats y, i just started calling Allah hafiz but still I dnt mind if someone says khuda hafiz.

I don't know much about religious stuff but I know that Allah means just god in Arabic therefore, I think it cannot be one of those 99 names. Don't listen what everybody tells you because most of these religion related informations you get from normal people are mostly wrong. You should have asked him what the non-Muslim Arabs call their God in Arabic.
I don't know much about religious stuff but I know that Allah means just god in Arabic therefore, I think it cannot be one of those 99 names. Don't listen what everybody tells you because most of these religion related informations you get from normal people are mostly wrong. You should have asked him what the non-Muslim Arabs call their God in Arabic.

U might be correct m also not a muslim scholar. I usually dnt believe what most of the ppl says but this was not a big thing and also we muslim mostly used word Allah and its also in Quran thats y I didnt mind to replace khuda hafiz by Allah Hafiz.
I don't know much about religious stuff but I know that Allah means just god in Arabic therefore, I think it cannot be one of those 99 names. Don't listen what everybody tells you because most of these religion related informations you get from normal people are mostly wrong. You should have asked him what the non-Muslim Arabs call their God in Arabic.
Sir ALLAH its his name those 99 are his attributes not names his qualities or most famous ones
Khuda Hafiz has been the normal way of greetings in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan for hundreds of years. Do you seriously think our antecendents were lesser Muslims and ignorants. The lunatic Muallahs who have discovered a new Islam in the last few decades will only induce the further decadence of our society.
Khuda Hafiz has been the normal way of greetings in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan for hundreds of years. Do you seriously think our antecendents were lesser Muslims and ignorants. The lunatic Muallahs who have discovered a new Islam in the last few decades will only induce the further decadence of our society.

well, this is another debate
We can not justify an act by saying that it is correct bcz its been followed by hundreds years. but I can see wat ur real point is.
Khuda, is persian for god. first mslims have to decide if they want to be mslim or arab. next they will say shalwar kameez is not arab and you should only wear kandura. whether you say kuda haifz, alah hafiz or bhagwan hafiz or god ahfiz it means the same. mind it.
And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands.... - Quran 24:31

Nothing wrong with head coverings over the bossoms. Most Indian and Pakistani women do that anyways - be they Hindu or Muslim.

Can't argue with the ornaments bit myself. Not wise to flash expensive ornaments all around. You'll get mugged and the ornaments stolen. Bummer for the family coffers.

But what's with the father/father of the husband bit? Unless they are the ones coughing up the dosh ....
Khuda, is persian for god. first mslims have to decide if they want to be mslim or arab. next they will say shalwar kameez is not arab and you should only wear kandura. whether you say kuda haifz, alah hafiz or bhagwan hafiz or god ahfiz it means the same. mind it.

why muslims need to decide.
if we can wear western jeans and can say hi and by then wats wrong in following the arab culture.
We are attached to arab bcz Our prophit Muhammad peace be upon him was arab, Islam came from arab and beyond all this our Quran is in arabic language. we may not like to wear arabic dresses but we can not compeletly abondon arabic language.

I dnt knw why but if a muslim speaks english or say god instead of Allah,non muslims dont have any objection on it.
But if we talk about arab culture, arabic language, they start raising question about our norms.
Anyone can wear what they want, but if promotions are given only to the devout Muslims over others, then that's a workplace problem. If people are leaving banks just because they get to see a lot of headscarves then this is their own mental problem.

Things should not be generalized and problems should be tackled on a case by case basis.
Khuda Hafiz has been the normal way of greetings in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan for hundreds of years. Do you seriously think our antecendents were lesser Muslims and ignorants. The lunatic Muallahs who have discovered a new Islam in the last few decades will only induce the further decadence of our society.
Sir ALLAH is the name which ALLAH has chosen for him self so it is better to use ALLAH than Khuda because ALLAH is ALLAH but their can be many Khudas
why muslims need to decide.
if we can wear western jeans and can say hi and by then wats wrong in following the arab culture.
We are attached to arab bcz Our prophit Muhammad peace be upon him was arab, Islam came from arab and beyond all this our Quran is in arabic language. we may not like to wear arabic dresses but we can not compeletly abondon arabic language.

I dnt knw why but if a muslim speaks english or say god instead of Allah,non muslims dont have any objection on it.
But if we talk about arab culture, arabic language, they start raising question about our norms.

i think you have good points. but the thing is why are you changing kuda hafiz to alah hafiz. if you are changing this, then should you not be changing even your dress. it can be argued both ways i think.
in the end its a personal choice. there is not corrct way or wrong way.
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