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Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.


KPK net cafes under govt scrutiny


PESHAWAR - The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Home Department has decided to collect net cafes’ data across the province, following a rise in incidents of threats given to citizens through e-mails.

According to official sources, the provincial department has written to the KPK inspector general of police to collect data of all net cafes operating in the province.

The direction was released in order to stop terrorism bids after receiving reports of email threats to the locals via internet cafes. Apart from the use of technology by militants, the KPK government was also concerned about rise in incidents of kidnapping and extortion in which e-mails were used.–Reporter
All-out efforts to fully utilise KPK natural resources


PESHAWAR - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Parvez Khattak has said that the province is endowed with rich natural resources of oil, gas and hydro potentials and his government will make every effort to get maximum output from these sources.

Presiding over a high-level meeting held at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa House in Islamabad, the chief minister approved restructuring the administrative framework of government owned oil & gas company and Pakhtunkhwa Hydel-Power Development Organisation (PHYDO). The restructuring will facilitate quick decision-making and hiring of key technical and administrative human capital on market based salaries. The KP government will also put sizable investment in its financial obligations for achieving the physical goals and attracting ample foreign direct investment (FDI) in the three sectors of oil, gas and hydropower.

Earlier representatives from MOL Pakistan Oil & gas Co led by Ali Murtaza Abbas, political advisor, met with the chief minister and presented a brief on the company’s performance in KPK. MOL Group a leading integrated oil & gas group in Central & Eastern Europe headquartered in Hungary, is a market leader in each of its core activities in Hungary, Slovakia & Croatia.

MOL Pakistan as operator of Tal Block has six successive discoveries to its credit. These are Manzala, Makori-1Mami-Khel-1, Maramzai-1, Margalla and Karak. Leasing of a few sites is yet in the process of approval at Federal Government. The Chief Minister was informed that the company is producing 306 mmscftd which is sufficient to meet the requirements of KPK, while the oil exploration is 15500 barrels per day. MOL has set up new plant starting production of 300 MTons of LPG in early next year. This will give a substantial relief to the LPG consumers.

Pervez Khattak appreciated various social responsibilities being met by MOL Pakistan. The participants of the meeting were informed that MOL was awarding merit scholarship for talented & deserving students, providing medical services and organising free medical & eye camps at various locations of area of operations. It has also contributed to a large number of water supply & purification scheme & sanitation in various villages and construction & improvement of Infrastructure.

It is also involved in construction of schools and provision of examination halls, construction of roads & pavements, construction of basic health units & medical wards, construction of mosques etc. With regard to environmental protection, the Company has launched plantation campaign in collaboration with district government authorities.
PTI Imran Khan bans CM KPK Pervez Khattak and ministers | The News Tribe


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan has restricted the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak and members of provincial cabinet for unnecessary visits to Islamabad, the federal capital of Pakistan.

Imran Khan ordered the CM KPK Pervez Khattak along with his team to stay in their province and should avoid needless visits to the federal capital or any other city, local newspaper reported.

The PTI chief strictly directed the leaders for confirming their return to their province till evening if they are moving somewhere for completion of any important task.

The reports revealed that the directions came after facing severe criticism faced by the political party over late arrival of CM KPK and other party leaders on the affected spots where major terrorists’ attacks were occurred in recent past.
Whats the meaning by only muslims will be eligible for a run for Nazim and Naib nazim?
And secondly if CM can void the decision of a Nazim, then CM retains the locus of power,no?
Govt silent over extremists’ hide collection drive
PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government on Monday kept mum during the provincial assembly session about the hide collection campaign by extremist groups in the province ahead of Eidul Azha.

Awami National Party parliamentary leader Sardar Hussain Babak, who raised the issue on a point of order, said workers of various extremist groups had begun wall chalking, displayed posters and circulated handbills in Peshawar and other areas of the province to seek skins of the animals to be sacrificed this Eidul Azha.

He said there were several relief and charity organisations across the country, which generated funds by collection of hides and those funds were being spent in relief and social activities.

Mr Babak said the organisations involved in charity work needed donations and cash assistance.

He, however, warned that workers of extremists groups were active in urban and rural areas of the province and had begun campaign for hide collection ahead of Eidul Azha.

The ANP leader said the extremist outfits had the agenda of promoting extremism in the society and therefore, the government should take notice of activities of the outfits in this respect.

“The people should financially support those bodies, which have welfare agenda, but the groups involved in unlawful activities and promotion of extremism should not be allowed to collect donations openly and should be dealt with strictly,” he said.Opposition leader Sardar Mehtab Ahmad Khan supported Mr Babak and said collection of hides was a major source of income for charity organisations.

He said some charity organisations were running relief activities and therefore, they deserved donations and support.

Mr Sardar Mehtab said there were groups, which collected donations and hides in the name of religion, but they slaughtered people in the name of Islam.

He said it was the provincial government’s responsibility to monitor activities of suspected groups and persuade the people not to donate hides to such groups.

The opposition leader said the government could stop suspected groups from collection of donations through an executive order or legislation.

The point of order, however, irked members of Jamaat-i-Islami, which is the coalition partner of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf.

Information Minister Shah Farman, who is the spokesman for the government, was supposed to give reply to the opposition benches on the issue.

He, however, remained tightlipped.

Minister for Zakat and Religious Affairs Habibur Rehman, who belongs to Jamaat-i-Islami, said the people could not be bound to donate hides to certain organisations.

He said many welfare groups were running seminaries and doing welfare work in the society and the people gave them zakat and donations in cash and kind in the name of the Almighty Allah.

Earlier, through a call attention notice, opposition MPA Jafar Shah drew the House’s attention towards the booming business of toy guns and pistols in the province and demanded ban on the manufacturing, sale and purchase of such toys. He said locally manufactured and imported gun toys had flooded the market, which attracted minors, though they adversely affected cognitive abilities of children.

MPA Nighat Yasmeen Orakzai supported the call attention notice and said it was very serious issue and children had been suffering.

She said display of toy guns in shops attracted children, which had very negative impact on the mental growth of children.

Ms Orakzai suggested legislation to discourage sale and purchase of toy guns in bazaars.

Mr Babak also supported the mover.

Replying to the call attention notice, Minister for Works and Services Yousaf Ayub, too, said toy guns were promoting negative trends among children.

He said toy guns were manufactured locally as well as supplied to the local market through Afghan transit trade.

The minister said the government and opposition should jointly legislate on the issue.

On a point of order, MPA Nighat Orakzai said cellphone and solar batteries used for energising mobile phone sets were being supplied to dangerous prisoners in major jails in the province. She said the Dera Ismail Khan jailbreak like incidents could happen again and therefore, the government should take necessary precautionary measures to stop supply of batteries and other banned items to prisoners in the province.

However, the government did not take notice of the issue.
Govt silent over extremists’ hide collection drive - DAWN.COM

Especially for my friend @Hyperion
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@Leader @Jazzbot

Will you gents brief me on any developments/plans that are taking place in KPK in order to fabricate a local govt system?
I am talking notes to write an opinion piece on this issue in the future. Any help will be appreciated.

Best | Aero
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@Leader @Jazzbot

Will you gents brief me on any developments/plans that are taking place in KPK in order to fabricate a local govt system?
I am talking notes to write an opinion piece on this issue in the future. Any help will be appreciated.

Best | Aero

Yar I am not following this story, but I think a bill was presented yesterday in assembly...
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@Leader @Jazzbot

Will you gents brief me on any developments/plans that are taking place in KPK in order to fabricate a local govt system?
I am talking notes to write an opinion piece on this issue in the future. Any help will be appreciated.

Best | Aero

We've been hearing via news about LB system in KPK, here are a few of them which you may find helpful:

Imran Khan approves new local bodies system in KPK | The News Tribe

Imran Khan urged that the local bodies elections in the districts and Tehsil must take place on party basis whereas the selection at village level would be on non party basis. The village, district and Tehsil council would be headed by the mayor.

KPK LG polls likely in December: Minister

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Local Bodies Inayatullah Khan said that the draft of the bill has been prepared by the Working Group established for Local Government. He however said that elections for Village Council would be on non-party basis while the elections for local tehsils and district level would be on party basis.

33 per cent seats quota for female, 10 per cent for youth, five per cent each for labour, farmer, and minorities is proposed in LG bill.

And then Yesterday:

I posted all these in this very thread, there were some news about conducting LB elections via bio metric system a few months ago, but no update on it as of yet..


EDIT: Updates on Bio Metric / Electronic Voting in LB Polls KPK

IK in his yesterday's press conference talking about introducing bio metric system in KPK LB elections:

Earlier, Sheeri Mizari also vowed to hold LB elections under Bio Metric system:

ISLAMABAD: Information secretary of PTI, Shireen Mazari has said that KP will be the first province to hold local bodies elections under biometrics system.

Talking to a private news channel, PTI leader said that before elections Imran khan had announced that local bodies’ elections would be held within 90 days and we shall stick to that promise.

To a question she said that it is a common understanding between all the provinces that local bodies’ elections are to be held.

Mazari said that elections of the local bodies are must but it is up to the provinces to decide that how and when they are to be held.

She added that it is a political issue that comes under the jurisdiction of the provinces.
She said that no issue is left regarding local bodies elections but her party is not in hurry as these are to be held under biometrics system.

“Intense deliberations are continuing in this regard, however, LB elections will be held by the end of the current year in KPK”, she assured.

Source: http://www.aaj.tv/2013/07/kp-govt-to-hold-lb-under-biometrics-system-shireen-mazari/

The News also published IK's statement about holding LB polls under biometric system:

The PTI chairman said the KPK government would introduce biometric and electronic voting system in the LG elections.

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why only Muslim can be Nazim?? PTI's coalition with JI is proving to be disastrous as far as modern pakistan is concerned...
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