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New Bomb For Iran-The mob (usa bomb)

Let me ask you something as a so-called Israeli
Do you honestly think that it is a wise thing to go and attack Iran?
Put emotions and feelings aside... seriously
it's not about being wise or un wise
they can't, simple as that
not enough jets
no refuiling capacity
no American will
All experts also agree that if Iran is attacked it will pull out of the npt and test a nuke w/in a year. What then Israel?
Let me ask you something as a so-called Israeli
Do you honestly think that it is a wise thing to go and attack Iran?
Put emotions and feelings aside... seriously

I think a confrontation with Iran will be devastating. But without it, all the Arab states will go nuclear. Israel will lose its military edge which has forced the Arab states to surrender conventionally.

If all countries in the ME are nuclear...a confrontation is inevitable.

And while most of the arab world and Iranian states could tolerate a few million dead..you drop a nuke on Tel Aviv and Israel is finished.

think about it. If Iran goes nuclear, and the Arab states follow - how long before a war breaks out?

the middle east wouldn't survive a century.

this is why the arab world, especially saudi arabia, has secretly met with the israeli military and will probably let the IAF use their airspace to hit iran if obama doesn't let them go over iraq.

For the sake of oil, Iran will have to be stopped.
I think a confrontation with Iran will be devastating. But without it, all the Arab states will go nuclear. Israel will lose its military edge which has forced the Arab states to surrender conventionally.

If all countries in the ME are nuclear...a confrontation is inevitable.

And while most of the arab world and Iranian states could tolerate a few million dead..you drop a nuke on Tel Aviv and Israel is finished.

think about it. If Iran goes nuclear, and the Arab states follow - how long before a war breaks out?

the middle east wouldn't survive a century.

this is why the arab world, especially saudi arabia, has secretly met with the israeli military and will probably let the IAF use their airspace to hit iran if obama doesn't let them go over iraq.

For the sake of oil, Iran will have to be stopped.

hey dumb dumb, come back back when Saudis and other arabs learn how to make a car. The entire GNP of 300+ million arabs is less than Nokia!
You Israelis aren't very good at fear mongering, give it up.

Or are you suggesting that Israel or USA is gonna give them nuclear weapons? LMAO
I doubt USA has the stomach to attack Iran Not because it can't.It certainly can but the problem is $$$$.US can't afford to go into recession again.War cost real dollars.
I think a confrontation with Iran will be devastating. But without it, all the Arab states will go nuclear. Israel will lose its military edge which has forced the Arab states to surrender conventionally.

If all countries in the ME are nuclear...a confrontation is inevitable.

And while most of the arab world and Iranian states could tolerate a few million dead..you drop a nuke on Tel Aviv and Israel is finished.

think about it. If Iran goes nuclear, and the Arab states follow - how long before a war breaks out?

the middle east wouldn't survive a century.

this is why the arab world, especially saudi arabia, has secretly met with the israeli military and will probably let the IAF use their airspace to hit iran if obama doesn't let them go over iraq.

For the sake of oil, Iran will have to be stopped.

:rofl::rofl: You are overestimating Arab intelligence.

They don't even know how to pump oil out of the ground the West has to do it.

You actually think they are going to figure out how to build a nuke. :rofl::rofl::rofl::azn:

Wow this jew has got some serious problem?
Hey NIMA.......Why dont u guys borrow a nuke from us and wipe the scum of the earth?
U guys be doing a service to human kind.
God Bless AQ Khan for makin a nuke for us.Ameen
I didn't like Benazir Bhutto but the one good thing she did was to use all of Pakistan's resources to fast track Pakistan's nuclear program. This was a great thing she did. Nuclear bombs have ensured the survival of Pakistan.

Benazir Bhutto said something to this effect:

"If we have to eat grass we will, but we are going to build a nuclear bomb."

Wow this jew has got some serious problem?
Hey NIMA.......Why dont u guys borrow a nuke from us and wipe the scum of the earth?
U guys be doing a service to human kind.
God Bless AQ Khan for makin a nuke for us.Ameen

lol I don't hate jews or Israel. I'm a soldier of Iran and that means I have to defend my country at all times even against people I don't hate.

If I could nuke anyone I would nuke arabs
arabs do more damage to Iran in a year than Israel in all its history.
lol I don't hate jews or Israel. I'm a soldier of Iran and that means I have to defend my country at all times even against people I don't hate.

If I could nuke anyone I would nuke arabs
arabs do more damage to Iran in a year than Israel in all its history.

Dude i dont hate the jews....I hate zionists,terrorists who threaten the whole region in which we live.
For Pakistan 1998 was the turning point when zoinist terrorist state sent its f-16 to strike our nuclear sites.
About this golani...he was a zoinist soldier...killer of babies and stuff.
He should be banned..hes spreading hate.......Funny thing is tht on isreal forum if u say tht taliban used weapons procured from isreal through USA.They ban u for the reason=Hate against the state of idrael..LOL
And here they and there kind of people from india are allowed to much freedom......go to there forum u will find imense hate towards Iran and Pakistan.
Fox news, seriously? Learn how to educate yourself besides listening to the most biased Right Wing Conservative Media outlet in the world. Honestly though, what do you have to fear from Iran their military armed forces are from the 1970's. There is a Red Scare going that Iran is procuring Nuclear Weapons it will be awhile before they even achieve N-Bomb, also why isn't anyone talking about Israel Nuclear Weapons program you might as well have over 300-600 Nuclear Warheads, ranging from Intermediate to Intercontinental Ballistic Missile with MIRV capability, the Jericho III missile you have in your inventory has a range of over 7200 km, is your enemy in Europe? or possibly in Africa? I love how their is a double standard here, I'm not defending any country here. If you want to attack Iran go ahead but don't drag your Zionist Lobby into my government, having meetings that the U.S should take the first strike on the country Iran. There is no real solution to Iran Nuclear Program, as much pressure our government is putting on China and Russia, well China for the most part. Russia can be easily bought out because their economy has still not stabilized from the Cold War. China will never give into anymore Sanctions especially an attack on Iran, because their Interests would be in danger. That's why the U.S is asking the Saudi Arabia to offer Oil/Gas for a much less price than what Iran is giving them..
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:rofl::rofl: You are overestimating Arab intelligence.

They don't even know how to pump oil out of the ground the West has to do it.

You actually think they are going to figure out how to build a nuke. :rofl::rofl::rofl::azn:


Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran - Times Online

You want to know which country funded Pakistan's nuclear program?


Arab states have a morbid fear of a nuclear Iran. They will go nuclear if Iran does. Egypt has been collecting nuclear material for decades. North Korea and Pakistan are more than willing to export their technology for the right price.

And if Iran goes nuclear...why shouldn't the Arab states?

arabs do more damage to Iran in a year than Israel in all its history.

Exactly. Iran hates Arabs. Arabs hate Iran. But they all hate Israel.

For the most part, Israel is irrelevant. nearly all wars in the middle east have been waged by muslims independent of israel.

the 8 year iran-iraq war killed 10x the number of people killed in 100 years of conflict between arabs and jews.

israel doesnt have the economy or willingness to wage pointless war against an arab state.

iran, on the other hand, won't hesitate to attack the arab tribes if they have a nuclear edge.

So when Israel hits Iran, the Arab states will ***** in the UN and the media. But in private, they will thank the Jews.
also why isn't anyone talking about Israel Nuclear Weapons program you might as well have over 300-600 Nuclear Warheads, ranging from Intermediate to Intercontinental Ballistic Missile with MIRV capability, the Jericho III missile you have in your inventory has a range of over 7200 km, is your enemy in Europe? or possibly in Africa?

Because Israel isn't a genocidal state bent on global domination? Oh, and it doesn't have any territorial ambitions for of any other state, and is not committed to the destruction of any other state.

Plus, Jews basically invented nuclear weapons. Considering Israel is slated for annihilating several times a decade, I say they have every right to have nukes. Who else is going to guarantee their security?

Can you not tell the difference between a progressive pro-american, pro-western country to a state that has killed more americans than all 23 arab states combined?

Are you even from America?
Yet again you side stepped my post.

So the K.S.A. funded Pakistan's nuclear program...they did not give us intellectual help. Only money.

My question is how are the Arabs going to go nuclear? Who is going to give them the technology and materials to go nuclear?

Considering they lack intelligence and technology to pump oil out of their ground, how feaseable is the idea that they can produce nuclear weapons?
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