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Netherlands cancel landing permit for turkish foreign minister

Erdogan Vows to Confiscate Dutch Kebabs in Fearless Tit-For-Tat With Netherlands

The Dutch are entering a world of kebabless pain.

RI Editorial Board Russia Insider

Anger problems. Bad for the ticker.

The Dutch. They are world famous for their fondness for tulips, and also their delicious and extremely hallucinogenic baked goods.

But Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan knows this is all a cover for a deep, dark Dutch secret; he knows that the Dutch government is jam-packed with "Nazi remnants and fascists".

And now Erdogan is going to make the Dutch pay for their insidious Nazism:

#BREAKING Erdogan warns Netherlands will 'pay price' after minister's expulsion

— AFP news agency (@AFP)
March 12, 2017

What sparked this insanity, anyway? This:

Turkish authorities have sealed off the Dutch embassy and consulate, sources at Turkey’s foreign ministry have said, in the latest incident in a tit-for-tat row between the two countries over Turkish campaigning in Europe.

Turkey also closed off the residences of the Dutch ambassador, charge d’affaires and consul general as tensions between the Nato partners escalated after the Dutch government barred Turkey’s foreign minister from flying to Rotterdam.

In the Netherlands, the Turkish family affairs minister was detained by the authorities to prevent her addressing a Rotterdam rally in support of the Turkish president and escorted to the German border. Police later used horseback charges to break up a pro-Turkey crowd that had gathered at the country’s consulate in the city.

Kiss your kebabs goodbye, Netherlands. This is the heavy price you must pay for daring to defy the mighty Erdogan — sultan of all the world's kebabs.
Diplomacy of the finest kind...on the one hand, the Dutch, which have a hard election next week and therefore have to cover the right flank a little harder and on the other hand, the Turks, who had the diplomatic sense of an elephant, which brought them in a position in which they cannot simply retreat now...ergo retaliation from the turkish side.

Seriously, would it have been so difficult to wait a week, the referendum is only in the middle of april, enough time to campaign in the Netherlands.

Btw, my question is still unanswered, is it forbidden for turkish parties to campaign on foreign soils by turkish laws?
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So evryone is happy. I give a shit about turkish politics. I want that this shit is banned on european soil. What happenes to turkey is irrelevant.

So we are happy too. I hope for the final collapse of any diplomatic relations. The current situation is promising for something that many worked hard for to achieve for a long time.

10 years ago was a realy danger Turkey could one day join EU. The liberal left idiots pushed this agenda further and further. The danger never really disappeared. Last year there was still the danger of visa free travel for Turks. Which the majority of Europeans strongly condemned.

All this is off the table now.

That turks rioted yesterday in Rotterdam was a gift. The right parties in Europe celebrate about this. It is instrumentalized to push back liberal bullshit like "dual citizenship".

You cant imagine how happy i and many others here are for this developments. Its like a gift from god.

Don't Worry... Far rights is a blessing to those outside Europe... even for Erdogan. Far rights are RU Friends... and MENA is becoming RU friends too... Everyone is happy.
The only one who should fear them will be their own citizens...
The "Stay outside/don't come" speech is for future voters, they need power... but when they are in.. don't be sad..when you see "Better"Ties than under your Past ruling.. " :)
My absolute hero:


Thats what i dream for Italy.

You also get one thing wrong. I have no problem with perfect relations with rich gulf states or arabic dictatorships. I want better relations with such as al-Sisi or Assad.

And you are right. Some of our citizens should fear us. :)

Lol the one who said that Italians were pro-swappers in wars... lol
"Yurt dışında ve yurt dışı temsilciliklerde seçim propagandası yapılamaz."


"No election campaigns can be run at abroad or at Turkish embassies. "

Yes, it is forbidden by Turkish laws.
Seems few forgot.. that it is NOT an ELECTION compaign... but a compaign for a referundum... not the same, no one is elected...
Not even Law scholars who are anti Erdogan said something about it...
Soon Erdogan and his Ministers will be welcomed as guests only in the failed states around Africa and Asia but not in any country around the Civilized world. His low IQ supporters that think he is a God on Earth who will bring the Ottoman Empire back from the dead can't even realize how many mistakes he did and continues to make with his diplomatic and foreign policy skills that are destroying our relations with more and more valuable partners everyday- mistakes that at the end of the day will harm only the ordinary Turkish citizen. They prefer to rather blame the EU, the US, the Jews or Gulen/CIA for all bad things that happened to Turkey in the last years but fail to see any of Erdogan's mistakes... It's ironic but most of his supporters hate the West but at the same time have relatives working there, live there themselves or will go there the first day they have the opportunity to do that.

ps You can't lead a country if you are acting like an emotional ugly feminist lesbian who thinks everyone around you owes you something. With calling everyone a "Nazi" or a "Fascist" just because they refused to let you campaign in their country, to threaten them with a revange because of that only shows your (mental) weakness. Real strong leaders, people with manners and good education know how to talk and act. Unfortunatelty the way Erdogan talks and acts is liked by a lot of people in Turkey... which can say a lot about a big part of Turkey's population.
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You mean those fierce Turks who abandoned their Leopard II tanks when someoen shot a gun at them?

The same ones who got humilated by Russia?

Or those who got humilated by the Netherlands now?

You are not fierce. The behavior we witness is a prime example for pure fear and panic. Economy in shambles. Civil war in the east. Extreme levels of terrorism and a killer clown as tinpot dictator.

Zulkarneyn...it doesnt look good. What we saw yesterday was a pathetic display of weakness. The Netherlands made it clear that your leaders are not welcome to do campaigns on their soil.

A honorful covernment would have respected that. Your foreign minister implied basicly that the Netherlands are a turkish province. The dutch government has the duty to protect its citizens from such a massive violation.

And it did protect its nation from this agression. Your country hopefully learns its lessons. If not, many more lessons will follow.

This extreme aggressive behavior is not accepted any longer.

You can be fierce in your own country.

Here you can be polite and ask kindly for anything you wish.

Your wish may be granted or not. You have to accept it. Because its not your country. Or you dont accept it and get humilated again like yesterday. Because as it turned out yesterday the german sheperds were more fierce than your protestors.

I say this with the greatest respect.


@waz @flamer84 @Vergennes @Nilgiri

Lets see if they helped Geert get over the mark on the 15th :P
Soon Erdogan and his Ministers will be welcomed as guests only in the failed states around Africa and Asia but not in any country around the Civilized world. His low IQ supporters that think he is a God on Earth who will bring the Ottoman Empire back from the dead can't even realize how many mistakes he did and continues to make with his diplomatic and foreign policy skills that are destroying our relations with more and more valuable partners everyday- mistakes that at the end of the day will harm only the ordinary Turkish citizen. They prefer to rather blame the EU, the US, the Jews or Gulen/CIA for all bad things that happened to Turkey in the last years but fail to see any of Erdogan's mistakes... It's ironic but most of his supporters hate the West but at the same time have relatives working there, live there themselves or will go there the first day they have the opportunity to do that.

ps You can't lead a country if you are acting like an emotional ugly feminist lesbian who thinks everyone around you owes you something. With calling everyone a "Nazi" or a "Fascist" just because they refused to let you campaign in their country, to threaten them with a revange because of that only shows your (mental) weakness. Real strong leaders, people with manners and good education know how to talk and act. Unfortunatelty the way Erdogan talks and acts is liked by a lot of people in Turkey... which can say a lot about a big part of Turkey's population.
Defeatist inferiority mentality at its absolute best
Yeah, yeah... I see that a great winner in life and a famous islamist PDF think tank answered to all that I wrote with a pathetic 7 word response. :enjoy:

ps @Zulkarneyn , you asked me to never ever quote you again a while ago yet you are trying to get my atention. You are acting like a girl who is confused about her feelings towards her ex boyfrined. Maybe what I wrote about some people and their fans acting like a bunch unsatisfied ugly ladies was not so far from the truth. :cheesy:
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If you think i bothered reading pass the second sentence you are mistaken.

Deliorman, i'm too old to measure piss. Im gonna be honest here. You obviously have a keen and focused mind, but you ignore too much. Firstly, i'm a farcry from islamism, i don't even practice Islam.

Secondly and lastly man up a little, you saw these filthy self-proclaimed kemalists in cay bahcesi and how devastatingly moronic they are. I would expect better from especially you
Kiss your kebabs goodbye, Netherlands. This is the heavy price you must pay for daring to defy the mighty Erdogan — sultan of all the world's kebabs.
Oh no, not the Kebabs.... :drag:

Anyway, who want's kebab when you can have Indonesian food...

Turks living in Holland are supposed to be Dutch first.
Notably the 2nd and 3rd and later generations are - naturally - expected to be Dutch first, since that's where they were born and grew up.

Does Turkish expat has voting rights at home?
Double passports. Even when born and raised in the Netherlands. So, for example, they may be conscripted by Turkey (which means serving in another army than the Dutch army, which normally would cost your Dutch nationality)
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