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Nawaz again backstabbed Pak Military at vital moment and venue !


I take it you have delusions of grandeur. I prescribe lessening your daily dose of The Hindu and perhaps reading articles other than outright anti-Pakistan polemics.

1) Terrorist outfits are not nurtured by the Pakistani army. Terrorists are nurtured by unfortunate socio-economic circumstances and are doing more damage to Muslims than any one else. A ban on their assets and restrictions on their movements is a welcome development. Pakistan is in the middle of an unprecedented push to tackle the menace. The law enforcement has recently begun employing electronic surveillance of suspected individuals.

2) Saudi Arabia is helping India take down terrorists? The factory of terrorism itself is helping India do exactly what?

3) Afghanistan is no longer a terrorist breeding ground? Aren't you jumping the gun? The Taliban's summer offensive this year has been the deadliest this whole decade.

4) Repetition of 1. Be reminded, however, these sanctions are on individuals/criminals and not on the Pakistani state itself.

5) India has had success decoupling Pakistan from South Asia? Yes, and moments after the decoupling Pakistan inked its largest aerospace contract with Myanmar to date. So successful.

6) Exactly which sanctions are you referring to? India's civilian nuclear deal with the Americans is a promising start. The only real advantage the deal has over Pakistan is the supply of yellow cake. As far as nuclear tech goes, there are 2 u/c Chinese modified Westinghouse AP 1000 reactors in Karachi. The absolute cutting-edge of power plant technology. Although a similar deal and inclusion to the NSG would benefit us greatly, our present state of affairs is thoroughly satisfying.

7) All the countries did not agree to sanctions. Instead India's motion on the floor was thrown out on technical grounds for the bereft lack of evidence. The motion did not even make it to the deliberations stage, lest have been voted on. You're understanding of current affairs is acutely flawed.

You can't go on and on at all. That is your way of saying "I'm done with my points but I'm going to appear grander than I actually am". A typical Indian thing to do.

Granted Pakistan is a bit of a nuisance at the global table, but you have to admire the tenacity and sheer dumb luck of this nation. Also you're not giving due credit to the balancing act being performed by what is essentially a Muslim majority nation smack in the centre of the war on terror in a time of great ideological uncertainty for Islam. Muslim majority countries have torn themselves up in less than 5 years, whereas Pakistan has made it through a decade of terrorism and is still holding ground. It's hurt us, yes but it's not been enough to unravel us.

It is easy for Indians to be condescending towards Pakistan but it doesn't fool anybody, except perhaps the Indians themselves. Just by repeatedly parroting Pakistan is isolated and friendless, doesn't actually isolate Pakistan or cause it to lose allies. In fact, in an unprecedented development, Pakistan's managed to thaw ice with, and establish a working security relationship, with Russia. How's that for no friends?

If the SCO is to form the basis of a new world order, India is going to have to work with Pakistan in the same team, flanked by regional juggernauts China and Russia.

A befitting response Sir :tup:
There are so many clueless members on these forums, it's unbelievable.

I'm not so bothered by them being clueless but more so by when they refuse to admit their wrong even when presented when logical explanations and facts.

For the record, blatant backstabbing was what happened the morning of these talks when our rangers decided it was a good time to snipe a BSF soldier.

This seems to have gone totally unnoticed... Why was a BSF solider sniped on the day talks were supposed to happen..? Sorry to say but Pakistan's military establishment seems to be following same old script.
Do you even know that Pakistan is the one asking for the info on Bombay?

Don't be a blind follower of 2-bit news talk show hosts.

Think for yourself.

Pakistan has been asking for proofs, voice samples, and other things from India, and India has been dragging its feet.

Please be informed on a topic before spewing venom against Pak gov.
Including your own words in my quote doesn't suit you or justify you. I referred to joint statement as a proof of OP's words because joint statement doesn't do well on the topic mentioned below.

I never said that inclusion of Bombay is wrong? Do include Bombay but then do include Samjhoota Express, a simple Word about Kashmir, and involvement of India with MQM and Baluchistan.

You don't even know me and suggesting me to not watch shows. How if I would suggest you to not being an apologist for Ganji Tind Kumharan di, Khooti Numberdara di :P
I take it you have delusions of grandeur. I prescribe lessening your daily dose of The Hindu and perhaps reading articles other than outright anti-Pakistan polemics.
I suggest you take your daily dosage of Mullah-fatwa..There we completed a full cycle of mud-slinging..Feeling mature and content now ?

1) Terrorist outfits are not nurtured by the Pakistani army. Terrorists are nurtured by unfortunate socio-economic circumstances and are doing more damage to Muslims than any one else. A ban on their assets and restrictions on their movements is a welcome development. Pakistan is in the middle of an unprecedented push to tackle the menace. The law enforcement has recently begun employing electronic surveillance of suspected individuals.
There has been acknowledgements by retd. army officers in the past. Currently I hear Masood Azhar, the terrorist that India had to free in the IC-814 hijacking, is on a full swing in Bahawalpur. They are selling Jihadi materials, training people, putting posters everywhere that openly call for Jihad against India. Remember, they are selling DVDs, and other materials and not distributing for free meaning there is a home-grown demand for the same. The perpetrators for Mumbai attacks have not been brought to justice yet.
Pakistani army is ruling Pakistan and they are doing nothing about it, let alone cooperating with India. There is no point in denying the fact that there is both active and passive form of support for terrorism inside Pakistan.

2) Saudi Arabia is helping India take down terrorists? The factory of terrorism itself is helping India do exactly what?
Saudi Arabia helped India in nabbing Abu Jundal and deporting him to India. He is one of the key suspects in Mumbai attacks.
MoU has been reached for quick reaction and information sharing on terrorism-related issues. Earlier a lot of fund used to be collected from Saudi Arabia. Now, they have been stopped to a great extent.
It is important to note that Saudi Arabia used to support Pakistan in Kashmir issue and in 1971 war as well. Presently, Saudi Arabia supports India's participation in OIC. I will not talk about economic cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia here.

3) Afghanistan is no longer a terrorist breeding ground? Aren't you jumping the gun? The Taliban's summer offensive this year has been the deadliest this whole decade.
Okay, may be I framed it wrong. The point I'm trying to make is, now there is a legitimate government in Afghanistan, unlike the Taliban, which used to shelter al-qaeda terrorists. Interesting point to note here, only three countries in the World recognized the Taliban government, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

4) Repetition of 1. Be reminded, however, these sanctions are on individuals/criminals and not on the Pakistani state itself.
1 is about UN, and 4 is about US.
5) India has had success decoupling Pakistan from South Asia? Yes, and moments after the decoupling Pakistan inked its largest aerospace contract with Myanmar to date. So successful.
That's why I said, 'certain degree of success', don't twist my words, find your own. BTW, that is more of a Chinese victory. Anyways, that's a different topic.
6) Exactly which sanctions are you referring to? India's civilian nuclear deal with the Americans is a promising start. The only real advantage the deal has over Pakistan is the supply of yellow cake. As far as nuclear tech goes, there are 2 u/c Chinese modified Westinghouse AP 1000 reactors in Karachi. The absolute cutting-edge of power plant technology. Although a similar deal and inclusion to the NSG would benefit us greatly, our present state of affairs is thoroughly satisfying.
Refer to this, it's UK Government website. I can provide you some other material too, mainly pdf.
Current arms embargoes and other restrictions

I'm surprised to see someone taking the supply of yellow cake so lightly. It is fuel, source of energy. More than half of the wars fought after Second World War are for fuel. For that matter Japan attacked US in Second World war for fuel.
7) All the countries did not agree to sanctions. Instead India's motion on the floor was thrown out on technical grounds for the bereft lack of evidence. The motion did not even make it to the deliberations stage, lest have been voted on. You're understanding of current affairs is acutely flawed.
Yes. I had been mistaken. My apologies. You can call that jumping the gun.

You can't go on and on at all. That is your way of saying "I'm done with my points but I'm going to appear grander than I actually am". A typical Indian thing to do.
Each of these points are topics in itself. There's a lot to talk about there, limited by the nature of the forum.

Granted Pakistan is a bit of a nuisance at the global table, but you have to admire the tenacity and sheer dumb luck of this nation. Also you're not giving due credit to the balancing act being performed by what is essentially a Muslim majority nation smack in the centre of the war on terror in a time of great ideological uncertainty for Islam. Muslim majority countries have torn themselves up in less than 5 years, whereas Pakistan has made it through a decade of terrorism and is still holding ground. It's hurt us, yes but it's not been enough to unravel us.
Had I been in your place, I would not have expected you to clean my vomit. Your mess, and you only are expected to clean it up. India has benefited from the situation, reduced terrorist activities in Kashmir, but it's not like Pakistan actively helped India.
It is easy for Indians to be condescending towards Pakistan but it doesn't fool anybody, except perhaps the Indians themselves.
Pakistan has to do something constructive first for us to be condescending. So far, the results have been disappointing.
Just by repeatedly parroting Pakistan is isolated and friendless, doesn't actually isolate Pakistan or cause it to lose allies. In fact, in an unprecedented development, Pakistan's managed to thaw ice with, and establish a working security relationship, with Russia. How's that for no friends?
Very good on your part.For your sake, I wish you success. Let the relation deliver something significant.
If the SCO is to form the basis of a new world order, India is going to have to work with Pakistan in the same team, flanked by regional juggernauts China and Russia.
I don't know whether I should be calling it a basis of NWO, but it has it's importance, just like ASEAN, BRICS SAARC etc. We will make sure things work out in our favour, lately we have been pretty good at it.

I will be right back, getting some popcorn :pop:
There.. delivered your late-night entertainment..:)
And the voice samples are given to ISI but as of course so brilliant Pakistani leadership allowed hafiz saeed and lakhvi to be free saying lack of evidences. First you should do some research before barking here.
Such a brilliant think tank analysts wow. :lol:

nothing personal. so please avoid the rants.

Whatever is being said in Bharati media, is correct only upto small points.

Ideally I'd like to see both Pakistan and Bharat cooperate a lot more on this case.

Heck I'd like to see Bharati attorney's office send his representative directly to Pakistani court, with proof admissible in the court system.

Enough of this too-too-main-main.

A lot of innocent people have perished there, and I hate to see 2-bit bhnopoos use their blood in order to score political points.

nothing personal. so please avoid the rants.

Whatever is being said in Bharati media, is correct only upto small points.

Ideally I'd like to see both Pakistan and Bharat cooperate a lot more on this case.

Heck I'd like to see Bharati attorney's office send his representative directly to Pakistani court, with proof admissible in the court system.

Enough of this too-too-main-main.

A lot of innocent people have perished there, and I hate to see 2-bit bhnopoos use their blood in order to score political points.


There is talk going on amending the law which allows Lakhvi not to give his voice sample.

Your thoughts? Is it practical in current political climate of Pakistan?

The main evidence is the voice intercepts of Lakhvi which have to be compared with his voice sample AFAIK, may be you can elaborate further
There is talk going on amending the law which allows Lakhvi not to give his voice sample.

Your thoughts? Is it practical in current political climate of Pakistan?

The main evidence is the voice intercepts of Lakhvi which have to be compared with his voice sample AFAIK, may be you can elaborate further

Oh bhai jaan

Modi did make terrible statements. Otherwise he would have found Pakistani gov working with him for the last 1 year.

Hopefully now, under Chinese and American pressure he will remain calm (at least outwardly) and be serious about solving this important issue.

Enough of this throwing rocks over the border

I suggest you take your daily dosage of Mullah-fatwa..There we completed a full cycle of mud-slinging..Feeling mature and content now ?

There has been acknowledgements by retd. army officers in the past. Currently I hear Masood Azhar, the terrorist that India had to free in the IC-814 hijacking, is on a full swing in Bahawalpur. They are selling Jihadi materials, training people, putting posters everywhere that openly call for Jihad against India. Remember, they are selling DVDs, and other materials and not distributing for free meaning there is a home-grown demand for the same. The perpetrators for Mumbai attacks have not been brought to justice yet.
Pakistani army is ruling Pakistan and they are doing nothing about it, let alone cooperating with India. There is no point in denying the fact that there is both active and passive form of support for terrorism inside Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia helped India in nabbing Abu Jundal and deporting him to India. He is one of the key suspects in Mumbai attacks.
MoU has been reached for quick reaction and information sharing on terrorism-related issues. Earlier a lot of fund used to be collected from Saudi Arabia. Now, they have been stopped to a great extent.
It is important to note that Saudi Arabia used to support Pakistan in Kashmir issue and in 1971 war as well. Presently, Saudi Arabia supports India's participation in OIC. I will not talk about economic cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia here.

Okay, may be I framed it wrong. The point I'm trying to make is, now there is a legitimate government in Afghanistan, unlike the Taliban, which used to shelter al-qaeda terrorists. Interesting point to note here, only three countries in the World recognized the Taliban government, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

1 is about UN, and 4 is about US.

That's why I said, 'certain degree of success', don't twist my words, find your own. BTW, that is more of a Chinese victory. Anyways, that's a different topic.

Refer to this, it's UK Government website. I can provide you some other material too, mainly pdf.

I'm surprised to see someone taking the supply of yellow cake so lightly. It is fuel, source of energy. More than half of the wars fought after Second World War are for fuel. For that matter Japan attacked US in Second World war for fuel.

Yes. I had been mistaken. My apologies. You can call that jumping the gun.

Each of these points are topics in itself. There's a lot to talk about there, limited by the nature of the forum.

Had I been in your place, I would not have expected you to clean my vomit. Your mess, and you only are expected to clean it up. India has benefited from the situation, reduced terrorist activities in Kashmir, but it's not like Pakistan actively helped India.

Pakistan has to do something constructive first for us to be condescending. So far, the results have been disappointing.

Very good on your part.For your sake, I wish you success. Let the relation deliver something significant.

I don't know whether I should be calling it a basis of NWO, but it has it's importance, just like ASEAN, BRICS SAARC etc. We will make sure things work out in our favour, lately we have been pretty good at it.

There.. delivered your late-night entertainment..:)
Well that was a bummer and a good slap:lol:
Oh bhai jaan

Modi did make terrible statements. Otherwise he would have found Pakistani gov working with him for the last 1 year.

Hopefully now, under Chinese and American pressure he will remain calm (at least outwardly) and be serious about solving this important issue.

Enough of this throwing rocks over the border


Vote Bank Politics, enough said. He has come to appreciate that it's much easier to make enemies than friends hopefully.

But then Modi was a never a subtle guy, he loves to talk big.
Oh bhai jaan

Modi did make terrible statements. Otherwise he would have found Pakistani gov working with him for the last 1 year.

Hopefully now, under Chinese and American pressure he will remain calm (at least outwardly) and be serious about solving this important issue.

Enough of this throwing rocks over the border

Ok tell me one incident. Where he mentioned Pakistan and don't give me that picture of 71 pn Bangladesh tour because you would be embarassing yourself because that was given by Hasina and not Modi. :lol: Well i didn't know that Modi works under pressure of China and US. I didn't expect that statement from you.
Modi working under China and US:omghaha:
Ok tell me one incident.
OK read news papers. you are new here.

Please don't do things to get banned for trolling.

Learn from some of the good Bharati posters (even in this thread). Follow them. and you will be great forum poster.
OK read news papers. you are new here.

Please don't do things to get banned for trolling.

Learn from some of the good Bharati posters (even in this thread). Follow them. and you will be great forum poster.
I have been reading and just as i am new here doesn't mean that i don't know anything. So really Humour me with your knowledge.
I suggest you take your daily dosage of Mullah-fatwa..There we completed a full cycle of mud-slinging..Feeling mature and content now ?

There has been acknowledgements by retd. army officers in the past. Currently I hear Masood Azhar, the terrorist that India had to free in the IC-814 hijacking, is on a full swing in Bahawalpur. They are selling Jihadi materials, training people, putting posters everywhere that openly call for Jihad against India. Remember, they are selling DVDs, and other materials and not distributing for free meaning there is a home-grown demand for the same. The perpetrators for Mumbai attacks have not been brought to justice yet.
Pakistani army is ruling Pakistan and they are doing nothing about it, let alone cooperating with India. There is no point in denying the fact that there is both active and passive form of support for terrorism inside Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia helped India in nabbing Abu Jundal and deporting him to India. He is one of the key suspects in Mumbai attacks.
MoU has been reached for quick reaction and information sharing on terrorism-related issues. Earlier a lot of fund used to be collected from Saudi Arabia. Now, they have been stopped to a great extent.
It is important to note that Saudi Arabia used to support Pakistan in Kashmir issue and in 1971 war as well. Presently, Saudi Arabia supports India's participation in OIC. I will not talk about economic cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia here.

Okay, may be I framed it wrong. The point I'm trying to make is, now there is a legitimate government in Afghanistan, unlike the Taliban, which used to shelter al-qaeda terrorists. Interesting point to note here, only three countries in the World recognized the Taliban government, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

1 is about UN, and 4 is about US.

That's why I said, 'certain degree of success', don't twist my words, find your own. BTW, that is more of a Chinese victory. Anyways, that's a different topic.

Refer to this, it's UK Government website. I can provide you some other material too, mainly pdf.
Current arms embargoes and other restrictions

I'm surprised to see someone taking the supply of yellow cake so lightly. It is fuel, source of energy. More than half of the wars fought after Second World War are for fuel. For that matter Japan attacked US in Second World war for fuel.

Yes. I had been mistaken. My apologies. You can call that jumping the gun.

Each of these points are topics in itself. There's a lot to talk about there, limited by the nature of the forum.

Had I been in your place, I would not have expected you to clean my vomit. Your mess, and you only are expected to clean it up. India has benefited from the situation, reduced terrorist activities in Kashmir, but it's not like Pakistan actively helped India.

Pakistan has to do something constructive first for us to be condescending. So far, the results have been disappointing.

Very good on your part.For your sake, I wish you success. Let the relation deliver something significant.

I don't know whether I should be calling it a basis of NWO, but it has it's importance, just like ASEAN, BRICS SAARC etc. We will make sure things work out in our favour, lately we have been pretty good at it.

There.. delivered your late-night entertainment..:)

Got it, now handover Modi, Ajey Dawol, RAW chief and Director IB for alleged involvement in APS shooting and blasts in different cities of Pakistan.

Got it, now handover Modi, Ajey Dawol, RAW chief and Director IB for alleged involvement in APS shooting and blasts in different cities of Pakistan.

RAW chief summons are also issued by Maleer court karachi in Karachi bombings.

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