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NATO's Shame - NATO Aware it was Firing at Pakistani Troops

As an Empire falls expect things like these to happen more often. Before the Greek fell they started to commit massacres. When the Romans they did the same thing. So now it is America's turn to join the fray of Empire that once were.
There is a lot of talk on the airwaves that Panetta may have sanctioned this operation which i would term as mass murder.
Suggestion is that, emboldened after the OBL raid, he thought by attacking and killing the Pakistani soldiers, will force Pakistan to buckle under US pressure, hence the Americans would be able to dictate all to their own liking..... little did he realized how badly it would back fire and lose any leverage America once enjoyed.

our leaders should not bow to them this time and each time pak army or isi does anything for them we should charge them a pound of flesh and make them bend to our interests.
do you think it is a 1958 ayub moment.

I don't see how.

The US administration and media are engaged in a concerted effort to demonize the Pak military and ISI. Their aim is to weaken the morale of these agencies and erode public respect for them.
our leaders should not bow to them this time and each time pak army or isi does anything for them we should charge them a pound of flesh and make them bend to our interests.

My dear. it's already costing them an arm and a leg.......let's see what the inquiry report delivers, after all it's now the Americans hoping for some x-mas miracle. Pakistan just has to sit tight.

U.S.'s Afghan Headache: $400-a-Gallon Gasoline - WSJ.com
I don't see how.

The US administration and media are engaged in a concerted effort to demonize the Pak military and ISI. Their aim is to weaken the morale of these agencies and erode public respect for them.

Noo what I meant was that you said earlier that they will eventually bend to the will of americans. I think they would to a certain state. However america wants its cake and and eat it it wants to humiliate pakistani army. We discussed on another thread we know what their intentions are with afghanistan india and the silk road crax. In that scenario there is no room for a nuclear armed pakistan or strong pakistani army. Ultimatly we have to accept for all its faults pa has kept the notion of pakistan alive.

although I am normally with PA 100% I accept the PA would accomodate americans to the nth degree. they may even buy the silk road. But would PA risk moving away from chinese strategy?? And turkeys dont vote for xmas. In americas grand scheme ther is no room for pakistani nukes and a strong army. thats why american actions for the last few years have been designed to demonise pa. They want pakistanis to hate the PA. I think this latest action was in a series of deliberate acts to see how far they could push pakistanis. Have you noticed how drones have stopped bombing pakistan. Americans now know our red lines. I came accross another article you might like to read:

What the future holds for US-Pakistan ties

Updated: 2011-12-13 07:09

(China Daily)

Whatever may be the outcome of the promised US investigation into the attacks on Pakistani posts on Nov 27, certain facts are already known.

First, 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed in their own territory which the Pakistani Army had cleared in September 2011, a fact known to all concerned. Second, US-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) helicopters with the support of fighter planes carried the attacks. Third, the attacks continued for more than 2 hours even after the establishment of contacts between the two authorities. And fourth, the ISAF helicopters returned to attack a second time.

Neither international laws nor the ISAF mandate nor the terms of engagements in Afghanistan nor the conventions of joint border operations between the US and Pakistan authorize such aggression.

In the normal course, after the attacks the international community should have condemned, in the strongest terms, the clear violation of international laws and loss of lives, and recognized the victim country's right to respond. Ironically, however, many world capitals and the international media were surprised with Pakistan's response and not the attacks.

Understandably, Pakistan's rather feeble response to the earlier violations of its territory - some 300 drone attacks accounting for up to 3,000 deaths, and six US-NATO incursions killing 72 and injuring 250 Pakistani soldiers - is one of the main reasons for today's sad situation. It seems the Americans misinterpreted Pakistan's response as a sign of its weakness and took the liberty of attacking Pakistan again.

To many analysts, the NATO attacks, just before the Bonn Conference (on Afghanistan's future) - organized in the backdrop of the US' failure in Afghanistan to get approval for future American presence there - were planned for two reasons. On one hand, it was to gauge Pakistan's reaction, which has been relatively strict in the recent past. On the other, it was to warn Pakistan of the dire consequences it faced if it was not prepared to continue cooperating on the terms and conditions of the US.

A pressured Pakistani leadership could have been easily swayed to endorse the American prescription without considering national interests. Or, Pakistan could have shown resistance and thus disrupted the whole process because of its well recognized and accepted key position in the war on terrorism.

Many observers believe that the Americans want to blame Pakistan for their failure in Afghanistan. Military and other attacks on, and the continued political and media campaigns against Pakistan are therefore aimed at provoking Islamabad to retaliate, so that its nuclear assets, already a target of an aggressive propaganda campaign, could also be targeted.

True, that in the context of the current equation in Afghanistan, these steps may not pose a major challenge to the US. But Pakistan's unparalleled information and intelligence network, together with its capacity to influence different groups in Afghanistan, makes it an inevitable player in a protracted stalemate which could multiply the US' difficulties. Given these facts, Pakistan's decision to boycott the Bonn conference on Afghanistan's future may have denied it the chance to present its case directly, but it has created more space for Pakistan.

How long can Islamabad maintain its pressure on Washington? And conversely, how long can it resist the political, diplomatic, economic and media pressures of the Americans. These two questions have now acquired added significance.

Indeed, the present impasse may turn out to be the most susceptible point in US-Pakistan relations since the beginning of 2011, a year that has seen CIA contractor Raymond Davis shoot down two Pakistanis in Lahore and the American raid on Abbottabad in which Osama bin Laden was killed.

US-Pakistani ties have been deteriorating for some time now because of Pakistanis' increasing anger against the Americans, creating space for the Pakistani military leadership to distance itself from the US and review the current terms of its engagement in the war on terrorism, which anyway are not in the genuine interest of Pakistan. An additional outcome of such an approach for Pakistan is the greater "harmony within", the source of real strength for any country.

By ensuring national solidarity and effective diplomatic and media campaign, Pakistan can sustain its position until such time that the cutting off of supply routes to NATO forces in Afghanistan starts making a real impact
. Though alternative supply routes from Central Asia appear good, they are not practical for permanent dependence, because of the distances, additional costs, climatic conditions and security issues and most importantly the political equation in the region. The recent statement of Russian foreign minister about stopping supplies to NATO-US is a clear indication in this regard.

Pakistan's real challenge is to remove the gap between its people and the leadership that has been created by the government's cooperation, against the will of the people, in the US' war on terrorism . The emerging scenario may either widen the gap, which will be disastrous for Pakistan, or narrow it further, which has happened in the past few weeks, making the country and leadership stronger and capable of making bold decisions.

The US, too, faces a test: how to achieve its objectives in Afghanistan without Pakistan's support. The declining domestic support for the war, its international image and worsening economic conditions at home are some of the immediate and pressing needs that the US has to focus on.

Thus the Nov 27 attacks and Pakistan's response have laid the foundation for a new setting, a setting in which, unless something dramatic happens, an all out war between Pakistan and the US is an impossibility, because both need each other and cannot afford such an adventure at this point of time.

Nevertheless, in a war of nerves, a renegotiation on the nature, level and terms of cooperation will certainly take place, and the country that demonstrates stronger nerves and moves smartly will be the final gainer. The most likely scenario is a new beginning in US-Pakistan relationship with the focus on objectives and strategies, as well as tactics.

I reckon this time Kayani (who doesnt need to get reelected but pakistan is united against america in any event) who I have a lot of faith in with his background will win this chess game. Obama has other constraints. Thats what I wanted your view on

Oh btw I have read obamas books that he wrote before becoming president and I have been watching kayani since the days of him being bb's secretary when she was pm. This jucture suits kayani but not Obama, contrary to popular opinion Kayanis position would normally suit Obamas style
The US military hubris will bankerrupt the US exchequer , there is nothing tangable that Pentagon will be able to gain in this theatre of war from here on
The US military hubris will bankerrupt the US exchequer , there is nothing tangable that Pentagon will be able to gain in this theatre of war from here on

they are stupid. they should have been in and out 3 months shock and awe if they had any brains. make a point and then get out.
It is been almost one month without supplies to NATO and a single drones attacks. A great achievement. :)

No Fried Chickens available.... :)
I hear what you have to say. I accept and agree that crass as it feels and sounds we need to maximise what pakistan can get out of it but I think you are being more than a bit generous to chengs contribution. Cheng does not advocate anything that you are suggesting check his posts carefully

My friend it is not generosity, it is an old man trying to sift through various pieces of information and trying to make some sense out of it. I dont mind whoever says what and respect others opinions irrespective of the line that they tow. I have tickled Vcheng into a response but he always shies away. However it is like always an interaction with another person and one needs to hear what they say before you respond. This is the way I was taught , this is the way I am.
For those of you waiting for nato report its lies before you make up your mind whether americans were at fault when the butcherd our brave soldiers:
you know who you are

Twelve biggest US lies of 2011

Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:7PM GMT

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

As 2011 draws to a close, an award-winning US magazine has handpicked a dozen of the most monstrous lies that Washington has delivered to the world over the past year.

“I live in Washington where lying is an art form,” David J. Rothkopf wrote on the Foreign Policy website.

Before enumerating the most egregious US lies of 2011, Rothkopf divides the fallacious statements uttered by Washington into three categories.

Some, he says, are known for their “subtlety”, like President Barack Obama wanting to get special interests out of American politics. They “almost” feel true, Rothkopf says.

Others stand out for their “audacity”, like Newt Gingrich bringing down communism.

And last but not least are those which capture our attention for being offered with a “straight face,” like Mitt Romney saying he has deeply held political convictions.

Rothkopf, however, says among the plethora of US mendacious claims there are some which are most outstanding.

“They are the big lies that have defined our times,” he says, proceeding to catalogue those fibs.

1. “The war in Iraq is finally over after nine years.”

Rothkopf notes the US has been militarily engaged in Iraq since the early 1990 and this will likely be just the end of another installment in the long running series of US warmongering policies in the region.

2. “America's mission in Iraq was a success.”

He expresses astonishment at such a claim while Iraq is divided, undemocratic, corrupt, and the US invasion has cost USD1 trillion, thousands of US lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, and its national reputation. US war in Iraq bears greater semblance to a full-scale “fiasco”, he says.

3. “We are winning in Afghanistan.”

Rothkopf describes this one as a hot from the oven “howler” by the US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. Washington has strengthened the region's extremists and the threat of instability in nuclear Pakistan is now actually higher than it was when US went in, he says.

4. Tie: “Pakistan is America's ally” and “Afghanistan is America's partner.” Neither Pakistan nor Afghanistan can by any “credible definition” be called a US ally. This is attested to by the animosity of Islamabad towards Washington and Kabul's belittling of the US on the world stage, Rothkopf says.

5. “America is unthreatened by China's growth.”

A “prayer” by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Rothkopf says. “It should be true. But it's not,” he adds.

6. Tie: “Republicans are the problem” and “Democrats are the problem.”

Rothkopf dubs this one as “the great lie of American politics.” He says the problem with US politics is not the parties, but the money. “The system is so resolutely corrupt that recent scandals have only resulted in more money flowing into the system and past reforms being undone,” he notes.

7. “Cutting the taxes of millionaires helps create US jobs.”

There is not even one single solitary shred of evidence to support this “idiotic” suggestion, Rothkopf notes.

8. “This next summit of European leaders will be decisive …”

Rothkopf says despite the fact that this claim has been made every few weeks for the past months, the “supposedly sophisticated financial markets” of the United States continue to fall for it.

9. “The Obama administration is committed to serious financial services reform.”

The US financial system is still plagued by all the threats that instigated the 2008 recession. “Not an inch of progress,” Rothkopf says.

10. “Only nine percent of Americans approve of Congress.”

“This can't possibly be true. There can't possibly be that many,” Rothkopf says in a stinging sarcastic tone.

11. “The operation in Libya will be over in a matter of days or weeks.”

Rothkopf says the operation was wrong to begin with, “and then wrong and then wrong again for months.”

12. “I love Israel.”

Even though everyone in US politics makes such an assertion, nobody really means it, Rothkopf notes. What the politicians really mean, however, is that “I want American Jews to think I love Israel enough to vote for me and give me money,” he says.
“Those are just a few of a bumper year for duplicity, mendacity, and craven misstatements,” Rothkopf concludes.

An Idea just came to my mind: As I read the title of this thread I couldn't help but remember Israeli policies of "Pushing for war" IDF soldiers would go and harass checkpoints soldiers by killing them firing at them and stuff like that in hopes for a retaliation knowing fully well that the books of history which they control will make sure to leave that part out.

Then came to my mind how Israel and US are each other's masters and students so it is only rational for one to think that this attack was in fact the same policy hoping for Pakistanis to retaliate and then start a war on Pakistan with the ultimate goal of "Securing the Nukes" so Pakistan would be wise not to start a fire since that is what they want meaning they already made all the ABCs for such a thing and have a counter move for each Pakistani move I say this following Sun Tzu's teachings of "Do not let the enemy fight you on its own terms but force your own terms upon the enemy"
^^ you are partially right!

Starting of war only helps them.. while Zardari is president of Pakistan.

Once he is not there it is difficult that war scenario may turn favorable to forces in Afghanistan.

If your observation is correct than US need to hurry things up... and my estimate is also end of 2012 and early 2013.
It is been almost one month without supplies to NATO and a single drones attacks. A great achievement. :)

No Fried Chickens available.... :)

This fried chicken also seem to be a stunt... showing fake impact.

Borders are not fully sealed and chicken can always be delivered... one dollar more expensive though.
An Idea just came to my mind: As I read the title of this thread I couldn't help but remember Israeli policies of "Pushing for war" IDF soldiers would go and harass checkpoints soldiers by killing them firing at them and stuff like that in hopes for a retaliation knowing fully well that the books of history which they control will make sure to leave that part out.

Then came to my mind how Israel and US are each other's masters and students so it is only rational for one to think that this attack was in fact the same policy hoping for Pakistanis to retaliate and then start a war on Pakistan with the ultimate goal of "Securing the Nukes" so Pakistan would be wise not to start a fire since that is what they want meaning they already made all the ABCs for such a thing and have a counter move for each Pakistani move I say this following Sun Tzu's teachings of "Do not let the enemy fight you on its own terms but force your own terms upon the enemy"

sorry mate no comparison we concentrate a lot here on the fact that pakistan can not afford to have a war with US and how pakistan would get decimated etc by US. This is true in an all out war. But america has other considerations to take into account. Look at iran americans have been huffing and puffing for 30 years. Iraq and a population of 20 million odd squeezed by sanctions is a little different to a nation with near 200 million citizens with nukes. There is no way that america can afford or want to start an all out war. Their intention is to intimidate and bully and get pakistan to bend to their requirements

And if pakistani nukes were being seized could america afford the odd nuke to reach israel who we know dictates american policy. Pakistan if going down might also send a few nukes to india?? weaken india for china ? simply no way

also its believed that kayani believes that denuclearisation of pakistan is an american aim and no doubt targets have already been selected by PA and ISI for this eventuality
My friend it is not generosity, it is an old man trying to sift through various pieces of information and trying to make some sense out of it. I dont mind whoever says what and respect others opinions irrespective of the line that they tow. I have tickled Vcheng into a response but he always shies away. However it is like always an interaction with another person and one needs to hear what they say before you respond. This is the way I was taught , this is the way I am.

Araz thank you for your comments but I stand by my assertion that he is a sophisticated troll when he starts circular arguments. I explained earlier what i meant by circular with ref to his posts. Back to topic even american magazines admit american govt lies. so why so much weight to 23rd other than give americans to meusure a response. I honestly believe that had it been an accident PA would have been prepared to play a game which they have been playing for some time. But americans have crossed a red line and understandably the red line can only be deliberate targetting of our soldiers.

have been thinking that although in different positions Obamas style and kayanis also have similarities. Before it was just a feeling but I remember now its the way they are silent and inactive and wait for their adversaries to make an error and then capitalising on it. (isnt that waht kayanis doing now????) come on guys tell me if you think im talking rubbish or there is some merit in what im saying
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