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Nehru snooped upon key Bose family members : Declassified IB files

Yes, Indian intelligence agencies and British Mi5 intensely cooperated for 20 long years AFTER the independence of India to spy on the family members of one of India's greatest freedom fighters, just imagine!

It has been also clarified already that there was no plane crash in Taiwan on that fateful day of Netaji's death(?), there is certainly more in the story, something that might raise serious doubts about conducts of some of our tallest leaders of that time. Who knows if the real story has enough material to change the looks of our currency notes!

"A leader is more known by his habits than his words. Upon his ailing health due to exhausting work load, when doctors prescribed Netaji to have an egg a day, he replied he will take it only when he will be able feed every INA soldier the same. While, Nehru spent his days in Raj Bhaban, his daily menu included two boiled eggs, bread with honey and butter and coffee, soup, four fish fries dipped in egg and lemon juice and chicken royal, spicy keema of a chicken stuffed into a bigger chicken which was fried in butter. Heck, how did he manage to digest all these!!"

Courtesy: @scorpionx

Jawaharlal Nehru spied on Subhas Chandra Bose's family for 20 years

More importantly. How come he not become a Tondu?
I don't think we have any files on Shastri. It was a KGB's assassination to put their lackey on throne.

KGB must have kept a file on him to blackmail Gandhis, though there is very little chance that they would release it.

dint knew KGB was behind shastri'jis death , shocking
I dont think we should hide any of these files anymore. India and Indians need to have a debate on how to guide our nation forward. The problem there is a huge number of ppl who are pacifist, secular, etc. All traits that are excellenet for wonderful utopia but we dont live in that world.

Secularism, utopia and socialism are a farce creation of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty that wanted to rule India using trickery and political force. The only imposed emergency was a sign of desperation as the people of that generation have told us.

No matter what happens our mindset has to security oriented 24-7 regardless of which politican or govt comes into power.

You mean like Israel and Russia?

Well that will take some time to mould the mindset and a mandatory required military service for a year by all Indians to nationalize their mentality from being selfish materialistic dopes that they are currently. All Indian schools will have to impart the ideology that are taught in NDA, IMA, AFA and INA across the nation.

Israel is strong because every citizen there knows the truth while the truth here, whether our cultural, faith-based or simply political, was twisted, contorted and shoved down children's throats for selfish political gains for 67 years (50 years for us and respectively so for other states that joined later).

I hate the way we suck up to the Brits. We need to get our self respect! Build our nation lie never before. Whatever flaws or weakeness they and others point out and use to bring us down, should be the Energy and the reason we use to correct it and make it better. India and Indians have this great ability, but we lack great leadership and governace till recently. Why would ever accept democracy from the West but never make any attempt at tweaking it to fit India perfectly. Why cannot we train, adapt and push ourselves to be the best? Stop settling to simply develop, develop to be the best? There are some great things to learn from China which is tough to say from a guy who does not trust China at all.

That's what PM Modi is doing; destroying our mental bondage to everything colonial by reducing engagement with the British and their associated things. Look at the pattern of his govt's work; promoting India all across the world in the following order:

1- Asia: Nepal, Bhutan Japan and China first
2- USA, Brazil, Russia and South Americas
3- Russia by hosting Putin warmly
4- Pacific and Australia
5- Southeast Asia in Singapore
6- Middle East: Israel Oman, Saudi and Qatar
7- Europe: France, Germany and later Canada on stand-alone basis

Think about it; why did he not include UK despite it having such a large Indian origin population? The problem is not with David Cameron or his party; it is to simply disassociate with the UK elite (Lesley Udwin, BBC and Greenpeace etc types) and break their stanglehold over Indian mass consumption psyche.

By targeting France and Germany together, he wants to distance himself from anything colonial that had a memory imprint in India's hearts and minds. I was watching the news channel on how he went about many associations formed in France to fight against colonialism in India. The French were the most peaceful trading posts in India despite being brutal around rest of the world; worst being Portuguese in Goa and then British in rest of the country.

While we officially maintain very warm and cordial ties with UK even now at an international level (no ties have been soured by any inaction or action if we see), the idea is to break away from the ideologically anti-Indian elements in British elite and to wean off their pets and closet supporters in Indian intellectual community. Breaking Greenpeace's neck and the heads of many such shady NGOs was the first step.

The message is clear; India is willing to engage as an equal country a friend and a potential partner, but not as a second tier sidekick.

I cannot get mad nor blame Japan. They did a lot for Bose. If they did aid in getting Bose killed, they weren't in a great position to do anything else. Japan lost WW2 after being attacked by nuclear bombs not once but twice.

Unlikely. Japan would have nothing to gain by killing a person who though they didn't like later, but was still against their worst enemies; the Allied powers.

Bringing up Shastri is a great point! I also want to bring up Homi's death on Air India in the Alps!

This is why I stated earlier, we need to revamp India like never before in our entire history of 5000 yrs! ALl weaknesses in our society in every sphere involving even religion shoul dbe transformed and changed with national and security pov/approach..

5000 years is just what British-sponsored archaeological research says. The world as we know it is much older according to ancient Indian texts whether vedic or Buddhist, brother. Remember that. :)
Habibur Rehman and the two Japanese doctors had changed their versions so many times that the entire medical report looks ridiculous.

Justice Mukherjee’s report, taking a rigorous approach that approves of primary documents and abhors circumstantial evidence, he finds that there is absolutely nothing to go on. There is no pictorial or written evidence of the crash in the Taipei airfield log, or in the local newspapers or held by the Taiwan government; there are no death certificates or cremation certificates for Bose and several others who are supposed to have died with him. Attempts by Mukherjee’s team to remove some of the ashes from Renkoji temple for DNA testing were unsuccessful, though it is doubtful whether such tests would have worked anyway. Mukherjee concluded:

a) There is no satisfactory evidence of the plane crash; on the contrary, the story given out in that respect is rather improbable.

b) In the absence of any contemporaneous record in the hospital, the Bureau and/or the crematorium, the oral account of the witnesses of Netaji’s death and cremation cannot be relied on to arrive at a definitive finding; and

c) A secret plan was contrived to ensure Netaji’s safe passage, to which Japanese military authority and Habibur Rahman were parties.
Gandhi was an asshole....father of the Nation my ***. The guy was a weak prick who didnt have the balls to stand up. Indian history books need to begin showing the role of Indian freedom fighters who pursued violence. That non violent approach will only work when the world has come to the table to talk after the fighting.

There are many who are not mentioned.

My dislike for Gandhi was his appeasement for such criminal behavior like this......Bengalis should never forget

Syama Prasad Mukherjee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Noakhali riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gandhi was a weak cunt. Look at how the British sided with the animals and hid these reports. I blame Nehru and Gandhi who not allowing us to know our true history so we can reply back with facts when folks from the UK and elsewhere talk shit about India. Makes my f-king blood boil..... even though it occurred decades ago. To think those young girls were raped, men slaughtered, families forced to convert.......yet this weak old fuk expects us to forget our past, to forgive...and then move on....How the fuk do we ever learn? How do we prepare for another war? How we learn from our mistakes. Every single fuking thing Congress has ever done for India.....is just crap....

Secularism, utopia and socialism are a farce creation of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty that wanted to rule India using trickery and political force. The only imposed emergency was a sign of desperation as the people of that generation have told us.

You mean like Israel and Russia?

Well that will take some time to mould the mindset and a mandatory required military service for a year by all Indians to nationalize their mentality from being selfish materialistic dopes that they are currently. All Indian schools will have to impart the ideology that are taught in NDA, IMA, AFA and INA across the nation.

Israel is strong because every citizen there knows the truth while the truth here, whether our cultural, faith-based or simply political, was twisted, contorted and shoved down children's throats for selfish political gains for 67 years (50 years for us and respectively so for other states that joined later).

That's what PM Modi is doing; destroying our mental bondage to everything colonial by reducing engagement with the British and their associated things. Look at the pattern of his govt's work; promoting India all across the world in the following order:

1- Asia: Nepal, Bhutan Japan and China first
2- USA, Brazil, Russia and South Americas
3- Russia by hosting Putin warmly
4- Pacific and Australia
5- Southeast Asia in Singapore
6- Middle East: Israel Oman, Saudi and Qatar
7- Europe: France, Germany and later Canada on stand-alone basis

Think about it; why did he not include UK despite it having such a large Indian origin population? The problem is not with David Cameron or his party; it is to simply disassociate with the UK elite (Lesley Udwin, BBC and Greenpeace etc types) and break their stanglehold over Indian mass consumption psyche.

By targeting France and Germany together, he wants to distance himself from anything colonial that had a memory imprint in India's hearts and minds. I was watching the news channel on how he went about many associations formed in France to fight against colonialism in India. The French were the most peaceful trading posts in India despite being brutal around rest of the world; worst being Portuguese in Goa and then British in rest of the country.

While we officially maintain very warm and cordial ties with UK even now at an international level (no ties have been soured by any inaction or action if we see), the idea is to break away from the ideologically anti-Indian elements in British elite and to wean off their pets and closet supporters in Indian intellectual community. Breaking Greenpeace's neck and the heads of many such shady NGOs was the first step.

The message is clear; India is willing to engage as an equal country a friend and a potential partner, but not as a second tier sidekick.

Unlikely. Japan would have nothing to gain by killing a person who though they didn't like later, but was still against their worst enemies; the Allied powers.

5000 years is just what British-sponsored archaeological research says. The world as we know it is much older according to ancient Indian texts whether vedic or Buddhist, brother. Remember that. :)

My Brother! Glad to know there are a few of us on here who think the same!

i wanted to mention like Israel and Russia, even Pakistan (I know surprise, surprise) has done a great job at changing the mindset. I will have to post a vid link to an interview with ISI Chief Durrani at Oxford where he makes it a point to state that no matter who comes into power, the ISI and Military will take all steps to neutralize threats and even step over civilian authority if they are a threat to their national security. While I don't apreciate that seeing what is going on in Pakistan, I couldn't stop thinking about Moraji and how the idiot really f-ked us over back then!

Your points are spot on. Thanks for putting it out here...
Justice Mukherjee’s report, taking a rigorous approach that approves of primary documents and abhors circumstantial evidence, he finds that there is absolutely nothing to go on. There is no pictorial or written evidence of the crash in the Taipei airfield log, or in the local newspapers or held by the Taiwan government; there are no death certificates or cremation certificates for Bose and several others who are supposed to have died with him. Attempts by Mukherjee’s team to remove some of the ashes from Renkoji temple for DNA testing were unsuccessful, though it is doubtful whether such tests would have worked anyway. Mukherjee concluded:

a) There is no satisfactory evidence of the plane crash; on the contrary, the story given out in that respect is rather improbable.

b) In the absence of any contemporaneous record in the hospital, the Bureau and/or the crematorium, the oral account of the witnesses of Netaji’s death and cremation cannot be relied on to arrive at a definitive finding; and

c) A secret plan was contrived to ensure Netaji’s safe passage, to which Japanese military authority and Habibur Rahman were parties.

Have you gone through it?This was an excellent book with intricate details on the mystery, the various inconsistencies of eye witness accounts of the plane crash. Highly recommended for any Netaji admirer.
Sound explanation .But BJP too with clear majority is hesitant to release the files today, isn't?

Two possible explanations:

One, these files are top secret, very few have access to it, Modi doesn't have time to go through those 70000+ pages of documents himself to decide how explosive these documents are, and there are very few who can tell him what is in those documents. So, it is safer to continue with the official line than to accidentally reveal some really explosive things for which BJP can be held responsible.

Two, what if the files show top Congress leaders of that time in very poor light? A figure like Gandhiji is a national icon, an international identity of India, what if the documents contain things that destroys his saintly image? May be BJP is unsure of taking such political risks?
I think it is Britain and Japan with whom our relations could get sour with release of documents.

Without Japanese connivance and British lechery, an assasination could not have had been orchestrated.

Also Bose was dye in red marxist. If rumors of his internment in Soviet camp were true, he would have been sent back to India by Stalin after 1950 to establish Soviet Socialist Republic of India ( SSRI).

Anyway Guys imagine the reaction if KGB files related to Lal Bahadur Shashtri's assasination are made public some day.

That's the trump card, will not be used for minor issues and Congress or 'Gandhi' parivar is not going to survive that politically. Though one has to wonder what Putin gains by declassifying those files.

As for relations, at this stage, relations with UK are irrelevant for most part. Japan is too nascent and they are already dithering with the nuclear deal. Its all about Russia and the KGB angle.

Have you gone through it?This was an excellent book with intricate details on the mystery, the various inconsistencies of eye witness accounts of the plane crash. Highly recommended for any Netaji admirer.

This book, "Subhash Ghore Fere Nai" by Shyamal Bose, and "Netajir Antardhan Rahasya" by Barun Sengupta, the founder editor of "Bartaman" newspaper are good. In recent times investigative journalist turned writer Anuj Dhar is the main protagonist of the people fighting for declassification of Netaji files. His two books are also very good, "India's Biggest Cover-up" followed by "Back from the dead". As a truly investigative journalist, he has backed up everything he has written with photocopies of official documents that he has printed in his books. This latest revelation was also done by him.

It is mostly believed (and later substantiated by evidence) that the plane crash was a hoax to deceive the British intelligence agencies and Netaji escaped to Russia (USSR), there either he was jailed and later killed by Stalin (allegedly on request of the British, and Nehru allegedly asked for it), or he was sheltered by Russia, probably for future political gain, as Netaji could take India to Russian camp instead of American/British camp (that happened anyway afterwards), later he came to India and lived in anonymity in many places as a sadhu, maybe as per some deal with Russian and/or Indian government, or maybe because he himself didn't want to wreck the political structure of a newly independent country, it is beyond any doubt that he loved his country more than anything else. It is also a fact that Gumnami Baba was also tracked and kept under surveillance till he died.

Here is a piece from Anuj Dhar, please read it, very informative:

No More Excuses to Keep Netaji’s Post-45 Whereabouts a Mystery

Anuj Dhar
For more than a decade, Anuj Dhar has devoted himself to resolving the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Subhash Chandra Bose. His 2012 bestselling book India's Biggest Cover-up (Netaji Rahasya Gatha in Hindi) triggered the demand for declassification of the Bose files.

14 Jan, 2015

Records suggesting Netaji was alive post-August 1945 have leaked inadvertently. Now that Subramanian Swamy has reiterated his theory that Bose was killed in Russia, the government must come clean on the mystery. Modi’s government is better placed to declassify the files than all preceding governments.

The irrepressible Subramanian Swamy has created a flutter again by claiming in a press meet in Kolkata that Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was killed in Siberia on Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s orders.

The outcry that has followed Swamy’s bombshell has pitted believers against disbelievers. Many think Swamy’s track record, especially his prescient observations in the Sunanda Pushkar case, lends credence to this latest charge of his. Others have rubbished the charge outright.

What is the reliability of the claim that Netaji was in Russia? Is there anything on record to suggest that he was there after his alleged death in Taiwan in August 1945, as we are told by mainstream historians?

After Bose was reported dead by his Japanese friends, the Government of India under the British created a group of intelligence and military officers to inquire into the Japanese claim. The Combined Section (CS) worked out of the Military Intelligence Directorate in the GHQ, India and was headed by Intelligence Bureau (IB) Deputy Director W McK Wright.

Rather early into the probe, the sleuths blew holes in the Japanese account. For one, there was no direct evidence of Bose’s death. No dead body, no picture, no documents — just the claim by a few ‘eyewitnesses’ that Bose had died while on his way to Tokyo to discuss the Indian National Army’s surrender.

And then the IB found Kinji Watanabe, an interpreter attached to Hikari Kikan (the Japanese military organisation liaising with Netaji’s free India government), who had taken part in a secret meeting between Bose and Japanese military and intelligence officers just before the reported air crash in Taiwan. Watanabe told the IB that when he reached the venue, the Japanese led by Hikari chief Lt General Saburo Isoda were discussing “how to get Mr Bose to his destination”.

“It was generally understood that he was to get to the Russians, probably to Manchuria… With regard to Bose’s going to Russia, it was an understood thing… that he was going to hand himself up to the Russians,” reads the record of Watanabe’s interrogation declassified in 1997 by our government to mark free India’s 50th year. When governments undertake large scale declassification drives, some records that are otherwise meant to be hidden from public are released inadvertently.

From National Archives, New Delhi

Watanabe’s revelation was supported by several Japanese and INA officers, including those who were present in that meeting. General Isoda, who had worked out Bose’s last known flight, eventually conceded in the 1970s that “the purpose of his flight was to go to the Soviet Union and, with the aid of Soviet Union, he was to continue his independence movement”.

Long before World War II came to an end, Bose had been planning his next move as he could foresee the Allied victory. Contrary to general perception, Soviet Russia and Japan remained friends till about the end of the War, even though Russia was part of the Allied bloc.

In fact, Bose wrote a letter to the Russian Ambassador in Tokyo seeking Russian help in his fight to free India. This letter now lies in Moscow in former KGB archive — according to a Russian researcher, who saw it and copied its contents. The letter carries a comment from the Commissiar of State Security (NKGB) to the chief of the 5th division of the first command of NKVD — the forerunner of the KGB.

As to what advantage lay for the Japanese military in sending the Indian leader to Russia, Watanabe was able to recall Bose’s own words in another report:

Once I have been given an interview with the Russian Ambassador, I have perfect confidence in my success in persuading Russia to help our independence movement and at the same time I am sure that I can do something to improve the relations between Japan and Russia, and it might serve to decrease the menace Japan is feeling on the Manchurian side.

Also available in a file at the National Archive in New Delhi is the following assessment made by the Combined Section several months after Bose’s reported death. It was based on multiple, reliable sources, all of which ruled out Bose’s death:

In December, a report said that the Governor of the Afghan province of Khost had been informed by the Russian Ambassador in Kabul that there were many Congress refugees in Moscow and Bose was included in their number. There is little reason for such persons to bring Bose into fabricated stories. The view that Russian officials are disclosing or alleging that Bose is in Moscow is supplied in a report received from Tehran. This states that Moradoff, the Russian Vice Consul-General, disclosed in March that Bose was in Russia.

What have now gone missing are the post-1947 reports received by the Jawaharlal Nehru administration. For instance, a 1952 top secret note, now untraceable, conveyed the following from a former Bose aide-turned-Nehru loyalist and envoy to the foreign secretary:

A special messenger from Netaji came to see me on 16th from Bangkok with a letter from him asking me to get ready to secure transport from the Japanese and to leave for Manchuria, and to meet him there. He suggested that although the Soviets had declared war against the Japanese, it would be desirable to be arrested by the Soviet authorities in Manchuria because we could later negotiate with them and might persuade them to accept us as their friends and not enemies.

Despite all this and much more being on record, Prime Minister Nehru rebuffed suggestions to officially take up the matter with the Russians. The allegation is that Bose was left out in the cold. Once at a diplomatic gathering, he rebuffed a proposal to take up the Bose issue with the Russian ambassador. He said it was a “talk of chandukhana” — gossip in a den of opium addicts.

He was a lucky man as the records discussed above, and many more, were not in public domain back then. But then, there is much more that remains classified in our age. The Prime Minister’s Office alone has 60 files regarding Netaji, Rajya Sabha MP Sukhendu Sekhar Ray was informed last month. Are we living under the British rule that our government maintains secret files on the man Mahatma Gandhi called “Prince among patriots”? Would the Government of India dare to keep files secret on other national icons?

We must demand disclosure of every secret paper regarding Netaji, especially those held by intelligence agencies. We should do so for the very reasons heaven and earth are being moved to crack the mystery of Sunanda Pushkar’s death: truth, justice and transparency.

Of course, it has been many years that the Bose mystery has been going on and on. But one must appreciate that with the government hostility on one side and a lack of credible information on the other, a solution to India’s longest running controversy was not possible earlier.

No More Excuses to Keep Netaji’s Post-45 Whereabouts a Mystery | Swarajya
One, these files are top secret, very few have access to it, Modi doesn't have time to go through those 70000+ pages of documents himself to decide how explosive these documents are, and there are very few who can tell him what is in those documents. So, it is safer to continue with the official line than to accidentally reveal some really explosive things for which BJP can be held responsible.

Modi won't have gone through the pages. Doval, Jaitley and Swamy who are well versed in intel and legal expertise will be doing it.

So there was no reason for BJP to be worried about.

Two, what if the files show top Congress leaders of that time in very poor light? A figure like Gandhiji is a national icon, an international identity of India, what if the documents contain things that destroys his saintly image? May be BJP is unsure of taking such political risks?

That is what is needed! To show the real face of Congress and EVERYTHING what it stands for is a fake, farce lie!!!

Gandhi was no saint and many modern generation Indians respect the other freedom fighters far more than the Congress father of nation.

This is the perfect time to do it.

Maybe they will release it slowly so that it doesn't become a dynamite in one go.
I think it is Britain and Japan with whom our relations could get sour with release of documents.

Without Japanese connivance and British lechery, an assasination could not have had been orchestrated.

Also Bose was dye in red marxist. If rumors of his internment in Soviet camp were true, he would have been sent back to India by Stalin after 1950 to establish Soviet Socialist Republic of India ( SSRI).

Anyway Guys imagine the reaction if KGB files related to Lal Bahadur Shashtri's assasination are made public some day.

@axisofevil @Rain Man @Tshering22 @thesolar65 @SarthakGanguly @Zebra @magudi @SrNair
Actually Bose was not a Marxist. He had socialist views on the economy. But for everything else - he was pretty much a Fascist or at least authoritarian. And we fear the loss of Russian friendship - more than Brit-Japan. Japan had nothing to lose anyway.
Maybe they will release it slowly so that it doesn't become a dynamite in one go.

I think this latest revelation by Anuj Dhar is a coordinated effort towards that only.

Actually Bose was not a Marxist. He had socialist views on the economy. But for everything else - he was pretty much a Fascist or at least authoritarian. And we fear the loss of Russian friendship - more than Brit-Japan. Japan had nothing to lose anyway.

If we can have good relations with Britain even after what they did in our country for nearly 200 years, we can also have good relations with Russia for what USSR may or may not have done to Netaji. Our political establishment actually fears the loss of our own face, if the "First Prime Minister of India" and/or the "Father of the Nation" turn out to be conspirators, then it will destroy our national icons, especially Gandhi is a big brand, and too risky to touch!

Btw, Netaji doesn't fit into the description of a 'fascist', 'authoritarian' you can say. However, that is a character trait of most leaders, one can't be a leader without being authoritarian.

Besides, Bose had socialist views, most of the leaders (or probably all the leaders) of that time had socialist views, India was not ready for capitalism at that point of time. Even today we are not fully ready for total capitalism.
I think this latest revelation by Anuj Dhar is a coordinated effort towards that only.

If we can have good relations with Britain even after what they did in our country for nearly 200 years, we can also have good relations with Russia for what USSR may or may not have done to Netaji. Our political establishment actually fears the loss of our own face, if the "First Prime Minister of India" and/or the "Father of the Nation" turn out to be conspirators, then it will destroy our national icons, especially Gandhi is a big brand, and too risky to touch!

Btw, Netaji doesn't fit into the description of a 'fascist', 'authoritarian' you can say. However, that is a character trait of most leaders, one can't be a leader without being authoritarian.
I don't care if he was a Nazi. I want the files out. :D
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