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A few weeks back, Russia sent a contingent of its soldiers to hold Pak-Russian military drills. The move was interpreted as Putin’s excuse to send his ground forces into Pakistan to protect his ally against India.

I mean seriously??
Those droned were Afghanis, with the permission of Pak govt. Put yourself into our boots, what would you do if Iran had a porus border with Afghanistan like Pak and wanted to take out the Kurd and baloch rebels?
Are you kidding us?
ISI is training Taliban Jihadists. In fact your ISI is CIA's puppet in our region. Pk could be our close brother if it hadn't ISI's terrorists in our boundaries.
Pakistan is not aiming to be a superpower but as long as pakistan is around bharat mata can never be a supapowa!!!

Pakistan is not even able to take care of its fundamentals and strengthen its institutions.
You guys are in no position to disrupt other countries' progress. Just annoying brags and stinking rants.
That is all you are capable of.

Note : Pakistan has still not designed an indigenous car engine.
Pakistan is not even able to take care of its fundamentals and strengthen its institutions.
You guys are in no position to disrupt other countries' progress. Just annoying brags and stinking rants.
That is all you are capable of.

Note : Pakistan has still not designed an indigenous car engine.

Hahahahah bharatis and their nonsense
Pakistan is not even able to take care of its fundamentals and strengthen its institutions.
You guys are in no position to disrupt other countries' progress. Just annoying brags and stinking rants.
That is all you are capable of.

Note : Pakistan has still not designed an indigenous car engine.

Because indians have invented and pioneered all high tech and scientific achievements of the entire Earth. Even more so than the West, Russia and China.
Are you kidding us?
ISI is training Taliban Jihadists. In fact your ISI is CIA's puppet in our region. Pk could be our close brother if it hadn't ISI's terrorists in our boundaries.
Isi didn't train anyone, its just that we wanted to save the pakhtoon segment of afghan society from northern alliance thugs and plz spare me this puppet thing, every Intel agency would try to further its national interests. Do tell me what Pak would get by spreading terror inside Iran, when both of her eastern and western borders have been on fire since Her inception. You guys should keep an eye on Indians working in Iran, many of em were caught financing and helping baloch separatists ,serving Indian navy officer kalbushan yadav is one of em.

P.S we aren't the one who are forming defence pacts with Israel every now and then
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Came across this RT clip. Maleeha is having some quite words with Putin.

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