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Nehru sought US assistance during 1962 Indo-China war Nehru sought

Everyone does. It was not a secret that US interference saved India.

I don't understand why this is a news. Every educated person in India knows the 1962 war and how the stupidity of central leadership cost India the war.

This never happened. The Chinese leadership decided unilaterally to stop the war, declared a ceasefire and moved out.
This never happened. The Chinese leadership decided unilaterally to stop the war, declared a ceasefire and moved out.

It did happen. The Chinese are not mental to declare war, occupy the entire north-eastern region and just on a whim go back. Why did they even fight a war if they were not interested in holding land? This could be explained by only 2 scenarios which are both uncomfortable for India.

1. USA had to pledge support to India. China in 1962 was not as powerful as it is today. There was no way the chinese could have survived 48 hours in front of USAF onslaught. Indian army had no clue how to tackle chinese aggression. The chinese simply marched into India virtually unopposed.

2. The chinese were fighting a defensive war and hence they were not interested in capturing Indian territory.

The 2nd option is not viable because even if it was really a defensive was for China they had always claimed Arunachal as their own. USSR would not support India against a fellow communist country. The world then did not care how much territory India lost to china, it was the time of cuban missile crisis after all. Only USA which had and still has a fanatical hate for communists stepped up to help India.
This never happened. The Chinese leadership decided unilaterally to stop the war, declared a ceasefire and moved out.

One of the reason I think is because their supply lines will be cut off if they stay long before the counter attack.
Everyone does. It was not a secret that US interference saved India.

I don't understand why this is a news. Every educated person in India knows the 1962 war and how the stupidity of central leadership cost India the war.

United states was directly engaged in Vietnam 1955 and the war was going on between Chinese/Soviets Vs United states/France.

India was expecting to solve the dispute with China by talks but Chinese were gaining on the ground in Vietnam.

India was neutral during that time but the Chinese opened up one more front in 1962 and it was against India.
It did happen. The Chinese are not mental to declare war, occupy the entire north-eastern region and just on a whim go back. Why did they even fight a war if they were not interested in holding land? This could be explained by only 2 scenarios which are both uncomfortable for India.

1. USA had to pledge support to India. China in 1962 was not as powerful as it is today. There was no way the chinese could have survived 48 hours in front of USAF onslaught. Indian army had no clue how to tackle chinese aggression. The chinese simply marched into India virtually unopposed.

2. The chinese were fighting a defensive war and hence they were not interested in capturing Indian territory.

The 2nd option is not viable because even if it was really a defensive was for China they had always claimed Arunachal as their own. USSR would not support India against a fellow communist country. The world then did not care how much territory India lost to china, it was the time of cuban missile crisis after all. Only USA which had and still has a fanatical hate for communists stepped up to help India.

There is no evidence whatsoever that the US pledged any help, or that India finally took any help, or that the Chinese were influenced by such hypothetical help. Mere conjecture and spinning tales will not substitute for hard facts and documented evidence.

Your first point is thoroughly unfair to the Indian Army. Indian soldiers fought as hard as they could and died fighting. That is not marching into India virtually unopposed. It is untrue that they had no clue how to tackle Chinese aggression. But they had no choice when even platoon level placements on the battlefield were decided from Delhi.

For the second, there was no defensive war because there was nothing to defend. The Chinese leadership had decided to teach India a lesson and to ensure that leadership in Asia would be Chinese, not (even indirectly) Indian, not even through the structure of India + Indonesia + Egypt leading the non-aligned movement.

The US in the final analysis did nothing to help India. All the arms and ammunition, all the artillery, all the tanks, all the advice on re-organisation of their formations, all the modern aircraft from the Sabre to the Starfighter, all the transport equipment - everything down to quick-drying cement for bunkers was given to their CENTO and SEATO ally.

This thread was about Nehru's appeal for help. Not about the positive response to that appeal, which never happened.

One of the reason I think is because their supply lines will be cut off if they stay long before the counter attack.

This never happened. The Chinese leadership decided unilaterally to stop the war, declared a ceasefire and moved out.

China and the rest of the world learnt by the events of 1962, and by subsequent unconnected events, that if anything, the Indian people unite and India nationally consolidates when attacked from abroad.

Kailash , Mansarovar are now under the sovereignty of china after the war of 1962.
China and the rest of the world learnt by the events of 1962, and by subsequent unconnected events, that if anything, the Indian people unite and India nationally consolidates when attacked from abroad.

Kailash , Mansarovar are now under the sovereignty of china after the war of 1962.

The point remains: The Chinese declared a unilateral ceasefire and moved out.

Kailash and Manas Sarovar were under Chinese sovereignty from the time that they took control in Tibet, that is, 1959. What are you referring to?
There is no evidence whatsoever that the US pledged any help, or that India finally took any help, or that the Chinese were influenced by such hypothetical help. Mere conjecture and spinning tales will not substitute for hard facts and documented evidence.

And how did a mere civilian like you get hold of the Henderson Brooks report?

The USA pledged support to India because they hated he communists. The chinese are not fools to leave such easily gained territory.

Your first point is thoroughly unfair to the Indian Army. Indian soldiers fought as hard as they could and died fighting.

If you are one of those blind bhakts who sprouts propaganda then don't waste my time. A simple look at the lives lost and prisoners captured by both sides show how badly India was outclassed in 1962.

Indian army was caught completely unawares and could not put up a resistance. The defeat of 1962 so shocked Indian establishment that even today India suffers from a China phobia.

It is untrue that they had no clue how to tackle Chinese aggression. But they had no choice when even platoon level placements on the battlefield were decided from Delhi.

No it was not. The Chinese had massive numerical support plus better weapons. The chinese planned their moves carefully and strolled into north eastern region like they were out for a morning walk. There was little to no resistance to the chinese PLA.

For the second, there was no defensive war because there was nothing to defend. The Chinese leadership had decided to teach India a lesson and to ensure that leadership in Asia would be Chinese, not (even indirectly) Indian, not even through the structure of India + Indonesia + Egypt leading the non-aligned movement.

Which, WHICH, country hands back conquered territory? The Chinese conquered Aksai Chin and still occupies it. The same would have been fate of Arunachal but USA stepped up to save India.

The US in the final analysis did nothing to help India. All the arms and ammunition, all the artillery, all the tanks, all the advice on re-organisation of their formations, all the modern aircraft from the Sabre to the Starfighter, all the transport equipment - everything down to quick-drying cement for bunkers was given to their CENTO and SEATO ally.

And why won't they? The NAM was nothing but an exercise in stupidity.

This thread was about Nehru's appeal for help. Not about the positive response to that appeal, which never happened.

Do you believe in fairy tales?
There were several encounters. These were not carbon copies.

I don't know who taught you history but he fact is when chinese tried to do an invasion of Vietnam the Vietnamese hammered them. The world knows Vietnam defeated China and even the chinese get defensive when the issue is raised. But everyone knows 1962 was a disaster of epic proportions for India.

The point remains: The Chinese declared a unilateral ceasefire and moved out.

The PLA faced no opposition. They steamrolled Indian positions and entered north eastern region. A country which so easily won Indian territory is under no compulsion to declare any ceasefire.

Why would the chinese attack in the first place if they had to declare ceasefire and move out?
Not really surprised. India is only fit in fighting smaller guy's like Pakistan. Preferably when it has 7 times numerical advantage. Pit India against anybody remotely the same size ( China ) and it is case of sudden, violent, uncontrolled, explosive diarrhoea and do a Usain Bolt down the mountains to the safety of Ganges Valley.

In 1962 it was china that had enormous numerical advantage,surprise as well as modern weapons..While IA was the weakest in its history vis-a-vis to its neighbours.
The point remains: The Chinese declared a unilateral ceasefire and moved out.

Kailash and Manas Sarovar were under Chinese sovereignty from the time that they took control in Tibet, that is, 1959. What are you referring to?

A report of Thrinley Shingta, the 7th Gyalwang Drukpa, head of the Drukpa school of Tibetan Buddhism, who spent three months in the area in 1748, makes interesting reading:

“Administratively, it is established that the immediate village of Minsar and its surrounding areas are ancient Ladakhi territory. After Lhasa invaded West Tibet in 1684, it was agreed and formally inscribed in the Peace Treaty between Tibet and Ladakh, signed in 1684, that the King of Ladakh retained the territory of Minsar and its neighbourhood as a territorial enclave, in order to meet the religious offering expenses of the sacred sites by Lake Manasarovar and Mount Kailash.”

For centuries, the inhabitants of Minsar, although surrounded by Tibetan territories, paid their taxes to the kingdom of Ladakh. During in the 19th century, when Ladakh was incorporated into Maharaja Gulab Singh’s State, Minsar became de facto part of the Jammu & Kashmir State which regularly collected taxes from Minsar. This lasted till the early 1950s.

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