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New Army Chief warns Pakistan, says India reserves right to 'preemptively strike' at sources of terr

I don't think Pakistan has the ability to do anything regarding Aug 5th.but as you said some Indian think Feb was a test run to test Pakistanies response and capabilities.
But as far as I see status quo was changed .India crossed loc only for the first time after 71 war,The belief in Pakistan that what ever happens India will not cross loc got shattered .you can claims Pakistan responded by targeting Indian military installations.yes they did with standoff weapons from with in Pakistani airspace.
It doesn't matter whether India bombed Pak from within Pak airspace or at stand off range...or whether Pak bombed India at stand off range or from within Indian airspace. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan DID bomb India...shot down IAF jet and captured ur pilot.

The act of bombing Indian territory, shooting down IAF jet, and capturing ur pilot...ALL 3 were an act of war...or at least that's how all countries on Earth see it. When India tried to bomb Pak...Pak vowed it will retaliate...and it did. What did India do? Nothing...absolutely nothing...other than bogus claims of shooting down an F16. How is bombing ur enemy, shooting down their jet, capturing their pilot, and having them take it quietly with no response...not a victory? U can tell urself whatever u want about PAF not crossing into Indian airspace or whatever other excuse...but u know that u(and other Indians) would've definitely called it an Indian victory had the situation been reversed(if PAF jet was shot down and pilot captured and Pak failed to respond).

Also from an operational and tactical point of view...any competent air force in the world would try their best to complete their mission with minimal risks to their fighter jets and pilots. In this particular scenario PAF could achieve the objectives it was given with standoff weapons and so it did. What purpose would it serve to expose urself to enemy air defenses and interceptors other than to fulfill ur made up parameters? This is also in no way an indication that PAF would never cross into Indian airspace. They are willing to do whatever is necessary for the defense of the country and should a mission require intrusion into Indian airspace...they will do so at any risk to themselves.

Now coming to this other "invented Indian victory" of Aug 5th. It was a change India did on paper(by removing article 370)...much like how India draws fake maps showing all of Kashmir as part of India...which doesn't really change the reality in any way.

So just to be clear...the UN and the whole world still recognizes J&K as a disputed territory...Pak still has its portion of Kashmir and China still has theirs. U guys have only made internal changes...which alter the status of Kashmir under ur control...and since it was India that took the issue of Kashmir to UN...by taking unilateral actions it only weakens India's position.

I assume all of the above will fall on deaf ears anyways...so feel free to celebrate ur invented victories.
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It doesn't matter whether India bombed Pak from within Pak airspace or at stand off range...or whether Pak bombed India at stand off range or from within Indian airspace. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan DID bomb India...shot down IAF jet and captured ur pilot.

The act of bombing Indian territory, shooting down IAF jet, and capturing ur pilot...ALL 3 were an act of war...or at least that's how all countries on Earth see it. When India tried to bomb Pak...Pak vowed it will retaliate...and it did. What did India do? Nothing...absolutely nothing...other than bogus claims of shooting down an F16. How is bombing ur enemy, shooting down their jet, capturing their pilot, and having them take it quietly with no response...not a victory? U can tell urself whatever u want about PAF not crossing into Indian airspace or whatever other excuse...but u know that u(and other Indians) would've definitely called it an Indian victory had the situation been reversed(if PAF jet was shot down and pilot captured and Pak failed to respond).

Also from an operational and tactical point of view...any competent air force in the world would try their best to complete their mission with minimal risks to their fighter jets and pilots. In this particular scenario PAF could achieve the objectives it was given with standoff weapons and so it did. What purpose would it serve to expose urself to enemy air defenses and interceptors other than ur made up parameters? This is also in no way an indication that PAF would never cross into Indian airspace. They are willing to do whatever is necessary for the defense of the country and should a mission require intrusion into Indian airspace...they will do so at any risk to themselves.

Now coming to this other "invented Indian victory" of Aug 5th. It was a change India did on paper(by removing article 370)...much like how India draws fake maps showing all of Kashmir as part of India...which doesn't really change the reality in any way.

So just to be clear...the UN and the whole world still recognizes J&K as a disputed territory...Pak still has its portion of Kashmir and China still has theirs. U guys have only made internal changes...which alter the status of Kashmir under ur control...and since it was India that took the issue of Kashmir to UN...by taking unilateral actions it only weakens India's position.

I assume all of the above will fall on deaf ears anyways...so feel free to celebrate ur invented victories.
For Indians February 2019 ended on 26.
Shutting down communications and enforcing a curfew in a territory under your own control is a very brave "indian" thing.
What else they are left to do?:lol:
They don't have any other choice.
For Indians February 2019 ended on 26.
I was trying to get @Mace to respond...he avoided a response when I confronted him about his invented victories last time. See below...
Pakistan F-16 jets intercepted Delhi-Kabul Spicejet flight assigned with a Military Code
Only cowards who can't do anything go about declaring their fake intentions.
New Army Chief warns Pakistan, says India reserves right to 'preemptively strike' at sources of terror
"If Pakistan does not stop its policy of state-sponsored terrorism, we reserve the right to preemptively strike at the sources of terror threat and this intent has adequately been demonstrated in our response during surgical strikes and Balakot op...
By PTI | Jan 01, 2020, 11.05 AM IST


New Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane during an intervew with PTI, in New Delhi, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019.
NEW DELHI: In a stern warning to Pakistan, new Army Chief Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane on Tuesday said India reserves the right to "preemptively strike" at sources of terror, asserting that a "new normal" in the country's response mechanism to acts of cross-border terrorism has already been "emphatically" displayed.

In an exclusive interview to PTI barely hours after taking charge of the 1.3-million strong force, Gen Naravane also said the Army will enhance combat capabilities along the border with China so that it is fully prepared to deal with any security challenge.

"The threat remains from both northern and western sides. Over the last many years, we have been concentrating on our western borders while our northern border was at a little lower in priority. There was a need to rebalance and reprioritise," he said.

Giving a detailed brief on India's security challenges, including combating cross-border terrorism, Gen Naravane said a strategy of "resolute punitive response" was put in place to deal with Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, noting that the policy of "zero tolerance" will continue to drive counter-terror measures.

"If Pakistan does not stop its policy of state-sponsored terrorism, we reserve the right to preemptively strike at the sources of terror threat and this intent has adequately been demonstrated in our response during surgical strikes and Balakot operation," the Army Chief said.

"A new normal in our response mechanism has been emphatically underlined," he added.

Talking about the situation in Kashmir, Gen Naravane said it has improved significantly after abrogation of Article 370.

"Incidents of violence are coming down.The terrorists-initiated actions have come down. There is no doubt that there is a lot of improvement," the 28th Chief of Army Staff said.

"However, the problem remains. It has not gone away. So, we will always be ready whatever measures are required to deal with the challenges there," he said.

Gen Naravane said the Pakistan Army's "all out efforts" to deflect attention from state-sponsored terrorism has been a total failure and that its proxy war design has received a major setback due to elimination of terrorists and decimation of terror networks by Indian forces.

Asked how he will deal with Pakistan-backed terrorism, he said, "Multiple options across the spectrum of conflict are on the table to respond to any act of terror sponsored or abetted by Pakistan."

Gen Naravane said Pakistan tried to draw global attention following India's decision to reorganise Jammu and Kashmir, but its efforts did not get any traction.

Referring to the rising number of ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC), he said it is being done to keep alive the Kashmir issue.

On security challenges along the 3,500-km border with China, Gen Naravane said: "We will continue to improve capability building along the northern border so we are prepared when the need arises."

"After the Wuhan summit, both nations have issued strategic guidance to their respective forces with an aim to maintain peace and tranquillity along the borders, locally resolve differences and not allow them to turn into disputes," he said.

"The guidance has manifested on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and conduct of troops from both sides has been cordial despite some prevailing differences, differing perceptions of the LAC and some friction in sensitive areas," he said.

Referring to the appointment of a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), he said it will greatly change the way the defence establishment operates, and will bring about significant reforms in the entire military system.

His main focus as Army chief will be to make the force ready to face any threat at any time, the General said.

According to him, the bottomline for reforms in the Army will be to increase efficiency and operational readiness.

"Modernisation is a continuous process. Whatever we are doing, the start point is to increase efficiency and operational readiness," he said.

Gen Naravane, who was serving as vice chief of the Army, succeeds Gen Bipin Rawat, appointed the country's first CDS, a post created to bring in operational convergence among the three services.

Before being appointed vice chief, the alumnus of the National Defence Academy and the Indian Military Academy headed the Army's Eastern Command that takes care of India's border with China.
and cycle of bitching continues
Made my day ...
New Army Chief warns Pakistan, says India reserves right to 'preemptively strike' at sources of terror
"If Pakistan does not stop its policy of state-sponsored terrorism, we reserve the right to preemptively strike at the sources of terror threat and this intent has adequately been demonstrated in our response during surgical strikes and Balakot op...
By PTI | Jan 01, 2020, 11.05 AM IST


New Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane during an intervew with PTI, in New Delhi, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019.
NEW DELHI: In a stern warning to Pakistan, new Army Chief Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane on Tuesday said India reserves the right to "preemptively strike" at sources of terror, asserting that a "new normal" in the country's response mechanism to acts of cross-border terrorism has already been "emphatically" displayed.

In an exclusive interview to PTI barely hours after taking charge of the 1.3-million strong force, Gen Naravane also said the Army will enhance combat capabilities along the border with China so that it is fully prepared to deal with any security challenge.

"The threat remains from both northern and western sides. Over the last many years, we have been concentrating on our western borders while our northern border was at a little lower in priority. There was a need to rebalance and reprioritise," he said.

Giving a detailed brief on India's security challenges, including combating cross-border terrorism, Gen Naravane said a strategy of "resolute punitive response" was put in place to deal with Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, noting that the policy of "zero tolerance" will continue to drive counter-terror measures.

"If Pakistan does not stop its policy of state-sponsored terrorism, we reserve the right to preemptively strike at the sources of terror threat and this intent has adequately been demonstrated in our response during surgical strikes and Balakot operation," the Army Chief said.

"A new normal in our response mechanism has been emphatically underlined," he added.

Talking about the situation in Kashmir, Gen Naravane said it has improved significantly after abrogation of Article 370.

"Incidents of violence are coming down.The terrorists-initiated actions have come down. There is no doubt that there is a lot of improvement," the 28th Chief of Army Staff said.

"However, the problem remains. It has not gone away. So, we will always be ready whatever measures are required to deal with the challenges there," he said.

Gen Naravane said the Pakistan Army's "all out efforts" to deflect attention from state-sponsored terrorism has been a total failure and that its proxy war design has received a major setback due to elimination of terrorists and decimation of terror networks by Indian forces.

Asked how he will deal with Pakistan-backed terrorism, he said, "Multiple options across the spectrum of conflict are on the table to respond to any act of terror sponsored or abetted by Pakistan."

Gen Naravane said Pakistan tried to draw global attention following India's decision to reorganise Jammu and Kashmir, but its efforts did not get any traction.

Referring to the rising number of ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC), he said it is being done to keep alive the Kashmir issue.

On security challenges along the 3,500-km border with China, Gen Naravane said: "We will continue to improve capability building along the northern border so we are prepared when the need arises."

"After the Wuhan summit, both nations have issued strategic guidance to their respective forces with an aim to maintain peace and tranquillity along the borders, locally resolve differences and not allow them to turn into disputes," he said.

"The guidance has manifested on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and conduct of troops from both sides has been cordial despite some prevailing differences, differing perceptions of the LAC and some friction in sensitive areas," he said.

Referring to the appointment of a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), he said it will greatly change the way the defence establishment operates, and will bring about significant reforms in the entire military system.

His main focus as Army chief will be to make the force ready to face any threat at any time, the General said.

According to him, the bottomline for reforms in the Army will be to increase efficiency and operational readiness.

"Modernisation is a continuous process. Whatever we are doing, the start point is to increase efficiency and operational readiness," he said.

Gen Naravane, who was serving as vice chief of the Army, succeeds Gen Bipin Rawat, appointed the country's first CDS, a post created to bring in operational convergence among the three services.

Before being appointed vice chief, the alumnus of the National Defence Academy and the Indian Military Academy headed the Army's Eastern Command that takes care of India's border with China.
and cycle of bitching continues
Here come another skinny malnourished joker with a funny face and funny interviews.
The good thing is one his first day he proved he will entertain for the next three days.
We pakistanis should pay him for his entertainment services : rofl:
Pak tea lost t all its flavour on Aug5 for whatever reason.

I never went away from PDF. If 27 Feb was a slap on that scale where would you put Aug5. I say right next to 16 Dec.
You can't compare 16 December with 05 August , what a childish person .

Secondly , whatever helps you cope with this stinging fantastic tea phenomenon . Time shall come when we will serve you with tea again , just like good old days pal.

And you mentioned 05 August , let me remind you , you had already had annexed Kashmir , illegally by force in 1948 . It was a special status which was given to a disputed territory controlled by India which was removed . So , if you really wanna talk let's talk about AJK and GB . As long as you don't take it by force . Fantastic tea will remain a nightmare for you and your generations . Especially IAF .
Here come another skinny malnourished joker with a funny face and funny interviews.
The good thing is one his first day he proved he will entertain for the next three days.
We pakistanis should pay him for his entertainment services : rofl:

It would be double comedy; since Bipin is also very much there.:lol:
One more candidate for the post of CDS.
Bipin rawat had to move his tongue even more faster to secure his post.
Modi is a democratically elected PM not a selected one.
Elected terrorists and selected leaders have different mind sets and goals . May God have mercy on poor Indians under Modi.
LOL after getting humiliated on the 27th the Indians think they are in a position to hand out threats. The Indians can team up with the Yanks and they would still face humiliation.
Elected terrorists and selected leaders have different mind sets and goals . May God have mercy on poor Indians under Modi.

Both India and Pakistan had had their shares of scoundrels and rascals, in the ruling lot; but this current gang of ruling criminals, in India, have surpassed all limits.
Good so stop blaming India when terrorists strike in Pakistan,no one from India comes to Pakistan to blow themselves up.look up they are all Pakistani
No , they all aren't Pakistani . We also know India doesn't use its land to support terrorism in Pakistan , but instead uses Afghanistan for this purpose . As the border is more porous . So definitely , when a plant bears fruit , the gardener who took care of it should be rewarded .
And why would they present the opportunity again? they are happy with the status-quo!

Did we hang him No! did we make an example out of him partial but nothing concrete! he is just burden on Pakistan Tax Payer...
He is better alive rather than dead . A twitching muscle which pains when pressed .
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