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TBH As far as i have seen PTI has done more work then other provinces. Its has started more projects in these hundred days however what has completely flooded all that good work is the talks of peace with taliban. Terrorism is under the control of federal and such all the blame cant be placed on PTI just like it wasnt placed on shehbaz sharif when lahore was heavily targeted and even data darbar was bombed. He must stop this talk or else watch as he will be made the most incompetent leader in our history. Look at N. They agreed to it but are staying quite. Either change your stance saying " we tried to have peace talks like civil human beings but these maniacs dont want it so kill them" or just stay quite.

I am surprised at how @Leader and @Marshmallow are talking like. Its like you have given up and a defeatist tone. They have 5 years and the game is not finished. It has begun. He just needs to use his head. There are problems and barriers but if move smartly he can do it.

Remember if KPK fails then PTI is finished. Its your last stand so make it a good one.
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TBH As far as i have seen PTI has done more work then other provinces. Its has started more projects in these hundred days however what has completely flooded all that good work is the talks of peace with taliban. Terrorism is under the control of federal and such all the blame cant be placed on PTI just like it wasnt placed on shehbaz sharif when lahore was heavily targeted and even data darbar was bombed. He must stop this talk or else watch as he will be made the most incompetent leader in our history. Look at N. They agreed to it but are staying quite. Either change your stance saying " we tried to have peace talks like civil human beings but these maniacs dont want it so kill them" or just stay quite.

I am surprised at how @Leader and @Marshmallow are talking like. Its like you have given up and a defeatist tone. They have 5 years and the game is not finished. It has begun. He just needs to use his head. There are problems and barriers but if move smartly he can do it.

Remember if KPK fails then PTI is finished. Its your last stand so make it a good one.

werent you from PMLN ?:blink:

so u decided to be wid PTI nw:police: most welcum in our party :wave:

Its their own incompetence as well.

We have for so long laid the blame on others instead of taking responsibility and trying to do better, work better, redeem ourselves and that is the reason why Pakistan is going in the wrong direction.

PTI for me has been like any other party. No change at all, all hype, but no substance.

Ok whatever....next time u vote for any norwegian pinky boy instead of cumin to pak n vote PTI:cheesy:

are u happy now?:meeting:
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werent you from PMLN ?:blink:

so u decided to be wid PTI nw:police: most welcum in our party :wave:

where did you get that idea?:what: I never been with PML N :astagh: and by the looks of things never will be :hitwall: and my posts over here have clearly been in the support of IK ( except this taliban talk and one of pre_election and by election decisions)... Voted for imran in my constitution but my candidate lost both PP and NA :( :( :( Even in previous pages i have been talking in his favor for work he has done in KPK.

No need for welcomes. as i was welcomed when he came to my college in june 2011 to talk about dreams,hope and success and never giving up. Great day. :P :P
where did you get that idea?:what: I never been with PML N :astagh: and by the looks of things never will be :hitwall: and my posts over here have clearly been in the support of IK ( except this taliban talk and one of pre_election and by election decisions)... Voted for imran in my constitution but my candidate lost both PP and NA :( :( :( Even in previous pages i have been talking in his favor for work he has done in KPK.

No need for welcomes. as i was welcomed when he came to my college in june 2011 to talk about dreams,hope and success and never giving up. Great day. :P :P

which constituency u belong to?
if we will b out thn pmln wud also b out....mark it!

It will definitely shake the country but going out will mean that we have accepted we cant govern the difficult province of KPK and thus if we cant govern one then how will we handle federal. We will play right in their hands. We are indeed in a precarious situation. Win it and call 2018 ours but if we lose it then federal is gone. I pray we make it through these troubled times, not just the party but the entire Pakistan. 5 years. InshAllah things will get better.
TBH As far as i have seen PTI has done more work then other provinces. Its has started more projects in these hundred days however what has completely flooded all that good work is the talks of peace with taliban. Terrorism is under the control of federal and such all the blame cant be placed on PTI just like it wasnt placed on shehbaz sharif when lahore was heavily targeted and even data darbar was bombed. He must stop this talk or else watch as he will be made the most incompetent leader in our history. Look at N. They agreed to it but are staying quite. Either change your stance saying " we tried to have peace talks like civil human beings but these maniacs dont want it so kill them" or just stay quite.

I am surprised at how @Leader and @Marshmallow are talking like. Its like you have given up and a defeatist tone. They have 5 years and the game is not finished. It has begun. He just needs to use his head. There are problems and barriers but if move smartly he can do it.

Remember if KPK fails then PTI is finished. Its your last stand so make it a good one.

I am never demotivated or come as speaking in defeated tone. I was talking political aspect of the issue. and how to deal with it. one can disagree ofcourse the course of action but its politics, and clearly pmln is upto no good for pti as it poses a threat to its base province in future. therefore, one has to play some politics too, look at the media how they have waged war against PTI..

as far as Peace talks are concern, PTI must not change its stance, play politics if it must, whatever course of action but come as winners.
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I am never demotivated or come as speaking in defeated tone. I was talking political aspect of the issue. and how to deal with it. one can disagree ofcourse the course of action but its politics, and clearly pmln is upto no good for pti as it poses a threat to its base province in future. therefore, one has to play some politics too, look at the media how they have waged war against PTI..

as far as Peace talks are concern, PTI must not change its stance, play politics if it must, whatever course of action but come as winners.

It never was upto any good concerning PTI. PML N has never been challenged in their stronghold like this and no matter what the results PML N has lost some very shocking seats like in Islamabad,Rawalpindi and even lahore ( No joke). Punjab was not threatened like this. It sees the political threat and the political sense would be to finish the threat and it will no matter what. This will be hard for PTI.

As far as winners are concerned any less and its game over.

I will be looking forward to more updates about KPK over here from you. :D
It never was upto any good concerning PTI. PML N has never been challenged in their stronghold like this and no matter what the results PML N has lost some very shocking seats like in Islamabad,Rawalpindi and even lahore ( No joke). Punjab was not threatened like this. It sees the political threat and the political sense would be to finish the threat and it will no matter what. This will be hard for PTI.

As far as winners are concerned any less and its game over.

I will be looking forward to more updates about KPK over here from you. :D

Dialogue: the best of difficult options

Military operations are never a solution to any problems; most countries eventually had to talk to people who have

Special to The News

By Imran Khan

The debacle of East Pakistan, which led to the breakup of our country, left me with a strong conviction that military operations are never a solution to any problem, least of all one involving one’s own people.

I stood firmly with those who opposed Musharraf’s Balochistan operation and earlier the sending of the military into Waziristan.

Today, as I remain convinced that peace cannot be restored in Pakistan through continuing military operations, the entire political leadership of the country has shown the same conviction through the APC held last month. Three previous APCs had also sought peace through dialogue.

Yet, the saboteurs of the call for peace are at work too. With each series of bomb attacks, war hysteria seems to be increasing with demands for military operations. It is therefore critical we understand how we got to this state of affairs in the first place. We have been seeing continuing military operations since 2004, beginning in South Waziristan, and they have not stopped so far, even up to the APC. According to an ISPR statement, 100 people were killed in Orakzai Agency and in Tirah, Khyber Agency also army action has taken place.

We have seen over 3000 military personnel martyred in the process and we know the suffering of their families along with the families of the injured personnel, especially those permanently handicapped. We have seen our ill-equipped police martyred in the frontlines of terror attacks, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. We have also seen our civilians suffering, not only through the illegal and inhumane drone attacks in FATA but also through the displacement of whole tribes who continue to remain homeless in their own country. The sacrifices of our people at so many levels are immeasurable.

Military operations without an overarching strategy to restore peace in the country are mere holding operations. The APC provides the legitimacy for a holistic approach, beginning with a structured dialogue. Military action and war are always the last resort option.

In the end they too, after much bloodshed, lead right back to the dialogue table, especially when a state is dealing with its own people. Most countries have eventually had to dialogue with their people who have taken up arms and conducted acts of terror against the state and innocent civilians - be it the UK with the IRA, the Sri Lankan government with the LTTE, The Philippines with the Moros, India’s Andra Pradesh Government with the Naxalites, to name just a few cases. Even the US had to hold talks with the Viet Cong and now with the Taliban.

Yet we went headlong into a one-dimensional militarist path with disastrous consequences after 9/11. Musharraf misled the nation about his commitments to the US on behalf of Pakistan. In the September 2001 APC, where all the political forces present questioned why our country was being dragged into the US-led War on Terror, he lied by saying that Pakistan was only providing the US with logistical support.

Through a series of lies, we saw an “invasion” of all manner of US personnel being given freedom of action within our country, with no control or accountability, and renditions of Pakistanis and others - some landing in Guantanamo, others simply disappearing. We slid further into an abyss of terrorism alongside drone attacks and military operations as we fell in line with the US militarist approach to the US ‘war on terror’. Drones have always been opposed on principle by PTI because not only are they a violation of international law, they do create more space for militancy. The attack on a Madrassah in Damadola in 2006 killing 80 civilians, including 60 children, is just one example of how it is civilians that have been the major victims of these illegal strikes. Damadola also directly led to a sharp spike in terror attacks in Pakistan. Simply ignoring the impact of drone strikes is an ostrich-like approach. A judgement of the Peshawar High Court earlier this year, awaiting implementation, vindicates our position on drones.

The question we need to ask is: has terrorism and violence increased or decreased in Pakistan both in terms of numbers of acts committed and the severity of these attacks? If we are honest, we will recognise that this policy has not only singularly failed but has also brought more instability, destruction and heightened extremism to the country.

So today, the nation and all the political forces stand united in giving peace a chance through dialogue, while recognising that there are no easy options available anymore. The September 2013 APC recalled previous ones calling to “give peace a chance” and reiterated its commitment to the same. In this context, the APC gave a mandate to the federal government, inter alia, “to initiate dialogue with all the stakeholders forthwith and for this purpose, authorize it to take all the necessary steps as it may deem fit, including development of an appropriate mechanism and identification of interlocutors. Needless to state the process should be as inclusive as possible, with full participation of the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and other stakeholders.”

When some in the country, in an accusatory fashion, declare that PTI has given legitimacy to the Taliban by asking that an office be set up, they should recognize that it is the APC that used the word “stakeholder”. What I am suggesting is the initiation of a mechanism whereby we can begin to structuralise the dialogue process. We should know the nature of the enemy - there are 15 big Taliban groups and around 25 smaller ones, some of whom are funded by our enemies.

Therefore we need to identify and separate those groups willing to dialogue with the government and those not prepared to move beyond their agenda of violence, so that the latter can be isolated and dealt with. For that to happen we need to have a structured approach to dialogue rather than conducting it through the media. It is incumbent upon the federal government to inform us about the structure of the talks. As part of aiding the government in this context, we are suggesting that those groups willing to dialogue should be brought together and have a common base from which to conduct the dialogue and be held responsible for it - hence an office or “offices”. Structuring the talks prevents sabotage of the process. This will also show our sincerity to the tribal people who have the greatest stake in peace today and they can help in isolating the hard core militants.

All the political parties of Pakistan have given the federal government an unequivocal mandate to conduct talks to restore peace in the country, including for the first time in the context of FATA.

Previous attempts at dialogue and peace in FATA were attempted by the Army and they failed. The agreements reached were between the army and the militants, not the government that represents the state; and the federal head of state’s representative in FATA, the Political Agent, was opposed to these dialogues. Now it is the collective leadership of all the political parties of the country that has given a mandate to the federal government to move to dialogue and beyond.

In conclusion, I am aware of the fact that people voted for peace, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. That is the PTI mandate from the people and PTI is committed to fulfilling this sacred trust. We realize our responsibility to protect the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and we remain steadfast in taking on this task, despite the province being surrounded on three porous sides by FATA over which it has no authority or control. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is deliberately being targeted by those forces who do not want to see peace and stability restored in Pakistan. But we are determined to face the challenge of giving peace a chance against all odds and against all those forces determined to keep us weak, war ravaged and divided.Imran Khan is Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, Pakistan’s second largest political party

Dialogue: the best of difficult options - thenews.com.pk
Donor countries in partnership with KP

Lauding the agenda of change and transparency being introduced in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 13 developed countries and aid agencies have announced a long-term partnership with the provincial government that entails prompt financial assistance for improving social sectors, including health, education, energy, agriculture, local government, forestry, potable water and social justice.

The announcement was made on Wednesday by donors at a conference-cum-consultative meeting at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa House, Islamabad, which was chaired by Chief Minister Pervez Khattak.

The Strategic Development Partnership Framework (SDPF), evolved by the provincial government in consultation with the donors, was also explained to the participants.

It is the first important achievement of the provincial government after the provincial autonomy given to the provinces under 18th amendment to develop direct contacts with the world community and make agreements for financial and technical assistance to reform social sectors, says a handout issued in Peshawar.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser, senior ministers Sirajul Haq, Sikandar Sherpao and Shahram Khan Tarakai, assembly members and leaders of the coalition government, Chief Secretary Shahzad Arbab, ACS Khalid Pervez and all other administrative secretaries were also present at the meeting besides the representatives of donors including AusAid, DFID, embassy of Germany, GIZ, embassy of Japan, JICA, Norway, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, USAID, Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), European Union and CIDA.

In their speeches on this occasion, the representatives of donor agencies appreciated the reforms agenda and partnership framework of the KP government, saying that the donors understood this framework and would whole-heartedly cooperate with the provincial government because it was formulated with the mutual consultation of two months.

They said that the donors could not cooperate well with the past government due to some reservations, including ambiguity in their policies. They specially eulogised the leadership of Chief Minister Pervez Khattak and his team.

In response, Mr Khatak thanked the donors, specially the developed countries, for their encouraging approach towards his government and assured that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government would make its agenda of change a success story that would be more transparent, accountable and efficient to deliver for poor in all spheres of life.

He said that the government had already gone ahead on many reforms, including Right to Information Law, Ehtesab Commission and a unique local government system aimed at ameliorating the lot of masses and providing all basic facilities at the grassroots.

He said that reforms in health, education, urban development, industry, technical education, energy and power would emerge as a game changer in Pakistan. The chief minister said that his government gave full assurance both to its people and the world community that “we will remain on track while he would personally monitor the progress on partnership framework”.

The CM appreciated the hard work of the planning and development department for consultation with donor countries and agencies and chalking out a flawless partnership framework that was liked by the donors.

Sirajul Haq, Sikandar Sherpao, Shahram Tarakai, chief secretary Shehzad Arbab and chief economist Shahab Khan appealed the donors to extend full support to the KP government for reforming the social sectors and bringing about a change to set an example for the country.

The additional secretary economic affairs division and representative of the federal government also praised the donors’ partnership with the KP government, terming it exemplary for the country.

On this occasion, the donors’ representatives and administrative secretaries of all the provincial departments exchanged views and highlighted various aspects of the partnership framework and reform agenda of the government.

Donor countries in partnership with KP - DAWN.COM

Im against AID of any kind, I did disagree when Imran changed his stance to a more practical one than ideal one, I did criticize Asad Umar for rationalizing Imran's stance. I still hold my position that there should be no AID; AID doesnot come without strings.

:Speaker khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Asad Qaiser Met With Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt at Air Headquarter Islamabad Today.

Speaker requested Air chief to setup Airforce college like PAF College,Sargodha and Air University in KPK.He also requsted to devlop skiing slobes & skiing training school in Malam jabba for development of tourism in Swat.

Air Chief promised that PAF will soon gift all these mega-project to the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
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