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New Superpower Triangle

With people already talking of WW III, this polarization seems real. Indonesia, N Korea, Malaysia, BD, Turkey, Algeria, some C Asian nations, Afghanistan and some more could be pulled into this alliance eventually. Turkey's inclusion is important, but that can happen after the Syrian conflict ends.
Geopolitics , Interests , Strategy , benefits these are key words here ... all other warmongering and mocking is just useless , and mocking coming from who ? people who are wanna be Gora's ? its sweet to see people with the names Bashir Anderson are talking about Pakistan been Supapawa :D
Like a postman, you guys are always dying to do such jobs, trying to prove your worth being the middle man. Just like once Pakistan wanted to act as broker between Turkey & Russia during the heated period. Nations get respect & worth by sheer effort and hard work they put to be economically valuable to the partners not being the stooge particular time or event.
This way Pakistan will only be used and shunt off later, like in past.

Bohot tuch-cha pun wali baat kardi app ne.....:lol:.....App k neechey mirchein laga di main ne?:chilli:

Pakistan is a country, despite 5 times smaller than India, has more importance in global arena.....U only have more than billion souls, a dumping ground for commodities which makes u somehow relevant...otherwise u suck.

Since when Indians get enough respect and attention even in South Asia, let alone world...Who respects India?? When u called 4 isolation of Pakistan, who listened to you? When indian submarine tech got leaked, French DCNS was quick to blame India despite you had strong relationship with them. Talk about respect and irony....:lol:

We doesn't need to prove our worth as everyone recognizes our geography and strength....US and Russia needs us 4 Afghanistan, China and other regional countries needs us for CPEC, result is we have good relations with almost all major countries in and around region...U didn't get your NSG seat. Eve wondered why? Who objected u and for what? Pakistan will love to play its role in international arena because we can play unlike India, who cries like a fucked whore in front of everyone....At BRICS, at SAARC..At UN...Everywhere....For Indians, it must be a way to get respect and worth of pennies....:) :disagree:

Pakistanis mediates b/w the countries because we can, unlike Indians, who have neither power nor will. A weak country, like India, can only moves around Bhutan, Nepal etc hahaha. Thats your real worth. On the other hand, Pakistan plays in international arena, a country with whom no one wants to mess with.

Pakistan now has good relations with Russia, US and China...all major super powers. Not to mention our ties with Turkey/Iran and GCC......

I think they better to stop hellfires before smoking USA !!!

They can smoke a cigar with US flag .:D
Bohot tuch-cha pun wali baat kardi app ne.....:lol:.....App k neechey mirchein laga di main ne?:chilli:

Pakistan is a country, despite 5 times smaller than India, has more importance in global arena.....U only have more than billion souls, a dumping ground for commodities which makes u somehow relevant...otherwise u suck.

Since when Indians get enough respect and attention even in South Asia, let alone world...Who respects India?? When u called 4 isolation of Pakistan, who listened to you? When indian submarine tech got leaked, French DCNS was quick to blame India despite you had strong relationship with them. Talk about respect and irony....:lol:

We doesn't need to prove our worth as everyone recognizes our geography and strength....US and Russia needs us 4 Afghanistan, China and other regional countries needs us for CPEC, result is we have good relations with almost all major countries in and around region...U didn't get your NSG seat. Eve wondered why? Who objected u and for what? Pakistan will love to play its role in international arena because we can play unlike India, who cries like a fucked whore in front of everyone....At BRICS, at SAARC..At UN...Everywhere....For Indians, it must be a way to get respect and worth of pennies....:) :disagree:

Pakistanis mediates b/w the countries because we can, unlike Indians, who have neither power nor will. A weak country, like India, can only moves around Bhutan, Nepal etc hahaha. Thats your real worth. On the other hand, Pakistan plays in international arena, a country with whom no one wants to mess with.

Pakistan now has good relations with Russia, US and China...all major super powers. Not to mention our ties with Turkey/Iran and GCC......


Agreed .You are absolutely right :tup:
Agreed .You are absolutely right :tup:

I know, man.

I think they better to stop hellfires before smoking USA !!!

Drones have been stopped...When was the last time u heard of drone??? Pakistan is definitely not a super power because right now no one can call themselves super power....

Many people, including me, believe world has multi polar now...No one has complete superiority over other...

Pakistan is regional power.

Don't know why people use this term "Super power"
China, Russia And Pakistan: New Superpower Triangle
By Polina Tikhonova on October 13, 2016 10:24 am in Politics

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The world is approaching what is often referred to as Doomsday. In other words, the World War 3.

China, Russia and Pakistan may have just formed an unofficial alliance to counter America’s global dominance. China, Russia, Pakistan and other authoritarian counties in Central Asia could join their forces to try and take away Washington’s dominance.

The U.S., meanwhile, is not twiddling its thumbs either. Washington has a number of allies in Asia, including Japan, all of whom are ready to jump into the fire and die for the Americans on the battlefield.

If that happens and China, Russia and Pakistan would go to war against the U.S., Japan, the European Union and their allies, one way or another, either side would put its nuclear weapons to work.


IMAGE: National Flags of the countries.

And given the fact that Russia, China and Pakistan have about 7,620 nuclear warheads combined, the United States would lose that nuclear war even before some guy in Pentagon would open his mouth to say, ‘Look, it’s a nuc…’

Bipolar nuclear world: China, Russia and Pakistan vs. U.S. and allies
There are a number of reasons why we’re coming toward a bipolar world with Russia, China and Pakistan on one side and the United States and its allies on the other side.

First, Russia has been actively strengthening its military ties with both China and Pakistan. In fact, Russia has just received a crucial support from China on the most important global issue of our time: Syria.

But what’s even more concerning is that Russia has been strengthening its diplomatic and military ties with Pakistan, its Cold War rival. Having both China and Pakistan on their side would get Russia a serious advantage in an imminent nuclear war against the U.S.

Second, China has been very supportive of not only Russia, but also Pakistan lately. In fact, Pakistan has always been China’s traditional ally and Beijing has always protected Islamabad against its historical rival, India.

Third, Beijing, Moscow and Islamabad see the need to form the China-Russia-Pakistan triangle, because it would finally allow them to put an end to U.S. global dominance.

Presidential Election makes U.S. Weak
And the U.S. is particularly weak right now, as the country is divided over its upcoming presidential election. The Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton polls clearly indicate that the country has never been so divided before, and it makes it look weak from the outside.

And since Russian President Vladimir Putin is known for his sophisticated plans to attack enemies at the most inopportune times for them, there is a high chance Russia would seek China’s military support to strike their mutual enemy.

A few weeks back, Russia sent a contingent of its soldiers to hold Pak-Russian military drills. The move was interpreted as Putin’s excuse to send his ground forces into Pakistan to protect his ally against India.

The drills came at a time when tensions between Pakistan and India reached its peak level following an attack on the Uri military camp in India-held Kashmir.

Nuclear-powered India with or against U.S.?
India, which has nuclear weapons on its own, is actually a crucial player in the imminent bipolar world. While India has previously slammed Russia for its ever-growing ties to Pakistan, it’s still not so quick to jump into the bed with the United States.

Earlier this year, India rejected an offer from the U.S. to join naval patrols in the South-China Sea alongside Japan and Australia. Patrolling the South-China Sea alongside Japan would mean the end of India’s diplomatic relations with China, the move that India is definitely not prepared to do.

Even though India has been criticizing Russia for its military cooperation with Pakistan, New Delhi has a number of joint military projects with Russia of its own.

So India is sort of torn apart between China-Russia and the United States. But Pakistan has surely already made up its mind which bed is cozier, and it went with China and Russia.

Pakistan: ‘U.S. is NOT superpower anymore’
Last week, Mushahid Hussain Syed, the Pakistani PM’s special envoy to Kashmir, threatened to break ties with Washington and officially cozy up to Russia and China, because America is “a declining world power.”

“[The] US is no longer a world power. It is a declining power. Forget about it,” Syed said, reiterating one of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s diplomats’ recent comments, in which he said Pakistan would make a deal with China and Russia if the U.S. stays neutral on the Pak-India conflict in Kashmir.

Interestingly, China supplies Pakistan with more weapons than any other country in the world. But more importantly, Beijing is actively building nuclear reactors in Pakistan, which means China wants to strengthen its allies and prepare them for a possible war with the West.

When the U.S. and many other countries signed the NPT Treaty in 1996, neither India nor Pakistan signed it. And as tensions on the India-Pakistan border continue to grow every week, one of the sides could actually resort to nuclear weapons.

And it’s more likely that Pakistan would make its nuclear move first, because it knows it has the military support from China and Russia. In fact, Beijing has already pledged to help Pakistan in the case of any foreign aggression.

Can U.S. survive China’s alliance with Russia?
While the Russians haven’t made those pledges to Pakistan yet, it doesn’t take a Sherlock Holmes to predict that Russia would side with China in any international conflict.

China, Pakistan and India all possess ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and sea-based nuclear weapons, which means it would be interesting if India could side with China and its historical rival Pakistan after all.

India has no idea whether it can or cannot rely on receiving any sort of help from the U.S. And while the country is stronger than Pakistan in terms of its army power, Pakistan has more nuclear weaponry than India, which means A LOT in any global conflict.

And the thing is that the U.S. has no idea if India would side with them in an international conflict either. So if there will be a nuclear confrontation between the U.S. on one side, and the China-Russia-Pakistan triangle on the other side, there is a high probability that the U.S. would be the defeated side.

@SheerazRaza has also contributed to this article.
This is totally a propaganda against Pakistan and we have no such intentions. Currently we are in an instance that we will never be a party against any country. We have showed that practically, and will continue to do that in future. We have showed that in case of Middle east and Ukraine conflicts. We have our own country to built, and destroying one country for the sake of other is not an option for us.
Lol. This article is written by a Fan boy. Far from reality. I don't think there is going to be any war any time soon. Proxy wars is the only game left for big players. Where right now only one player is playing sensibly and that is china(Not taking part in any war instead investing in developing countries to earn interest on investment). Rest USA, Russia, UK, France all are fighting for resources. Which shows how much they are struggling to keep up their economy and life style.
Bohot tuch-cha pun wali baat kardi app ne.....:lol:.....App k neechey mirchein laga di main ne?:chilli:

Pakistan is a country, despite 5 times smaller than India, has more importance in global arena.....U only have more than billion souls, a dumping ground for commodities which makes u somehow relevant...otherwise u suck.

Since when Indians get enough respect and attention even in South Asia, let alone world...Who respects India?? When u called 4 isolation of Pakistan, who listened to you? When indian submarine tech got leaked, French DCNS was quick to blame India despite you had strong relationship with them. Talk about respect and irony....:lol:

We doesn't need to prove our worth as everyone recognizes our geography and strength....US and Russia needs us 4 Afghanistan, China and other regional countries needs us for CPEC, result is we have good relations with almost all major countries in and around region...U didn't get your NSG seat. Eve wondered why? Who objected u and for what? Pakistan will love to play its role in international arena because we can play unlike India, who cries like a fucked whore in front of everyone....At BRICS, at SAARC..At UN...Everywhere....For Indians, it must be a way to get respect and worth of pennies....:) :disagree:

Pakistanis mediates b/w the countries because we can, unlike Indians, who have neither power nor will. A weak country, like India, can only moves around Bhutan, Nepal etc hahaha. Thats your real worth. On the other hand, Pakistan plays in international arena, a country with whom no one wants to mess with.

Pakistan now has good relations with Russia, US and China...all major super powers. Not to mention our ties with Turkey/Iran and GCC......


A new "Shuppa Powaa" of world.. whose Passport has been rated one of the worst in ranking and economy surviving only on aid money.

Like a postman, you guys are always dying to do such jobs, trying to prove your worth being the middle man. Just like once Pakistan wanted to act as broker between Turkey & Russia during the heated period. Nations get respect & worth by sheer effort and hard work they put to be economically valuable to the partners not being the stooge of particular time or event.
This way Pakistan will only be used and shunt off later, like in past.

Why you guys are over confident about your economy? Money is not everything! You still have same Income per capita as Pakistan. If you guys let us grow and take away your terrorists from our western borders we can grow more rapidly than you! Since the 1998 nuclear tests you guys have been doing nasty tactics to destabilize Pakistan. There was no suicide attack or terror issue before 1998.
not this again - we already had this sort of article


and it was thoroughly laughed away. Please - Pakistan at best is a piggy back rider amongst China and Russia. And in the midst of pitting All of those against the USA, you gorget to add EU, NATO, Aus, Japan, S.Korea to the mix towards USA. (not counting India to the mix as that might be backdoor support at best)
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