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Neither anyone has intruded in our territory nor any post taken : Narender Modi

India's politicians are all the same. They come in different flavors but none have the will to stand up and fight back against China. Maybe Pakistan should just ask China to drop a tent in Kashmir and watch India give away that land too.

Our armed forces will be totally demoralized with such attitude in our leadership. Some dark, uncomfortable text written into our History today!
Actually if anyone want then I will share the full details.

He is correct.... China is not taken any Indian post.

But the tense situation is because India never used to object on Chinese petroling near the lac and Chinese used to freely entered in India part of lands from many years.

Also they have developed or developing near the order but india never done.

But now, Modi has given free hand army to patrol near the borders and not allow to enter in India part of lands. Developing of insfratruture near the borders the caused tense situations.....

Now China is not ready to accept such new changes at the borders. Previously, they were used to freely roam due to previous governments negligence.

The same reason Chinese is blaming on India for these incidents
He basically said those are not Indian territory. In other words, he ceded his claims to Galwan and beyond. Hahahhahahahaha
As per the indian excuses, the Indian Soldiers only die when they keep slipping into street gutters, dirty rivers, ditches, rivers and fall of mountains while walking, and so on. Does this mean that INDIAN MILITARY RECRUITS BORN RETARDS ONLY WHO CANNOT WALK PROPERLY??? Should The Indian Military be renamed as "Indian Military of Retards"? :rofl: :rofl: :omghaha::omghaha:
Will be very interesting to see what the chutiya Arnab Goswami has to say on his program tomorrow. Should be a treat to watch him along with GD Bakshi and Goruv Arya screaming in anger :sarcastic:
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Is modi working for Chinese? It was China's claim that they didn't enter/intrude Indian territory, to them it was their own territory. Wth, is going on Modi towing his enemy line???

Man what a retard PM India has elected, their establishment really need to sort out the PM's script. It's pathetic and downward disrespectful of the soldiers who died on the LAC. What was their death for if China didn't intrude the indian territory?
They didn't elect him because he was clever, they elected him because he had cold bloodedly murdered Muslims in their thousands and they thought he would kill more by attacking Pakistan. They wanted him in power so he would allow them to kill and persecute Muslims with impunity. Which he did. This whole enterprise was based on hatred of Muslims, Pakistan and Pakistanis.
In going down the path of religious exceptionalism the Indians have unleashed a genie that cannot be put back in the bottle. They have only now started to reap the unintended consequences of their malice.
This is only the first installment.

ask modi for chill pill :D as you seems high in something :P

but BJP said your soldiers were armed
One of the good things to come out of all this is that the Indians have finally realised that their government lies all the time.
Any Pakistani could have told them that but they wouldn't listen.
That is pretty much the way everyone is interpreting Modi's remarks.

Oh well. I am going to miss Finger 8.

I do not know why he made that statement. Even if India is in a bad shape, and can not go to war.....he should have told the truth......and should have at least said that all trade with China will be banned or something similar....

This whole enterprise was based on hatred of Muslims, Pakistan and Pakistanis.
In going down the path of religious exceptionalism the Indians have unleashed a genie that cannot be put back in the bottle.

Your first statement is wrong. Don't you think your second statement applies more to Pak.
I do not know why he made that statement. Even if India is in a bad shape, and can not go to war.....he should have told the truth......and should have at least said that all trade with China will be banned or something similar....

Your first statement is wrong. Don't you think your second statement applies more to Pak.
My first statement is spot on.
My second statement absolutely applies to Pakistan. We made the mistake and have paid dearly for it. In fact we continue to pay. No argument there. The thing though is this, we have realised our mistake and have mainly reversed it, though we're not quite there yet. India on the other hand has just started it's journey into the abyss.
You could have learned from our horrible experience but you didn't. Now you too will pay a price.
Take our word for it, we've been there, done it and got the t-shirt.
My first statement is spot on.
If you think your first statement is spot on, then I request you to please go and spend some time in India. Travel to many villages / cities and see for yourself.
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