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New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

Hard to differentiate who are the criminals, the ones who committed the crime or the ones who are committing crimes in the name of justice.
Not related to this news.. But one of the incident happened in Kerala.. One guy got drunk and tried to Harass a girl in a bus.. Police arrested him and filed a case against him.. After that he was taken to a bus stand where he had to apologize to ladies on each and every bus parked over there stating the crime he had done..

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WTF!!! They have beaten many women with lathis saying 'aab maza chakho'...police didn't even spare a 60 year old lady and beat her infront of camera....would you guys still justify the police action???? Okay why the have imposed 144 at first place??? To stop a peaceful protest??? Shame on them!!!
Tell that to the Sikhs in 1984. What was it called? Operation blue star.

As always you don't know a $hit about what you are talking about .

Operation Bluestar was conducted against khalistani terrorists who took over sikh's most holy shrine .

OTOH , in tianmen massacre tanks were rolling over peacefull protests by student , workers .

Apples and oranges.....:wave:
This brutality is unacceptable:

True, the demonstrations prove it. Everyone is breaking the law but the argument is that it is a minor offense & done with "good" intentions & therefore the police must not take any action on the vandalism that happened. Exactly why we have lax policing everywhere. Want crimes to be controlled, want one's own "minor" offenses to be overlooked. While some of the protestors are genuine, there is a large lumpen element that is there only to riot. Pretty sure that all the usual molesters & eve teasers have joined up there. Easy pickings. Most protestors seem to have no idea of what they want except that they are angry. While anger helps, misdirected anger is such a waste.

Tragic, tragic time, especially when I have a terrible feeling that the poor girl who was the unfortunate victim is starting to sink. Feel very sad.

The bold part , i have to disagree with it. Most protestors were peaceful but they were helpless in front of the hooliganish elements and the over-aggressive police.
WTF!!! They have beaten many women with lathis saying 'aab maza chakho'...police didn't even spared a 60 year old lady and beat her infront of camera....would you guys still justify the police action???? Okay why the have put 144 at first place??? To stop a peaceful protest??? Shame on them!!!

ThinkTank ka ristedar constable is in critical situation, this is why his gaand is burning!

ThinkTank knows it very well that it is a ploy by the authority to demoralize the protesters and crack down on the spirit of the spontaneous protests. This is how the authority divides the protesters by saying "some were lumpen elements" and then conquer it. I am quite aware of this strategy, I myself often do it. But I know he knows it, now he should know, I know it.

Ullu da pattha samajhke rakhkha hain sab ko!
Cant believe some Indians are justifying police action.

Mark my words...India is going to the dogs.

I am trying to figure it out how much under the table money Times of India has received from the Govt to spread propaganda.
World entered in Golden age.... This is the start of evil people getting kicked out of Power.... We are watching a tiny part of it.... Congress is biggest communist party in world.... Roman Sonia gandhi will die by disease and so will their party members.... When they beaten innocent kids and womens in ramlila maidan previously it was clear that congress is a pure evil party.... Mark my words.... Congress has done many bomb blast in india, looted india, killed million by hunger.... Congress will dissapear soon by disease and tragedy and so do their supporters.... Golden age a age of truth, peace and love....
Indeed he is. He cannot see the love you have in your dick for the indian girls who simply seek enjoyment from the rapes! I hear that you guys love to do it to your mothers too.

But you have so did he. No doubt we have love for our mother and to everyone's mother, but you "pig$" have different meaning for Love so you don't let spare any of them including yours :lol:
A nice article

The ‘aam admi’ is back!!!!!

Just when organized polity was beginning to breathe freely after the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) failed to live up to its hype, the weekend brought an unpleasant surprise. The Capital’s equivalent of Tahrir Square, the Boat Club, came alive with people protesting the brutal gang-rape of a girl in New Delhi last week.

The protest and the ham-handed response (after the initial cold shoulder) of the establishment send out several key messages about India’s rapidly altering polity; central, of course, is the reiteration of the fact that this is the end of status quo. A new beginning is under way. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that this new dawn, inspired by people power, will be any better than what we have at the moment. Organized politicians had begun to believe that with the AAP failing to sparkle, it was a return to business as usual. Now, they know how wrong they were.

First, the protesters at Boat Club were overwhelmingly young—reflecting India’s demography where about 65% of a 1.2 billion population is estimated to be less than 35 years of age; nearly half are actually less than 25 years old (born around 1980, the year when India started unshackling three decades of a command and control economy.).

Many of these people have mostly known only good times and, hence, have not just aspirations but a sense of entitlement. The gathering at Boat Club appeared spontaneous, no doubt made easier through social media. It was also an angry and uncompromising crowd that, despite the lack of visible leadership, withstood a barrage of water cannons, caning, tear gas and whatever the police threw at them. They simply refused to fade away.

Their anger is understandable. The protest against the brutal assault is only a metaphor of their general dissatisfaction. And they have reason to be dissatisfied. The new India promises much but delivers little. There are no jobs to absorb the 12 million joining the workforce every year; the educational infrastructure is woefully inadequate and its quality is abysmal, making it almost impossible to acquire requisite skills; and the system seems unable to guarantee the safety of the young from thugs and goons.

By Saturday afternoon, before the government’s disproportionate reaction on Sunday, the spontaneous protest, on a legitimate issue, started drawing the support of the general public. Anecdotally, colleagues and friends reported how their relatives and acquaintances, otherwise apolitical, drifted to India Gate to lend their moral support to the young people gathered there.

Second, the response of the establishment reveals how out of sync it is with the new reality. Initially, the government simply ignored the protest, being relayed real time on television to the entire country—not one representative of the state turned up to either hear the grouse of the protesters or try and initiate a dialogue. When they did, late in the evening, it came across as too little, too late. Worse, there is no indication of the ruling class recognizing that the problem is systemic.

In a country where female foeticide is still rampant (it is a lucrative business model for those who facilitate it), the male-female sex ratio, unlike the worldwide norm, is skewed against women, and popular culture that is steeped in patriarchy, violence against women, such as last week’s gang-rape, shouldn’t surprise anyone. The judicial process offers no relief to the victim. Cases simply drag on, and often those entrusted to work with the victim become their worst enemies.

Talking of fast-track courts is ironical. Courts were created to mete out swift justice, but they have evolved into institutions that move at glacial pace. By talking of fast-track courts, the establishment is signalling that the rest of the mess is here to stay. After all, how many fast-track courts will the establishment create?

Third, Sonia Gandhi, president of the Congress party, showed why she is the only one gifted with any political instinct in the United Progressive Alliance. It was Gandhi who sought to reach out to the protesting youth late in the evening after the government failed to react and some senior functionaries exhibited their helplessness on television. The protesting youth were simply articulating their anger against what they believe is an unjust system. The solution was not the show of an iron hand, but a dialogue with someone from the establishment, preferably someone who can command trust. The response seeking to muzzle the protestors and squash the protest has only reinforced their sense of persecution.

Finally, the revival of spontaneous protest from the so-called aam admi shows that the phenomenon is far from over. Besides signalling the fact that status quo has to go, it also brings home the fact that there is a huge vacuum in Indian politics waiting to be seized. Organized polity needs to think out of the box if it wishes to tap into this; freebies and populism, the currency in vogue, will increasingly find fewer takers. The polity has to ride the wave. Alternatively, like Jayaprakash Narayan and Mahatma Gandhi before him did, someone is certain to tap into the angst and the aspiration of the young to stoke social and political change.

The ‘aam admi’ is back - Livemint
lolz MR. PUTIN is coming tomorrow in the capital!!!! Bhaag jayega yaha ka bawaal dekh ke!!!
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