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Nawaz again backstabbed Pak Military at vital moment and venue !

It's the Pakistani Army that calls the shots in Pakistan.
That's why I say, it is necessary to continue in the path of systematically alienating Pakistan economically from the rest of the World. That will starve their army off cash. We should continue to push forward the agenda for UN sanctions. As India will grow economically, our stand will become stronger.
May be a lot of other innocent people will suffer too. But then what choice do we have ? Better than shooting our way to the very end.
Nice Dreams Kid....
As always Pakistanis trusted on a well mannered traitor of the nation Mister Nawaz Sharif and as always he back stabbed his military and his public.

SCO inclusion is not a big thing for India or Indians -.
Why Modi begged Russia and China?

He should have said, hey SCO, we don't care.

Raheel Sharif should ideally be in the barracks - but he goes on foreign jaunts more than the elected government -.
burnol will be good for such places where a Bharati poster become jealous.

First that [inclusion of Bombay] is the proof which you have been asking. .

Do you even know that Pakistan is the one asking for the info on Bombay?

Don't be a blind follower of 2-bit news talk show hosts.

Think for yourself.

Pakistan has been asking for proofs, voice samples, and other things from India, and India has been dragging its feet.

Please be informed on a topic before spewing venom against Pak gov.
Nawaz investments in India at risk. Plus he fail to perform in Pakistan local industry and now he is looking some help from Indian market. In Geotv shows , in sasta bazar Lahore is filled with low graded Indian vegetables etc. What a shame. He should revive Pakistan agriculture. Indians are cutting water and day by day Pakistani lands getting dried. ....but....
1. Nawaz investments ( if any) in India are safe in India if they are made legally, otherwise ED and DRI will confiscate it and will sue Nawaz Sharif. All you have to do is to furnish any sort of valid proof that any such investments exist.

2. I am not sure whether Indians export low graded vegetables, but if this is the case then people shouldn't buy it. In India many people have stopped buying low grade Chinese electronic stuff.

3. Till now India has not started any project to cut rivers water flowing to Pakistan, though it is making Dams and plans to generate electricity from it. India is planning to sell this cheap electricity ( costing less than two rupees per unit ) to Pakistan in future.
There are so many clueless members on these forums, it's unbelievable.

I'm not so bothered by them being clueless but more so by when they refuse to admit their wrong even when presented when logical explanations and facts.

For the record, blatant backstabbing was what happened the morning of these talks when our rangers decided it was a good time to snipe a BSF soldier.
Pakistan has been asking for proofs, voice samples, and other things from India, and India has been dragging its feet.

Please be informed on a topic before spewing venom against Pak gov
And the voice samples are given to ISI but as of course so brilliant Pakistani leadership allowed hafiz saeed and lakhvi to be free saying lack of evidences. First you should do some research before barking here.
Such a brilliant think tank analysts wow. :lol:
you guys should bring your damn military under civvie rule already, guys..

or get a strict secular gen Sisi type guy to take charge and be done this facade of 'democracy'
I agree, we still have not been much successful in this area. But the indicators are positive.

1.A lot of terrorist outfits based in Pakistan and nurtured by Pakistani army have been banned by UN with their assets freezed.

2. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Jordan, which had actively helped Pakistan before, against India are now helping India to take down these terrorist networks.

3. Afghanistan is no longer a terrorist breeding ground and no matter what happens as the former Afghan Foreign minister says, Afghanistan is not going back to becoming Pakistani army's strategic backyard.

4. US State Department has imposed sanctions on at least 22 different people and 4 different organizations. It's treasury department has freezed assets of the same.

5. India had certain degree of success in decoupling Pakistan from rest of South Asia by forming BBIN (Unrelated to SCO, China is not South Asia).

6. UK has been found lobbying for India's inclusion in to NSG while at the same time they have sanctions against nuclear exports to Pakistan. I'm sure you are aware of India's civilian nuclear pacts as well.

7. India recently tried to impose sanctions through UN, for the Lakhvi case. All the other countries agreed except for China. That should tell you how heavily biased things are in favour of India. China has certain economic interests, but I'm sure with perseverance, we can deal with it too. That Chabahar port may come handy, if the cards are played correctly.
We can go on and on about it, just quoted a few salient points.
So far, the efforts have been concentrated on building the ground. Gradually we will make progress. As India develops economically, we will be able to take more direct and deliberate actions.

All this is done by Indian bureaucracy, and that remains unchanged be it Modi or Manmohan, they all will more or less conform to the same line, the vigour may change to some extent depending upon various other factors.

I'm sorry things are going this way. But when certain elements within Pakistan assisted by it's army attacks our Parliament, hijacks our planes(multiple times!), or kills hundreds of innocent people in Mumbai in the most barbaric fashion that the World has ever seen then don't expect us to sit tight and do nothing about it. We may not straight-away go for 'an-eye-for-an-eye', but, we will of course do our best to protect ourselves.

I take it you have delusions of grandeur. I prescribe lessening your daily dose of The Hindu and perhaps reading articles other than outright anti-Pakistan polemics.

1) Terrorist outfits are not nurtured by the Pakistani army. Terrorists are nurtured by unfortunate socio-economic circumstances and are doing more damage to Muslims than any one else. A ban on their assets and restrictions on their movements is a welcome development. Pakistan is in the middle of an unprecedented push to tackle the menace. The law enforcement has recently begun employing electronic surveillance of suspected individuals.

2) Saudi Arabia is helping India take down terrorists? The factory of terrorism itself is helping India do exactly what?

3) Afghanistan is no longer a terrorist breeding ground? Aren't you jumping the gun? The Taliban's summer offensive this year has been the deadliest this whole decade.

4) Repetition of 1. Be reminded, however, these sanctions are on individuals/criminals and not on the Pakistani state itself.

5) India has had success decoupling Pakistan from South Asia? Yes, and moments after the decoupling Pakistan inked its largest aerospace contract with Myanmar to date. So successful.

6) Exactly which sanctions are you referring to? India's civilian nuclear deal with the Americans is a promising start. The only real advantage the deal has over Pakistan is the supply of yellow cake. As far as nuclear tech goes, there are 2 u/c Chinese modified Westinghouse AP 1000 reactors in Karachi. The absolute cutting-edge of power plant technology. Although a similar deal and inclusion to the NSG would benefit us greatly, our present state of affairs is thoroughly satisfying.

7) All the countries did not agree to sanctions. Instead India's motion on the floor was thrown out on technical grounds for the bereft lack of evidence. The motion did not even make it to the deliberations stage, lest have been voted on. You're understanding of current affairs is acutely flawed.

You can't go on and on at all. That is your way of saying "I'm done with my points but I'm going to appear grander than I actually am". A typical Indian thing to do.

Granted Pakistan is a bit of a nuisance at the global table, but you have to admire the tenacity and sheer dumb luck of this nation. Also you're not giving due credit to the balancing act being performed by what is essentially a Muslim majority nation smack in the centre of the war on terror in a time of great ideological uncertainty for Islam. Muslim majority countries have torn themselves up in less than 5 years, whereas Pakistan has made it through a decade of terrorism and is still holding ground. It's hurt us, yes but it's not been enough to unravel us.

It is easy for Indians to be condescending towards Pakistan but it doesn't fool anybody, except perhaps the Indians themselves. Just by repeatedly parroting Pakistan is isolated and friendless, doesn't actually isolate Pakistan or cause it to lose allies. In fact, in an unprecedented development, Pakistan's managed to thaw ice with, and establish a working security relationship, with Russia. How's that for no friends?

If the SCO is to form the basis of a new world order, India is going to have to work with Pakistan in the same team, flanked by regional juggernauts China and Russia.
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One of the solution to all these grievances is for the People of Pakistan to come out and vote for someone they think will solve these problems...the biggest road block is not having "free and fair" elections in the Country.

One of the strongest argument against gaining stability through our current Political setup is the existence of corruption which leads to failure of hopes of many. Its all about money; the rich corrupt mafia which has been ruling the Country has the power to sway the fate as they can throw little bread crumbs here and there to poor people who latch on to them to survive for yet another term...this has been happening in the past and will continue happening...until a "miracle" will happen which will suddenly wake-up the dead "zameer" of the ruling elite or give enough spine to the spineless awaam to stand-up and say enough is enough.

Unfortunately the gap between have and have not in our Country is increasing day by day, the rich ruling corrupt elite exploit this fact and why not they since they know that the majority which decides the fate of elections are nothing but emotional gullible beings who can be bought easily again and again. Watch this video where the attendees of the rally don't even know why they are even there...

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I take it you have delusions of grandeur. I prescribe lessening your daily dose of The Hindu and perhaps reading articles other than outright anti-Pakistan polemics.

1) Terrorist outfits are not nurtured by the Pakistani army. Terrorists are nurtured by unfortunate socio-economic circumstances and are doing more damage to Muslims than any one else. A ban on their assets and restrictions on their movements is a welcome development. Pakistan is in the middle of an unprecedented push to tackle the menace. The law enforcement has recently begun employing electronic surveillance of suspected individuals.

2) Saudi Arabia is helping India take down terrorists? The factory of terrorism itself is helping India do exactly what?

3) Afghanistan is no longer a terrorist breeding ground? Aren't you jumping the gun? The Taliban's summer offensive this year has been the deadliest this whole decade.

4) Repetition of 1. Be reminded, however, these sanctions are on individuals/criminals and not on the Pakistani state itself.

5) India has had success decoupling Pakistan from South Asia? Yes, and moments after the decoupling Pakistan inked its largest aerospace contract with Myanmar to date. So successful.

6) Exactly which sanctions are you referring to? India's civilian nuclear deal with the Americans is a promising start. The only real advantage the deal has over Pakistan is the supply of yellow cake. As far as nuclear tech goes, there are 2 u/c Chinese modified Westinghouse AP 1000 reactors in Karachi. The absolute cutting-edge of power plant technology. Although a similar deal and inclusion to the NSG would benefit us greatly, our present state of affairs is thoroughly satisfying.

7) All the countries did not agree to sanctions. Instead India's motion on the floor was thrown out on technical grounds for the bereft lack of evidence. The motion did not even make it to the deliberations stage, lest have been voted on. You're understanding of current affairs is acutely flawed.

You can't go on and on at all. That is your way of saying "I'm done with my points but I'm going to appear grander than I actually am". A typical Indian thing to do.

Granted Pakistan is a bit of a nuisance at the global table, but you have to admire the tenacity and sheer dumb luck of this nation. Also you're not giving due credit to the balancing act being performed by what is essentially a Muslim majority nation smack in the centre of the war on terror in a time of great ideological uncertainty for Islam. Muslim majority countries have torn themselves up in less than 5 years, whereas Pakistan has made it through a decade of terrorism and is still holding ground. It's hurt us, yes but it's not been enough to unravel us.

It is easy for Indians to be condescending towards Pakistan but it doesn't fool anybody, except perhaps the Indians themselves. Just by repeatedly parroting Pakistan is isolated and friendless, doesn't actually isolate or de-friend Pakistan. If the SCO is to form the basis of a new world order, India is going to have to work with Pakistan in the same team, flanked by regional juggernauts China and Russia.
Don't worry we don't care about Pakistan and never will because India's foreign policy has always been focused on economic term rather than any country centric and since last one year India has grown up to what you stated "I'm done with my points but i am going to appear grander than actually am" :lol: this was a funny one coming from a Pakistani, so whatever helps you sleep well we will accept that because we don't expect Pakistan to see us that because it does not matter to us because a country which is on bailouts of others what leverage it can have in world economics .... so good luck with your friends or perhaps as you said allies. And also Good luck With your NSG and i am damn sure that they will really give you NSG waiver you are at last a Nuclear world power.
Good luck.

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