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New Superpower Triangle

India is not stupid to stand with russia against the countries in its own region. woh Pagal hain bewaqoof nahi hain :P
nothing is happening niether the war two

the only thing disturb to the whole world how come that Islamic State of pakistan become atomic power of the world
the amount of warheads pakistan generating will fuk up whole world till 2020

no matter US india Or Russia whatever just get yr *** on your nails
"So if there will be a nuclear confrontation between the U.S. on one side, and the China-Russia-Pakistan triangle on the other side, there is a high probability that the U.S. would be the defeated side"

As opposed to the other side not being hit back with massive nuclear retaliation from the US side?

Last I checked, this is the real world, not a video game. There is no real winner in a massive nuclear war. There is no resetting 'the game' and it would be essentially game over.

Only deluded hyper nationalists would think otherwise
A full scale nuclear war between Russia and USA alone will be more than sufficient to annihilate the most of the life on the planet
A full scale nuclear war between Russia and USA alone will be more than sufficient to annihilate the most of the life on the planet

Apparently there are some that don't seem to grasp that very sobering fact.

They they seem to view a massive nuclear exchange between major powers as almost like the playing of a strategy game, where there would be an actual winner.

Were life would go on as normal the next day like barely nothing of consequence happened.
Apparently there are some that don't seem to grasp that very sobering fact.

They they seem to view a massive nuclear exchange between major powers as almost like the playing of a strategy game, where there would be an actual winner.

Were life would go on as normal the next day like barely nothing of consequence happened.
Then what can a person say about their stupidity....Russia and USA have nukes on the order of 10000 each...now let's imagine a full scale nuclear war and think that 50% get used only that means 10000 bombs...much more powerful than little-boys and fatmans.... The major cities around the world get wiped away in instants while 10,000 nuclear mushroom spill enough radioactive material to kill most the life especially the complex intelligent life..humans, mammals, birds ,,,the cloud envelopes the land and starting a nuclear winter and a few millions surviving will die in more miserable conditions than the first victims due to radioactive food, cold, and no life support..

I don't know how do they see a clear winner emerging from the ashes of a nuclear war..
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@KAL-EL havent you heard!? These yahoos get the kicks every time they bash the US of A!!!! China, Russia, and the what!? Pakistan!? Damn we're screwed!!!! Where is @boomslang when you need him!!! So when did Pakistan become a SUPAHPAWAH!?

No claims suggesting Pakistan a Supahpawah just a STRONG ally
Its about location, location and location. As growth and prosperity dynamics moving towards energy hub, potential but untapped regions, location is the sought after strategic capital today. Being in the crossroad of Central Asia, South asia and Persian Gulf oil rich region, Pakistan has lots of it and all powers know that fact. Chinese economic and strategic engagement (both by CPEC and by OBOR) boosted Pakistan strategic capital even further.

Indian on the contrary, does not have any location base strategic capital.
Isn't your crazy fanatic mullah regime enough to terrorise your own people let alone drone them? As for drones we have allegedly killed their soldiers in afghanistan . perfect tit for tat


Have you ever been in Iran???
There is not going to be any Nuclear war any time soon but yes everyone have it for reason.. There are chances on extreme situation most likely in WW3.. but here some people are understamite Pakistan .. US would never support Pak if he wasnt sure that Pak cant push USSR back.. Israel is small surrounded by arab world and still surviving means size is not the only thing its a potential the nation have.. 3 times bigger enemy is still struggling with tramendous resourses and manpower.
vietnam wasnt SUPA PAWA but he made US run away.. i wish no war ever accure later our generation will curse us for sure if WW3 begins.
there going to be blocks which will be connected.. North Ameraca West europe plus south africa and Aus Nz japan seems natural ally..
another clear side is Russia East europe Pak china Centeral Asia Turkey some muslims countries from East like indo malaysia middle east
some will be undecided and some will be rat between these groups..
There is not going to be any Nuclear war any time soon but yes everyone have it for reason.. There are chances on extreme situation most likely in WW3.. but here some people are understamite Pakistan .. US would never support Pak if he wasnt sure that Pak cant push USSR back.. Israel is small surrounded by arab world and still surviving means size is not the only thing its a potential the nation have.. 3 times bigger enemy is still struggling with tramendous resourses and manpower.
vietnam wasnt SUPA PAWA but he made US run away.. i wish no war ever accure later our generation will curse us for sure if WW3 begins.
there going to be blocks which will be connected.. North Ameraca West europe plus south africa and Aus Nz japan seems natural ally..
another clear side is Russia East europe Pak china Centeral Asia Turkey some muslims countries from East like indo malaysia middle east
some will be undecided and some will be rat between these groups..

You are wrong sir , since time immemorial there have been proxies who have been doing the dirty work , foot soldiers have given their life for kings the have never met and likewise.
Vietnam did not do anything by itself it was just a proxy as was Pakistan in the Afganistan war.
Israel is a state nation which has mathematical work-outs with all major players around.

The days of superpowers , allies and blocks are gone. these ideas are so old that is not possible to implement .Ii find a lot of people are frozen in that time frame.

Today all of us are struggling to save the planet and make our future secure . Nuclear war/attack is just a paper toy and thankfully even nation and their policy makers understand these , those that don't end up being a junior reporter in a daily blog/magazine or spend their time in online forums like me.

China is trying play the same game as US/USSR did , never fire a direct bullet let the proxies fight for them. In event of any war China would support and do all but fire a bullet as it was always " GOAL DIRECTED BEHAVIOR " that drives human beings today.
Bohot tuch-cha pun wali baat kardi app ne.....:lol:.....App k neechey mirchein laga di main ne?:chilli:

Pakistan is a country, despite 5 times smaller than India, has more importance in global arena.....U only have more than billion souls, a dumping ground for commodities which makes u somehow relevant...otherwise u suck.

Since when Indians get enough respect and attention even in South Asia, let alone world...Who respects India?? When u called 4 isolation of Pakistan, who listened to you? When indian submarine tech got leaked, French DCNS was quick to blame India despite you had strong relationship with them. Talk about respect and irony....:lol:

We doesn't need to prove our worth as everyone recognizes our geography and strength....US and Russia needs us 4 Afghanistan, China and other regional countries needs us for CPEC, result is we have good relations with almost all major countries in and around region...U didn't get your NSG seat. Eve wondered why? Who objected u and for what? Pakistan will love to play its role in international arena because we can play unlike India, who cries like a fucked whore in front of everyone....At BRICS, at SAARC..At UN...Everywhere....For Indians, it must be a way to get respect and worth of pennies....:) :disagree:

Pakistanis mediates b/w the countries because we can, unlike Indians, who have neither power nor will. A weak country, like India, can only moves around Bhutan, Nepal etc hahaha. Thats your real worth. On the other hand, Pakistan plays in international arena, a country with whom no one wants to mess with.

Pakistan now has good relations with Russia, US and China...all major super powers. Not to mention our ties with Turkey/Iran and GCC......

For a moment i thought of replying with logical arguments...but then i realized that u wrote with a lot of conviction and emotion...so i let go of the idea...Congratulations on being the center of the world.
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