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New Bomb For Iran-The mob (usa bomb)

Am I even from America? Ohh wait, I think I get where you're getting your point you think every American citizen here in the U.S has to be Pro-Israel I see, well there goes my first amendment rights of freedom of speech. Any country has the right to defend themselves, Israel has one of the most sophisticated armed forces in the world (Thank my country for that :D), but when you have more than 400 Nuclear Warheads, and we have sources stating that you even have Hydrogen Bombs, with ranges to can go over half the globe. Isn't your enemy next door? Yet you have weapons that can F**k the world over 10X over..

Jews invented nuclear weapons? Are you talking about Einstein or Szilard? Because I thought Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, Albert Einstein, Rutherford are mostly generic answers when asked who invented the A-Bomb, when it was actually called the Manhattan Project here in the U.S. But frankly they were many Physicists taking part on this project are they all Jewish from what I've read no, your Ignorance knows no bounds so STFU..

-Yes, I'm an American I live in Southern California in the city, of Los Angeles. I'm white, drink, smoke, and have sex all day. Am I American for you?
I have seen that bomb before. They are trying to get B-2s to use it.

Israel won't be able to fly that bomb on any platform.
I think a confrontation with Iran will be devastating. But without it, all the Arab states will go nuclear. Israel will lose its military edge which has forced the Arab states to surrender conventionally.

If all countries in the ME are nuclear...a confrontation is inevitable.

And while most of the arab world and Iranian states could tolerate a few million dead..you drop a nuke on Tel Aviv and Israel is finished.

think about it. If Iran goes nuclear, and the Arab states follow - how long before a war breaks out?

the middle east wouldn't survive a century.

this is why the arab world, especially saudi arabia, has secretly met with the israeli military and will probably let the IAF use their airspace to hit iran if obama doesn't let them go over iraq.

For the sake of oil, Iran will have to be stopped.

The US can always bring them under its nuclear umbrella. Israel however will probably have to deal with terrorism/nuclear blackmail on an unimaginable scale.
I didn't like Benazir Bhutto but the one good thing she did was to use all of Pakistan's resources to fast track Pakistan's nuclear program. This was a great thing she did. Nuclear bombs have ensured the survival of Pakistan.

Benazir Bhutto said something to this effect:

"If we have to eat grass we will, but we are going to build a nuclear bomb."


i think ur talking about zulfiqar ali bhutto....:undecided:
Yet again you side stepped my post.

So the K.S.A. funded Pakistan's nuclear program...they did not give us intellectual help. Only money.

My question is how are the Arabs going to go nuclear? Who is going to give them the technology and materials to go nuclear?

Considering they lack intelligence and technology to pump oil out of their ground, how feaseable is the idea that they can produce nuclear weapons?
dude forget oil, they can't even make a pasta making factory!
And lets say that in 2013 Iran announces a bomb and arabs decide to make one. It will literally take them decades to make it and that's if others try to help them.
For now the Saudis have much bigger issues.

"Oil Exports Represent over 98% of Saudi Shipments to USA"


without oil saudi arabia is royally fudged
do u guyz really think that Iran is stupid enough to just sit and wait for the bomb to be droped on their head???..:no:
..i think this is why they r trying to buy russian S-300 long range SAMs, probably to intercept bombs and bombers in mid air...
dude forget oil, they can't even make a pasta making factory!
And lets say that in 2013 Iran announces a bomb and arabs decide to make one. It will literally take them decades to make it and that's if others try to help them.
For now the Saudis have much bigger issues.

"Oil Exports Represent over 98% of Saudi Shipments to USA"


without oil saudi arabia is royally fudged

Yep their economy is based on oil so if oil prices drop their GDP goes down. Kinda sad that one export controls your whole country.
Yep their economy is based on oil so if oil prices drop their GDP goes down. Kinda sad that one export controls your whole country.

It's not just that, it's the fact they live far beyond their means!
For example right now I don't have to pay rent, don't have car payments and no other major bills to pay. What ever $ I make I save. But next year I'm going to university and I don't have any time for work!!! If I wanted I could spend all the $ I make now on clothes etc... but I know I will need it down the road. The arabs don't understand this very simple thing. The Saudis for example are spending smtg like 10 bill on the world's highest building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYYYYYYYYY???
Their people are absolute idiots! In any other country people would riot and take control but in arab countries nobody ever does anything. And it's not like all arabs are rich. A lot of them are poor.
Fox news, seriously? Learn how to educate yourself besides listening to the most biased Right Wing Conservative Media outlet in the world. Honestly though, what do you have to fear from Iran their military armed forces are from the 1970's. There is a Red Scare going that Iran is procuring Nuclear Weapons it will be awhile before they even achieve N-Bomb, also why isn't anyone talking about Israel Nuclear Weapons program you might as well have over 300-600 Nuclear Warheads, ranging from Intermediate to Intercontinental Ballistic Missile with MIRV capability, the Jericho III missile you have in your inventory has a range of over 7200 km, is your enemy in Europe? or possibly in Africa? I love how their is a double standard here, I'm not defending any country here. If you want to attack Iran go ahead but don't drag your Zionist Lobby into my government, having meetings that the U.S should take the first strike on the country Iran. There is no real solution to Iran Nuclear Program, as much pressure our government is putting on China and Russia, well China for the most part. Russia can be easily bought out because their economy has still not stabilized from the Cold War. China will never give into anymore Sanctions especially an attack on Iran, because their Interests would be in danger. That's why the U.S is asking the Saudi Arabia to offer Oil/Gas for a much less price than what Iran is giving them..

well, i think both of them are fed up with this presure and trying to counter attack.

Russia: sent or smuggled their S-300 to Iran, and sent a bomber patrol to near Japan (first time in the last 10 years) and Taiwan( first time in history).

China: helped Iran to build a missile factory that produce C704 ASMs, and said: let's talk about Palestine instead of Iran.

North Korea: sunk a Shouth Korean frigate, and then showing off their fusion technology.

Isn't all these signals clear enough
I think a confrontation with Iran will be devastating. But without it, all the Arab states will go nuclear. Israel will lose its military edge which has forced the Arab states to surrender conventionally.

If all countries in the ME are nuclear...a confrontation is inevitable.

And while most of the arab world and Iranian states could tolerate a few million dead..you drop a nuke on Tel Aviv and Israel is finished.

think about it. If Iran goes nuclear, and the Arab states follow - how long before a war breaks out?

the middle east wouldn't survive a century.

this is why the arab world, especially saudi arabia, has secretly met with the israeli military and will probably let the IAF use their airspace to hit iran if obama doesn't let them go over iraq.

For the sake of oil, Iran will have to be stopped.

It seems under Obama the US is simply looking to contain Iran once it goes nuclear. They'll go through the motions, sanctions and all, but Iran is a major oil exporter so there's only so much they can do and only for so long.

America can live with a nuclear Iran, Israel can't. My gut feeling is that Israel will try something, even if its only marginally successful, in the hopes of engaging Iran in a wider conflict with the states. Who knows if Iran will take the bait...

Interesting times we live in.
Yet again you side stepped my post.

So the K.S.A. funded Pakistan's nuclear program...they did not give us intellectual help. Only money.

My question is how are the Arabs going to go nuclear? Who is going to give them the technology and materials to go nuclear?

Considering they lack intelligence and technology to pump oil out of their ground, how feaseable is the idea that they can produce nuclear weapons?

Syria almost went nuclear. Iraq almost went nuclear.

Arab states have the technology and money to import nuclear weapons if they wanted them.

Why wouldn't they? If Iran can do it why wouldn't the Arab states??

I think your criticism of the arab states is inspired by racism at this point. Being Arab doesn't somehow make you less intelligent than others. Arab tribes have a **** tone of cash and could bankroll a nuclear bomb in a matter of months. Jordan and the UAE already have fuctioning nuclear power plants. Wouldn't take very long to import weapons-grade nuclear technology.

Jews invented nuclear weapons? Are you talking about Einstein or Szilard? Because I thought Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, Albert Einstein, Rutherford are mostly generic answers when asked who invented the A-Bomb, when it was actually called the Manhattan Project here in the U.S. But frankly they were many Physicists taking part on this project are they all Jewish from what I've read no, your Ignorance knows no bounds so STFU..

Yeah, Oppenheimer - the godfather of nuclear weapons...was a total Jew.
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Syria almost went nuclear. Iraq almost went nuclear.

Arab states have the technology and money to import nuclear weapons if they wanted them.

When did this happen?
Lol did they find WMDs in Iraq till now?
Pathetic liar

Why wouldn't they? If Iran can do it why wouldn't the Arab states??

When did Iran test its nukes?
On the other hand the is...i terrorist state has got nukes???

I think your criticism of the arab states is inspired by racism at this point. Being Arab doesn't somehow make you less intelligent than others. Arab tribes have a **** tone of cash and could bankroll a nuclear bomb in a matter of months. Jordan and the UAE already have fuctioning nuclear power plants. Wouldn't take very long to import weapons-grade nuclear technology.

Lol the countries who couldnt make a simple tank will make a A BOMB?
R u crazy or something?
Alot of countries have nuclear plants....how many have gone nuclear?

Yeah, Oppenheimer - the godfather of nuclear weapons...was a total Jew.

So a jew built a terror weapon?
Thats quite an achievement?
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Syria almost went nuclear. Iraq almost went nuclear.

Arab states have the technology and money to import nuclear weapons if they wanted them.

Why wouldn't they? If Iran can do it why wouldn't the Arab states??

I think your criticism of the arab states is inspired by racism at this point. Being Arab doesn't somehow make you less intelligent than others. Arab tribes have a **** tone of cash and could bankroll a nuclear bomb in a matter of months. Jordan and the UAE already have fuctioning nuclear power plants. Wouldn't take very long to import weapons-grade nuclear technology.

Yeah, Oppenheimer - the godfather of nuclear weapons...was a total Jew.

man you are dumb lol

1) UAE doesn't know **** all about nukes. Giving billions to the French and asking them to build smtg for you doesn't equal knowledge.

2) Jordan? Are you ******* serious?

3) Iraq was working on a plutonium plant. Saddam's entire nuclear program was summed up in Osirak! Plus he was no where near a nuclear weapon. For that you need to know how to make weapons and saddam couldn't even make a ballistic missile.
compare that to Iran.
There are 50 nuke related installations in Iran.

4) Syria? Syria's plant was being developed with the help of North Korean scientists and Iranian cash. Again it was all summed up in one location and there is no real evidence that it was related to a weapons program. Iran just wanted a friendly country with the know how of uranium enrichment. This way Iran could stop its enrichment and say to the west that we have stopped while at the same time import enriched uranium from Syria.

Syria and Iraq were more or less independent countries but Saudi Arabia and Egypt are ABSOLUTE American puppets with no real control over anything.
Syria almost went nuclear. Iraq almost went nuclear.

Arab states have the technology and money to import nuclear weapons if they wanted them.

Why wouldn't they? If Iran can do it why wouldn't the Arab states??

I think your criticism of the arab states is inspired by racism at this point. Being Arab doesn't somehow make you less intelligent than others. Arab tribes have a **** tone of cash and could bankroll a nuclear bomb in a matter of months. Jordan and the UAE already have fuctioning nuclear power plants. Wouldn't take very long to import weapons-grade nuclear technology.

Yeah, Oppenheimer - the godfather of nuclear weapons...was a total Jew.

having a functioning nuclear plant means jack s* if they imported it like jordan and UAE did. israel's dimona was built with the help of france too. what counts is being able to build one, and the countries that can independently do so can be counted with fingers.
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