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Near pakistan border, Deesa could turn into full fledged IAF airbase: Official

Why not use part of money to help uplift lives of Deesa poor..i am sure there are many much like other bordering villages!

Why dnt you give this advice to Pakistani government first ???
Why not use part of money to help uplift lives of Deesa poor..i am sure there are many much like other bordering villages!

India is Lifting 40 Million from poverty every year.... India and china are Largest lifters of Poverty for Your Kind Info....

On topic: Its necessary to Fortify your Boundaries No Matter How, If this assures Annihilation of Threats, Its always a Welcoming move...
Why not use part of money to help uplift lives of Deesa poor..i am sure there are many much like other bordering villages!

off course the lives of poor people will be bettered not just from deena but from all over INDIA . but before we make our country all rich we need to ensure that our borders are sealed and safe from all sides so that no one from around comes in to loot our prosperity. so we are first building the strong defence to guard our assets and then we will become rich.:chilli::chilli::chilli:
i agree with your first part that we dont have anything else than mki to replace migs at bhuj
but i dont agree that we should be fielding them more closer to border.
according to me we should field inteceptors like tejas who have shorter range near to border to take out the incoming aggression.
and field more valuable superiority fighters like MKI with higher range deeper into our territory so that it will be difficult for enemy to reach them.
its just my opinion but you can always help me out with this.

Its ok if we put LCA closer to border, but then we will have a higher attrition rate. We will lose more aircraft and pilots, in case of a war.
Our LCA can not take on the F-16s so easily. On the other hand our Su30s can take care of anything from the other side of the border.

We don't need to keep our aircraft safe, hidden inside our territory. We need to put them close to border, to deny the enemy any gain.
Its ok if we put LCA closer to border, but then we will have a higher attrition rate. We will lose more aircraft and pilots, in case of a war.
Our LCA can not take on the F-16s so easily. On the other hand our Su30s can take care of anything from the other side of the border.

We don't need to keep our aircraft safe, hidden inside our territory. We need to put them close to border, to deny the enemy any gain.

Well I cant comply to that. LCA was built as a point defence fighter. You have to agree with me on that. The delta wing, High TWR, and a radar with A2A as its primary role all points LCA to be an interceptor more than an A2G fighter. So I think the LCA would be a more viable choice than having the Su 30 MKI there. We already have the Su 30 MKI at the Lohegaon airbase and the Su 30 will be the heavy class fghter. MiG 21 Bison and LCA make better choices according to me.

And above all when the Su 30 has the range then why not use it to our maximum advantage?...this is talking about a base..and ALGs and FLGs will be the major source of concern as the squadrons will be split and placed in these places. every base has its own job to do and they are trained for it. The Deesa base seems more like a base to place interceptor aircrafts and will be defending the Indian air space.
off course the lives of poor people will be bettered not just from deena but from all over INDIA . but before we make our country all rich we need to ensure that our borders are sealed and safe from all sides so that no one from around comes in to loot our prosperity. so we are first building the strong defence to guard our assets and then we will become rich

Did not help stopping the European colonials from coming and looting India once again. Obama comes to support american jobs while booting out hundred thousands of Indian H1B1 holders as well chopping off plans for potential Indian energy routes (IPI).

You must have heard of:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Its ok if we put LCA closer to border, but then we will have a higher attrition rate. We will lose more aircraft and pilots, in case of a war.
Our LCA can not take on the F-16s so easily. On the other hand our Su30s can take care of anything from the other side of the border.

We don't need to keep our aircraft safe, hidden inside our territory. We need to put them close to border, to deny the enemy any gain.

i agree with your POV too
but its just that i hope to see tejas as a good interceptor and hence should be able to take down any plane from adversary. where as MKI should be given role of striking deep penetration role inside enemy territory.

so hoping (and assuming as well)that tejas is good interceptor its role will suit more to bases close to border while MKI role is more suitable to INNER bases.
its just my POV that interceptor should be used within our own airfield while better superiority fighters should be used to attack enemy in their own airspace
Tejas vs LCA is not the question here..just make sure the landing gear works right or i feel sorry for the "vidva" of poor pilot. Test it once mid air before entering Pakistani territory. OK..landing gears are life savers..especially when you are target locked!
Tejas vs LCA is not the question here..just make sure the landing gear works right or i feel sorry for the "vidva" of poor pilot. Test it once mid air before entering Pakistani territory. OK..landing gears are life savers..especially when you are target locked!

:lol: Off topic but just check specification of your super duper JF17 then we will find out about poor pilots "vidva"
BM-30 has -30 to 70 kms of range .

A-100 has - 130 - 150 kms.

You are going to deploy MRLs against MRLs , which school did you go to ?

BTW your source doesn't contain accurate info on A-100s range.

Indian planners are well aware of the weapon suite that is available in Pakistan arsenal... There will be counter measures deployed while building this asset .. or the Asset wont be implemented by wasting money knowing the damage it is going to incur during the tension times...

Hoping to see Tejas deployed here
Did not help stopping the European colonials from coming and looting India once again. Obama comes to support american jobs while booting out hundred thousands of Indian H1B1 holders as well chopping off plans for potential Indian energy routes (IPI).

You must have heard of:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

reading too much fiction?
nobody looted INDIA, its mutual benefit thats bringing obama and europians. we are getting things from them and they are getting things from us.
and to talk about what we got from america we got nuclear deal without signing any NPT.:bunny:

and its really ironic coming from pakistan
your country went in war for america just for peanuts called aid, couldnt do anything but whinning when america gave INDIA nuclear deal but rejected same to pakistan.
and now afghans are killing pakistanis for helping america . so its quite evident who is using whom.:chilli::chilli:
pakistan doesn't even have planes to fight against our mki forget about the other superior weapons we have.... let me put a question..why israel is being able to stand against all the arabs ...because they have both numerical and technological superiority against them.....but in case with pakistan this is completely opposite they donot have either numerical nor technological superiority. we have fewer targets to attack they have higher numbers of target..... pity on them..
Tejas vs LCA is not the question here..just make sure the landing gear works right or i feel sorry for the "vidva" of poor pilot. Test it once mid air before entering Pakistani territory. OK..landing gears are life savers..especially when you are target locked!

this is what happens when you give members designation only depending on number of posts and not quality of posts.
you are a senior member so please act like one.:wave:
LCA and tejas is same thing.
Deesa air base (supposed) is well in the range of A-100MRLS



Good stuff , we just have to deploy a few dozen A-100s in the vicinity , btw what air crafts are you guys going to station there , MKI's ?

yeah..good luck with that..:hitwall:
Taking out a full fledged airfield by Rockets id an excellent strategy..:devil:

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