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New Superpower Triangle

For a moment i thought of replying with logical arguments...but then i realized that u wrote with a lot of conviction and emotion...so i let go of the idea...Congratulations on being the center of the world.

Welcome to forum... :)
nothing is happening niether the war two

the only thing disturb to the whole world how come that Islamic State of pakistan become atomic power of the world
the amount of warheads pakistan generating will fuk up whole world till 2020

no matter US india Or Russia whatever just get yr *** on your nails

Oh is it... that's new... so by 2020 you can wipe out earth with nukes... great going..
changed your avatar. i liked the previous one better

But everyone was then understanding me as I m woman due to that cute little girl..:D..And also I like this avatar too, get bored of previous one, so will like to have this one for quite long time...But I still like that girl and other children of northern areas...

Everyone, including you, had praised that photo of little girl...May God bless these children . Amin.



Nobody dares to drone our people !
Those droned were Afghanis, with the permission of Pak govt. Put yourself into our boots, what would you do if Iran had a porus border with Afghanistan like Pak and wanted to take out the Kurd and baloch rebels?
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Those droned are Afghanis, with the permission of Pak govt. Put yourself into our boots, what would you do if Iran had a porus border with Afghanistan like Pak and wanted to take out the Kurd and baloch rebels?

We have indigenous drones (as you do)...

You know civilians died in US air strikes?

How could you let them operate MQs in your airspace?

when those people don't even care about muslim lifes?

Have you ever been in Iran???
INSHALLAH I'll visit only after the mullahs are ousted from the govt! My cousin your govt is on the path of Tvaaboon, no doubt they were a great lot! But give it a Saqafi turn, iykwim. Don't formulate and implement your foreign policy on the basis of sectarian priorities. That's the problem when some mullahs from a certain sect control the masses.

lets hate every Sunni country,


Coz they are evil yazeedi Sunni ( without even knowing what kind of sunni are they).

But we have genetic cultural and religious ties with them for centuries, even now-----

oh doesn't matter lets make them feel unhappy by supporting their adversaries at every step.

Any solid reason?

coz they will surely help the antichrist against Mahdi in future :o:
See we are the chosen ones , God made them dispensable what can we say :-)

We have indigenous drones (as you do)...

You know civilians died in US air strikes?

How could you let them operate MQs in your airspace?

when those people don't even care about muslim lifes?
At that time we didn't have the luxury and technology to operate a reconnaissance drone let alone an armed one. I told you put yourself in our boots for a moment-----
INSHALLAH I'll visit only after the mullahs are ousted from the govt! My cousin your govt is on the path of Tvaaboon, no doubt they were a great lot! But give it a Saqafi turn, iykwim. Don't formulate and implement your foreign policy on the basis of sectarian priorities. That's the problem when some mullahs from a certain sect control the masses.

lets hate every Sunni country,


Coz they are evil yazeedi Sunni ( without even knowing what kind of sunni are they).

But we have genetic cultural and religious ties with them for centuries, even now-----

oh doesn't matter lets make them feel unhappy by supporting their adversaries at every step.

Any solid reason?

coz they will surely help the antichrist against Mahdi in future :o:
See we are the chosen ones , God made them dispensable what can we say :-)

At that time we didn't have the luxury and technology to operate a reconnaissance drone let alone an armed one. I told you put yourself in our boots for a moment-----

You know nothing about iran/Iranians/iri...
We have indigenous drones (as you do)...

You know civilians died in US air strikes?

How could you let them operate MQs in your airspace?

when those people don't even care about muslim lifes?

I believe civilians also died in many other counter terror ops since militants from various groups from as far as chechnya, uzbekistan and china had blended into the local populace of tribal areas taking advantage of FCR laws there which make tribal areas autonomous and different from rest of the country. Drones did kill high value targets and strikes were done in concert with Pakistani establishment. Since Op Zarbe Azb no drone strike took place as militant syndicates have been crushed and have been pushed into Afghanistan. Had Pakistan conducted ZarbeAzb in 2009-10 instead of 2014, there would have been no drone strikes !!!
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