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Yes that is what i meant, and ASIC/Custom IC design and VHDL/FPGA are two very distinct fields. Generally the Custom IC part is accompanied with knowledge/training of VHDL but not the other way round. Since someone putting a FPGA into their use need only know how write his specific part of the system. In case of a IC/ASIC designer, he better know how the processor will accept the language or not.

In simple terms, just like you writing a C/C++ program for a embedded system.......you don't need to know how the processor runs or the assembly language....the compiler does it for you.

Yes but these days ASICs are not that popular because of Qual comm general purpose processors which are offering better functionality and performance at cheaper rate.

It takes 40 to 50 people team to build an ASIC in 1 to 2 years from the scratch.

From the RTL designer point of view ASIC or FPGA design won't make much difference except that in ASIC they use specific libraries and in FPGA they use LUT(XILINX) and muxes for Altera.

Asic also need Verilog /VHDL code to start with, the design is synthesised to gate level that is EDIF format.

The EDIF format can be used for both FPGA and ASIC.

The EDIF format is transformed into transistor level and is mapped into the corresponding libraries for ASIC.

The same EDIF format can be used to program the FPGA and make it a similar module.

These days even Pentium Processors are designed using FPGAs before transforming the VHDL/Verilog code into ASIC compatible format.

The physical design involves Transistor and Gate design, Each library has some set of gates and the Physical designer designs them to make a Library. FPGA/ASIC designer deal with system design like micro processor/controller or a router etc..etc...

Regarding SDK or HDK the kit is FPGA specific. Both Xilinx and Altera are user friendly and are leading FPGA vendors.
Microsoft doesn't design the cpu or gpu for it's X-box.....they perhaps do consulting with firms like Intel/AMD/Nvidia to get their desired product, which means Microsoft ME engineers basically sit and watch
Not entirely true. :-). MSFT Research does some work around ME (specifically around computing architecture). For our devices we have SC engineers too that work in tandem with Nvidia (our vendor) that supply us the chips. Then we also have engineers that work with TMSC where actual fabrication takes place. That's why I said a decent stack. We don't have a full blown in house design and fabrication work and likely we'll never have.
Hi I'm new here.

I just created a thread but it seems somebody deleted it or it didn't go through (maybe I said something forbidden). I've been foruming since 02 but been absent since 09.
Won't be posting much. Just reading.
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@jamahir and all
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