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New Army Chief warns Pakistan, says India reserves right to 'preemptively strike' at sources of terr

There is no parts in Pakistan Armed Forces...We are one...and for you "We are the terror supreme" in millions
Yeah keep telling yourself that,when 65 happened your air Force had no clue and when kargil happened nobody knew except very few even in the army
Pak tea lost t all its flavour on Aug5 for whatever reason.

I never went away from PDF. If 27 Feb was a slap on that scale where would you put Aug5. I say right next to 16 Dec.
I keep hearing about this Aug5 being an "Indian victory" that Indians use as a counter to Pak's actions in February (shooting down the jet and capturing IAF pilot). How exactly is it a victory? Care to explain?
If it is in "open"; then why there shall be a need to "dig in".:lol:
Ok you are the guy in class who looks for birds when teacher tells the class "birds of same feather flock together". You should have understood what it ment.
I keep hearing about this Aug5 being an "Indian victory" that Indians use as a counter to Pak's actions in February (shooting down the jet and capturing IAF pilot). How exactly is it a victory? Care to explain?
Shutting down communications and enforcing a curfew in a territory under your own control is a very brave "indian" thing.
You are asking too much.. any other country would have taken full advantage by now because of the kind of civil unrest India is in.

I initially thought that Pakistan would tell the world that a false flag is coming, and then at least take the advantage by itself, meaning carry out a massive strike in IOJK, but no.. my hair has turned grey waiting for something to happen... Either by us or by them.
2 reasons
Either ISI is playing the effective role in CAB/NRC protests to destablize the India
Our economy doesnt allows ourselves as India would had retaliated against us which may had led to war. Pak never wanted war. Thats why PM was willing for dialogues after 27 feb means we are not willing to fight
Ok you are the guy in class who looks for birds when teacher tells the class "birds of same feather flock together". You should have understood what it ment.

Irrelevant example.:lol:
Good so stop blaming India when terrorists strike in Pakistan,no one from India comes to Pakistan to blow themselves up.look up they are all Pakistani

How can Pakistan be blamed for Indians Electing Designated Terrorist as their Prime Minister.IT cant same way we cant be blamed for Indian Government carrying out false flag Terrorist operations against its own citizen. It's well known fact that Indians government is Terrorist sympathizer...Only way you can blame Terrorist Attack on Pakistan by admitting your 800,000 plus security personal stationed at LOC and around Kashmir are incompetent and didn't see people crossing into Indian occupied Kashmir..

India attacked our trees in the middle of the night, we responded the next day in full daylight shot down two of your jets, your security forces panicked and started attacking your own aircraft...

India spends over 400 million per year training Afghan terrorist to attack Pakistan..
In Any Self Respecting Armed Forces...this threat of Pre-emptive strike would have taken with as seriously as possible. what hurts most is Our Armed Forces Response instead of Discussing how he came to become Army Chief we should have threaten the shit out of him...but no we wont! "Bajwa Doctrine"

When you are speaking sense then I have to move a step ahead and woe why the Military brought us here to this point where anybody can point fingers at the entire nation because of events, supposedly with our involvement, which can be considered as terrorism. For 20-30 years India built a narrative that it was Pakistan, be it any incident from accidents to internal matters to melting of glaciers....and our response was mostly muted. We also never bothered to build up any counter narrative till it was over our heads.

Now, the world believes Indian narrative, more so because of India's financial muscle throughout the world but also because of its decades long propaganda and global diplomatic efforts against Pakistan. In the meantime, we remained focused on US, UK, Saudi Arabia and UAE (lately China too). What we needed to understand, 15 years ago, was that the world is a big place and we need friends all around, not just the top 2-3 countries. And I am still hoping that we learn and activate our foreign missions in the EU and African countries to build our counter narrative.
I keep hearing about this Aug5 being an "Indian victory" that Indians use as a counter to Pak's actions in February (shooting down the jet and capturing IAF pilot). How exactly is it a victory? Care to explain?
I don't think Pakistan has the ability to do anything regarding Aug 5th.but as you said some Indian think Feb was a test run to test Pakistanies response and capabilities.
But as far as I see status quo was changed .India crossed loc only for the first time after 71 war,The belief in Pakistan that what ever happens India will not cross loc got shattered .you can claims Pakistan responded by targeting Indian military installations.yes they did with standoff weapons from with in Pakistani airspace.

False Bravado apart,any sane person will know that Pakistan will match and in some cases out match India in local skirmish but the problem starts when the conflict spread.

How can Pakistan be blamed for Indians Electing Designated Terrorist as their Prime Minister.IT cant same way we cant be blamed for Indian Government carrying out false flag Terrorist operations against its own citizen. It's well known fact that Indians government is Terrorist sympathizer...Only way you can blame Terrorist Attack on Pakistan by admitting your 800,000 plus security personal stationed at LOC and around Kashmir are incompetent and didn't see people crossing into Indian occupied Kashmir..

India attacked our trees in the middle of the night, we responded the next day in full daylight shot down two of your jets, your security forces panicked and started attacking your own aircraft...

India spends over 400 million per year training Afghan terrorist to attack Pakistan..
Sorry stopped reading after designated terrorist as PM.i am not interested in what you are fed .
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