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Naval guards: India moves to downgrade diplomatic ties with Italy

It's time for NATO to strike the enemy!


ure not at all funny kid.
These fishermen were mistaken as pirates. The marines made a mistake while on duty. That doesn't make them murderers. PLus like I say, even if they have confessed to the killing, according to the Indian justice system, they have not gone thru the judicial process, they cannot be called murderers.

They should face trial like Men, not escape and hide under Italian couch. When a nation of billion permitted these murders to go home for their religious festivals and to vote, the so called civilized country should have sent them back respecting our integrity. Which did not happen. We have a judiciary and these marines earned themselves additional hiccups after contempt of court.
It's time for NATO to strike the enemy!


A war on India by a foreign power is the biggest opportunity for china to stand by us as it is an open ticket for west to create trouble for china if India is in their hands., if India is attacked by NATO, it would only help us improve our relationship with China and the dream of West to Asianise themselves would come to an end for ever.

Do you think the west would ever do that?
All planned out. This is BS. They should have never been let go. This was planned from the very beginning. Sadly, our ppl forget that our ppl died.
calm down guys no need to get over excited or over depressed. This is all staged and this is THE REAL Diplomacy!! Public opinion changes withing seconds. India needs Italy and EU in its court due to many vested interests! The Italian Ambassador will not leave for sure. It's a pre planned act under the knowledge of Italian government and Indian Gov as far as I believe.
These two Italian marines have done good for the international community by shooting those pirates in the international sea. They are professional soldiers doing a difficult job for securing the international sea lanes.
I'm surprised----------only Italy Gave the navel guards a heroes welcome, why dint we give them one first?
He meant that the whole point is where it happened. If it had happened outside our waters, then it would have been legitimate to trial them in Italy, since they were on an Italian ship.

>You are new to PDF... so here is the rule: Ignore Hongwu. He just trolls.

Actually I'm not new. I was here 3 years ago. I and AM had a misunderstanding :smokin:
These two Italian marines have done good for the international community by shooting those pirates in the international sea. They are professional soldiers doing a difficult job for securing the international sea lanes.

Do you even know what had happened? They were not doing a difficult job securing sea Lanes, they were protecting the merchant ship wherein they were posted.

These guards did not have Graduated Response Plan against piracy and violated Alert Embankment Guidelines issued by the International Maritime Organisation, and you still term them as professionals. Pathetic.

No one denies you from trolling, but doing it blind is adverse.
These two Italian marines have done good for the international community by shooting those pirates in the international sea. They are professional soldiers doing a difficult job for securing the international sea lanes.

Lol troll.Professional soldiers don't kill unarmed fishermen.
Lol troll.Professional soldiers don't kill unarmed fishermen.

He is so pathetic , that he just couldn't keep his hands off trolling. A vessel failing to present the archives of "voyage data recorder" which is a mandatory requirement for any investigation according to the International Maritime Organization's SOLAS requirements, is pretty evident that they are guilty of this crime.

People who support this incident are nothing but those who had their superiority complexes hurt.
Do you even know what had happened? They were not doing a difficult job securing sea Lanes, they were protecting the merchant ship wherein they were posted.

These guards did not have Graduated Response Plan against piracy and violated Alert Embankment Guidelines issued by the International Maritime Organisation, and you still term them as professionals. Pathetic.

No one denies you from trolling, but doing it blind is adverse.

And you know what happened? Beyond what Indian propaganda fed to you in your newspapers? Indian Ocean is infested with pirates near India. If Indian navy is doing their job, other countries don't need to post guards to secure the sea lane.

Normal fisherman boat won't approach a merchant ship in high speed and not back away when warned. These two Indian "fishermen" were clearly working for the pirates as advance scout. The two Italian marines were protecting the safety of the ship. Besides it's in international water.

If India has so much evidence as you claimed, why don't you try them in court instead of holding them for a year. That just means you have nothing beyond trumped up charge. The Italian government is wise to remove their people from a banana republic.
All planned out. This is BS. They should have never been let go. This was planned from the very beginning. Sadly, our ppl forget that our ppl died.

Only if justic was done in Bhopal tragedy this woudnt have come specially in terms of India that has international clout.
These two Italian marines have done good for the international community by shooting those pirates in the international sea. They are professional soldiers doing a difficult job for securing the international sea lanes.

LOL.. securing international sea lanes near Kerela!!

Do you know far incident took place from from Gulf of Aden(place where Somalian pirates are active)?


Incident happen near the southern tip of India. which is more than thousand miles away from Gulf of Aden.

These marines were a bunch of trigger happy Morons... who probably have been trained to shoot first and ask questions later. Thinking, at sea the laws of the littoral state don't apply to them, .

To second question if the incident happened in International waters..there is a very simple solution to that..Every ship carries a Voyage Data Recorder..which records the ships GPS track.
Italians could produce the Ships VDR in addition to vessels log book in Indian court to prove that India had no jurisdiction over that area...instead they decided to pull off this stunt ..idiocy at its prime!!
And you know what happened? Beyond what Indian propaganda fed to you in your newspapers? Indian Ocean is infested with pirates near India. If Indian navy is doing their job, other countries don't need to post guards to secure the sea lane.

Normal fisherman boat won't approach a merchant ship in high speed and not back away when warned. These two Indian "fishermen" were clearly working for the pirates as advance scout. The two Italian marines were protecting the safety of the ship. Besides it's in international water.

If India has so much evidence as you claimed, why don't you try them in court instead of holding them for a year. That just means you have nothing beyond trumped up charge. The Italian government is wise to remove their people from a banana republic.

"Our whole city is ready to welcome the unfortunate children of the fishermen to study here," Taranto mayor Ippazio Stefano wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. "I must express my profound regret for what has happened and do not hesitate to reaffirm by personal regard - and that of the city I represent - for the Indian people."

Italy mayor offers to host children of two fishermen killed by Italian naval guards - The Times of India

And look,the Italians are offering condolences to pirates now.Don't just pounce on keyboards without having much knowledge about reality.It's a common disease here.
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