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Near pakistan border, Deesa could turn into full fledged IAF airbase: Official

Deesa air base (supposed) is well in the range of A-100MRLS



Good stuff , we just have to deploy a few dozen A-100s in the vicinity , btw what air crafts are you guys going to station there , MKI's ?

I dont have time to make some crazy maps.. Anyway many of Pak's airbases and even the heart of Pakistan (Lahore) is within the range of our artillery and Smerch MLRS. :smokin:

And it is good to have military strategists among us who can see factors that even the IAF failed to see when selecting a Airforce base. :lol:
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Good stuff , we just have to deploy a few dozen A-100s in the vicinity , btw what air crafts are you guys going to station there , MKI's ?
Why whould IAF deploy Su-30MKI against PAF? Most probably Mig-29s will be stationed there.
It is very stupid to think that you'll be trying to take down an airbase using rockets. Rockets are not used to take out airbases or cities. Please grow up.

Rockets are small, inaccurate, and not powerful enough to damage a huge area. They are just an alternative for artillery. You need to bomb an airbase with precision to disable it.
Deesa air base (supposed) is well in the range of A-100MRLS



Good stuff , we just have to deploy a few dozen A-100s in the vicinity , btw what air crafts are you guys going to station there , MKI's ?

The Thar Desert is largely intractable, esp. for heavy vehicles like those MRLS launchers. But I hope I'm wrong on this.
Why whould IAF deploy Su-30MKI against PAF? Most probably Mig-29s will be stationed there.

Mig29s won't go there. They are stationed in Adampur, replaced the Mig 21s there.
Most probably it will be a new aircraft. Either Su30 MKI or MRCA winner.

Even Bhuj airbase is full of Mig 21s. They need to be replaced soon.
The Thar Desert is largely intractable, esp. for heavy vehicles like those MRLS launchers. But I hope I'm wrong on this.

Actually it suits the MRLS launchers. But rockets are not usable in these situations. Rockets are used when the target is within sight, or there is nothing between the target and the launcher.

Rockets don't have active guidance. They need to be guided using co-ordinates, which sometimes can be inaccurate, and which is why they are used only as an alternative for artillery. Inaccurate, but lots of rockets to be fired to do collateral damage.
Mig29s won't go there. They are stationed in Adampur, replaced the Mig 21s there.
Most probably it will be a new aircraft. Either Su30 MKI or MRCA winner.

Even Bhuj airbase is full of Mig 21s. They need to be replaced soon.

Oh...why on earth we need to station Su-30's against Pak? We need them against china! How about mirages and yes...LCA?
Deesa air base (supposed) is well in the range of A-100MRLS



Good stuff , we just have to deploy a few dozen A-100s in the vicinity , btw what air crafts are you guys going to station there , MKI's ?

If blowing a airfield or airbase is that easy so all your airbase are in danger :lol::lol:
I dont have time to make some crazy maps.. Anyway many of Pak's airbases and even the heart of Pakistan (Lahore) is within the range of our artillery and Smerch MLRS. :smokin:

And it is good to have military strategists among us who can see factors that even the IAF failed to see when selecting a Airforce base. :lol:

War is about mutual destruction dear. In wars you take risks even though you know about the backlash. So if it would be full fledged war we would go for it even it would have a lot dangers stored in it. :lol:
War is about mutual destruction dear. In wars you take risks even though you know about the backlash. So if it would be full fledged war we would go for it even it would have a lot dangers stored in it. :lol:

Leave it yaar --- it was my fault trying to reason with people who think MLRS can destroy an airbase. :lol:

As I said just Leave it. And think about it...we can anytime shift the airbase to somewhere....Try shifting Lahore somewhere.:lol:
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Oh...why on earth we need to station Su-30's against Pak? We need them against china! How about mirages and yes...LCA?

Because if we don't field Su30s, what other options have we got???
If you remove Mig 29s from Adampur, you will need to field something there. That is also close to Pakistan border. You can't underestimate the enemy.

We need to put the best of our inventory at our borders, so that our attrition rate is low, and we avoid enemy gaining any territory.

We will be fielding 280 MKIs in the future, they are more than enough to cover all our border airfields.

All aircraft have their bases, and they don't change them so quickly and easily.
War is about mutual destruction dear. In wars you take risks even though you know about the backlash. So if it would be full fledged war we would go for it even it would have a lot dangers stored in it.
Because if we don't field Su30s, what other options have we got???
If you remove Mig 29s from Adampur, you will need to field something there. That is also close to Pakistan border. You can't underestimate the enemy.

We need to put the best of our inventory at our borders, so that our attrition rate is low, and we avoid enemy gaining any territory.

We will be fielding 280 MKIs in the future, they are more than enough to cover all our border airfields.

All aircraft have their bases, and they don't change them so quickly and easily.

i agree with your first part that we dont have anything else than mki to replace migs at bhuj
but i dont agree that we should be fielding them more closer to border.
according to me we should field inteceptors like tejas who have shorter range near to border to take out the incoming aggression.
and field more valuable superiority fighters like MKI with higher range deeper into our territory so that it will be difficult for enemy to reach them.
its just my opinion but you can always help me out with this.
Leave it yaar --- it was my fault trying to reason with people who think MLRS can destroy an airbase. :lol:

OK. Good you realize the mistake.

As I said just Leave it. And think about it...we can anytime shift the airbase to somewhere....Try shifting Lahore somewhere.:lol:

You said something even more stupid than last time but as you said leave it. So. Leave it.

Why not use part of money to help uplift lives of Deesa poor..i am sure there are many much like other bordering villages!

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