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New Army Chief warns Pakistan, says India reserves right to 'preemptively strike' at sources of terr

It doesn't matter whether India bombed Pak from within Pak airspace or at stand off range...or whether Pak bombed India at stand off range or from within Indian airspace. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan DID bomb India...shot down IAF jet and captured ur pilot.

The act of bombing Indian territory, shooting down IAF jet, and capturing ur pilot...ALL 3 were an act of war...or at least that's how all countries on Earth see it. When India tried to bomb Pak...Pak vowed it will retaliate...and it did. What did India do? Nothing...absolutely nothing...other than bogus claims of shooting down an F16. How is bombing ur enemy, shooting down their jet, capturing their pilot, and having them take it quietly with no response...not a victory? U can tell urself whatever u want about PAF not crossing into Indian airspace or whatever other excuse...but u know that u(and other Indians) would've definitely called it an Indian victory had the situation been reversed(if PAF jet was shot down and pilot captured and Pak failed to respond).

Also from an operational and tactical point of view...any competent air force in the world would try their best to complete their mission with minimal risks to their fighter jets and pilots. In this particular scenario PAF could achieve the objectives it was given with standoff weapons and so it did. What purpose would it serve to expose urself to enemy air defenses and interceptors other than to fulfill ur made up parameters? This is also in no way an indication that PAF would never cross into Indian airspace. They are willing to do whatever is necessary for the defense of the country and should a mission require intrusion into Indian airspace...they will do so at any risk to themselves.

Now coming to this other "invented Indian victory" of Aug 5th. It was a change India did on paper(by removing article 370)...much like how India draws fake maps showing all of Kashmir as part of India...which doesn't really change the reality in any way.

So just to be clear...the UN and the whole world still recognizes J&K as a disputed territory...Pak still has its portion of Kashmir and China still has theirs. U guys have only made internal changes...which alter the status of Kashmir under ur control...and since it was India that took the issue of Kashmir to UN...by taking unilateral actions it only weakens India's position.

I assume all of the above will fall on deaf ears anyways...so feel free to celebrate ur invented victories.
You are repeating what I said on Aug 5th.there is nothing practically Pakistan can do.

On Feb incident as I said ,India crossed deep into Pakistani airspace to send a message that they will cross the loc if needed and changed the status quo which was India will not cross the loc what ever happens and won't escalate rising nuclear war.
Pakistan inturn sent the message that they will retaliate .in both the incidents the intent was not to damage ,it was to send message .
Yes I'm not saying that Pak should've escalated...I'm in agreement that Pak needs to bide its time and improve its economy. I'm saying that skirmishes like these are not favorable until Pak has the ability to engage in a full scale war.

Imagine if Pak was able to avoid this skirmish that happened...and use that advantage in a full scale war. Indian Mig21 and Su30 MKI would've been rendered useless for the most part. Mig21 due to its obsolescence...while Su30 MKI due to its large RCS, which is its biggest disadvantage against the deadly F16(AMRAAM). Su30 MKI and Bisons make a large portion of IAF...imagine having an advantage against a large part of the enemy's fleet...but unfortunately now India would take steps to improve that situation.
The only way to avoid this skirmish was to sit there and be humiliated. The net result would have been to prove to the Indians that we were indeed incapable and defenceless. They would have been emboldened to do it again knowing that there would be no response. A free hit every time.
They now know that we have a no tolerance policy to their bullshit. We sent the message we needed to send that day. We showed them what we are made of.
They will keep on barking at us because it makes them feel good, but they won't be having a go any time soon.
That was the real benefit of 27 Feb.
Stop worrying about what they learned and be thankful we have a military that is not only courageous, but competent and capable as well.
You are repeating what I said on Aug 5th.there is nothing practically Pakistan can do.

On Feb incident as I said ,India crossed deep into Pakistani airspace to send a message that they will cross the loc if needed and changed the status quo which was India will not cross the loc what ever happens and won't escalate rising nuclear war.
Pakistan inturn sent the message that they will retaliate .in both the incidents the intent was not to damage ,it was to send message .
amit shah wrote few papers and kashmir issue solved pakistan can not do any thing now :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
He reserve the right to STFU! That’s all I gotta say.
And India is Supa Powa 2020!!!
if kashmir issue was this much easy to be solved . sardar patel have write these few papers in 1947 and pakistan can not do anything to him too . how can we stop him to write ?:lol::lol::lol::lol: what a bhakt's logic indian gov will write few papers and pakistan can not stop india its revenge of 27 feb for them :rofl::rofl::rofl:
You are repeating what I said on Aug 5th.there is nothing practically Pakistan can do.

On Feb incident as I said ,India crossed deep into Pakistani airspace to send a message that they will cross the loc if needed and changed the status quo which was India will not cross the loc what ever happens and won't escalate rising nuclear war.
Pakistan inturn sent the message that they will retaliate .in both the incidents the intent was not to damage ,it was to send message .
No I'm not repeating what u said...I'm saying that nothing has changed...J&K is still recognized as a disputed territory...no borders have changed(each of the 3 countries still control their respective portions). So any and all the Indians who think it was some master stroke...it wasnt. The only thing it accomplished on the ground is more oppression...and on world stage it damaged India's image.

As for crossing into enemy air space or using SOW...again those r ur made up parameters of success. Due to close proximity of India/Pak(being neighbors) it is easy for both of them to intrude into the other's airspace...especially in mountainous areas(like Kashmir)...so it's not really some achievement...both air forces are capable of it...have been for decades. It's nothing new nor impressive.

As for sending a message...the only message that became known to not only India/Pak but the whole world...is that no Indian provocation will go unpunished.

The only way to avoid this skirmish was to sit there and be humiliated. The net result would have been to prove to the Indians that we were indeed incapable and defenceless. They would have been emboldened to do it again knowing that there would be no response. A free hit every time.
They now know that we have a no tolerance policy to their bullshit. We sent the message we needed to send that day. We showed them what we are made of.
They will keep on barking at us because it makes them feel good, but they won't be having a go any time soon.
That was the real benefit of 27 Feb.
Stop worrying about what they learned and be thankful we have a military that is not only courageous, but competent and capable as well.
I have already addressed it in my previous post that Pak had no choice but to retaliate or else India would've taken it as a weakness and would've been emboldened to carry out more such air strikes.
No I'm not repeating what u said...I'm saying that nothing has changed...J&K is still recognized as a disputed territory...no borders have changed(each of the 3 countries still control their respective portions). So any and all the Indians who think it was some master stroke...it wasnt. The only thing it accomplished on the ground is more oppression...and on world stage it damaged India's image.

As for crossing into enemy air space or using SOW...again those r ur made up parameters of success. Due to close proximity of India/Pak(being neighbors) it is easy for both of them to intrude into the other's airspace...especially in mountainous areas(like Kashmir)...so it's not really some achievement...both air forces are capable of it...have been for decades. It's nothing new nor impressive.

As for sending a message...the only message that became known to not only India/Pak but the whole world...is that no Indian provocation will go unpunished.

I have already addressed it in my previous post that Pak had no choice but to retaliate or else India would've taken it as a weakness and would've been emboldened to carry out more such air strikes.
What are you complaining about then?
It's a new year so I'm gonna say it nicely...
If u r not gonna bother to read and comprehend properly then don't quote me...as simple as that.
You don't have to patronise me although I'm glad it's New Year's day and I don't have to feel your wrath.
On the one hand you are regretting we had to do something, on the other you are saying we had no choice.

It was what it was.
We did what we needed to do.
It came down to a choice and we made the right one.
Happy New Year.
Looks like the only criteria for becoming Indian Army chief is how much of a threatening tone you posses.
.......yes don't forget, they have to be ugly as hell too.

Do not look down upon/belittle your enemy...

Silent Points.

1.New Normal
2.guarantee strike

All i can say is if we had decimated there will to fight last year...this will not be happening case in study ...post balakot Gen.Bippin silence.

there is nobody to blame except us.. have listen to our Gen. almost apologetic! and attitude or moral values...we are not dealing with old india..we are dealing with NAZI INDIA!

All we can do is wait and suffer the consequences of appeasement..by us!
Valid points...
We need an aggressive posture to keep them under check. Always punish them gard for any transgressions against us.
You don't have to patronise me although I'm glad it's New Year's day and I don't have to feel your wrath.
On the one hand you are regretting we had to do something, on the other you are saying we had no choice.

It was what it was.
We did what we needed to do.
It came down to a choice and we made the right one.
Happy New Year.
Despite me saying that u should read...and more importantly comprehend...instead u come back and repeat urself.

Carry on...just don't quote me as I'm not interested in repeating myself.

Happy New Year to u too.
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