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Navy to buy seven submarines

8 F22Ps (2005 contract 4, 2007 contract 4 more )
6 Oliver Hazard Class
4 Type-054As
3 Agosta 90Bs with MESMA AIP
4 Merlins with AIP
3 U214 German Subs (ON the cards)
3 Yuan/Song with AIPs
4 Meligem Stealth Corvettes (Turkey)
8 P3 Orions (Hunters)

Together with existing fleet , if we can add some quality missile boats in support roles


This is minimum detterance, I would recoomend 2 retired destroyers from allies and that is it its enough .. for our navy

you forgot to inlude 2 Death Stars
Why aren't the Germans selling us the 214 Submarines?

Is India pressuring them not to do so?
Any Naval Chief Admiral (asian region) would want his hands on the lethal U-boats the name itself gives chills to enemy because of its history. I still believe our govt/Navy had turn down the deal of U-214..
but i hope PN would asked french to get merlins subs to the edge of technology.
Any of those are going to be retired anytime soon?

Sir i think Germans will rethink about uboats after this news of order going to other suppliers.

BTW in your list Milgem is missing :)

Taimi, dont forget to add the Turkisk Corvettes and Tf-2000 Frigates.
That program is back on, as of today our minister or some official have met Turkish counterparts, as Indicated by Cabatli_53.



Yeah Bhaiiioooo, that is why i said any other western platform in future, but the Chinese option can be gotten much earlier and with seller's credit easily, thus more emphasis on them for now and see to the Turkish platforms also.
Oh, I am in so much love with the U-Boat (U-214). I would love to to see it in Pakistani colors. Hope things go in the right direction
Its a great news that PN is going to induct the submarines in numbers.
Induction of Chinese submarines is a very good move as it will allow PN to have subs in numbers as Chinese subs are cheaper compared to western subs.
Choosing Marlin over U-214 is a bit of disappointment as U-214 is a proven design whereas Marlin is just on papers; and considering the fact that PN had already selected U-214 over Marlin. But the most important thing is that whatever decision government is going to take, they should get into the deal.
Yeah Bhaiiioooo, that is why i said any other western platform in future, but the Chinese option can be gotten much earlier and with seller's credit easily, thus more emphasis on them for now and see to the Turkish platforms also.

No Worries Brother , All in the Family:D:pakistan:
Why aren't the Germans selling us the 214 Submarines?

Is India pressuring them not to do so?

some say they r afraid because we might put N tipped babur....

To both gentlemen.
Germany is willing to provide Type-214 sub to Pakistan even with atleast 5 year payment and last i heard Pak was negotiating for a 10 year credit payment. They have signed 95% of the deal and if their are delays its all because of the corrupt mafia government called PPP. The French are willing to offer their infirior tech sub "MERLIN" which is not even Par to Scorpene and its merely on the paper which may take atleast 15 years before it enters service in PN. The GOP are simply looking for bribes and any party with the highest bribes wins the deal and this is the unfortunate case with Pakistan NAVY! same was done in the past when a superior tech british sub lost to french agosta deal.

Any Naval Chief Admiral (asian region) would want his hands on the lethal U-boats the name itself gives chills to enemy because of its history. I still believe our govt/Navy had turn down the deal of U-214..
but i hope PN would asked french to get merlins subs to the edge of technology.

And why would French want Pakistan to have best bang for the buck deal when they can just squeeze all the money out and leave us with a submarine that will take for ever! Its only on a freaking paper. This is a slow poison for Pakistan.
^^i think it will be either chinese or french - not both!
^^i think it will be either chinese or french - not both!

Yep that makes much more sense.

If PN wants to diversify its Sub fleet then Chinese sub makes more sense and then a high-medium tech combo with Type-214.
If type-214 is not chosen then again its mafia corrupt gov and naval top brass at work again.
As a neutral observer, I am not in favor of Pakistan acquiring Merlin subs. French are too greedy and opportunistic. Look at how much they were demanding for Mirage upgrade from India, correct me if i am wrong, $40 million per plane which is roughly cost of sukhoi 30. French demand insanely high cost for upgrades but sure upside is there won't be any strings attached.
Same holds true for Russians where cost escalations don't seems to stop.

Pakistan needs to deal carefully with France and negotiate all future upgrade prices, if possible include it in contract as well.
As a neutral observer, I am not in favor of Pakistan acquiring Merlin subs. French are too greedy and opportunistic. Look at how much they were demanding for Mirage upgrade from India, correct me if i am wrong, $40 million per plane which is roughly cost of sukhoi 30. French demand insanely high cost for upgrades but sure upside is there won't be any strings attached.
Same holds true for Russians where cost escalations don't seems to stop.

Pakistan needs to deal carefully with France and negotiate all future upgrade prices, if possible include it in contract as well.

i second that cisco guy but what if our govt does not want to buy U214 just because of their corruption ?
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