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Nawaz comes to Delhi : My views

From what I've heard on the news, Nawaz and Modi only discussed emotional topics.

Reportedly, Nawaz said to Modi "When I saw your mother feeding you, I recalled my mother doing the same"...and this motherhood talk then went on.

As expected, there would be no strategic outcome of this little charade...it's all for show IMO.

Nawaz didn't really fill me up with confidence the way he met with Modi. Nawaz looked as if he had a case of stage fright!
wrong expectation leads to disappointment.
This was supposed to be a gathering, not an indo pak summit. do you expect Modi to solve tamil issue in lanka today too coz he invited their president? what about afganistan?
However there is some meeting tomorrow between NS and Modi and I guess that is more for telling each other the boundary they are in and set initial expectation. The real job is done by diplomats and others.

Some commentators in India are suggesting instead of starting from top and going down in details afterwards they should have worked from bottom and ended in a summit at top, with concrete treaty or something.

Exactly... wake up gentlemen...this is our another daydream.
what exactly was the expectation? Kashmir on a plate? :pop:
Do you ever think before posting such crap?

Without Army approval or wish Nawaz can't do anything Army is a little busy with Taliban these days and also Geo so they give a dam about weather Nawaz goes or not but once they get rid of both these issues they will tell How to go forward with India and if nawaz will not listen they will just create some trouble on border and all talks will go in drain
Do you ever think before posting such crap?
Yes I know and fire exchange took place last night Mr I am saying if nawaz will make some political blunder which will harm Pakistani interests or are about to do so few incidents on LOC will end all the negotiations
Yes I know and fire exchange took place last night Mr I am saying if nawaz will make some political blunder which will harm Pakistani interests or are about to do so few incidents on LOC will end all the negotiations

So you mean to say that Nawaz is controlled by Army..... and if any decision towards peace taken during the meeting will be responded by an incident in LOC .... You seems to know everything what PA plans.......

Math kar.... theri sir phat jayega
So you mean to say that Nawaz is controlled by Army..... and if any decision towards peace taken during the meeting will be responded by an incident in LOC .... You seems to know everything what PA plans.......

Math kar.... theri sir phat jayega
He can't do anything against the will and wishes of the Army right now Army knows he can achieve nothing in this meeting so they give a dam weather he goes or not
He can't do anything against the will and wishes of the Army right now Army knows he can achieve nothing in this meeting so they give a dam weather he goes or not

So you mean to say that the real power in Pakistan is with PA, and the person elected by Pakistan population has no power to direct the nation?????
Without Army approval or wish Nawaz can't do anything Army is a little busy with Taliban these days and also Geo so they give a dam about weather Nawaz goes or not but once they get rid of both these issues they will tell How to go forward with India and if nawaz will not listen they will just create some trouble on border and all talks will go in drain

This is a wrong approach to begin with and we should not be advocating this. We are agreeing to what India and Indians say in general that its not the government but the army that makes the decision. We should prove them otherwise. Nawaz is in charge and this nation needs to learn with the decisions they make.
Yes I know and fire exchange took place last night Mr I am saying if nawaz will make some political blunder which will harm Pakistani interests or are about to do so few incidents on LOC will end all the negotiations
Do you take everyone as a fool? What you have written is part of normal expectation set. Diplomats, who actually negotiate, go beyond such facetious thinking.
If that's the case then NS is doing a very bad job by meeting Khaki leadership and taking them into confidence just a few hours before his flight to Delhi.

Really; is he taking them into confidence, or requesting them not take over his "kursi" while he is away?
he is telling them that he is own master, and will just go across to New Delhi because he just wants to?

BTW, did he go to meet the Gernails; last I heard, his brother Shahbaz Sharif met with Raheel Sharif.

From what I've heard on the news, Nawaz and Modi only discussed emotional topics.

Reportedly, Nawaz said to Modi "When I saw your mother feeding you, I recalled my mother doing the same"...and this motherhood talk then went on.

As expected, there would be no strategic outcome of this little charade...it's all for show IMO.

Nawaz didn't really fill me up with confidence the way he met with Modi. Nawaz looked as if he had a case of stage fright!

Aw, c'mon. Nawaz Sharif did not do badly at all. He looked pretty good (in his new suit?), he spoke well and came off looking very dignified.
And if he did end up discussing "Mothers" and all that; whats wrong with that? That is far less contentious than many of the issues that plague India and Pakistan. And a lot more imaginative than talking about the "Weather".
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Aw, c'mon. Nawaz Sharif did not do badly at all. He looked pretty good (in his new suit?), he spoke well and came off looking very dignified.
And if he did end up discussing "Mothers" and all that; whats wrong with that? That is far less contentious than many of the issues that plague India and Pakistan. And a lot more imaginative than talking about the "Weather".

Maybe I didn't put myself across like I wanted to.

I ain't got a problem with any of that. This is what I expected to happen.

Our media and other folks put a lot of expectations on this even though it was no more than a simple courtesy call.
Do you take everyone as a fool? What you have written is part of normal expectation set. Diplomats, who actually negotiate, go beyond such facetious thinking.
Indians are not they are always waiting for some incident to end talks
Indians are not they are always waiting for some incident to end talks

If they wish to maintain status-quo then they are fools. Almost everyone in South Asia realises that lack of trade is a serious dampner on growth. For economic growth to shift into next gear, normalization of relations is a must. Frankly, we have to go beyond the usual rhetoric to get something done in South Asia.

If they wish to maintain status-quo then they are fools. Almost everyone in South Asia realises that lack of trade is a serious dampner on growth. For economic growth to shift into next gear, normalization of relations is a must. Frankly, we have to go beyond the usual rhetoric to get something done in South Asia.
Sorry Sir until main issue discussed nothing can happen and for trade we have Iran and Afghanistan and Central Asia and others but until main issues with India is solved nothing will happen
Sorry Sir until main issue discussed nothing can happen and for trade we have Iran and Afghanistan and Central Asia and others but until main issues with India is solved nothing will happen
Powers-that-be have already made decisions. The nitty gritty details are to be finalized, but gross features have been agreed.

Jihadists have been left behind. They can perhaps create some incident etc... but the policy makers have moved on.
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