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New Bomb For Iran-The mob (usa bomb)

naturally iran will order hamas and hezbollah to retaliate, so we're looking at least 2,000+ arabs killed in lebanon and gaza at a minimum...
if you would know a minimum about them
you would know that Hezbollah is not obeing at all to Iran now (it was not in the past but it changed a lot now). hezbollah is much organized and welcomes help but doens't accept any order from Iran.
You should read a little bit about hezbollah before making such statement
lol that makes no sense
There are 54 locations in Iran that have to be bombed (minimum). They're all over the place. There have to be 10 different groups of jets which makes them vulnerable and each have to get back at different time.
Plus, if the US wanted to get involved they would just do it themselves and they don't want to get into a fight in the next couple of years. You don't have the refueling capacity and the US doesn't want a war.
Also I'm no military expert but aren't those C-130s easy to shoot down!?
You asserted that Israel cannot attack Iranian nuclear processing facilities due to X, Y and Z reasons. Am offering the readers a speculation that you did not consider, namely, a very feasible method of delivering a powerful bomb. How Israel will get that method in/out of Iran neither you nor I can know for certain. That is why we want to have creative, or 'out of the box', thinkers in the military. Entebbe, Osirak and Syria were just few military operations that no one really expected Israel to pull off. But they did. In war, you rarely have a second chance after you underestimated your enemy.
You asserted that Israel cannot attack Iranian nuclear processing facilities due to X, Y and Z reasons. Am offering the readers a speculation that you did not consider, namely, a very feasible method of delivering a powerful bomb. How Israel will get that method in/out of Iran neither you nor I can know for certain. That is why we want to have creative, or 'out of the box', thinkers in the military. Entebbe, Osirak and Syria were just few military operations that no one really expected Israel to pull off. But they did. In war, you rarely have a second chance after you underestimated your enemy.

Israel has absolutely NO WAY OF HITTING IRAN W/OUT US's complete involvement. This isn't about underestimating.
ooohh!!, this is one special thread, a couple of israelis, turks, indians, pakistanis, palestinians and iranians fighting a war here lol.. never saw such a diversity in any thread before..

And let's not forget an Indian who now resides in Pakistan (holding a Pakistan citizenship) called "U-571". :woot:
how accurate is the rumor that iran is moving scuds to Lebanon and potentially armed with chemical war heads? and how accurate is it that rumors say Iran will attack israel first?
Israel doesn't bark.

Israel will attack Iran if the international community cannot deliver decent sanctions.

The only question is, how many bombs isn't going to take and how many Iranians are going to die?

naturally iran will order hamas and hezbollah to retaliate, so we're looking at least 2,000+ arabs killed in lebanon and gaza at a minimum...

I am absolutely astonished by the ease you discuss the deaths of thousands of arabs. That must confirm how you look down on them as if they were inferior to "god's chosen ones".

But I have a feeling that any war between Iran and Israel, would quickly become a regional one this time as people are fed up. And I imagine that any involvement by the pro-west arab countries against iran, literally meaning siding with Israel, would be their downfall. This means they are check mate. Leaving Israel and US/West on one side and Iran and their allies on the other side.
Problem though, is that the US is busy fighting three wars now and the western economy is on the brink of collapse. Furthermore, I think that Hamas and Hezbollah alone, would give Israel quite a head ache, combine that with Iranian and Syrian involvement and jihadis from everywhere and things suddenly get more interesting.
I really, really hope that IF Israel attacks Iran, that my country leaves Israel on its own. The question is, if this is the US position, would Iran attack US interests directly (like Hezbollah truck bombing US embassies in the ME) anyway, EVEN IF the USA condemns Israel and does not help them? My fear is that Iran would provoke the US into retaliating even if the Obama Administration tries to stay out of it. The Obama Administration could not sit on its hands if one of our embassies is bombed and there are Iranian fingerprints on the deed.
I really, really hope that IF Israel attacks Iran, that my country leaves Israel on its own. The question is, if this is the US position, would Iran attack US interests directly (like Hezbollah truck bombing US embassies in the ME) anyway, EVEN IF the USA condemns Israel and does not help them? My fear is that Iran would provoke the US into retaliating even if the Obama Administration tries to stay out of it. The Obama Administration could not sit on its hands if one of our embassies is bombed and there are Iranian fingerprints on the deed.
When Hamas see USA not letting the world help the Palestinians by veto power i dont see why USA expect Hamas to be polite with them. If USA helps them get justice there is no reason Hamas attacking USA embassy in ME.
When Hamas see USA not letting the world help the Palestinians by veto power i dont see why USA expect Hamas to be polite with them. If USA helps them get justice there is no reason Hamas attacking USA embassy in ME.

Well, yes. But that's a different issue than what would Iran do to the USA if Israel attacks Iran but the USA condemns the Israeli attack and does not help Israel carry it out. The USA wants a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians. Hamas wants only a one state solution and kills people, even other Palestinians, who do not agree with them. But that discussion is "off topic" for this thread.
Well, yes. But that's a different issue than what would Iran do to the USA if Israel attacks Iran but the USA condemns the Israeli attack and does not help Israel carry it out. The USA wants a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians. Hamas wants only a one state solution and kills people, even other Palestinians, who do not agree with them. But that discussion is "off topic" for this thread.

Hamas rules also the politics there.
But theres amny palistinians that get paid or works for israel.
For spy and other works.
These are traitors.
But on the other side they dont have much choice.
They are forced to work for israel.
Otherwise no food.
So basiclly Tel Aviv needs to be bombed soon..
Very soon..
Well, yes. But that's a different issue than what would Iran do to the USA if Israel attacks Iran but the USA condemns the Israeli attack and does not help Israel carry it out. The USA wants a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians. Hamas wants only a one state solution and kills people, even other Palestinians, who do not agree with them. But that discussion is "off topic" for this thread.

Actually that's not entirely true. It's complicated.

Hamas is willing to accept a Palestinian state within 1967 borders IF Israel recognizes the Palestinian state and recognize their responsibility for the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe).
So Hamas is actually willing to accept a two state solution, but in their position they have to have Israel recognizing Palestine before anything else, as the other way around would basically eliminate both Hamas' foundation and support. Hamas say they don't need to recognize Israel as a jewish state as it is not, and that recognizing Israel is something the PLO already did, and hence they don't see why they should do it.
Hamas staged a coup against a coup which Fatah with the help of the US and Israel were about to launch to take away the power, from Hamas, won in the elections. Of course vendettas and personal revenge were practiced from certain individual elements in Hamas ,but was not condoned from the party per se.
And it's not about bombs. It's about jets.

israel has the largest fleet of F16s outside of the United States.

trust me, israel has been playing a bombing of iran for over a decade.

they have the technology ready and waiting. they'll find away.

I am absolutely astonished by the ease you discuss the deaths of thousands of arabs. That must confirm how you look down on them as if they were inferior to "god's chosen ones".

wrong. At a minumum 2,000+ arabs will die in lebanon and gaza in the event that iran orders its proxies to attack israel.

you really don't get to complain about casualties when your leadership deliberately embeds themselves among civilians to inflate casualties and deter attack.

if israel saw the arabs as inferior, it wouldn't spend months picking and choosing targets that will incur the least amount of collateral damage. warning hezbollah/hamas before attack, dropping leaflets, phoning homes, and then building hospitals for wounded enemy civilians.

tell me, when hamas and hezbollah rocket israel did they phone the homes of civilians warning them of attack?

But I have a feeling that any war between Iran and Israel, would quickly become a regional one this time as people are fed up. And I imagine that any involvement by the pro-west arab countries against iran, literally meaning siding with Israel, would be their downfall. This means they are check mate. Leaving Israel and US/West on one side and Iran and their allies on the other side.

who are iran's allies? syria? what is their military reach? hezbollah?

up against israel and usa, iran doesn't stand a chance.

i think iran would make sure to keep its war with israel and israel only. if it were to turn against america targets in iraq or hit american navy in the gulf, iran would be finished and the US people would support it.

the mullahs are crazy but not stupid.

Problem though, is that the US is busy fighting three wars now and the western economy is on the brink of collapse. Furthermore, I think that Hamas and Hezbollah alone, would give Israel quite a head ache, combine that with Iranian and Syrian involvement and jihadis from everywhere and things suddenly get more interesting.

what? brink of collaspe? you clearly know nothing about US economy. it's the powerful on the face of the earth.

it's annual economic output is greater than all 50 muslim states combined.

hamas and hezbollah gives everyone a headache, but a couple thousands JDAMs and the headache goes away, real fast.

or did you forget about 2006 when lebanon lost...what, 2,500KIA? against 150 israelis?

and israel wasn't even aiming for lebanon then. it targeted shia areas exclusively.

i think a war against lebanon would be unfair. lebanese people by a wide margin support hezbollah less than the general muslim world.

it would be far more appropriate to simply take the war to syria since they are the puppet masters anyway.

So Hamas is actually willing to accept a two state solution, but in their position they have to have Israel recognizing Palestine before anything else, as the other way around would basically eliminate both Hamas' foundation and support. Hamas say they don't need to recognize Israel as a jewish state as it is not, and that recognizing Israel is something the PLO already did, and hence they don't see why they should do it.
Hamas staged a coup against a coup which Fatah with the help of the US and Israel were about to launch to take away the power, from Hamas, won in the elections. Of course vendettas and personal revenge were practiced from certain individual elements in Hamas ,but was not condoned from the party per se.

barking away yet again
how many times do I have to tell you? You don't have the military strength to attack Iran and I'm not just talking about the air force.

Israel's only hope is to send a suicide plane and hope that the Iranians attack the Americans in retaliation. Your only hope is to get the yanks involved.
you really don't get to complain about casualties when your leadership deliberately embeds themselves among civilians to inflate casualties and deter attack.

dude come on that's utter BS, and you know it... Hasbara at its best. First of all you bring war to out cities where do you expect people to fight you then? second, have you heard about guerrilla warfare? you expect someone who is hopelessly outnumbered and out gunned to meet you on an open battlefield?

if israel saw the arabs as inferior, it wouldn't spend months picking and choosing targets that will incur the least amount of collateral damage. warning hezbollah/hamas before attack, dropping leaflets, phoning homes, and then building hospitals for wounded enemy civilians.

Well, the idea is great, but we saw how useless it was in Gaza and Lebanon where the civilian casualties reached some 80%
Especially Gaza, were people had no where to go as there was bombing everywhere and hence we saw people who fled their home only to be bombed again somewhere else

tell me, when hamas and hezbollah rocket israel did they phone the homes of civilians warning them of attack?

Hamas and Hezbollah are already labeled as terrorists, why do you suddenly expect much from them? not to talk about they are not a state that has to abide by international law, and certainly do not hold the technological capabilities to do such a thing.

The israeli society can't really be defined as civilians though as the greater majority are either active or army reserves.

who are iran's allies? syria? what is their military reach? hezbollah?

Militarily Syria and various groupings under direct and indirect control. Don't underestimate them, you barely managed to hold ground against one of these groups.

i think iran would make sure to keep its war with israel and israel only. if it were to turn against america targets in iraq or hit american navy in the gulf, iran would be finished and the US people would support it.

Absolutely correct. But in case the americans chose to play ball things would be different. The americans would play this game discrete as anything else is only counterproductive for it and its middle eastern allies.

the mullahs are crazy but not stupid.

what? brink of collaspe? you clearly know nothing about US economy. it's the powerful on the face of the earth.

hehe, excuse me sir, I am a business and economics major, so at least I must know something or my 5 years in university was a waste of time. Second, have you been sleeping? you do know that the world is facing the worst recession ever right? and that the US banking system was days from collapse? and that days ago Greece along other European countries were less than 10 days from complete bankruptcy and that we still might experience the collapse of either the Dollar or Euro. You do know that the US owes more money than it is worth? They currently in total owe roughly $37 Trillion!! rising to $78.8 trillion when you include the social security and Medicaid future obligations! The annual GDP of the US is roughly $14 trillion.
I am not going into macroeconomic calculations, but if you understand economy you would know that it looks rather grim!
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

it's annual economic output is greater than all 50 muslim states combined.

Yes? muslim countries suck and your point is?

hamas and hezbollah gives everyone a headache, but a couple thousands JDAMs and the headache goes away, real fast.

I think Israel gives more headache than the two combined, so we might try your solution then.

Do you honestly believe be removing Hamas and Hezbollah everything would be all swell? the root of the problem is Israel. Both of these groups emerged as a direct consequence of the Israeli occupation, you would know that if you read a bit more about it. As long as Israel is the way it is, more of these groups would pop up.

or did you forget about 2006 when lebanon lost...what, 2,500KIA? against 150 israelis?

Actually it was a stalemate, but since you guys had objectives which none were ever reached, and you had way more soldiers and equipment on the ground with complete air and sea superiority
I would say that you guys lost. For each militant on the ground you had 5-10 soldiers backed up with armor and jets.
The casualties:
The lebanese casualties were as follows;
1,191 Lebanese civilians
53 Foreign civilians
5 UN employees
250 (Hezbollah est.) 500 Hezbollah (UN officials' est.) mean 375
Amal militia: 17 dead
LCP militia: 12 dead
PFLP-GC militia: 2 dead
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp: ~6-9
Lebanese Army: 28 dead
total 1691
76% civilians
24% militants

Israeli casualties:
121 soldiers
44 Israeli civilians
total 165
36% civilians
64% army

and israel wasn't even aiming for lebanon then. it targeted shia areas exclusively.

not true, as far north as Nahr el Bared refugee camp and Tripoli were hit. Saida/Sidon and bridges in Jouneh and the damascus freeway were hit. So it wasn't shia areas exclusively

i think a war against lebanon would be unfair. lebanese people by a wide margin support hezbollah less than the general muslim world.

Hezbollah and their allies, with their voters comprise roughly half of the Lebanese people.

it would be far more appropriate to simply take the war to syria since they are the puppet masters anyway.

I am not a big fan of the Syrian leadership so do that if you want, but realistically it is not a walk in the park I do think they have their preparations.
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The israeli society can't really be defined as civilians though as the greater majority are either active or army reserves.
That is a double-edged sword argument. If you casually broaden the scope of who is a legal combatant, the other side can do the same. That is what Osama bin Laden did when issued a fatwa that declared that by virtue of being an American citizen, all Americans are to be considered legal combatants under Islamic laws. Whether you agree with him or not is besides the point, which is that if the legal combatant definition is casually enlarged as you have done, some will disagree and some will agree. Those who agree will end up doing things like 9/11.

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