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Navy to buy seven submarines

8 F22Ps (2005 contract 4, 2007 contract 4 more )
6 Oliver Hazard Class
4 Type-054As
3 Agosta 90Bs with MESMA AIP
4 Merlins with AIP
3 U214 German Subs (ON the cards)
3 Yuan/Song with AIPs
4 Meligem Stealth Corvettes (Turkey)
8 P3 Orions (Hunters)

Together with existing fleet , if we can add some quality missile boats in support roles


This is minimum detterance, I would recoomend 2 retired destroyers from allies and that is it its enough .. for our navy
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Yes that is true but look there is a problem which the program is facing talking about both Milgem corvetts anf TF 2000 Frigate.

The problem mentioned by the person was that all of the missiles were not either Pakistani or Turkish and it is a setback which hurts a lot.

Pakistani Naval version of Babur is not in sight for now and not to mention Pakistan or turkey both are behind in Naval missile technology.

This problem can be addressed through joint projects R&D.

Dear BB,

That problem will be addressed, and no need to worry about, it not a major concern. Secondly the Pakistani variants will be different from the Turkish ones. We would start receiving the corvetts beyond 2015/2016, and TF 2000 beyond 2020, so ample time to built the armaments or buy them off the shelf.

Regarding Naval version of Babur, I really don't think, It would be much of a problem. We are well accustomed with both Cruise and Ballistic Missile Techs and It can be developed until then, if its not already done.

Pakistan holds a lot of keys to many locks, but wont open all the doors at once for obvious reasons.


8 F22Ps (2005 contract 4, 2007 contract 4 more )
6 Oliver Hazard Class
4 Type-054As
3 Agosta 90Bs with MESMA AIP
4 Merlins with AIP
3 Yuan/Song with AIPs
4 Meligem Stealth Corvettes (Turkey)
8 P3 Orions

Together with existing fleet , if we can add some quality missile boats
the force is great for national defence

Now that AZAD's typical list :lol:

No Offense AZAD bro.
8 F22Ps (2005 contract 4, 2007 contract 4 more )
6 Oliver Hazard Class
4 Type-054As
3 Agosta 90Bs with MESMA AIP
4 Merlins with AIP
3 U214 German Subs (ON the cards)
3 Yuan/Song with AIPs
4 Meligem Stealth Corvettes (Turkey)
8 P3 Orions (Hunters)

Together with existing fleet , if we can add some quality missile boats in support roles


This is minimum detterance

Azad Bhai Jan, please don't confuse people with wrong numbers again. Thanks,
What about the planned construction of extra Agosta's?
That is correct to some extent, But I believe Indian MMRCA and need for 6 subs is playing a major role. Eruofighter is in lead, rather I would a say a near winner only if the decision doesn't go political, to fall in for Super hornets.

The good point is Pak Navy should move and make a decision before the MMRCA finalization. In this way we can put some pressure on the Germans back, from a pure business perspective.

The day the U-boats deal was delayed, it was in for a rejection.

Lastly, some people believe U-boats were/are a must. To them I would say they were desired and preferable but not a must. We need to move and make the best out of the available options. Throughout the history the odds had never been on our side. And still we got the job done, so need to get disappointed.



Man I am already P1ssed off and dont make me any further with this ridiculous explanation!
First of all. MRCA and PN sub deal are too different matter that just has no analogy. The germans would have simply not taken this deal to 95% almost done if India with MRCA tender had that much of influence. Germany does not even get 100% of the EF contract which has very slim chance of winning and its only a media and official hype for better indian diplomacy and influence.

Merlin will take for ever and PN will be better off with more A-90B AIP and new systems then Chinese sub.
Man I am already P1ssed off and dont make me any further with this ridiculous explanation!
First of all. MRCA and PN sub deal are too different matter that just has no analogy. The germans would have simply not taken this deal to 95% almost done if India with MRCA tender had that much of influence. Germany does not even get 100% of the EF contract which has very slim chance of winning and its only a media and official hype for better indian diplomacy and influence.

Merlin will take for ever and PN will be better off with more A-90B AIP and new systems then Chinese sub.

Its a matter of personal opinion, to you it may be ridiculous, but to me it make a lot of sense. We live in a competitive world, The one with more to offer will be considered and preferred over the others.

I can go in detail and clear all your queries, but I don't want to make this debate ugly, so I will end here.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Navy is in discussions with China and France to acquire seven latest conventional submarines, negotiations with Germany to purchase three U-214 is also on cards.

Chinese version offers economical price of around $230 million for each boat.

To negotiate with French DCN Company for Marline Submarines, a high level naval delegation will visit France on April 27.

Reliable sources from Pakistan Navy told DawnNews that after three years of continuous negotiations with Germany PN has decided to avail some other options as well for acquiring next-generation submarines.

Sources maintained that Islamabad is deeply interested in acquiring four Chinese Yuan and Song Class and three French Marlin class latest diesel electric conventional versions in a bid to meet any challenge from the rapidly expanding Indian navy.

Initially German company HDW had drawn up technical specifications for three U-214 boats and a billion dollars contract also intact and was almost final.—DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Navy to buy seven submarines

It is really good to hear such kind of news. I guess the PN has been on a shopping spree.

Marlin class was offered by the french because they knew PN won't go for Scorpene class as India already has them. The advantage is that Pakistan Navy will be part of the drawing board team to tailor-made these boats. One disadvantage i see is that it will take couple of years for deals to get finalised.

For force multiplication i guess it is a good idea to go for the Chinese Subs. We already have the F22p from them, and this will open a whole lot for Pakistan's defence industry. Type 039/41 (Song) class submarines are outstanding at performance. I guess it was the Song class sub that surfaced to within 5 miles of the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier.

7 more Submarines at cost of 2 billion dollars, we need more surface vessels now. Destroyers and Frigates.

Recently the Pakistan Airforce had issued a tender for JF17 upgrade package worth upto 1 billion dollars......hmm who says we can't shop?

Good news brothers, lets hope we get these boats inducted as soon as possible!
Thanks for the update Pirzada Saab

Now if we go for 7 chinese and french Submarines...... forget the Germany subs for good :cry:

This could be a good way to shake German conscious that Pakistan is not out of options if they are taking too long to decide. German subs are top of the line and the best boats available in the world till now. BUT we need best tech at the time we need. In case this best tech is subjected to intentional or intentional or unintentional delays, we must go for the one we can hold on at the time of need and time of need is now.
SAD to hear that Pakistan is not opting German subs , i mean the U-214 could have been the best deal .
SAD to hear that Pakistan is not opting German subs , i mean the U-214 could have been the best deal .

Their is still some hope left. Pak officials have recently visited Turkey for discussion of Turkish type-214 variant and other defence related matter.
Maan, where does PK gets all the money.. I am amazed.. Can i get a hand on that gold mine too ...

Good going Pakistan. :pakistan:
^^Well we get all that money by bypassing our other basic needs such as health and education.It's not something to be very Proud off.BD shouldn't follow us on this matter just try to have good relations with India so you don't have spend so much like us on defence.
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