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Nehru sought US assistance during 1962 Indo-China war Nehru sought

And how did a mere civilian like you get hold of the Henderson Brooks report?

The Henderson-Brooks Bhagat report is available freely on the Internet. It was leaked decades ago. It contained NOTHING on international relations. How you bring that in to show that the US helped India, or asked China to move out must remain a mystery of history.

The USA pledged support to India because they hated he communists. The chinese are not fools to leave such easily gained territory.

Besides you and your pocket diary, is there a single record of this? or is it a case of 'it must have been so'?

If you are one of those blind bhakts who sprouts propaganda then don't waste my time. A simple look at the lives lost and prisoners captured by both sides show how badly India was outclassed in 1962.

As far as I am concerned, I know the details of that encounter intimately, and the discussion is on record. @chauism or @Chinese-Dragon (I am not sure about the latter; he was not in the original discussion) will be able to tell you more.

Indian army was caught completely unawares and could not put up a resistance. The defeat of 1962 so shocked Indian establishment that even today India suffers from a China phobia.

Yes. No.

The Indian Army knew exactly what was happening, at field level, and was completely let down by its general level. Every diary, every memo indicates clearly that every officer and every jawan knew what was going to happen.

No it was not. The Chinese had massive numerical support plus better weapons. The chinese planned their moves carefully and strolled into north eastern region like they were out for a morning walk. There was little to no resistance to the chinese PLA.

You don't know the facts.

Which, WHICH, country hands back conquered territory? The Chinese conquered Aksai Chin and still occupies it. The same would have been fate of Arunachal but USA stepped up to save India.

Perhaps in your dreams, because in waking life, there is no record.

And why won't they? The NAM was nothing but an exercise in stupidity.

True, but that's not the point.

Do you believe in fairy tales?

No. Nor in other people's dream fantasies.
In the ancient times the present Leh district was a part of Greater Ladakh spread over from Kailash Mansarover to Swaat (Dardistan). The Greater ladakh was neither under the Domain of Tibet or its influence.
A report of Thrinley Shingta, the 7th Gyalwang Drukpa, head of the Drukpa school of Tibetan Buddhism, who spent three months in the area in 1748, makes interesting reading:

“Administratively, it is established that the immediate village of Minsar and its surrounding areas are ancient Ladakhi territory. After Lhasa invaded West Tibet in 1684, it was agreed and formally inscribed in the Peace Treaty between Tibet and Ladakh, signed in 1684, that the King of Ladakh retained the territory of Minsar and its neighbourhood as a territorial enclave, in order to meet the religious offering expenses of the sacred sites by Lake Manasarovar and Mount Kailash.”

For centuries, the inhabitants of Minsar, although surrounded by Tibetan territories, paid their taxes to the kingdom of Ladakh. During in the 19th century, when Ladakh was incorporated into Maharaja Gulab Singh’s State, Minsar became de facto part of the Jammu & Kashmir State which regularly collected taxes from Minsar. This lasted till the early 1950s.

Contradicts what you yourself said.

So then why did you say that it was after 1962 that these passed into Chinese hands? They were in Chinese hands, if you prefer that expression, from 1959.

In the ancient times the present Leh district was a part of Greater Ladakh spread over from Kailash Mansarover to Swaat (Dardistan). The Greater ladakh was neither under the Domain of Tibet or its influence.

Please check the record of the life and times of the Dogra General Zorawar Singh, and of the subsequent treaty of Leh.
Contradicts what you yourself said.

So then why did you say that it was after 1962 that these passed into Chinese hands? They were in Chinese hands, if you prefer that expression, from 1959.

When Tibet become part of China ?
The Henderson-Brooks Bhagat report is available freely on the Internet. It was leaked decades ago. It contained NOTHING on international relations. How you bring that in to show that the US helped India, or asked China to move out must remain a mystery of history.

Yes, "leaked" decades ago. LOL!!!

Besides you and your pocket diary, is there a single record of this? or is it a case of 'it must have been so'?

And your pocket diary and fertile imagination suggests what? That India heroically pushed back PLA invaders? You blind bhakts can lie so shamelessly it is pathetic.

As far as I am concerned, I know the details of that encounter intimately, and the discussion is on record. @chauism or @Chinese-Dragon (I am not sure about the latter; he was not in the original discussion) will be able to tell you more.

So how many PLA soldiers did India capture in 1962?

The Indian Army knew exactly what was happening, at field level, and was completely let down by its general level. Every diary, every memo indicates clearly that every officer and every jawan knew what was going to happen.

LOL again, you are one reading diaries so you think everyone is like you?

Indians in 1962 did not have a clue how to defend against PLA invasion.

You don't know the fact

Really kid? So what does your "facts" tell you. That the Chinese did not reach the town of Tezpur? That the Chinese were not coming in unopposed? Or that the Indian army did not make a hasty and rapid retreat?

Perhaps in your dreams, because in waking life, there is no record.

Talk with respect kid. Teenagers like you with access to internet at times causes embarrassment for India.

So why don't you tell me your fantasy version of 1962 war?
I don't know who taught you history but he fact is when chinese tried to do an invasion of Vietnam the Vietnamese hammered them. The world knows Vietnam defeated China and even the chinese get defensive when the issue is raised. But everyone knows 1962 was a disaster of epic proportions for India.

Do you know anything about the Sino-Vietnamese encounters, besides the names of the two parties? Do you know how many times they clashed, and the results of those?

The PLA faced no opposition. They steamrolled Indian positions and entered north eastern region. A country which so easily won Indian territory is under no compulsion to declare any ceasefire.

No, they were not under any compulsion. They did so because it was their plan to fight and win a limited war, and then move out before their lines of communications got stretched, and the main body of the Indian Army mobilised.

Why would the chinese attack in the first place if they had to declare ceasefire and move out?

Punitive strike.
Makes sense. With Soviets unable to move against china because of common communist ideologies, Nehru's only option would have been to reach out to the US.
Yes, "leaked" decades ago. LOL!!!

And your pocket diary and fertile imagination suggests what? That India heroically pushed back PLA invaders? You blind bhakts can lie so shamelessly it is pathetic.

So how many PLA soldiers did India capture in 1962?

LOL again, you are one reading diaries so you think everyone is like you?

Indians in 1962 did not have a clue how to defend against PLA invasion.

Really kid? So what does your "facts" tell you. That the Chinese did not reach the town of Tezpur? That the Chinese were not coming in unopposed? Or that the Indian army did not make a hasty and rapid retreat?

Talk with respect kid. Teenagers like you with access to internet at times causes embarrassment for India.

So why don't you tell me your fantasy version of 1962 war?

Who is this moron?
Do you know anything about the Sino-Vietnamese encounters, besides the names of the two parties? Do you know how many times they clashed, and the results of those?

You don't even know how far the Chinese entered India and you will now teach me about Vietnam wars?

The Vietnamese HAMMERED the chinese. It is one and the only country to have fought and defeated 3 major powers in consecutive succession.

No, they were not under any compulsion. They did so because it was their plan to fight and win a limited war, and then move out before their lines of communications got stretched, and the main body of the Indian Army mobilised.

Oh my God :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You are one of those Indians who has no clue where the north-eastern states are. O you wise man, Arunachal Pradesh is a stone's throw away from China. Even today if a kid like you is allowed to visit Arunachal then there will be times when your phone gets chinese network and radio gets chinese signal. You stand in Arunachal border, extended your hand and your shadow will fall on China.

If the Chinese can occupy Tibet then holding onto Arunachal is a joke.

Indian army did not mobilise. India did not even dare to mobilise the airforce. Your beloved Nehru silently admitted defeat.

Punitive strike.

My god!! There should be an IQ test before any random poster is declared a professional.

The Chinese claim Arunachal even today. They had Arunachal in their grasp, while will they leave arunachal?
Who is this moron?

Right now you are acting like one.

Can anyone deny the importance of Kailash Mansarovar for Indian nation ?

Why are you even talking about "importance"?

India lost aksai chin, was looking helplessly as PLA marched into north-eastern region. If not for USA political support and pledge for military assistance the PLA would have been occupying eastern India by now.
This has been in many Chinese mind since 1962 til today. Mao shock the world with the unilateral ceasefire, ad it marked the first in history the victor of the war did not benefit from the victory. Chinese Gov doesn't talk about 1962, and we have no way knowing what was in Mao's mind at that time. We guess Mao was just going to teach Nehru a lesson but did not really want to break up with India, considering the difficult situation China was facing at that time. What is your take on this?

Your supply lines were choked. Mao did the right thing.
You don't even know how far the Chinese entered India and you will now teach me about Vietnam wars?

The Vietnamese HAMMERED the chinese. It is one and the only country to have fought and defeated 3 major powers in consecutive succession.

Oh my God :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You are one of those Indians who has no clue where the north-eastern states are. O you wise man, Arunachal Pradesh is a stone's throw away from China. Even today if a kid like you is allowed to visit Arunachal then there will be times when your phone gets chinese network and radio gets chinese signal. You stand in Arunachal border, extended your hand and your shadow will fall on China.

If the Chinese can occupy Tibet then holding onto Arunachal is a joke.

Indian army did not mobilise. India did not even dare to mobilise the airforce. Your beloved Nehru silently admitted defeat.

My god!! There should be an IQ test before any random poster is declared a professional.

The Chinese claim Arunachal even today. They had Arunachal in their grasp, while will they leave arunachal?

Will someone set this poor fellow straight? I am really taken aback, for the first time on PDF.

Can anyone deny the importance of Kailash Mansarovar for Indian nation ?

What has that got to do with ownership?

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