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Neither anyone has intruded in our territory nor any post taken : Narender Modi

No words, ehh... I can understand!
what you understand ? every time you take mass coffins you guys make jumla baazi few days and come back bashing again .

G main dum nhi hum kisi se kam nhi
where is revange from PAF ? you guys lost 6 men and 1 civilians .lost mig-21 and pilot was humiliated like dog ? i never see since then your action but jumla baazi only .
what happen 150+ deaths of mumbai ? hafiz saeed ka kya ukhar liya ?
what happen pathankot attack ?
what happen uri attack ?
what happen pulwama mass murders?
what happen 27 feb humiliation ?
and now one more added galwan mass killing too

few days you guys will make jumla baazi and then sit make few lies and get well soon . indians are coward nation its now proven .you guys win on internet with bol bachan .

even pakistan is more stronger imran khan said we will not think we will retaliate and next day morning brad day night he drag you guys on streets with your bloody nose .and whole world see it how PAF fired missiles on indian jet how PAF fired standoff weapons on your 6 locations . your air force was this much scared that they never even fire a missile on PAF when PAF was pumping amraams on you .
Actually if anyone want then I will share the full details.

He is correct.... China is not taken any Indian post.

But the tense situation is because India never used to object on Chinese petroling near the lac and Chinese used to freely entered in India part of lands from many years.

Also they have developed or developing near the order but india never done.

But now, Modi has given free hand army to patrol near the borders and not allow to enter in India part of lands. Developing of insfratruture near the borders the caused tense situations.....

Now China is not ready to accept such new changes at the borders. Previously, they were used to freely roam due to previous governments negligence.

The same reason Chinese is blaming on India for these incidents
"because India never used to object on Chinese petroling near the lac and Chinese used to freely entered in India part of lands from many years." you are so funny!! I don't think you believed what you said here at all!
hahaha modi maddari has now accepted that Kashmir is not India's territory , that's good progress
"because India never used to object on Chinese petroling near the lac and Chinese used to freely entered in India part of lands from many years." you are so funny!! I don't think you believed what you said here at all!

Bro, it's a fact...

Most of the times also we used to heard about such incidents.

It's not like they used to roam freely everywhere but at borders around 5-10 km.

But now after Modi, India is not allowing and deploying forces and also monitoring regularly.

So now, the situations are getting tense and military stand off happening because Indian arny is patrolling very aggressively not allowing to enter.
So than why is all the fuss?

I tell you....

You must be knowing how its in buildings and flat system.... area between your flat and your neighbor next door flat is like a no mans land..... But people do some work outside their door like placing shoe stand or post box, cctv cameras also do some decoration so your entry looks pleasant.....

Now imagine if your neighbor starts fitting all such stuff outside of your door...indirectly he is claiming that area....won't you object??? China is not on Indian area but its sitting now so close from where it can see kids going to school....

Why do you think we stopped China in doklam which was not even on Indian territory but Bhutan's... Because apart from Bhutan being Indian protectorate doklam highway was giving China a very quick access which was threatening Silliguri corridor....
hahaha modi maddari has now accepted that Kashmir is not India's territory , that's good progress

India and China stand off..... Not related to Kashmir but you people are trying hard to link.

China never wanted and does want not get involved on Kashmir issue
He is absolutely right.
I have been saying the exact same thing for more than a month.

Who knows, maybe I am Modi himself:D:lol:

Shows me and Prime Minister Modi have excellent knowledge of Truth

May be because those Indian soldiers entered Chinese territory by mistake or it was a short time incursion by China who has since returned back.
Indian soldiers entered Chinese territory by mistake then burn down their tents?:rofl::rofl:
the situations are getting tense because Indian is patrolling very aggressively.
Indians have this habitual need to start event timelines at a point of their choosing depending on the precise agenda being facilitated. In reality, the situation in Ladakh became tense, not because of Indian aggressive patrolling, but because China took Indian controlled strategcally valuable territory and India has lost 20 soldiers while failing to recover it.
Indians have this habitual need to start event timelines at a point of their choosing depending on the precise agenda being facilitated. In reality, the situation in Ladakh became tense, not because of Indian aggressive patrolling, but because China took Indian controlled strategcally valuable territory and India has lost 20 soldiers while failing to recover it.

You can talk to Chinese or look at the Chinese statements.

If they taken any Indian territory...

I have already explained - check post 36..
Are they as aggressive as the Hindu soldiers who got killed by a bunch of bats and pipes?

What you meant by Hindu?
Indian army is mixed of all religious people. If anyone look at our borders then he will face to Muslims, Hindu, Christians, Sikh and other Indians...

All Indian are ready to loose life and take life for our lands.
What you meant by Hindu?

I'm pretty sure every soldier who died a few days ago was a Hindu. That's what I mean by Hindu.

If anyone look at our borders then he will face to Muslims, Hindu, Christians, Sikh and other Indians...

Maybe, but in this case, the Chinese faced vegetable-devouring Hindus (which might explain why so many perished to sticks).
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