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NATO's Shame - NATO Aware it was Firing at Pakistani Troops

Another interesting article that suggests that its not just about pakistan

Great Global Game and Chess Board of Pakistan
By MasoodTariq | Posted December 10, 2011 | Hyderabad, Pakistan


Pakistan is hanging like a pendulum between U.S.A and China along with many regional and supporting players due to geo-political position in war of domination, because of, communication and energy corridors, geographical presence at door step of China at north, central Asian states through Afghanistan at North West, Iran at south west and Arabian Sea at south. Therefore, neither the U.S.A is able to isolate the Pakistan like Iraq and not be able to capture like Afghanistan. As this type of adventure will provoke the interests of other key world players particularly China and Russia, thus, it may initiate the 3rd world war.
As, the Russia was already attempting to reach the warm water but now China is also willing for it by 2030 and from 2020 China will start the advancement towards the Arabian sea, till 2020 China will work to choose and secure the corridors. However, owing to Chinese role in Pakistan since 60’s, people of Pakistan trust the China as a faithful friend. Consequently; people of Pakistan are not ready to support any action against Chinese interest, as they did against Russia for decades. Pakistan is facing a hard time of life due to communication and energy corridors. Therefore, if China is ready to reach the Arabian Sea in near future then Pakistan will be a battle ground instead of communication and energy corridor, primarily the region of Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will happen to be the main target. If not then, it is not suitable for U.S.A to break or even reduce the strategic relationship with Pakistan. Because without geographical support of Pakistan, U.S.A will lose the control over Afghanistan and Russia will again advance towards the warm water. Yet any plan of U.S.A to convert Pakistan into a battle ground will force or facilitate the Pakistan to change the camp. Otherwise, Pakistan will prefer to maintain the strategic relationship with U.S.A.

Although, for game of domination between international players, the suitable option is, the will and wish of “people of Pakistan” represented by the national political leadership. Furthermore, the sovereignty, integrity and national interests of Pakistan are an internal subject, related to the qualities of nation and leadership. But, due to un-organized and non-systemized national political parties, since from Liaquat Ali khan era to present government, dictatorial and puppet rulers were sweet choice for U.S.A, to secure the interests in Pakistan and to keep Russia away from the warm water.

However, now people of Pakistan are fading up. They are furious and frustrated about the dictatorial rulers and puppet leaders due to negligence of public affairs, interests and problems. Consequently, in future, atmosphere and circumstances will not support the dictatorial rulers and puppet politicians, absolutely. Because, in future era game of domination between U.S.A, Russia and China will enhance in North Africa, Middle East and central Asia. Therefore, Pakistani politics will start to dominate the national and international issues at public ground too.

Therefore, institutionally collapsed and economically distorted Pakistan, along with, socially polarized, administratively victimized and politically deprived people of Pakistan due to terrorism, fascism and nepotism, as a result of inefficiency, misconduct and corruptive practices of dogmatic and tyrannical rulers as well as puppet and pseudo politicians in conjunction with their masters, patrons and facilitators (mostly the PAK-US establishment) furthermore, proxy facilitation to counter the attempts of destabilization and insurgency in Pakistan at national and international stage by the U.S opposing players; especially China or Russia may turn out to be a major political and moral hazard for U.S.A at national and international level. Defiantly, it will be consequential for the regional domination of U.S.A, along with control over Afghanistan.
Its all about Baluchistan and the route to it is balkanization of Pakistan.

This game has been on cards even before the present players were born.
Its all about Baluchistan and the route to it is balkanization of Pakistan.

This game has been on cards even before the present players were born.

but the point is its not easy or at all possible with the risks for america to achieve what it wants without pakistan getting its pound of flesh the ultimate prize (kashmir resolution in our favour) not that america would back us anyway lol but we dont get what we want the americans aint getting what they want its simple really. the multipolar world has started
but the point is its not easy or at all possible with the risks for america to achieve what it wants without pakistan getting its pound of flesh the ultimate prize (kashmir resolution in our favour) not that america would back us anyway lol but we dont get what we want the americans aint getting what they want its simple really. the multipolar world has started

You say Amerika is not getting what they wish.. than read link below, which i have posted on relevant thread as well.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

All parties in Afghanistan were having party on Pakistani money since 2009.
And if pakistani nukes were being seized could america afford the odd nuke to reach israel who we know dictates american policy.

That is the thing. If you can threaten the master, the bulldog will stay put.
What the future holds for US-Pakistan ties

Yes, the article reaffirms what many of us have been saying. Here's my summary of the US-Pakistani relations:

- In the post Cold War game, the US has decided that China is the threat, hence India is an ally and Pakistan is an enemy. No amount of diplobabble or smooth talk will negate the reality of actual American actions vis-a-vis Pakistan and India. In a sane world, the Pakistani authorities would have recognized this fact and worked to make Pakistan strong and less dependent on American largesse. In reality, however, we know how our politicians operate.

- Pakistani civilian leaders are without shame; even this latest stand is only an act because of military/democratic pressures. Already they are looking for a NATO 'apology' to resume business as usual. The usual fifth columnists in the liberal elite are singing the tune of 'Pak-India detente'. If there is one thing you can count on, it is that Pakistan's interests are best served by doing the exact opposite of what the liberal elite advocate.

- This is a golden opportunity for Pakistan to score brownie points with Russia. The NATO route closure should be coordinated with Russia -- it's Pakistan's gift to Russia.

- Pakistan can not face America in a direct military conflict, but it can make it crystal clear that it will thwart American plans to install India as the chaudhry.
I think there's another angle that should be analyzed in regards to Pakistan's side of the story. This is a very strong and direct message that PA has sent. That this incident is no accident but rather a well planned execution. Esp. with the bit in Pak's side of the story that at one point NATO communicated the attack had stopped only to PA's surprise that attack still continued.

Pakistan, in the last ten years, has never directly opposed US and NATO, has never issued any statement that directly go against US and NATO. But this time, Pakistan has directly blamed NATO/US for the attack and has ruled out as an accident. Now where do you place yourself with such a clear and concise message? How can you go back to workign with the same party that you think backstabbed you and killed your people?

If I had to guess I would say with this message Pakistan has signaled to the US that it wants out of this wot cooperation. otherwise Pak wouldn't have come out with such a statement that US/NATO soldiers knowingly and delibertly killed our soldiers. It would have been more on the moderate side of carefully selected words and phrases like, "confusion", "darkness", "more investigation is required" etc.

But here we have a clear and strong message being sent out from which there is no backing out. At this point, if Pak resumes cooperation on wot in the near future after this, it wouldn't sit well with the public.

The poor guy---Cameron Minter has been making rounds in pakistan and telling the public about how it was a mistake and how sypathetic the american public is---what a bunch of hog-wash and bolognie----americans hate pakistan army with a passion---this report by the medal of honor----threw gasoline on the fire----his mindset tell the true opinion the u s millitary has of pakistan.

10 years it has been----the murdering of muslims has not ended---and they want us to murder more muslims---it is beyond sickening----,

We have a gutless elected prime minister, a president who sold a country and general Kiyani---who is clueless to what is happening around in the country and around the world, the air chief who is asleep at his job and the millitaqry general headquarters----who are lulled into misinformation---their base has lost connection and these idiots are waiting for the connection to be restored---so that they can call the base after two hours to find out if everthing is fine and well.

agree with you wholeheartedly.

american media's attack on Pak became ten fold after obl's raid. Who can forget the infamous Time mag cover, "why we are stuck with Pakistan." And then you had every tom dick and harry coming on prime time networks lambasting Pak.

After the august attack on US forces in Afgh. and the Mullen's statement on ISI, CBS evening news went haywire with Pak bashing. Where for almost two weeks straight they had a story on US forces in Afgh. and in almost all of their interviews with mid lvl ranks they had something negative to say about Pak army.

this 23 december farce of a report - I was screaming my head off over here that they're taking this long for various purposes, namely two, anger to cool down, wait for Pak's hand and then play their occordingly.

Some ppl here clearly have never been on the receiving end of white america's racism. It can shove a four foot long broom stick up a black man's arse in a police facility, what's a few Pakistanis who live on American aid in the first place.

That is where the true cowardice of Gen Kiyani and Pasha became evident---the second truth that came out was of their extreme incompetence in the face of onslaught on pakistan---the third truth that came out was that Kiyani believed more in Adm Mullen than in pakistan---he protected his friendship with Mullen more than he protected pakistan----.

Kiyani has proven to be as big an enemy of pakistan as anyone else---his not doing anything to protect the mage of pakistan was "high treason".
I think there's another angle that should be analyzed in regards to Pakistan's side of the story. This is a very strong and direct message that PA has sent. That this incident is no accident but rather a well planned execution. Esp. with the bit in Pak's side of the story that at one point NATO communicated the attack had stopped only to PA's surprise that attack still continued.

Pakistan, in the last ten years, has never directly opposed US and NATO, has never issued any statement that directly go against US and NATO. But this time, Pakistan has directly blamed NATO/US for the attack and has ruled out as an accident. Now where do you place yourself with such a clear and concise message? How can you go back to workign with the same party that you think backstabbed you and killed your people?

If I had to guess I would say with this message Pakistan has signaled to the US that it wants out of this wot cooperation. otherwise Pak wouldn't have come out with such a statement that US/NATO soldiers knowingly and delibertly killed our soldiers. It would have been more on the moderate side of carefully selected words and phrases like, "confusion", "darkness", "more investigation is required" etc.

But here we have a clear and strong message being sent out from which there is no backing out. At this point, if Pak resumes cooperation on wot in the near future after this, it wouldn't sit well with the public.


Why has pakistan not played the recordings of this incidence on public TV---and if the pak HQ doesnot have recordings then the question is ---why does it not have the recording----is there not a system installed---if not---then that is equally treasonous----.

Bring out the tapes of the conversation---bring them out in the open---.

Abbottabad Commission: Haqqani to be quizzed about CIA visa reports

ISLAMABAD: Former Pakistan ambassador Hussain Haqqani is set to face a tough grilling session by the Abbottabad Commission today for allegedly issuing several hundred visas to Americans linked to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ahead of the May 2nd raid to kill al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

The commission, investigating the circumstances surrounding the killing of the terror group’s leader, will also be questioning Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmed.

Awami National Party (ANP) President Asfandyar Wali Khan, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Vice Chairman Hamid Khan and Jamaat-i-Islami (JI)’s Professor Khurshid Ahmed appeared before the panel last week.

The panel, already in possession of the written response from Haqqani on allegations levelled against him, would question him in person for the first time since he resigned in the wake of the memogate scandal.

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United Kingdom (UK) Wajid Shamsul Hassan is also set to appear before the commission soon for his interviews with media outlets in which he asserted that the authorities in Islamabad had prior knowledge of the Abbottabad raid.

Haqqani could not be reached for comments as to the possible reply he will put up before the panel. However, according to his latest postings on social networking website Twitter as well as some of his friends, Haqqani would share ‘definitive’ documentary evidence with the team to support his stance on the matter.

“He has got all the evidence with him and he will share it with the panel members…he has nothing to hide or fear about it at all,” confided one of his associates who is also the leader of the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).

He has denied issuing any visas to Americans without prior knowledge of the foreign ministry or a clearance from the country’s intelligence agencies.

On the other hand, AML chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told The Express Tribune that he would also share with the commission ‘hardcore evidence’, suggesting that Abbottabad raid happened with the ‘go-ahead’ signal from top authorities in Islamabad.

“It will be evidence that is hard to refute. It will remove any confusion and bring facts to the surface,” Sheikh stressed without giving any details about the source of material he shall hand over to the body.

Sheikh added that he shall give a verbal briefing in addition to the written evidence.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 19th, 2011.
Interesting times we live in.

---------- Post added at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

Mastan khan saab, Do you find it a co incidence that the attack took place at 26/11?

And as per you, even if this is work of low ranking US offciers, USA is rigidly behind its soldiers. Not ready to apologise, even if it may have been rogue armymen's activity. What does this proves?


Well---the american beliefe is ---that---sh-it happens---so what are you gonna do about it---.

Why has pakistan not played the recordings of this incidence on public TV---and if the pak HQ doesnot have recordings then the question is ---why does it not have the recording----is there not a system installed---if not---then that is equally treasonous----.

Bring out the tapes of the conversation---bring them out in the open---.

Perhaps they are waiting on what NATO has to say on the 23rd. See what position NATO/US are taking and then release it....... Or not...as they see fit.
This fried chicken also seem to be a stunt... showing fake impact.

Borders are not fully sealed and chicken can always be delivered... one dollar more expensive though.
I guess cross border smugglerz are making hell amount of $$$ these dayz then.....:smokin:
According to BBC news Pakistan is asking to take actions against a local afghan commander for plotting salala check post attack. I am sorry I can't post the exact news link cause right now my post count is less then 5.

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