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New Bomb For Iran-The mob (usa bomb)


First off, why the hate on Iran??? What bad stuff did Iran do to anybody in last 500 years??? What "evil" deeds have Iranians commit??? If the answer is nil, nothing, notta, zilch, nadda, then leave them alone.

Iran is in its rights to possess a CREDIBLE DETERRANT as it is being actively threatened.

Iranians threatening other nations is not acceptable, but it is the responsibility of the accuser to prove beyond reasonable doubt this is true. But equally important, those making the accusations must NOT be a threat to other people themselves. Let's stop the hypocracy folks!
GolaniB...bad intl..Egyptians have no material to build nukes they're under US surveillance eye and is pretty much puppet regime..

Pakistan will never give away nuclear weapons or nuclear technology to any country. Our nukes are primarily to defend our nation..a credible deterrent to keep india/israel and shadow nations at bay.
if israel doesn't have the economy to sustain long war or conflicts than stop building homes in occupied land of Palestine why are you wasting millions of dollars..why buy F-35..spend it on something productive...or better return it to Palastine those billions of dollars you caused in damage over the period of 42 years..
What we do know is Mohamed had no hand in the creation of nuclear weapons. when the Jews were developing the A bomb, the Persians were still living in caves and huts.

can you stop to show hatred behavior on this forum?
why you need insult any muslim and now persians?

wake up. hatred is not going to hemp neither your country or the Jews.
respect is an important word ;)
GolaniB...lol while Iran is one of top 10 oil producer with proven oil reserves you israel beg for oil and dependent on arab oil even though you get it indirectly while the marvelous structure and empire of Iran has survived for thousands of years jewish nation or more appropriate stolen land was living in mud houses and the last pride fell apart for which you are struggling for centuries and will never be able to get it i am sure you know what i am taking about.
well if iran is threatening stability in the mid east then israel is entitled to step in as a state in the mid east to deter iran. if the uno and usa refuses to do anything then what else can israel do. as to the question of iran being capable or not to deflect israel we can only find out after israel has taken their steps
FlickerSingh...same can be said and applied to israel, iran is entitled to step in as a state in the mideast and persian gulf to deter israel as clearly israel is threatening the stability of middle east for the past 50 years..
You want to know which country funded Pakistan's nuclear program?


No, they did not fund our nuclear program, we used the money mainly sent from US, the money that was supposed to go to the the Mujahideen.

Many countries contributed money for the Mujahideen cause, but we only gave used some amount and the rest went to our great covert Nuclear Program.

1980s: Much US and Saudi Aid Meant for Afghan Fighters Goes to ISI and A. Q. Khan Network
Much of the billions of dollars in aid from Saudi Arabia and the CIA to the Afghan mujaheddin actually gets siphoned off by the Pakistani ISI. Melvin Goodman, a CIA analyst in the 1980s, will later say, “They were funding the wrong groups, and had little idea where the money was going or how it was being spent.” Sarkis Soghanalian, a middleman profiting from the aid, will later say, “The US did not want to get its hands dirty. So the Saudis’ money and the US money was handled by the ISI. I can tell you that more than three quarters of the money was skimmed off the top. What went to buy weapons for the Afghan fighters was peanuts.” Sognhanalian claims that most of the money went through various accounts held at the notoriously corrupt BCCI bank, then was distributed to the ISI and the A. Q. Khan nuclear network. [TRENTO, 2005, PP. 318] Robert Crowley, a CIA associate director from the 1960s until the 1980s, will also refer to the aid money going to Khan’s network, commenting, “Unfortunately, the Pakistanis knew exactly where their cut of the money was to go.” An early 1990s congressional investigation led by Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) will also come to the same conclusion. [TRENTO, 2005, PP. 314, 384]
Entity Tags: Robert Crowley, Saudi Arabia, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, Central Intelligence Agency, Melvin A. Goodman, Pakistan Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, Sarkis Soghanalian

Aren't we cool
The US arms companies find themselves extremely lucky to have a Regime like Iran due to the fact that " There will be plenty in the pipeline for them in the form of US military contracts and not to mention there beloved rich Arab customers ". Russians will be extremely grateful as its the only country from which Iran will acquire major part of nuclear technology and expensive arms. Now how can you enjoy the party without Chinese.. "They would love to have regime like this in Iran as No ones going to offer China OIL and GAS as cheaper as Iran would " Now who thinks Iran is the only a major scum in this world.

The jews of Arabia are being blackmialed big time. No Iron dome-shome can save them especially when there will be little OIL left and the Arabs would finally wakeup from the deep slumber and that tiny little land called Israel would be outnumbered, maybe around 100 to 1 i guess :devil:... Untill then chill out people..:lazy:!
GolaniB...lol while Iran is one of top 10 oil producer with proven oil reserves you israel beg for oil and dependent on arab oil even though you get it indirectly while the marvelous structure and empire of Iran has survived for thousands of years jewish nation or more appropriate stolen land was living in mud houses and the last pride fell apart for which you are struggling for centuries and will never be able to get it i am sure you know what i am taking about.

Israel received most of its oil from Iran before the Islamists took over in the 1980s.

Iran was an historic ally of Israel, second only to the USA.

Even today Iran's military continues to use Uzis...LOL!



FlickerSingh...same can be said and applied to israel, iran is entitled to step in as a state in the mideast and persian gulf to deter israel as clearly israel is threatening the stability of middle east for the past 50 years..


israel is the only country that has guaranteed stability. it unites the arab world.

if anything, israel has saved the lives of muslims because the time they would use to fight each other was instead used to fight israel.

You have any idea how much these countries hate each other?!!!

Iran is the aggressor. It has declared war on Israel through proxy actors like Hezbollah and Hamas which are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Israelis. Iran has also killed 400+ Americans in Lebanon, as well as the bombings of several foreign embassies.

Iran is the not the victim here. It chooses to isolate itself and Israel has every right to take it out.

Why does Pakistan hate the Arab world so much?

If Pakistan can develop nukes so can the Arabs. All it takes is money. They can import the technology and engineers to do it.

wouldn't take very long.
Israel received most of its oil from Iran before the Islamists took over in the 1980s.

Iran was an historic ally of Israel, second only to the USA.

Even today Iran's military continues to use Uzis...LOL!

Imageshack - 2009irirannavyirirancoaxx0.jpg - Uploaded by hangpch1



israel is the only country that has guaranteed stability. it unites the arab world.

if anything, israel has saved the lives of muslims because the time they would use to fight each other was instead used to fight israel.

You have any idea how much these countries hate each other?!!!

Iran is the aggressor. It has declared war on Israel through proxy actors like Hezbollah and Hamas which are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Israelis. Iran has also killed 400+ Americans in Lebanon, as well as the bombings of several foreign embassies.

Iran is the not the victim here. It chooses to isolate itself and Israel has every right to take it out.

Why does Pakistan hate the Arab world so much?

If Pakistan can develop nukes so can the Arabs. All it takes is money. They can import the technology and engineers to do it.

wouldn't take very long.

buddy, stop barking
discussions are pointless when you can't do anything
Israel doesn't have enough refueling capacity to get to Iran and back
Israel doesn't have enough jets
Israel can not guarantee that in the case of an attack all the sites are destroyed
Israel can not mount these new bunker busters on its jets
Israel doesn't have a back up plan if its mission fails
Israel will be wiped out if Iran already has a bomb
There won't be a war, you know it, I know it, the Americans know it and the whole world knows it.
buddy, stop barking
discussions are pointless when you can't do anything
Israel doesn't have enough refueling capacity to get to Iran and back
Israel doesn't have enough jets
Israel can not guarantee that in the case of an attack all the sites are destroyed
Israel can not mount these new bunker busters on its jets
Israel doesn't have a back up plan if its mission fails
Israel will be wiped out if Iran already has a bomb
There won't be a war, you know it, I know it, the Americans know it and the whole world knows it.

That would be something israel would have to seriously consider.


You Iranians have to be eternally gratefull to Pakistan for giving you nuclear technology.
That would be something israel would have to seriously consider.


You Iranians have to be eternally gratefull to Pakistan for giving you nuclear technology.

In these situations we Iranians refer to our ancient past and the inventions we had:D. For example the Persian were the first people to use chemical warfare (we gassed a group of Romans in a tunnel).

there we're even :D
In these situations we Iranians refer to our ancient past and the inventions we had:D. For example the Persian were the first people to use chemical warfare (we gassed a group of Romans in a tunnel).

there we're even :D

haha pretty sweet

what do you think iriaf's future back bone would be? mig29m/m2?
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