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Nawaz is gone

Imran Khan is impatient man. I expect him to make some noises whether Nawaz Sharif continues to rule or Pakistan military takeover happens.

IK is impatient? Do you even know how many years he has struggled to get the nation free from the clutches of vultures?

Had he been impatient, he would have accepted PM offer from Musharraf and erased from history by now..

He started with the strength of his own self, not like anyone else in the history of Pakistan. Even Bhutto served under a Martial Law administrator. Aur Nawaz ka sharamnaak kirdar tou sab ko maloom hai, from being a Finance Minister of Zia to Asghar Khan case..

I am sure you know the history of Pakistan, right?
The bigger issue is all the properties, investments, and jobs that ex-army people manage to get for being ex-army. Army itself has little issue with the problem, it's when they leave the army that there are concerns

Its not just the Army, all government services get incentives, with most services getting much more than their counterparts in the Army.
For example, up till Col, after retirement, you get a flat (that you pay for). In the case of Judges however, they get a House on Canal Road, prime real estate valued in Billions.
Similarly, I draw a salary of around 90 thousand, my friend in the State Bank (same grade) draws a monthly salary of 17 lakh rupees.


Bro, trust me when I say this. Most of the people in interior Sindh, and South Punjab are all asking for military regime. People are dying in the heat and lack of electricity here. I am from Bahawalpur city personally. For you guys democracy and and governance on a western standard is ideal and something to work towards. I can tell you, that most Pakistanis living in rural areas just want their basic rights. Believe it or not, but Musharraf was providing that. Before him Zia. This whole charade about about democracy and people being elected and all that other shit really means nothing for the poor people that are suffering. I mean that whole-heartedly. I hope you can understand that while some people have the patience and resources to wait it out, most people are just suffering. Please think about that brother.

I personally support democracy, and think army should defend the border


There are ground realities. A lot of Awaam supports Nawaz. A lot of Karachi supports Altaf

And most of Pakistan wants army rule.
Firstly, I would be the last person to say that everything in the military is perfect, in fact, in my critique of my institution lies my great respect for their decision to distance themselves from public affairs and politics. Its no mean feat that's been achieved after decades of struggle by progressive minded officers who want to see Pakistan as a strong, independent and viable nation state that is not dependent on any particular group to serve as crutches.
However I disagree with your concern on promotions, yes there is some politics involved but that is way up in the higher echelon when you're playing with the stars. Anything below it is strictly merit based, there's noway anyone can be "passed up for promotion by some privileged son of a major", there are not a set number of promotions to be handed out that must be allocated accordingly, instead its an open field with the board promoting as many people as they see fit for continued service.
Lastly, I can understand civilians wanting to see a coup, but then they want to see a civilian setup just as fast. A system of governance cannot simply be installed like a computer program, it needs decades to evolve and mature. This understanding has finally taken root in the Army and it will help strengthen this country immensely.

P.S: I am the son of a retired General stuck in a no upward mobility, mid-tier posting after being injured during training. Agar meray abba meray liye pawa nahi laga saktay toh Major ki khett ki mooli hai, jisko abhi tak strategy ka lafz istemal karnay ka ikhtyar nahi mila fauj main :D

Sir, my father was serving in the 70's, so perhaps situation has changed today. But I doubt he was lying about his experience. He was in airforce and then after gaining rank had the chance to come to army. He was stationed in Karachi AF base. After being passed up for rank, he deserted for Europe.
Its not just the Army, all government services get incentives, with most services getting much more than their counterparts in the Army.
For example, up till Col, after retirement, you get a flat (that you pay for). In the case of Judges however, they get a House on Canal Road, prime real estate valued in Billions.
Similarly, I draw a salary of around 90 thousand, my friend in the State Bank (same grade) draws a monthly salary of 17 lakh rupees.
Man, like I said, no issue on that, a friend of mine is going to get a house for his service which he's paid in for, absolutely no issue there

It's where I see all of these Ex-Faujis specifically hired by companies for say, security. Iirc, every security in-charge is ex-army, never a civilian guard who kept getting promoted

Fauji Fertiliser straight up asks if you're related to anyone in the Fauj in the interview

More examples throughout, but again, I don't have issues with Fauj getting properties and all, my issue is after retirement and the benefits their kids get from some companies

Again, I have no issues with the fees discounts they get, I've known some sailors, they don't really get paid a lot, I see no reason why they shouldn't get discounts, they deserve it

But their kids should be on merit too. No separate merit for Army kids.

That is the only issue I have with Fauj, and that's the benefits the kids get, and they themselves get after retirement

Quite likely. 70s is just after Bhutto's purge, I'm guessing things might have been quite political at that time.
Yes, a relative of mine was passed over for being Muhajir at the time.

Inside sources that he had told him that was the only reason he was passed up

Things have changed though, no more biases in army with regards to ethnicity. Those were dark times overall.
That most of times is the number of times Pakistan military takeover happened is nonsense for sure. :D
Nothing happening right now except for bs from babooni sources
The end of PMLN is expected eventually but too soon? I gotta say, that i didn't expect.
After defeat of modi,s team now modi,s yaar will be defeated :D


He started with the strength of his own self, not like anyone else in the history of Pakistan. Even Bhutto served under a Martial Law administrator. Aur Nawaz ka sharamnaak kirdar tou sab ko maloom hai, from being a Finance Minister of Zia to Asghar Khan case..
To taking money from Osama Bin Ladin
IK is impatient? Do you even know how many years he has struggled to get the nation free from the clutches of vultures?

Had he been impatient, he would have accepted PM offer from Musharraf and erased from history by now..

He started with the strength of his own self, not like anyone else in the history of Pakistan. Even Bhutto served under a Martial Law administrator. Aur Nawaz ka sharamnaak kirdar tou sab ko maloom hai, from being a Finance Minister of Zia to Asghar Khan case..

I am sure you know the history of Pakistan, right?
He has no idea. All he knows is army=bad, we need to support stability and that's all he says.

Oh and any politician from KPK and Balochistan are anti-Pakistan because some people there want independence. That's the extent of his "knowledge


Bro, trust me when I say this. Most of the people in interior Sindh, and South Punjab are all asking for military regime. People are dying in the heat and lack of electricity here. I am from Bahawalpur city personally. For you guys democracy and and governance on a western standard is ideal and something to work towards. I can tell you, that most Pakistanis living in rural areas just want their basic rights. Believe it or not, but Musharraf was providing that. Before him Zia. This whole charade about about democracy and people being elected and all that other shit really means nothing for the poor people that are suffering. I mean that whole-heartedly. I hope you can understand that while some people have the patience and resources to wait it out, most people are just suffering. Please think about that brother.

I fully agree with you, lofty ideals and grande designs can only be fostered in two conditions, on a full belly and a fulfilled lifestyle in an air conditioned room or in the complete absence of even the most basic amenities of life. It is indeed true that he who has nothing, looks for the very basic and the military governments provide that because they themselves have come up from the very base of society and can thus relate to people's everyday struggle. However, as the old maxim goes, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime".
The military govt can meet the people's demands for 5 years, maybe even 10. After which they are replaced by civilian govts and the whole cycle repeats itself. It is high time that Pakistan must break out from this vicious cycle. If the people think that the government and their representatives have failed them, they must recognize the strength of their vote and vote out those people in the coming elections. Find new leaders who represent their interests better. The only thing holding them down are the chains to which they hold the keys.
At election time, our people vote for the same candidate who they have been voting for generations, sometimes in the name of biradari, sometimes in the name of sect and sometimes for just a plate of biryani. If they continue to do so and suffer as a result, if they do not learn from their continued mistakes, then perhaps their torment is as self-inflicted as it is forced upon them.
I fully agree with you, lofty ideals and grande designs can only be fostered in two conditions, on a full belly and a fulfilled lifestyle in an air conditioned room or in the complete absence of even the most basic amenities of life. It is indeed true that he who has nothing, looks for the very basic and the military governments provide that because they themselves have come up from the very base of society and can thus relate to people's everyday struggle. However, as the old maxim goes, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime".
The military govt can meet the people's demands for 5 years, maybe even 10. After which they are replaced by civilian govts and the whole cycle repeats itself. It is high time that Pakistan must break out from this vicious cycle. If the people think that the government and their representatives have failed them, they must recognize the strength of their vote and vote out those people in the coming elections. Find new leaders who represent their interests better. The only thing holding them down are the chains to which they hold the keys.
At election time, our people vote for the same candidate who they have been voting for generations, sometimes in the name of biradari, sometimes in the name of sect and sometimes for just a plate of biryani. If they continue to do so and suffer as a result, if they do not learn from their continued mistakes, then perhaps their torment is as self-inflicted as it is forced upon them.

I agree with your point, however our government has no checks or balances. Where was kiyani when zardaris people were openly looting cash on the prime time news networks? They were literally storing cash in vans in the sight of people watching news channels. The sharifs are doing the same thing albeit indiscreetly.

The least PA can do is supervise the voting process. What do you think about that? You guys are literally our only fall backs.

We want fair elections, but there is nobody to ensure that.
He has no idea. All he knows is army=bad, we need to support stability and that's all he says.

Oh and any politician from KPK and Balochistan are anti-Pakistan because some people there want independence. That's the extent of his "knowledge

KPK chose Pakistan over Afghanistan. Balochistan is pro-Pakistan hence CPEC is happening. I am pro-army.

All for generalization simply because i said PTI has certain political leaders that are not pro-Pakistan.

You sir have been caught red handed for lying. Ramadan just finished. You sure you want to continue lie about me right after Ramadan has finished?

If i remember you correctly, you and your so-called Arab lovers gave me hard time for being pro-Pakistan army against TTP in the military operation. Then i branded those Arab states as traitor for betraying Ottoman Empire in 1924. To what length you are going to lie about me now? You should be ashamed by now.
KPK chose Pakistan over Afghanistan. Balochistan is pro-Pakistan hence CPEC is happening. I am pro-army.

All for generalization simply because i said PTI has certain political leaders that are not pro-Pakistan.

You sir have been caught red handed for lying. Ramadan just finished. You sure you want to continue lie about me right after Ramadan has finished?

If i remember you correctly, you and your so-called Arab lovers gave me hard time for being pro-Pakistan army against TTP in the military operation. Then i branded those Arab states as traitor for betraying Ottoman Empire in 1924. To what length you are going to lie about me now? You should be ashamed by now.
Don't try to hide your anti-Afghan bias


Here's one of his threads about Pakhtuns and you can see all Pakhtuns talking about his hate for them
Nothing happening right now except for bs from babooni sources

I think the history is useless on you, and i mean literally. :D

Don't try to hide your anti-Afghan bias


Here's one of his threads about Pakhtuns and you can see all Pakhtuns talking about his hate for them

I knew it. You are same WR that is banned everywhere for trolling and lying.

And this topic is about Afghan Pakhtuns which i stand by it. Even majority of members here echo the same given the exports of prostitution, drug network, terrorism, bacha-bazi, black market at the expense of Pakistan economy which translates as biting the hand that feeds them.
I think the history is useless on you, and i mean literally. :D

I knew it. You are same WR that is banned everywhere for trolling and lying.

And this topic is about Afghan Pakhtuns.
I am not WR. I'm active on PP and CS

This is my account, when I went to make one on PP, name was taken. I am a Slogger nowadays, and that's a hint to my username
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