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We tried socialism from start and realized it was wrong and stared to integrate to global economy by 1991.The process is still going on. Just like our foreign policy we are half *** in many seats.

arre baba, indian establishment and political/economic system was never socialist... i would know, yes??

look at what i said in my post above yours.

what you quoted about china is what people realized only in recent years... in 1989, western government was still calling prc a "red terror state"... they called it something similar in 1999.

china sadly has become nationalist and highly capitalist rather than more socialist... even the basic necessity, housing, is now a economic commodity.
other than having "five year plans" and turning them into indianized confusions and bringing in western help to solve those self-created confusions, in what way was indian establishment aping the ussr?? :woot:
our closed economy, which was only forced to adapt because of the collapse of the USSR :cheesy:

just look at the USSR itself, after the breakup they were all left with the same soviet legacy of corrupt inefficient bureaucracies that continues to plague us to this day, it's the very reason why India is in the shape it is today, it is why our people still starve.

it has been proved every single time someone tried to implement it through revolution that communism is a total failure, it only sounds good on paper.. as a species, we are not idealists, we are ambitious, we want to work and get rewarded for it... it has been that way since time immemorial and that's the way it will be for the foreseeable future.

having said that, I completely get the criticism of the market economy system, and much of it is warranted, but it's all we have, and we must work within it in a balanced way.

save yourself, stop preaching this commie crap.. "world without money system" yeah right :rolleyes:

I have better chances of getting an earth without a gravity system :sarcastic:
arre baba, indian establishment and political/economic system was never socialist... i would know, yes??
Seriously dude?! This is what happens when you sleep in classroom.:D
The Constitution declares India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic, assuring its citizens of justice, equality, and liberty, and endeavors to promote fraternity among them.
Constitution of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what you quoted about china is what people realized only in recent years... in 1989, western government was still calling prc a "red terror state"... they called it something similar in 1999.

china sadly has become nationalist and highly capitalist rather than more socialist... even the basic necessity, housing, is now a economic commodity.
Last sentence of my quote states the same ! :hitwall:
it has been proved every single time someone tried to implement it through revolution that communism is a total failure, it only sounds good on paper.. as a species, we are not idealists, we are ambitious, we want to work and get rewarded for it...

typical indian fence sitting... wait for other societies to do something and deem it success or failure... and in the meantime, since india is complicated and immediate-term planning, most indians would ideally want other humans to be live unnecessarily complicated lives with immediate-term planning.

which is why the indian rich are most petty traders ( like ambani, yen aar narayamurthy, "snapdeal" company ) who want money back by the evening or in three months time... no longer-term goals.

little north korea has achieved much more than india... private company spacex has achieved in 12 years what isro couldn't in 50+ years... why??

having said that, I completely get the criticism of the market economy system, and much of it is warranted, but it's all we have, and we must work within it in a balanced way.

and your solution is...??

save yourself, stop preaching this commie crap.. "world without money system" yeah right :rolleyes:

even now in india, some people are surprised when i tell them about interest-less economics, a idea from 2000 years ago... these people are surprised despite farmer/office-work/general sucides.

I have better chances of getting an earth without a gravity system :sarcastic:

i will give you something better.

if a mad-man with elon musk's capabilities brought three one-kilometer-wide asteroids and smashed it into earth, you will have a earth without much life. :D

No,conventional type.any problem on that?

1. nuclear fusion electric generation or nuclear fusion controlled-heating reactor doesn't exist... the iter project has failed to demonstrate fusion electricity and has become a way for mathematicians to earn phd's in physics... a nuclear fusion in-space propulsion engine would be similar to the american "nerva" project ( NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application) ) which was fission.

2. helium-3 is available on earth and can be potentially used to build the in-space fusion propulsion engine that isro has been speaking of all these years.

so why is isro insisting on using a future chandrayaan ( not definite ) to search for helium-3 on the moon... who will build the reactor, isro or non-indians??

what isro is doing is not looking at a simple engine like vasimr ( Our Engine | Ad Astra Rocket ) in the now, which can provide immediate in-space propulsion and are safe, though will require big electricity from sources like solar ( photovoltaic or thermal ) or some other source.

isro is simply dilly-dallying on real-space human missions and wasting earth's resources on useless satellites, especially the spy ones ( the so-called remote sensing ).
typical indian fence sitting... wait for other societies to do something and deem it success or failure... and in the meantime, since india is complicated and immediate-term planning, most indians would ideally want other humans to be live unnecessarily complicated lives with immediate-term planning.

come on, I already told you what I consider successes.. advanced market economies, such as those in Europe and some of the Scandinavian lot where they are capable enough to take good care of the economically weaker sections of their society.

which is why the indian rich are most petty traders ( like ambani, yen aar narayamurthy, "snapdeal" company ) who want money back by the evening or in three months time... no longer-term goals.
LOL, so reliance industries and infosys are petty traders ? :lol:

and online "evil consumerist":rolleyes: e-commerce platforms such as flipkart and snapdeal are the real revolutionaries, but I cant explain that to a militant commie, you'll never get it.

little north korea has achieved much more than india... private company spacex has achieved in 12 years what isro couldn't in 50+ years... why??
lol DPRK, I'll engage you on that subject in another thread sometime maybe

spaceX are an American enterprise, that's why they have done so well.. we need the business environment here to be as fertile as it is there before we make comparisons.

and your solution is...??
my solution is Gandhian.. "be the change.."

whereas your solution seems to be bloody revolution, I will debate you always but never will I take arms to silence you

even now in india, some people are surprised when i tell them about interest-less economics, a idea from 2000 years ago... these people are surprised despite farmer/office-work/general sucides.
unlike the arabs sheikhs, we're not sitting on half the planet's oil reserves :cheesy:

have you had your reality checked lately ? imo you should go get it looked at asap

i will give you something better.

if a mad-man with elon musk's capabilities brought three one-kilometer-wide asteroids and smashed it into earth, you will have a earth without much life. :D
no need, the way humanity is going, sooner or later we'll nuke each other anyway :sarcastic:
Seriously dude?! This is what happens when you sleep in classroom.:D

i may have slept in the mathematics classes in school but you were half-sleep when you posted your quoting.

in ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_India ), didn't you see...
The words "socialist" and "secular" were added to the definition in 1976 by the 42nd constitutional amendment (mini constitution).[10]

why was this done?? maybe to induce ussr for subsidies in weapons supply and help in setup of factories... maybe to convince non-nato nations of indian establishment's supposed "non-aligned" status.


we need the business environment here to be as fertile as it is there before we make comparisons.

i don't see the problem there if all that is required is big private money.

one dozen big news channel companies can be started, half-a-dozen dozens cell phone companies can be started but not a indian spacex??

infosys used to have the money, why didn't it turn into a spaceship design company which employed the creme de la creme of india's "rocket scientists"??

what happened to "ambani aerospace"?? they could have employed with huge salaries all those 35 percent indian scientists supposedly holding up nasa. :D

and didn't one e-retail company recently get a 100 million dollar funding deal??
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why was this done?? maybe to induce ussr for subsidies in weapons supply and help in setup of factories... maybe to convince non-nato nations of indian establishment's supposed "non-aligned" status
You said India has never identified itself as socialist, I showed it did and still does, how come year matter there?
Non-Aligned Movement was started in 1961 by Nehru, That means 15 years before. Even China differed from Communist ideologies around the same time.
Before resorting into conspiracy theories try to learn history and get a little prospective.
jesus has been dead for 2100 years, your prophet for 1400, soviet union for 25 and your muammar for 4.

According to religious belief , Jesus will come back and even in Rig Vedas there is a mention of Kalki.

At the end of Kali Yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen, and when the power of government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the evil men, and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.

—Bhagavata Purana, 2.7.38
According to religious belief , Jesus will come back and even in Rig Vedas there is a mention of Kalki.

At the end of Kali Yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen, and when the power of government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the evil men, and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.

—Bhagavata Purana, 2.7.38
it's best not to clutter one's mind with this nonsense

rapture, anti christ, dajjal, the second coming, pralay... :cuckoo:

the real danger is only us idiots lobbing nukes at each other :hang3::sick::hang2:
it's best not to clutter one's mind with this nonsense

rapture, anti christ, dajjal, the second coming, pralay... :cuckoo:

the real danger is only us idiots lobbing nukes at each other :hang3::sick::hang2:

I am just talking about the religious beliefs and the verses which are there in the religious books.
agreed that it was not jinns or ghost of gaddafi or spacex, but dedicating 99 percent of missions to launching satellites hasn't helped india either.

One expects ISRO to launch satellites to try and predict weather. Did you also expect them to produce rains as well?

Dude, you really are getting weirder by the day. That, or you are trying too hard to seek attention with your ever weirder arguments!

could these "remote sensing satellites" and "weather predicting supercomputers" prevent the countless farmers who suicided??

Of course, ISRO couldn't help the farmers that "suicided" (sic). But did you ever tried to educate yourself about ISRO's contributions in the last decade that saved countless lives with their weather predictions? Like more recently when Cyclone Phailin pounded the East Coast?

India’s silent sentinels in space save million lives - The Times of India

let's be practical and not be swept away in nationalist sentiment.

Time for you to be practical and not be swept away by half-baked, out-dated, irrelevant mentality that is not even socialistic.

(b). being chief of isro is one thing but where are the humans in space that isro has been promising for so many years??

How do you think manned space exploration, which is prohibitively costly, will help those farmers that are "suiciding" (sic) due to drought on earth? By peeing while flying overhead? Or by offering remote counselling from space?

You talk about manned space flights as if it is the answer to every human suffering including helping those "suiciding" (sic) farmers! There is almost nothing you can't do with those disposable, cost-effective robotic arms that you want humans to do in space, except perhaps the bragging rights!

For an alleged socialist, you are so duplicitous that it is not even funny! Wake up and smell the coffee before people stop taking you seriously - even on an online forum!
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