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Why only Muslims? Have PTI become religious party? I will prefer an honest & patriotic non-Muslim even on PM & President position than a traitor, corrupt and sellout Muslim PM/President.

I hope some sane voices within PTI make IK realize that he is on wrong path.
Why on Muslims? Have PTI become religious party? I will prefer an honest & patriotic non-Muslim even on PM & President position than a traitor, corrupt and sellout Muslim PM/President.

I hope some sane voices within PTI make IK realize that he is on wrong path.
even though im a PTi supporters totally agre with u

Why on Muslims? Have PTI become religious party? I will prefer an honest & patriotic non-Muslim even on PM & President position than a traitor, corrupt and sellout Muslim PM/President.

I hope some sane voices within PTI make IK realize that he is on wrong path.
even though im a PTi supporters totally agree with u





Why only Muslims? Have PTI become religious party? I will prefer an honest & patriotic non-Muslim even on PM & President position than a traitor, corrupt and sellout Muslim PM/President.

I hope some sane voices within PTI make IK realize that he is on wrong path.
Not until JI is in coalition...........
Why only Muslims? Have PTI become religious party? I will prefer an honest & patriotic non-Muslim even on PM & President position than a traitor, corrupt and sellout Muslim PM/President.

I hope some sane voices within PTI make IK realize that he is on wrong path.

I also don't understand this point, although we have in our constitution that only a Muslim can become PM of Pakistan, but this Nazim post is too low ranked with less powers so it doesn't make sense.

May be ground conditions of KPK will suite this condition because KPK is mostly a religiously dominated region, no that I like or support this decision..
I also don't understand this point, although we have in our constitution that only a Muslim can become PM of Pakistan, but this Nazim post is too low ranked with less powers so it doesn't make sense.

May be ground conditions of KPK will suite this condition because KPK is mostly a religiously dominated region, no that I like or support this decision..

I am not buying this logic - If any non-Muslim can win votes & confidence of Majority (which is Muslim) than he have all the right to hold position, I am even against this useless condition for even PM position which has no usage other than getting bashed from all over the world for suppressing rights of minority - Someone should be perfect and outstanding to reach PM slot in country with 97% Muslim population, Which is Impossible and If someone have capability to make this impossible to possible than he/she deserve the post more than any Muslim politician.

Anyway - I am very much disappointed with PTI - It's not change, they are going to fortify the policies of Bhutto & Zia.
I am not buying this logic - If any non-Muslim can win votes & confidence of Majority (which is Muslim) than he have all the right to hold position, I am even against this useless condition for even PM position which has no usage other than getting bashed from all over the world for suppressing rights of minority - Someone should be perfect and outstanding to reach PM slot in country with 97% Muslim population, Which is Impossible and If someone have capability to make this impossible to possible than he/she deserve the post more than any Muslim politician.

Anyway - I am very much disappointed with PTI - It's not change, they are going to fortify the policies of Bhutto & Zia.

Like i said before, its my personal view, not sure about this policy why its done. We should consider one thing before concluding anything, JI holds Local Govt ministry in KPK and we are in coalition with them so PTI govt has to consider any recommendation / conditions of JI. I believe this condition is set by JI because it doesn't make any other sense. PTI didn't had any such policy or intentions from day one..
Like i said before, its my personal view, not sure about this policy why its done. We should consider one thing before concluding anything, JI holds Local Govt ministry in KPK and we are in coalition with them so PTI govt has to consider any recommendation / conditions of JI. I believe this condition is set by JI because it doesn't make any other sense. PTI didn't had any such policy or intentions from day one..

JI can be reason, but it will be PTI who have to pay the Price as JI is already a religious party.
I also don't understand this point, although we have in our constitution that only a Muslim can become PM of Pakistan, but this Nazim post is too low ranked with less powers so it doesn't make sense.

May be ground conditions of KPK will suite this condition because KPK is mostly a religiously dominated region, no that I like or support this decision..

We are conservative Muslims in KPK we always have been and fata etc are more conservative i would say. You have to look at the ground reality we have Islamic insurgency how much of true Islam behind the insurgency is debatable.

We have to represent the views of the majority, after all the change slogan is about democracy.

This legislation / law wasn't the need, as no none Muslim is likely to win anything major, this is probably pressure, insistence fromJI they want to retain some credibility.

Rift appears in PTI over ‘flawed’ policies

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2013-10-09 07:02:33
PESHAWAR, Oct 8: Rifts emerged within the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf on Tuesday after one of its MPAs submitted an application to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly speaker for a separate seat in the House.

“The party leadership in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has deviated from its policies and manifesto and therefore, I have requested the speaker to allot me a separate seat in the House as soon as possible,” PTI MPA Javed Naseem from Peshawar told Dawn here.

Mr Naseem said PTI had pledged to eradicate corruption and follow merit if it came to power, but some of its ministers and leaders were trying to maintain the status quo and were reluctant to take action against ‘corrupt officers’.

“I am neither acceptable to the treasury benches nor the opposition and that is why I have asked the speaker to allot me a separate seat,” he said.

He claimed that many PTI MPAs were not happy with the provincial government’s policies and they would soon submit applications to the speaker to allot them separate benches.

The MPA complained that he had provided a list of officers in Peshawar Development Authority and other departments to the relevant quarters, who were allegedly involved in corrupt practices, but the ministers were reluctant to initiate inquiry against them.

He said he had also discussed the issues with Chief Minister Pervez Khattak time and again, but in vain.

Asked what would be his future line of action if the speaker did not allot him a separate seat, Javed Naseem said he would quit as lawmaker.

“I have given 12 years of my life to PTI, which was voted to power to eradicate corruption, injustice from society and observe merit. If the party can’t deliver and fulfil its commitments to the people, then I should not sit in the assembly,” he said.

Earlier in the House, the disgruntled lawmaker came down heavily on the provincial government over ‘flawed’ policies when the opposition benches protested political interference in posting and transfer of senior officers in police and health departments.

He said one ‘committed sub-engineer’ was transferred from Peshawar to Torghar district only because he was not acceptable to Jamaat-i-Islami, coalition partner of the ruling PTI.

He said the officer was punished for honesty and was transferred to a remote area.

OPPOSITION’S WALKOUT: A stalemate exists between the government and the opposition over the district advisory development committees.

The opposition members complained that the chief minister had appointed MPAs of the treasury benches as chairpersons of DDACs in the districts, where lawmakers of the opposition parties were in majority.

The opposition benches staged a walkout to protest on the matter.

On a point of order, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz MPA Wajeh Zaman Khan said the government despite assurances had yet to resolve grievances of the opposition parties regarding appointment of chairpersons of the committees.

He said female MPA of PTI Maliha Tanveer, who belonged to another district, had been appointed the DDAC chairperson in Mansehra, where the opposition lawmakers had won most seats in the May 11 elections.

Mr Wajeh Zaman said another female lawmaker of the ruling party, Zareen Riaz, had been appointed the head of the committee in Lakki Marwat district, where the opposition MPAs ere in majority.

He also criticised the government for transferring district police officer from Mansehra to Dera Ismail Khan.

The PML-N MPA said the people in Mansehra protested against the transfer of the police officer and blocked roads on Tuesday.

He urged the government to follow merit and stop postings and transfers on political grounds.

Other members of the opposition parties also protested against the government’s ‘discriminatory policies’ for the appointment of DDAC chairpersons and left the House.

Later, the treasury members on the directive of Deputy Speaker Imtiaz Shahid persuaded the opposition to end protest.

Minister for Works and Services Department Yousaf Ayub assured the House that the chief minister would meet parliamentary leaders of the opposition parties within two days to address their ‘genuine’ grievances.

He rejected the opposition’s allegations about violation of policy in postings and transfers.

RESOLUTION: The assembly unanimously passed a resolution to demand of the federal government to dissolve the Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority over failure to achieve the desired results.

Maulana Asmatullah of JUI-F tabled the resolution, which asked the centre to transfer the Erra funds to the provincial government to undertake reconstruction activities in the earthquake-affected districts of the province.

Earlier, PML-N MPA Sardar Aurangzeb Nalotha said the federal government had decided to dissolve Erra and an inquiry had been conducted into the alleged irregularities.
Btw why JI was protesting in this news-piece? Aren't they supposed to be the coalition-partners?
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