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New Iranian Assault rifle and Submachine gun shown at 15th IPAS Exhibition

You truly are a confused individual mr Scythian first you claim the reason you cannot export weapons is due to the fact that you are under sanctions and then claim you are exporting to over 50 nations WHAT A OYXMORON lol.
In pakistan we are looking for a 5th gen jet fighter please in the spirit of Islamic and neighbourly brotherhood export that stealth jet fighter you produced with a full tot so we can enhance our defences against Indian Migs and Rafales plz sir plz ooops I forgot their are export sanction in place lol.
They are not legally allowed to export in most cases due to UN sanctions.
There are loopholes however. And you also have to remember smuggling.
And the fact some countries (like Syria, north Korea and Sudan for example) don't care about UN sanctions and will buy regardless from who they want to buy from.
Also most insurgents don't care about U.N rulings.


Keep telling yourself this over and over and over and over and over again.
No offense but he is telling the truth.
What "Turkish domestic weapons innovation" Turkey is one large assembly plant.
This isn't a bad thing but stop calming that you are making fully original gear. You are not.
You are copying the M-16, slapping a funky handle on the end and calling it a domestic rifle for god's sake.
Their is nothing to indicate that they will export any so-called sophisticated technologies to their allies as their performance would most likely be of a dubious standard, what they export is merely cheap obsolete weapons which are most likely not as reliable as their Russian or Chinese counterparts. ie Iranian AK in Afghanistan is no where near as reliable as Russian AK-47 or Chinese type 56
As for the dud stealth fighter when is it coming into service ,the next millenium lol you can name it the MILLENIUM FALCON. kudos my brother.
full of secret services info about how Iranian weapons work and what and to what degree Iran will export quality weaponry.... By your logic I can say, nothing in the whole world works better than Iranian weapons... what a pointless discussion with a blinded guy who knows all unknown or secret info about Iranian weapons and their future quality or export markets!!
GTFO of here you uneducated sack of shitt. I dont mind opinions but dont come here completely ignorant regarding the Turkish defence industry and proclaim your pathethic half-assed comment as reality. You dont even know the difference between an AR-15 and M-16. Me think you dont know anything at all.

And btw we were talking about Turkish defence industry in general, not small arms industry. For the sake of clarity the MPT-76(which i assume is the rifle you were talking about) does infact incorporate alot of copied concepts, so does many Iranian rifles such as Fateh and Fajr. How about insted of ruling Iran out of your little double standard comment, you say the same thing about Iran.
If anything (and as someone that owns an AR-15) other then full auto what IS the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16.
There is none AR-15 is a civilian version of the M-16.
Where is the Fateh copied from? It bears a slight resemblance to the FN SCAR but that is it (and it isn't a pure scar either)stop your illogical raging and study some English grammar.
Instead of a logical and constructive debate you decided to bring shame to your entire country by acting like a two year old troll.
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No offense but he is telling the truth.
What "Turkish domestic weapons innovation" Turkey is one large assembly plant.
This isn't a bad thing but stop calming that you are making fully original gear. You are not.
You are copying the M-16, slapping a funky handle on the end and calling it a domestic rifle for god's sake.

nearly every western country uses AR platform , ex. HK-416 , Sig Sauer 516 , even the Ukrainians use AR platform for their special forces.
if you want a direct M-16 copy , you can go to the first page of this thread and come across one

I would say MPT is more similar to HK-417
full of secret services info about how Iranian weapons work and what and to what degree Iran will export quality weaponry.... By your logic I can say, nothing in the whole world works better than Iranian weapons... what a pointless discussion with a blinded guy who knows all unknown or secret info about Iranian weapons and their future quality or export markets!!
With all due respect sir ,it is your nationalism that is blinding you, virtually non of the claims of the Iranians is actually verifiable, they claimed to have produced a SAM that was superior to the s-300, I cannot say with absolute certainty they haven't but what I will assume it is highly likely they have not. kudos dear Scythian.
If anything (and as someone that owns an AR-15) other then full auto what IS the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16.
There is none AR-15 is a civilian version of the M-16.
Where is the Fateh copied from? It bears a slight resemblance to the FN SCAR but that is it (and it isn't a pure scar either)stop your illogical raging and study some English grammar.
Instead of a logical and constructive debate you decided to bring shame to your entire country by acting like a two year old troll.

There is no point in having a proper debate with an uneducated lunatic. Insted of posting your clearly biased comment regarding the Turkish defence industry how about you take that time to educate yourself regarding both Turkish and Iranian defence industry. Do that, apologize for your ignorant views and hyprocricy then we might have a proper discussion. Be a good lad and move along.
Their is nothing to indicate that they will export any so-called sophisticated technologies to their allies as their performance would most likely be of a dubious standard, what they export is merely cheap obsolete weapons which are most likely not as reliable as their Russian or Chinese counterparts. ie Iranian AK in Afghanistan is no where near as reliable as Russian AK-47 or Chinese type 56
As for the dud stealth fighter when is it coming into service ,the next millenium lol you can name it the MILLENIUM FALCON. kudos my brother.
look what this Indonesian expert is saying about Iranian technologies and our export target countries, that's right, 52 countries:

LIPI, Iran Electronics to develop radar systems | The Jakarta Post
The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) will join forces to develop and produce active- and passive-radar systems for civilian and military interests.

The joint venture is the first of its kind in the telecommunications field, as out of the two, Iran is considered to have the edge in technological advances and transfer of technology.

LIPI telecommunications division head Mashury Wahab told The Jakarta Post recently in Batam, Riau Islands, that LIPI would work with IEI to develop and manufacture radar systems by collaborating with Indonesian company PT Dirgantara Aviation Enterprise.

They will develop both active- and passive-radar systems. The passive-radar system detects signals from a different party, while an active radar system has the capability to resist enemies.

“Iran and Indonesia will work together in developing and producing the [two] radar systems. They will be used in the interest of the Indonesian Military’s [TNI] main weaponry system as well as civil aviation at commercial airports,” Mashury said.

“Iran possesses the technological edge in this field, such as radius capacity of up to 500 kilometers. Iran also has good technology and components as they are used by more than 52 countries,” he said on the sidelines of the 3rd International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics and Telecommunications (ICRAMET) in Batam.

According to Mashury, the collaboration is expected to be realized this year, so PT Dirgantara Aviation Enterprise could immediately produce the radar systems.

The products will be branded as “made in Indonesia”, while for military use, LIPI will convey the matter to the Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) to be included in TNI’s main weaponry systems.

Meanwhile, IEI representative Ali Nasheer Ahmadi addressed the audience at the ICRAMET conference, saying that technology could provide security for Indonesia and Iran.

“Indonesia and Iran, as Muslim countries, can work together to develop a variety of telecommunications technologies in the future,” he said.

Based on a statement from LIPI, IEI is an Iranian state enterprise involved in technological development and employs up to 5,000 people.
now go back to your cave!
look what this Indonesian expert is saying about Iranian technologies and our export target countries, that's right, 52 countries:

LIPI, Iran Electronics to develop radar systems | The Jakarta Post
The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) will join forces to develop and produce active- and passive-radar systems for civilian and military interests.

The joint venture is the first of its kind in the telecommunications field, as out of the two, Iran is considered to have the edge in technological advances and transfer of technology.

LIPI telecommunications division head Mashury Wahab told The Jakarta Post recently in Batam, Riau Islands, that LIPI would work with IEI to develop and manufacture radar systems by collaborating with Indonesian company PT Dirgantara Aviation Enterprise.

They will develop both active- and passive-radar systems. The passive-radar system detects signals from a different party, while an active radar system has the capability to resist enemies.

“Iran and Indonesia will work together in developing and producing the [two] radar systems. They will be used in the interest of the Indonesian Military’s [TNI] main weaponry system as well as civil aviation at commercial airports,” Mashury said.

“Iran possesses the technological edge in this field, such as radius capacity of up to 500 kilometers. Iran also has good technology and components as they are used by more than 52 countries,” he said on the sidelines of the 3rd International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics and Telecommunications (ICRAMET) in Batam.

According to Mashury, the collaboration is expected to be realized this year, so PT Dirgantara Aviation Enterprise could immediately produce the radar systems.

The products will be branded as “made in Indonesia”, while for military use, LIPI will convey the matter to the Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) to be included in TNI’s main weaponry systems.

Meanwhile, IEI representative Ali Nasheer Ahmadi addressed the audience at the ICRAMET conference, saying that technology could provide security for Indonesia and Iran.

“Indonesia and Iran, as Muslim countries, can work together to develop a variety of telecommunications technologies in the future,” he said.

Based on a statement from LIPI, IEI is an Iranian state enterprise involved in technological development and employs up to 5,000 people.
now go back to your cave!
So you have edge over Indonesia in a certain specific field, go ahead swing from the chandeliers.
look what this Indonesian expert is saying about Iranian technologies and our export target countries, that's right, 52 countries:

LIPI, Iran Electronics to develop radar systems | The Jakarta Post
The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) will join forces to develop and produce active- and passive-radar systems for civilian and military interests.

The joint venture is the first of its kind in the telecommunications field, as out of the two, Iran is considered to have the edge in technological advances and transfer of technology.

LIPI telecommunications division head Mashury Wahab told The Jakarta Post recently in Batam, Riau Islands, that LIPI would work with IEI to develop and manufacture radar systems by collaborating with Indonesian company PT Dirgantara Aviation Enterprise.

They will develop both active- and passive-radar systems. The passive-radar system detects signals from a different party, while an active radar system has the capability to resist enemies.

“Iran and Indonesia will work together in developing and producing the [two] radar systems. They will be used in the interest of the Indonesian Military’s [TNI] main weaponry system as well as civil aviation at commercial airports,” Mashury said.

“Iran possesses the technological edge in this field, such as radius capacity of up to 500 kilometers. Iran also has good technology and components as they are used by more than 52 countries,” he said on the sidelines of the 3rd International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics and Telecommunications (ICRAMET) in Batam.

According to Mashury, the collaboration is expected to be realized this year, so PT Dirgantara Aviation Enterprise could immediately produce the radar systems.

The products will be branded as “made in Indonesia”, while for military use, LIPI will convey the matter to the Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) to be included in TNI’s main weaponry systems.

Meanwhile, IEI representative Ali Nasheer Ahmadi addressed the audience at the ICRAMET conference, saying that technology could provide security for Indonesia and Iran.

“Indonesia and Iran, as Muslim countries, can work together to develop a variety of telecommunications technologies in the future,” he said.

Based on a statement from LIPI, IEI is an Iranian state enterprise involved in technological development and employs up to 5,000 people.
now go back to your cave!

that is right. one should not underestimate Iran's military capabilities. this is news from July

Iran ready to cooperate with Indonesia in nuclear sector - ANTARA News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Iranian government has expressed its readiness to cooperate with Indonesia in the field of nuclear technology, following the UN Security Council Resolution on Irans nuclear program.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to share its experience in the field of advanced nuclear technology based on international regulations," Iranian Ambassador to Indonesia Valiollah Mohammadi said here on Tuesday.

Mohammadi met with Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Thursday. It was during this meeting that Kalla expressed his views on Iran's nuclear program.

"I listened to Vice President Kalla, who supports the agreement. He also hopes that the cooperation can serve to boost the bilateral relations between the two countries," the ambassador remarked.

Moreover, Deputy Head Secretariat of the Vice President for Policy Support on the Government Dewi Fortuna Anwar stated that the vice president had expressed his appreciation of the deal agreed upon by the United Nations Security Council on Iran's nuclear program.

Kalla believes that the sanctions on Iran can be ended so its government can cooperate with other countries.

"The vice president is very pleased because the sanctions on Iran can be resolved," Anwar affirmed.

An Iranian delegation will visit Indonesia to discuss the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

As reported by Reuters, Iran and six leading world powers signed a comprehensive plan to end international sanctions against Iran in exchange for putting restrictions on its controversial nuclear program.

The deal signed in Vienna on Tuesday is meant to break a 12-year standoff over Irans nuclear activities, which some nations claimed involved military research.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action acknowledges Iran's right for peaceful nuclear development on par with any other signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The agreement provides for a joint commission to be established to monitor the implementation of the action plan and handle dispute situations.

In addition, the International Atomic Energy Agency is tasked with verifying voluntary nuclear-related measures taken by Iran.

Iran and the six nations, China, France, Germany, Russia, the UK and the US, are to hold ministerial-level meetings at least once every two years to monitor the progress.
So you have edge over Indonesia in a certain specific field, go ahead swing from the chandeliers.

What is it? What's up your a ss man? Did we disappoint you? Did Iran not live up to the exacting standards of the Pakistani army? Did they forget to release detailed specs on their latest military hardware for your Internet eminence?

What's with the stupid attitude?
What is it? What's up your a ss man? Did we disappoint you? Did Iran not live up to the exacting standards of the Pakistani army? Did they forget to release detailed specs on their latest military hardware for your Internet eminence?

What's with the stupid attitude?
Stupid are those that think (and believe me their are many on this forum) that Iran can produce SAMs superior to the S-300, build fifth gen stealth fighters and produce drones that are as capable as the cutting edge US drones. According to you and the likes of @SOHEIL anyone who disagree with these pretentious Iranian claims is stupid, so sir I suppose by your definition I am truly stupid.kudos
Stupid are those that think (and believe me their are many on this forum) that Iran can produce SAMs superior to the S-300, build fifth gen stealth fighters and produce drones that are as capable as the cutting edge US drones. According to you and the likes of @SOHEIL anyone who disagree with these pretentious Iranian claims is stupid, so sir I suppose by your definition I am truly stupid.kudos

So you're on this thread to teach Iranians a lesson because of your confused perception of what we believe about every piece of military equipment produced by Iran?

Like I said, lose the stupid attitude....
Stupid are
those that think (and believe me their are many on this forum) that Iran can produce SAMs superior to the S-300, build fifth gen stealth fighters and produce drones that are as capable as the cutting edge US drones. According to you and the likes of @SOHEIL anyone who disagree with these pretentious Iranian claims is stupid, so sir I suppose by your definition I am truly stupid.kudos
Iran is an advanced nation in many future-like science and techs today...why do you think it is impossible for Iran to build these SAM or SIM stuff? You need to change your mindset... It is slavery mindset and unfortunately rooted deep inside many of Muslim people... This is exactly Westerner's main weapon to make you believe you're no where close in superior stuff.... When Iran managed to become among the pioneers of many cutting edge sciences (bio, nano, stem cells,etc) in less than decades why it is so unbelievable for you to believe otherwise?

When somebody comes counter-analyse or reject a product or tech, it is acceptable only when he/she can bring logical evidences, links and their rational relationship... Nobody can predict the quality of FUTURE products or techs of a country... As few other advanced nations today were somehow lagging behind in many fields...

It is also stupid to relate A to B when there is not absolute connection between them... For example, if Russia can not build a decent competitive car (which things apparently are changing today for Russian cars too) does this really mean, Russia is not capable of building cars technologically? When they are advanced in even more advanced techs, it is childish to think, it is impossible for Russians to produce a world class car...

The way you come here talk none sense here is only making you seem a child with few or no info about things that you talk about... People laugh at you...

For the last time, building a 5th gen fighter jet takess decades for a country like USA.. Why don't you wait for at least a decade for Iran to see how capable they are? Am I too irrational to you?

Please don't share your secret Intel or divine predictions about Iranian tech and science level and quality in FUTURE while you clearly have little or no info about her today level...

So you have edge over Indonesia in a certain specific field, go ahead swing from the chandeliers.
Are you joking, trying to seem funny or you're serious!!? After reading all Western and Eastern reports posted here, you came to this point!?
Iran is an advanced nation in many future-like science and techs today...why do you think it is impossible for Iran to build these SAM or SIM stuff? You need to change your mindset... It is slavery mindset and unfortunately rooted deep inside many of Muslim people... This is exactly Westerner's main weapon to make you believe you're no where close in superior stuff.... When Iran managed to become among the pioneers of many cutting edge sciences (bio, nano, stem cells,etc) in less than decades why it is so unbelievable for you to believe otherwise?

When somebody comes counter-analyse or reject a product or tech, it is acceptable only when he/she can bring logical evidences, links and their rational relationship... Nobody can predict the quality of FUTURE products or techs of a country... As few other advanced nations today were somehow lagging behind in many fields...

It is also stupid to relate A to B when there is not absolute connection between them... For example, if Russia can not build a decent competitive car (which things apparently are changing today for Russian cars too) does this really mean, Russia is not capable of building cars technologically? When they are advanced in even more advanced techs, it is childish to think, it is impossible for Russians to produce a world class car...

The way you come here talk none sense here is only making you seem a child with few or no info about things that you talk about... People laugh at you...

For the last time, building a 5th gen fighter jet takess decades for a country like USA.. Why don't you wait for at least a decade for Iran to see how capable they are? Am I too irrational to you?

Please don't share your secret Intel or divine predictions about Iranian tech and science level and quality in FUTURE while you clearly have little or no info about her today level...

Are you joking, trying to seem funny or you're serious!!? After reading all Western and Eastern reports posted here, you came to this point!?

His problem is not with the technical aspects of the discussion or the veracity of the arguments. People who are genuinely interested to know ask questions and don't start off by launching into gross generalizations and labeling things.

His problem is something else...
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