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New Chinese stealth fighter heightens dilemma for Indian Navy

No China, No Modern Weapons, No Modern World! :tup:

Hardly. Russia and West built modern weapons long before your economy took off.

We don't mind you making anything as long as you're friendly to us.
J31 is the copy of F35. This fighter jet was designed based on the leaks which were intentionally allowed by US and western countries so that they can shoot this plane when developed.

The same logic applies to the Drone hijacked by Iran, F117 shot down incident and Stealth helicopter piece which was downed accidentally.

US and West have their own way of infiltrating into the weapons development of China.

Just in case there is a war, India knows where to go to out smart this copy.
don't forget about the Chinese GPS. When Europe did their Galileo, they excluded China because they believed China brought nothing to the table.

Then China launches and beat the Europeans at their own game. Started 2 years late, and still beat the Europeans.

If you Indian dudes were intellectually honest, you'd acknowledge the fact that China has consistently outperformed expectations,while India has done just the opposite.

Then again, I fully expect that my telling of the truth will be met with indignant cries and insults from the unwashed masses.

To which I say, do your best.

Not very True.

Just 6 years before we were a billion $ economy.

Today we are on the verge of touching the mark of 2 trillion $.

ON TOPIC> J 31 is at l;east 5 to 6 years away from getting into service.

Hope IN takes right decision during this time.
Well its funny how you did rofl on something you don't know a$$ about it. There was a large group of delegation from the company you mentioned and its R&D head was from Peking University. They gave the high speed data and mobile project for the train running at 300 km/hr and they gave similar projects to not one but 4-5 universities in UK. And when I said I did the job "alone". Stupid Chinese IQ may be? I was in a group of 15 people including phd students 3 professors and few research associates and since you don't know about patents I tell you that YES you can patent the technologies which can be used for high speed train applications. It involves protocols, new signal processing algorithms and antennas etc. Since I got the extra money apart from my scholarship from this project so I don't need your approval for it. Everyone knows this is how Chinese companies get their patents. Rest the copying work they patent from their country's photocopy shop aka Chinese patent office. So live with the fact that Chinese still have a lot of catch up to with west and yes sorry EU patent office didn't accept your work as Chinese science is valid inside great wall of China only. :rofl:

lie, lie ans more lies... what's wrong with you Indians?

telecom patents are notoriously rigurous, dno't think with your third class retarded algorithm and protocol that every jack would probably know about you can be granted a patent. You are dreaming!

it is very time consuming...how long you waited for it? 7 years? 15? :rofl: by the time you get it, i'd be retired.

it is very expensive, how much you paid for it? 10,000 rupee? you even can afford to pay your school for christ :rofl:

Patents have very limited and specific scope... where you patented it? for which market? lasting for how long?

registering is not patenting, else ANY tech uni project in the world, like yours, can be patented cuz most of tech projects have their own algorithms and/or corresponding unique protocols/methods, etc. what's special about those? You can't patent those you du**crap. it is a telecom application! non-patentable! how many times i need to tell you? :rofl:

Patenting is an extreme time-comsuming process, and very expensive, cuz they have to check worldwide database with specialised patent lawyers, etc.

And all patents are traceable step by step on database. what's your number? patent number and registern number? what's its then and current statues?

etc etc...

The fact is that you have no clue on all above according to your lies, yet you keep bragging back with lies!

so you "patented it and sold it to Huawei"? :rofl: even lies of your Indians are such low IQ. Don't attempt to make a comeback. I am done with liars like you.

BTW, on paper I am Dutch, and Belgian. The high-flying lawyer I mentioned is a relative of my ex. His law firm is walking distance from the EU HQ. He'd be ROFL if he read your fantacy.
lie, lie ans more lies... what's wrong with you Indians?

telecom patents are notoriously rigurous, dno't think with your third class retarded algorithm and protocol that every jack would probably know about you can be granted a patent. You are dreaming!

it is very time consuming...how long you waited for it? 7 years? 15? :rofl: by the time you get it, i'd be retired.

it is very expensive, how much you paid for it? 10,000 rupee? you even can afford to pay your school for christ :rofl:

Patents have very limited and specific scope... where you patented it? for which market? lasting for how long?

registering is not patenting, else ANY tech uni project in the world, like yours, can be patented cuz most of tech projects have their own algorithms and/or corresponding unique protocols/methods, etc. what's special about those? You can't patent those you du**crap. it is a telecom application! non-patentable! how many times i need to tell you? :rofl:

Patenting is an extreme time-comsuming process, and very expensive, cuz they have to check worldwide database with specialised patent lawyers, etc.

And all patents are traceable step by step on database. what's your number? patent number and registern number? what's its then and current statues?

etc etc...

The fact is that you have no clue on all above according to your lies, yet you keep bragging back with lies!

so you "patented it and sold it to Huawei"? :rofl: even lies of your Indians are such low IQ. Don't attempt to make a comeback. I am done with liars like you.

BTW, on paper I am Dutch, and Belgian. The high-flying lawyer I mentioned is a relative of my ex. His law firm is walking distance from the EU HQ. He'd be ROFL if he read your fantacy.

Ohh you are back again. First of all happy Diwali. I know you are still sour that patent office did not even register your chinese science patent. Ok let me explain it pointwise and I hope you could understand.

1. I can see you know noting about telecom as you are mentioning that telecom patent is very difficult and time consuming. I did my PhD in antennas and I have UK patent for my PhD work which related to metamaterial based antenna which we proposed for 3G/4G mobile hand sets. Now use your Chinese science and tell me is it telecom product or not?

2. I start to laugh when you said you invented the thing and you yourself went to a lawyer to patent it. Seems like you been working for a 4th class company or a clerk in a that company who takes the files to the offices. How we do it in our organisation is to give a presentation to our spin off/ commercialisation office which consist of specialist in spin offs, patents and intellectual copy rights and if they find product deemed to be commercialised/patented,they go ahead.

3. It took nearly £70K from our project fund money and other costs was handled by our spin off/ commercialisation office and 4 years to get it patented. Every year you have to pay increased fees until they publish the patent. It is now published and available online.

4. Now you want to give my name and details of my patent on this forum and in process give my personal details ?? Sorry mate can't do it.

5. As far as Huawei is concern, What they needed is the finished project goals and initial patent filing and they manage the process after this. So we did. So it is the fact that most of the Chinese companies buy their patents by claiming others work as theirs. They pay money for it but all the research is done outside China.

I think it is not suitable to derail this thread with patent discussions any further. We can discuss this in a new thread. I am done here to explain you.
Well by 2015 , India will be coming up with its own stealth design ..
It would be great if we can come with 2 prototypes of real stealth fighter, not fake by 2025 . Just making a stealth design with cuts of a fifth generation fighter is not worthy while . We have PAKFA being designed for us . We can induct them in extra numbers until we get AMCA .
lol``indians````why not to say 2014 or 2016 four month?

I don't know why every one is getting so worked up.

LCA has taken much more than it should have the world laughs at us we very much deserve it....no sympathy there.It the failure of our system and why the chineese could do is their system worked better.Now the each system as it is ment to be has certain pros or cons and as long as one can get along with it it is fine.

Well evolution is full of new devlopment and improvement to the existing systems....China making a new naval varriant I don't know how does it makes our fighters redundant.I dont understand this concept.China always had a bigger army ,airforce,navy than us add the missiles to that and we are floored.So what difference does addition of a new fighter makes to the equation.

We have to make all efforts to ensure tha our defence is taken care of and no one can take us for granted and it will not be a cake walk for any one.Thats all we can do.....The post trail here is ment to make us feel helpless and worthless in front of a imaginary enemy.It is just to hit our self esteem and make us feel low and down.We have a history of thousands of years and we are a growing economy who will have or place under the sun sooner than later.Its a global place we goofup people will laugh we should lick our wounds an get back to business wiser and not try to justify our position to some one who doesn't have any stake.
you mean the indians style``delay, wait for foreign parts, delay and more foreign parts work?

No chinese style ....copy and steals & copy and steal ..........still fail
No chinese style ....copy and steals & copy and steal ..........still fail

sorry i didnt specify that between 'delay' and 'waiting for foreign parts' there is a part of 'trying to copy and failed'```just like the example that your primitive country cant even make a AK copy, so your army now is looking for foreign rifles to replace the crapy INSAS
sorry i didnt specify that between 'delay' and 'waiting for foreign parts' there is a part of 'trying to copy and failed'```just like the example that your primitive country cant even make a AK copy, so your army now is looking for foreign rifles to replace the crapy INSAS

sorry i also didn't specify that between copyand steal there is a part of 'trying to build and fail'just like the example that your primitive country cant even make a decent aircraft engine, so your AF has to suck up to Russia everytime because of your crappy engines. ..........:wave:

sorry i didnt specify that between 'delay' and 'waiting for foreign parts' there is a part of 'trying to copy and failed'```just like the example that your primitive country cant even make a AK copy, so your army now is looking for foreign rifles to replace the crapy INSAS

sorry i also didn't specify that between copyand steal there is a part of 'trying to build and fail'just like the example that your primitive country cant even make a decent aircraft engine, so your AF has to suck up to Russia everytime because of your crappy engines. ..........:wave:
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