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Nawaz Sharif approves lifting of ban on underage marriage

Precisely. But again, the Ramayana and Mahabharata make it clear that Hanuman flying with an entire parvat or Krishna lifting an entire Parvat aren't metaphorical events, but actual ones.
The texts, likewise, don't say Hidimba was a dark human, but explicitly as a Demon. There are no metaphors, only myths. Now, science is sufficiently advanced to prove that this isn't possible. It's our belief which clings on to such impossible stories.
nope not so,fast......as I said before....
1st they are epics.....you need to learn how to interpret it.......
what do u think when writing a book they will mention u this is a work of mythology and there is no resemblance with living or dead....
krishana lifting a parvat cannot be proven right....neither can be the hanumana lifting a parvat.....but neither can u dis approve it...
can science counter it if I say yes t has happened.....
so, if gone by logic it says ..krishna saved the villagers from flood by using his brilliant mind......and hanumana saved laxamana by bringing sanjavini.......

and yes..our science isisn't yet matured to say much on these subjects......
@SecurBut having said that, it is still not unlawful for an adult girl or boy to marry.

Whether it is favorable or not is another debate.
Anything that could harm a person in any way (psychologically or physically) is not allowed in Islam. There are lots of risks and possible harms associated with under-age marriages, hence they are not acceptable in civilized societies/cultures. Allah has left certain matters on the humans to decide according to their time, and appropriate age for marriage is one of them. There are many laws (for instance law of inheritance in Surah Al-Nisa) which Allah has clearly laid out in Quran, and they cant be changed, or challenged. All other matters are essentially left to the wisdom of humans.
Dont try to be extra smart.

Polygamy is already existing. Even the most educated ones are into it and many go abroad marry gories for jobs although they have wives back home. nothing new.

As far as Gunjja going for removal of the law which bans child marriage here in Pakistan well the GUNJJA is an empty head already. He needs a sound spanking.

anyway he cant remove a law like that. Parliament must vote to change the law
that is illegal. It has nothing to do with education as such, men are polygamous by nature I suppose.
I think either we should allow men and women to mary as many partners they like or allow only one.
I am guessing you have no issues with your hubby having second wife(or 3rd/4th) .. you are more open minded than I thoght.. :p::cheers:
Because I was directed to this article as well.:-)
Ancient Atomic Wars - Best Evidence?
this one is true thing I have read it before in many places....

The story begins when a layer of radioactive ash was found in Rajasthan, India.It covered a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. The research occurred after a very high rate of birth defects and cancer was discovered in the area.

The levels of radiation registered so high on investigators’ gauges that the Indian government cordoned off the region. Scientists then apparently unearthed an ancient city where they found evidence of an atomic blast dating back thousands of years: from 8,000 to 12,000 years.

The blast was said to have destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people.
nope not so,fast......as I said before....
1st they are epics.....you need to learn how to interpret it.......
what do u think when writing a book they will mention u this is a work of mythology and there is no resemblance with living or dead....
krishana lifting a parvat cannot be proven right....neither can be the hanumana lifting a parvat.....but neither can u dis approve it...
can science counter it if I say yes t has happened.....
so, if gone by logic it says ..krishna saved the villagers from flood by using his brilliant mind......and hanumana saved laxamana by bringing sanjavini.......

and yes..our science isisn't yet matured to say much on these subjects......

Science need not disprove them either for the simple fact that our mythological stories are just that, myths. :)
Yup. No evidence of abnormally high levels of radiation as is described in a few pseudo-science blogs.:) I still don't know how everyone seems to know about those skeletons, but not the source of this story.
I am not satisfied Indee....how can you say national geographic guys are more reliable???
These evidences were covered on some TV programs in history channel too.
The fact is whenever these guys are unable to prove something they just trash it.
I very strongly believe that mahabharta was fought and the evidences found are concrete.
I told you about that book didn't I???
It goes in great details to describe events described in mahabharta in a more rational and scientific manner.
We must understand that mahabharta was not a bunch of cock and bull stories....Mahabharata is an epic poem and we must approach it as poetry.The method is essentially poetic not disquisional as in a prose work...and hence the exaggeration.
I am not satisfied Indee....how can you say national geographic guys are more reliable???
These evidences were covered on some TV programs in history channel too.
The fact is whenever these guys are unable to prove something they just trash it.
I very strongly believe that mahabharta was fought and the evidences found are concrete.
I told you about that book didn't I???
It goes in great details to describe events described in mahabharta in a more rational and scientific manner.
We must understand that mahabharta was not a bunch of cock and bull stories....Mahabharata is an epic poem and we must approach it as poetry.The method is essentially poetic not disquisional as in a prose work...and hence the exaggeration.

I too think the Mahabharata war took place. Just that they were fought by regular armies of men with basic weapons like spears and bow&arrow and maces.

not all but few.....which I cannot disagree.....

u can search the indian govt site.....
Link please.:-)
I too think the Mahabharata war took place. Just that they were fought by regular armies of men with basic weapons like spears and bow&arrow and maces.
You are confusing me now....
Our debate started over Panchali and polyandry.
Then to the next level where you said Mahabharata is just a bunch of stories and full of myths. I agree only to a part of it that demons might not have existed.
Then happened our discussion on radioactivity.....
And now Indee you have retracted and said that Mahabharata war took place.So why are we debating????:hitwall:
Dont confuse me:blink:
Anything that could harm a person in any way (psychologically or physically) is not allowed in Islam. There are lots of risks and possible harms associated with under-age marriages, hence they are not acceptable in civilized societies/cultures. Allah has left certain matters on the humans to decide according to their time, and appropriate age for marriage is one of them. There are many laws (for instance law of inheritance in Surah Al-Nisa) which Allah has clearly laid out in Quran, and they cant be changed, or challenged. All other matters are essentially left to the wisdom of humans.
Sure I agree.

But what exactly do you mean by "under-age" ???
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