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Neither anyone has intruded in our territory nor any post taken : Narender Modi

If India has accepted the new status quo then this is a strategic setback. Their position on Siachen is now untenable. I wonder if they'll try to open a new front to relieve themselves from here.


Neither is anyone inside our borders nor have any of our posts been captured, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday at an all-party meeting called to discuss the clash with Chinese forces in Ladakh in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed this week

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he is basically admitting Indian Jawans crossed LAC into China illegally and get beaten or jumped to the river (to death unfortunately), that's what's China been saying

those jumping into the river made a bad decision, many later died due to cold, if they surrender they will live, as those 10 officers and soldiers did
If India has accepted the new status quo then this is a strategic setback. Their position on Siachen is now untenable. I wonder if they'll try to open a new front to relieve themselves from here.
If this is settled via dialogue I am sure India will jump into the US wagon. Then we'll need to deal with them in the SCS. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Damage is already done.
If this is settled via dialogue I am sure India will jump into the US wagon. Then we'll need to deal with them in the SCS. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Damage is already done.
India has already jumped into usa wagon..this happened 10 years ago..they have now joint agreements with japan australia and taiwan ..

Only part was economical part..that is happening now as china is barred from 5G
Nah, man. He will come back with his Hindu-Muslim rhetoric after this humiliation, it's the only area of his expertise.
or may be pakistan the card which always work in india great .


What happened third time? Did you get selected? Which service?

cant you read his post why he failed ?
he start from china-india war
went bombing pakistan
then go to CPEC
and last threatening pakistan

He must be failed or else there was another gen bakshi or major gorav of indian army :lol:
对印度士兵小小的建议,解放军的军法禁止虐待俘虏!所以下次冲突的时候,如果受伤了,不要逃走,安心留下来做俘虏,解放军会保证你们的人身安全,也会提供及时的医疗救助,并且肯定会尽快的释放你们!这比你们受伤逃跑半路死亡要好多了!Chini Hindi Bhai Bhai!


A small suggestion to Indian soldiers, the military law of the People's Liberation Army prohibits the abuse of prisoners! So in the next conflict, if you are injured, don’t run away and stay at home as a captive. The PLA will guarantee your personal safety, provide timely medical assistance, and will definitely release you as soon as possible! This is much better than being injured and running away halfway to death! Chini Hindi Bhai Bhai!
We are in dangerous territory now, last time India was humiliated so badly was '62, then 3 years later we went to war with them in '65. Modi is a very shrewd operator, he knows he has lost face and effectively thrown the Indian Army under the bus (20 dead protecting land thats was "not" Indian). Give it a few months but expect a big false flag against Pak and military action. We may have to cash the cheques China is writing.....
If this is settled via dialogue I am sure India will jump into the US wagon. Then we'll need to deal with them in the SCS. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Damage is already done.
They're already at the US camp. Sooner or later they will be used against China like the pawn they are. They are being pushed into the Quad camp as we speak.
Sorry bro, ur info is wrong. Ground reality has changed
Actually if anyone want then I will share the full details.

He is correct.... China is not taken any Indian post.

But the tense situation is because India never used to object on Chinese petroling near the lac and Chinese used to freely entered in India part of lands from many years.

Also they have developed or developing near the order but india never done.

But now, Modi has given free hand army to patrol near the borders and not allow to enter in India part of lands. Developing of insfratruture near the borders the caused tense situations.....

Now China is not ready to accept such new changes at the borders. Previously, they were used to freely roam due to previous governments negligence.

The same reason Chinese is blaming on India for these incidents
@silent_poison I'm not done with your ratship yet. Can multiple I.d. rat escape from the chanakya maze that his own government has created for him?

According to your MEA,

  • EAM conveyed the protest of the Government of India in the strongest terms on the violent face-off in Galwan Valley on 15 June 2020. He recalled that at the meeting of senior Military Commanders held on 6th June, an agreement was reached on de-escalation and disengagement along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Ground commanders were meeting regularly to implement this consensus throughout the last week. While there was some progress, the Chinese side sought to erect a structure in Galwan valley on our side of the LAC. While this became a source of dispute, the Chinese side took pre-meditated and planned action that was directly responsible for the resulting violence and casualties. It reflected an intent to change the facts on ground in violation of all our agreements to not change the status quo.

According to Modi jee today,

"Neither is anyone inside our borders nor have any of our posts been captured, "

We know the structure(s) being referred to in the MEA statement were the target of Col. Babu's raid. So if China has not been dislodged from this position, they are STILL there and STILL building their structure(s).

Therefore, how can Modi's statement be also true?


Lies lies and more lies to coverup their cowardice and failure

Massive victory for China. Gained strategic land without firing a bullet
Lies lies and more lies to coverup their cowardice and failure

Massive victory for China. Gained strategic land without firing a bullet
It gets worse. NDTV are reporting that Jayshankar claims the ambushed Indians were actually armed with guns....but presumably were too peaceloving to use them.
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