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New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

Good the bollywood is back to the normal self in leading the voices of justice after vanishing conveniently last month - bunch of f***ing hypocrites talking about 66A today.

bollywood is part of the problem for diminising social and human value. Its not part of the solution.
The good thing is that "WE HAVE LEARNED TO GET OUT, ORGANISE AND BE HEARD". Thanks to Anna Hazare.
No female police constables!

Still some will support the police brutalization of innocent people including women and children. These sadistic animals are the potential future rapists and they need to be identified.

In darindo ko maza aata hain apne maako maar khate hue dekhne me. They take pleasure in watching their mothers and sisters being brutalized by men.

Pity on those mothers who gave birth to these animals. These animals who support such brutal action by police should have been killed during delivery time.
Indian govt and establishment exercising "democracy" ?

And look at this which supports such brutalization. It did not question why there were no female cops for women protesters.

Why not? The protesters turned violent and some protesters tried to enter highly-restricted zones. Any poloce force in the world would have acted in exactly the same manner sir. Can you see the US letting protesters enter into the grounds of the Capital building or White house???

No doubt most of these protesters had good intentions but rioting and vandalising is not the way to put your point across and there is no doubt that a small minority of the protesters were good, old fashioned hooligans/anarchists out looking to wreck havoc and destroy.

Peaceful protest is protected in India violence is not. Policemen have been seriously hurt in the protests and some thugs resorted to throwing stones at the police.
The protests are so artificial and frankly disturbing. There is always a place for peaceful protests..but stone pelting, burning cars ? NEVER justified for whatever cause.

I did not bath today. Thanks for the shower.
The protests are so artificial and frankly disturbing. There is always a place for peaceful protests..but stone pelting, burning cars ? NEVER justified for whatever cause.

I did not bath today. Thanks for the shower.

Oh Really!
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