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Netherlands cancel landing permit for turkish foreign minister

Seems like Netherlands is afraid of Turkish ministers these days.

Quite a tragedy that they call themselves democratic and representatives of democracy - yet they are afraid of people voting in favor of Erdogan.
Quite limited understanding of democracy I'd say.

Turkish foreign minister is denied entry to Netherlands, and right now minister Kaya and the Turkish convoy is stopped and they are not allowed to visit the Turkish embassy.
What a scandal, what a blot to democracy and what a limited understanding of "freedom".

What is even more disgusting is the people who thinks they are "Kemalists" in here and around the globe, who keeps side with any organ that wants to destabilize Turkey and who attacks Turkey in every kind of way. They do this only due to their butthurtedness and hatred towards Erdogan. These people has become so degenerates that they can even become traitors just to remove the state of authority they dislike. Turkey is welknown of coups and military intervention (by kemalist structure) when a state leader occurs that they can't tolerate - even though they are minority.

Shame on you scums. Scums of the darkest and most disgusting pits of the earth.


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most successful economies are so because they are open

some of these dum dums seem to be under the impression that if they become right wing and more racist that the world will still flock, invest and buy from them

places like Italy are under record levels of debt
I stopped buying all Nestle products after Swiss started forcing Muslim School girls to swim with boys despite them not wanting to do so.
The racists and right wingers can have their victory dance but they aint getting my money anymore and i can easily get Milk, butter and other products from other companies instead of swiss company Nestle.. I buy British products now sold by British companies. Previously no such thought ever crossed my mind and i was happily buying Nestle products without problems, and i am sure i am not alone. many Muslims are changing their buying habits due to what Racists in some western countries are doing.
So the right wingers are causing real financial losses to their country.
At 2.5 Billion we Muslims constiture 1/3rd of world population and much of the wealth the western Right wingers are so proud of is generated because we buy their products.
Take a look at Istanbul, Karadeniz and Yalova/Bursa or generally in Turkey.

The Arabs are leaving much more money than European tourists do
They might invest a little here and there, but I wouldn't bet on them stopping investment to the west lol
They might invest a little here and there, but I wouldn't bet on them stopping investment to the west lol
It won't happen overnight, but we can slowly attract Arab investors from EU to Turkey, and we have begun doing that
2nd i find it far better to live by once own principles and don´t sell out our values for money. This happened far too long and has to end now.

What principles Markus? This one:

" In diplomacy, law is what profits the country most amigo."


That is, no principle at all, just go for anything that brings you profit and serves your national interests.

And I find it absolutely hilarious that you are talking about "principles", :lol:
The dutch prime minister Rutte said last week that turkish politicians are not welcome in the Netherlands to do political campaigns.
political campaign in other countries,thats ridiculous. Another kosovo is waiting to happen in europe. Europe will regret the day they helped create kosovo. It will be poetic justice when that happens. Russia would be laughing their *** off.
I stopped buying all Nestle products after Swiss started forcing Muslim School girls to swim with boys despite them not wanting to do so.
The racists and right wingers can have their victory dance but they aint getting my money anymore and i can easily get Milk, butter and other products from other companies instead of swiss company Nestle.. I buy British products now sold by British companies. Previously no such thought ever crossed my mind and i was happily buying Nestle products without problems, and i am sure i am not alone. many Muslims are changing their buying habits due to what Racists in some western countries are doing.
So the right wingers are causing real financial losses to their country.
At 2.5 Billion we Muslims constiture 1/3rd of world population and much of the wealth the western Right wingers are so proud of is generated because we buy their products.

Europe is sitting on its past laurels

they individually are not the military or economic powers they were, the EU is collapsing and they are lurching right towards populist politicians who apart
from these grand populist statements have no real policies to guide their nations

it's no longer the case that Italy or Holland makes something unique that can't be found elsewhere

let the Europeans do what they must as a muslim I couldn't give a flying **** about these people, its only the liberals and globalised who will be bent out of shape.
we muslims should support Europe's decent and support a response from the muslim world and beyond

there are a couple to 5 million muslims in most western muslim states, let them rip apart their liberties and laws to deal with them as muslims we should simply carry on practising our faith preparing ourselves to respond and let the liberals suffer the consequences of having no connection to Muslim countries

also as muslims we should vote with our wallets, don't buy Italian or Dutch or pick which companies you purchase from

choice is much more now
Is that how you provide data?

Yes? What's the problem? lol

Is that how you provide data? Normally you do the effort yourself and present your arguement. The investments from the Arab world is greater than Netherlands by far. Do the research yourself
Arab investment is little in comparison. Little Holland helps more. :)
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