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New Delhi will only discuss Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, says Indian envoy

ISLAMABAD: India's representative to Pakistan said on Monday that his country was only prepared to discuss the part of Kashmir controlled by Islamabad in upcoming peace talks, presenting a potential stumbling block days after the dialogue was announced.

High commissioner T.C.A. Raghavan made the remarks about the disputed territory during a lecture in the Pakistani capital, after a breakthrough visit by India's foreign minister at which the resumption of ministerial talks was announced.

According to a joint statement, the two sides will talk about peace and security as well as territorial disputes including Kashmir. Each country occupies part of the territory but claims it in full.

Asked where the room for negotiation lay over the Himalayan territory, Raghavan said it was India which first petitioned the United Nations to intervene when the-then princely state of Jammu and Kashmir was invaded by Pakistani forces in 1947.

“The first application was moved by India and it was on the grounds that a part of the state, which had acceded to India, is now under the illegal occupation of the Pakistan army.

“So when you say what is it that India is going to discuss or what is it discussing, it is really, if you ask most Indians, and what is our position — it is the part of that state which is still under the control of Pakistan."

The remarks could create a diplomatic wrinkle for the two countries as they seek to go back to the negotiation table to undertake broad-spectrum talks for the first time since the election of prime ministers Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif.

Badar Alam, editor of Pakistan's political Herald magazine, said: “I think it is a step back,” adding that Kashmir was viewed internationally as a disputed territory.

He added that given the fragile state of the dialogue, officials on both sides needed to tread “very cautiously and very carefully” to avoid a backlash.

New Delhi suspended all talks after gunmen attacked the Indian city of Mumbai in November 2008, killing 166 people.

The countries agreed to resume the peace process in 2011 but tensions have spiked over the past two years, with cross-border shelling over the disputed border in Kashmir claiming dozens of lives since 2014.

A brief meeting between Sharif and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the UN climate change summit in Paris on November 30, followed by talks between the two countries' national security advisers in Bangkok, appeared to have broken the ice.

New Delhi will only discuss Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, says Indian envoy - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Last time when the talks were announced Pakistan sent a message across to India that they prefer talking to separatists than India. Seems like this is India's counter to Pakistan's position.
Some one has already posted this shit yesterday

Why is this exactly shit? It is our official position, the only dispute is P-O-K and GB.

Last time when the talks were announced Pakistan sent a message across to India that they prefer talking to separatists than India. Seems like this is India's counter to Pakistan's position.

I don't think this is any getting back. This has been our official position. Coming from India's High commissioner this is official.
Why is this exactly shit? It is our official position, the only dispute is P-O-K and GB.

I don't think this is any getting back. This has been our official position. Coming from India's High commissioner this is official.
Pakistan never ever occupied Kashmir its part of Pakistan as we didn't deployed our hundered of thousand soldiers there to commit genocide unlike india........ the disputed territories are Indian occupied Kashmir and khalistan...........
Why is this exactly shit? It is our official position, the only dispute is P-O-K and GB.

I don't think this is any getting back. This has been our official position. Coming from India's High commissioner this is official.

If the Pakistanis want to discuss Kashmir, I see no reason why India has to agree to only discuss Indian administered Kashmir. That is Pakistan's position, the Indian position ought to be different.
Pakistan never ever occupied Kashmir its part of Pakistan as we didn't deployed our hundered of thousand soldiers there to commit genocide unlike india........ the disputed territories are Indian occupied Kashmir and khalistan...........

Who send tribes men into Kashmir to occupy Kashmir in 1947? kabutar ??? :lol:

why you mentioned P-O-K and GB as separate entity??

They are separate as per Pakistnis
If the Pakistanis want to discuss Kashmir, I see no reason why India has to agree to only discuss Indian administered Kashmir. That is Pakistan's position, the Indian position ought to be different.
Pakistan always want peace talk and shows good gesture but india only trying to cash their interest but keep dreaming pakistan treat india same as like they treat us
RIP the so called Peace Talks.

Who send tribes men into Kashmir to occupy Kashmir in 1947? kabutar ??? :lol:

They are separate as per Pakistnis
It was hindu army who occupied kashmir
If the Pakistanis want to discuss Kashmir, I see no reason why India has to agree to only discuss Indian administered Kashmir. That is Pakistan's position, the Indian position ought to be different.

Now Indian High commission says only Pakistan Controlled Kashmir will be discussed.

It was hindu army who occupied kashmir

Hindu that and Hindu this :lol:....Empty words and slogans won't do...what is the legal bases on which you hold part of Kashmir?
They are separate as per Pakistnis
but not as per us...so let's state our stand...no?? this is one big mistake that Indians have done...too less focus on P-O-K than our part and in the end making it almost a forgotten issue...good that BJP is reviving it back!!
Pakistan always want peace talk and shows good gesture but india only trying to cash their interest but keep dreaming pakistan treat india same as like they treat us
RIP the so called Peace Talks.

What peace talks? You want territory that we have & you expect us to discuss how we are going to give it ? Don't tell me you are that gullible.

Peace can only happen around the status quo. Or some version slightly changed from it. Nothing more. Those who think India will give up territory, in Kashmir or elsewhere, are being seriously delusional. There is no point in saying that one wants peace but the price for peace is a part of someone else's house. Makes no sense.
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That is what he was supposed to say. Why incite the hawks by saying otherwise. The talks has just begun, and they in no way can solve the Kashmir issue overnight. But talks should continue and we might get somewhere.

but not as per us...so let's state our stand...no?? this is one big mistake that Indians have done...too less focus on P-O-K than our part and in the end making it almost a forgotten issue...good that BJP is reviving it back!!
If India really follow that path you will be falling right in our trap, Azad Kashmir or IOK, all we want is Kashmir issue to be highlighted.
Why is this exactly shit? It is our official position, the only dispute is P-O-K and GB.

I don't think this is any getting back. This has been our official position. Coming from India's High commissioner this is official.

I know it is the official position of India and there was unanimous resolution passed in both houses of the parliament regarding the same but India has not pursued this stand with vigor like Pakistan does and has always given the initiative to Pakistan.
That is what he was supposed to say. Why incite the hawks by saying otherwise. The talks has just begun, and they in no way can solve the Kashmir issue overnight. But talks should continue and we might get somewhere.

Whether we get somewhere or not will largely depend on what Pakistan thinks can be legitimately achieved in these talks. Pipe dreams are a no-no.

As far as the HC's statement goes, it is the Indian position & the possible reason for stating it as clearly is that the Pakistani HC in India is up to his old tricks. A reminder that two can play the game won't hurt.
That was quick! As I said a long time ago, Hindustan wants Pakistan dismembered. Commander coward tried to get a deal by selling us to the Hindustanis but they rejected it. Alarm bells start ringing in GHQ and realized what the HIndustanis really want, all these talks are for show to Christendom that they're ''civilized''.

Only the Ulima-Ikram can resolve the problem in Kashmir, Siachen, Water, etc. No one else!

Message to the secularists, liberals; anymore trash talk? You people don't know who you're dealing with, we do! And one more thing to you idiots, you keep talking about a ''limited'' war with Hindustan as if you have some kind of a playground fight you got set-up. The next war WILL be a full-scale war whether you want to believe it or not, it's going to happen.

Hindustan is being prepared for war from ALL Christendom countries, look at the nuclear deal, American fighter engine T-o-T, smart weapons, fighters, warships, anti-ballistic systems. They need gurantees from Christendom that they can stop our nukes and if they get that, then it's on.

Here is another news flash, we're NOT getting any Cobras, and yet they supplied them with Apaches. They have Poisidon and we got outdated junk P3-Orion.

WOW! A madrassa guy is teaching you OUR reality! Accept it or deny it, makes no difference.

Like i said, 2016 will be a tough year for us.
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