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New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

and what if some sick mind put his hands to a girl's vagi*a and remove her uretra entirely from her body and throw it away and later put an iron rod into her vagi*a and then 6 men rapes that girl and finally throw the girl out of moving bus all nude??? Is it normal?? She will never be the same what she was in her life!! Thats more than a death!! You still find it less than rare????

man no rapes are okay but first know what happened in this particular case!! It wasn't just a rape but it was a more than death for that girl!! Go learn the entire story!!

Mate: I agree with you this case is rare.... but there are several cases which is rare too... Just read 3 people raped a 5 year old kid.... What do you call it???????? I am sick with these monsters..... ( when i get too frustrated my brain tells me..... arabian method is the best to stop this menace)
man no rapes are okay but first know what happened in this particular case!! It wasn't just a rape but it was a more than death for that girl!! Go learn the entire story!!

I know what has happened, but this rape came along does not mean that others are not heinous enough for a harsh law..
The part you have mentioned is and should be handled in a separate law and elicits maybe death.. but we need a harsh law to deter sick minds, not just giving death penalty to these bastards and letting the law remain unchanged.
Who invented this phrase ? :rofl:

I have never seen a dog getting hanged before.

Dogs are most loyal to humans, hang some other animal. :lol:

well it was just the anger!! Hehe I know dogs are good!! Hope peta will spare me!! Lolz
Who invented this phrase ? :rofl:

I have never seen a dog getting hanged before.

Dogs are most loyal to humans, hang some other animal. :lol:

You cant find an animal that cruel...... animals doesnt rape... only humans...
You cant find an animal that cruel...... animals doesnt rape... only humans...

You have no idea what wild cats, crocs and gigantic snakes can do with human bodies.

Its not rape but mutilation certainly.
Cops need to side with the people. India must stop treating women like slaves and treat them like human beings equal under the law.
Rape problem has been solved. Gr8 news.


I'm sorry but I fail to understand what the protests are about. Are they about the rape happening? if so this is not somthing you can hold the governemnt to account for as these things happen all over the world and it will be near impossible to prevent such attacks.

Are they angry the rapists have not been caught? Well they have and are being held in custody.

It seems the protesters are calling for,frankly, absurd things like capital punishment for rapists, castration or the handing over of the accused to the public for,no doubt, execution by angry mobs. No civilised society treats rapists in the manner these protestors are calling for and the GoI has already promised justice and life sentences for the convicted.

Also police has already launched an internal invesitgation to uncover their failings with suspensions already being handed out to certain police officers involved.

And on top of that the protests turn violent, try to enter restricted areas and assualt the police not to mention damage property:


These people are out of their minds-what more do they want?

Justice takes time, it isn't going to happen over night nor is the GoI going to bring back the stocks or hand over criminals to mobs of angry people.

No other civilized nation would put up with this cr@p. For once I am with the politicians- what more can they do?

These people are out of their minds-what more do they want?

Justice takes time, it isn't going to happen over night nor is the GoI going to bring back the stocks or hand over criminals to mobs of angry people.

No other civilized nation would put up with this cr@p. For once I am with the politicians- what more can they do?

Ok Justice takes time. But how long? Most likely forever.

It is fun to see so many Indians defend so fiercely.

But if the above picture were in China, then most Indians would hail people standing up against CCP.

If the car in the picture were actually people of Muslims, then most Indians would say those people doing the right thing.
Ok Justice takes time. But how long? Most likely forever.

It is fun to see so many Indians defend so fiercely.

But if the above picture were in China, then most Indians would hail people standing up against CCP.

If the car in the picture were actually people of Muslims, then most Indians would say those people doing the right thing.
Sir, this incident only took place a few days ago, already the accused are in custody and awaiting trail- nothing more can be done right now.
Sir, this incident only took place a few days ago, already the accused are in custody and awaiting trail- nothing more can be done right now.

You treat this as an isolated event but it is the culmination of people's frustrations over government and police inaction over several such incidents for years. And this freaking evil happens time and again in the capital of India. What do you want people to do? Violence should be deplored as it is vested elements with malicious intent bent on causing trouble but beyond that, it is time the GOI realises that it can't stay inactive. You have asked what GOI should do apart from arresting the culprits. Increase the police force and better patrolling will help - treat this situation similar to the situation in 1980s and 1990s when security in Delhi was top notch to prevent militancy. Pass amendments such that any rape incidents are treated severely and fast justice is provided.

P.S - I, for once, see a different newer generation Indians who are losing that Chalthai hai attitude. Hats off to them except to the morons causing violence.
Raping is a huge social problem in India. Every year, New Delhi is ranked top in the world, and even named rape capital of the world.

The question is, how can this problem be stopped for the betterment of India? A woman in India cannot even walk out in broad daylight without fear of getting raped. A few months ago, even a burqa-clad women was raped!
Raping is a huge social problem in India. Every year, New Delhi is ranked top in the world, and even named rape capital of the world.

The question is, how can this problem be stopped for the betterment of India? A woman in India cannot even walk out in broad daylight without fear of getting raped. A few months ago, even a burqa-clad women was raped!

No body can help you guys, not even god.

What does the Quran say about lying ?
Raping is a huge social problem in India. Every year, New Delhi is ranked top in the world, and even named rape capital of the world.

Thanks for telling us in summary after 28 pages, which so many people could not do.

The question is, how can this problem be stopped for the betterment of India? A woman in India cannot even walk out in broad daylight without fear of getting raped. A few months ago, even a burqa-clad women was raped!

No, the real question is a boy like yourself after the 28 pages of discussion, the solutions discussed and distilled is still dense, why?
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