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New ISRO satellite will revolutionise Internet in India. Read how

what am i, a coolie, a bonded-laborer, a slave??

test in leo by all means... but test you must.

besides, isro has given 2017 as the year when two "vyomano-nauts" will go up in the above machine... what do you think??

is pslv capable of carrying it... is gslv even reliable... where is the emergency abort rocket tower... will the capsule descend on the sea, nasa-style, or how...

doesn't matter... i prefer cosmonaut.

though he did write a short story about space travel ( Books By Muammar Al Gaddafi - Suicide of the Astronaut ).

where do you people learn such words?? so rude and ill-mannered.

by "americanisms", i meant american-origin words such as the one you freely used above... i don't think the americans themselves use them as frequently as young indians use them.

Still way better than the Gaddafi worship and Capitalist worship.
Sorry Indians cant be that sweet like that of your God Gaddafi.


socialist, eh ?

and everyone gets a free ride on his spaceship ?



ultimately Allah gave him worse death.


socialist, eh ?

and everyone gets a free ride on his spaceship ?



none of these photos are in context.

I don't like pressing the 'show ignored content' button often, but I'll make an exception here.

thank you for your benevolence. :rolleyes:

In a socialistic society

wait... which one??

where our planet is undergoing rapid (by earth's time-scale) climatic change caused by mind-shattering pollution of air, sea and soil, where we lose thousands of hectares of forest-land everyday, where millions of tuns of garbage gets dumped into oceans everyday, where every year 4 million people die annually as a direct result of air-pollution

and you think, rather than simplifying technologies and removing consumerism, we should stop going into space??

or lets just say we don't have any money in this society;

simple... abolishment of money system... i have been posting this for months now.

you want us to spend humongous human and physical resources to send a few dozen human beings on a distant rock?

they can start with a clean-slate there... parallely, people here can start with a clean state.
he's not a commie like you were saying, the photos attest to that fact.

1. he is... jamahiriya theory is the closest to true communism.

2. i have posted this many times - islam and the teachings of prophet jesus are early socialism, as was the even older greek theory of "demokratia" ( direct-democracy ), as were such others... marx, the russian revolution and later are but events in this long line of political simplifications, preachings and prophets.
1. he is... jamahiriya theory is the closest to true communism.
I didn't know communism allowed for people to accumulate billions of dollars worth of personal fortune ? :o:

2. i have posted this many times - islam and the teachings of prophet jesus are early socialism, as was the even older greek theory of "demokratia" ( direct-democracy ), as were such others... marx, the russian revolution and later are but events in this long line of political simplifications, preachings and prophets.
jesus has been dead for 2100 years, your prophet for 1400, soviet union for 25 and your muammar for 4.

about time you forget them and their ideology.
I didn't know communism allowed for people to accumulate billions of dollars worth of personal fortune ? :o:


jesus has been dead for 2100 years, your prophet for 1400, soviet union for 25 and your muammar for 4.

about time you forget them and their ideology.

excellent suggestion.
another satellite. :hitwall:

when will isro send people to mars or its moons?? within 50 years??
That would be a prestige project- little more.

I would have thought you of all people would be in favour of these satellites that are making the lives of the common man tangibly better.

lack of ambitions and capability.

isro, aged 50+, funded hugely by government and with many thousands of employees.
spacex, aged 12, privately funded ( lot less ), with 3800+ employees.

isro work-horse launcher - pslv - leo luggage capacity, 3.2 tons - gto luggage capacity, 1.4 tons
spacex ( former ) work-horse launcher - falcon 9 - leo luggage capacity, 10 tons - gto luggage capacity, 4.5 tons.

isro not having a leo spaceship which is proper-sized or useful
spacex designed the dragon leo spaceship with human-capability-testing in mind

isro cannot transfer any luggage to the space station
spacex dragon 1 has made four operational trips to space station just since inauguration in 2012

isro does not have a concrete or properly theoretical human program... majorly a satellite maker
spacex was begun with the objective of taking people to mars

spacex will probably test its first test pilot by end of 2016
isro - ??

07. spacex has been testing the falcon v1.1 rocket which is meant for resusability
isro has not tested any such vehicle

spacex has displayed the dragon v2 leo spaceship meant to carry seven people
isro - ??

bigelow aerospace is making inflatable space stations
isro will probably lease them within five years, with transport provided by spacex :enjoy:

spacex is meant to be the main transport provider in the "mars one" program
isro ??

whether or not "mars one" starts, spacex will get humans to mars
isro - ??


dragon v2... elegant and simplified interiors... with powered-landing capability...




This is a joke, right?

Comparing the private entity SpaceX with ISRO is beyond absurd. ISRO's core mandate is to improve the lives of all Indians, SpaceX has one objective- make a profit.

If ISRO really wanted to and put 100% of its resources into a manned mission it could do it within 3-4 years but it has more pressing priorities and a manned mission would not fit help it fulfil its core mandate for the immediate future.
That would be a prestige project- little more.

imagine this...

the side effect of the "mars one" project is for them to find a political system suitable for their very possible colony on mars... the political system should be scientific and clean slate, without being sullied by present non-ideals like nationalism, religious mysticism and money system.

wouldn't the "mars one" realization of this better the present world??

I would have thought you of all people would be in favour of these satellites that are making the lives of the common man tangibly better.

oh, i have been told and told about the fishermen saved by isro satellites... but that and general weather sensing shouldn't take more than one satellite, yes??

was nepal and india saved of destruction in the earthquakes??

ISRO's core mandate is to improve the lives of all Indians,

as i ask, how??

SpaceX has one objective- make a profit.

you are being unfair.

spacex saying now that it can launch satellites at very low cost is for its bread and butter... and taking luggage ( and humans soon ) to the "international space station" is to learn and build reliable space operations... spacex was primarily started to fulfill the vision of one man who wanted himself and other humans on mars at least... this is like one man forging a society or conquest...

If ISRO really wanted to and put 100% of its resources into a manned mission it could do it within 3-4 years but it has more pressing priorities and a manned mission would not fit help it fulfil its core mandate for the immediate future.

wishful thinking really... for their heavier non-human launches, they often go to arianespace.
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socialist, eh ?

and everyone gets a free ride on his spaceship ?
What twisted logic is that ! Does any current socialist country provide free ride to its citizens?
He is a self made entrepreneur living in a free enterprises.
When he founded SpaceX in 2002 everyone called him a dreamy kid with too much money. That startup yesterday beat Boeing-Lockheed heavy weights to get contracts worth $70 billion.
Can you imagine it in your 'socialist' country ?
What twisted logic is that ! Does any current socialist country provide free ride to its citizens?
He is a self made entrepreneur living in a free enterprises.
When he founded SpaceX in 2002 everyone called him a dreamy kid with too much money. That startup yesterday beat Boeing-Lockheed heavy weights to get contracts worth $70 billion.
Can you imagine it in your 'socialist' country ?

one american member posted that usa is in ways more socialist than china... elon succeeded because usa allows risk-takers and dreamers because of the way usa was assembled, and because usa is not south asian.

for the extremes of capitalism, count india.
What twisted logic is that ! Does any current socialist country provide free ride to its citizens?
He is a self made entrepreneur living in a free enterprises.
When he founded SpaceX in 2002 everyone called him a dreamy kid with too much money. That startup yesterday beat Boeing-Lockheed heavy weights to get contracts worth $70 billion.
Can you imagine it in your 'socialist' country ?
wut, you got it all wrong.. go look again, I'm anti commie, I was trolling the gaddafi bhakt. :P

and there's no such thing as a 'socialist' country now, unless you want to count the DPRK :hang3:(but even them, btw, have a bit of a 'flourishing' market economy underneath the fake veneer of the socialist paradise they claim to be)

only the very advanced market economies in Europe and the Scandinavian countries have a 'socialist' system but it's really just very well managed capitalism. I hope for India to one day get to that level, but for that to happen we need to wipe out the commie/leftist lot, overhaul the bureaucracy, make big reforms and get as much foreign investment as we can.

one american member posted that usa is in ways more socialist than china... elon succeeded because usa allows risk-takers and dreamers because of the way usa was assembled, and because usa is not south asian.

for the extremes of capitalism, count india.
the US is the richest country on the planet, they're an advanced society and an advanced economy.. we cant afford a 'socialist' welfare system like theirs.

our story has been of fools who tried to ape the soviets in a half assed way and all we got from it is a dysfunctional highly inefficient super corrupt bureaucracy, something that the modi sarkar is working day and night to try and change.. they have my full support, and for the sake of our people, I hope they succeed.

you guys can go jump right off a cliff, fvck leftist failed economic ideas.. all our misery is on account of turds like Nehru and his ilk.
our story has been of fools who tried to ape the soviets in a half assed way

other than having "five year plans" and turning them into indianized confusions and bringing in western help to solve those self-created confusions, in what way was indian establishment aping the ussr?? :woot:
one american member posted that usa is in ways more socialist than china... elon succeeded because usa allows risk-takers and dreamers because of the way usa was assembled, and because usa is not south asian.

for the extremes of capitalism, count india.

You are looking it all wrong.
USA is a free enterprise and a very advanced economy. comparison with us will not fare.
We tried socialism from start and realized it was wrong and stared to integrate to global economy by 1991.The process is still going on. Just like our foreign policy we are half *** in many seats.

The socialist market economy is the economic model employed by the People's Republic of China. It is based on the dominance of the state-owned sector and an open-market economy, and has its origins in the Chinese economic reforms introduced under Deng Xiaoping. The ideological rationale is that China is in the primary stage of socialism, an early stage within the socialist mode of production, and therefore has to adapt capitalist techniques to thrive. Despite this, the system has widely been cited as a form of state capitalism.[/QUOTE]

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