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NATO's Shame - NATO Aware it was Firing at Pakistani Troops


That is where the true cowardice of Gen Kiyani and Pasha became evident---the second truth that came out was of their extreme incompetence in the face of onslaught on pakistan---the third truth that came out was that Kiyani believed more in Adm Mullen than in pakistan---he protected his friendship with Mullen more than he protected pakistan----.

Kiyani has proven to be as big an enemy of pakistan as anyone else---his not doing anything to protect the mage of pakistan was "high treason".

Our people used to watch our heroes as MOLA JUTT & NOORI NATH, so MastanKhan try this time to understand COAS & DG ISI's way of action but not as MOLA JUTT & NOORI NATH.
Don't act like a pre-mature thing....now watch the effects of the blockade. !!

I agree - the supply being blocked is going to cripple them - i cant percieve no response to this in the next few days, The troops arent going to have turkey over christmas! In the next couple of days they release their official version - lets see if an almighty apology comes with it - no matter what they say their will be a cocktail of make belief invoved for sure!
I agree - the supply being blocked is going to cripple them - i cant percieve no response to this in the next few days, The troops arent going to have turkey over christmas! In the next couple of days they release their official version - lets see if an almighty apology comes with it - no matter what they say their will be a cocktail of make belief invoved for sure!

Yea dude, no KFC, Turkey or Pampers....fuel costing $400 a gallon....it's a happy happy holidays.
Yea dude, no KFC, Turkey or Pampers....fuel costing $400 a gallon....it's a happy happy holidays.

BTW - slightly off topic - but KFC is now HALAL in the UK!!! Have been eating by the bucket! Just cant get enough!!:azn:
BTW - slightly off topic - but KFC is now HALAL in the UK!!! Have been eating by the bucket! Just cant get enough!!:azn:

KFC is not so popular over here alas it's described as soggy breasts, greasy legs and you end up putting the bone in the bucket. ;)
Hey i used to use pampers nappies for my boys. Why american soldiers want pampers?

A rough guess would be, when out on patrol, if nature calls, the Americans wouldn't want to be caught with their pants down....those elusive Talibans seem to appear from no where. :)
Yea dude, no KFC, Turkey or Pampers....fuel costing $400 a gallon....it's a happy happy holidays.

That's a good excuse for holidays! but soldiers would be more delighted if Pakistan help it make bit longer.
I agree - the supply being blocked is going to cripple them - i cant percieve no response to this in the next few days, The troops arent going to have turkey over christmas! In the next couple of days they release their official version - lets see if an almighty apology comes with it - no matter what they say their will be a cocktail of make belief invoved for sure!

I don't think so... the volume of transit of goods via Iran is almost same as Pakistan, than comes Uzbekistan, even lower is Turkmenistan and air transit is lowest.
RAW collusion suspected: Probe faults Afghan serviceman for NATO air raid, says report

A Pakistani investigation into the November 26 Nato air raid on a border post appears to have exonerated the United States and faulted an Afghan military commander for the unprovoked attack, the BBC reported.

The airstrike sparked outrage across the country – forcing the government to review its ‘terms of engagement’ with the United States in the war against terrorism.

The probe report – parts of which have been shared with Nato forces in Kabul – states that no US soldier was involved in the airstrike on the Salala check post in the Mohmand Agency that left two dozen border guards dead.

Investigators are convinced that an Afghan National Army (ANA) officer conspired with India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security in prompting the Nato airstrike, an officer privy to the probe told the BBC.

Islamabad has shared the evidence of his involvement with Nato, saying that the evidence warrants action against him.

Islamabad has long suspected that archrival India is using Afghan soil to foment trouble in Pakistan’s border regions.

The investigators interviewed local military commanders and evaluated ground evidence for their report.

According to the report, troops deployed at the Salala border post spotted the suspected men in a seasonal stream which, according to US intelligence, was used by the Taliban insurgents for sneaking into the Malakand division and Swat.

As per standard operating procedure (SOP), the Pakistani military commanders ordered fire. Minutes later, Nato helicopter gunships attacked the Pakistani post. It turns out that Pakistani troops had fired at ANA personnel patrolling the area. Investigators cite two reasons for the fire. First, the area was not within the patrolling jurisdiction of the ANA. And if needed, they were required to inform the Pakistani officials 72 hours before entering the region.

Second, the ANA patrol didn’t use SOP after receiving the fire. Instead, they appealed for a Nato air raid — even though local ANA commanders were aware of the location of the Pakistani border post in the region.

The ANA patrol was deliberately sent to the area under a conspiracy and then ‘Link 16’ which is normally used for huge operations against militants and extremists.

Pakistani investigators also blame Nato for negligence. According to them, the officer on duty in the control room ordered the airstrike, after receiving ‘Link 16’ and did not bother to check the location on the map which clearly shows that the area is in Pakistan and a security post is also located in the region.

The version of events as gleaned by the BBC from the probe report is disputed by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the media arm of the Pakistani military, which even called it ‘inaccurate.’

The ISPR also clarified a related report which gave the impression that border coordination centres were closed and that officers posted there had been recalled. According to the ISPR, few officers were called for consultations only and now they have gone back to the border coordination centres.

This came after a Nato official said in Kabul that Pakistan has restored liaison officers at coordination centres on the Afghanistan border. “We have seen liaison officers, Pakistani officers, return to border coordination centres, General Allen (the top Nato commander in Afghanistan) has spoken to (Pakistani army chief) General Parvez Kayani, so we are moving in the right direction,” Brigadier General Carsten Jacobsen, a spokesman for the International Security Assistance Force told reporters in Kabul.

with additional reporting from agencies

Published in The Express Tribune, December 20th, 2011.

RAW collusion suspected: Probe faults Afghan serviceman for NATO air raid, says report – The Express Tribune
RAW collusion suspected: Probe faults Afghan serviceman for NATO air raid, says report

A Pakistani investigation into the November 26 Nato air raid on a border post appears to have exonerated the United States and faulted an Afghan military commander for the unprovoked attack, the BBC reported.

The airstrike sparked outrage across the country – forcing the government to review its ‘terms of engagement’ with the United States in the war against terrorism.

The probe report – parts of which have been shared with Nato forces in Kabul – states that no US soldier was involved in the airstrike on the Salala check post in the Mohmand Agency that left two dozen border guards dead.

Investigators are convinced that an Afghan National Army (ANA) officer conspired with India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security in prompting the Nato airstrike, an officer privy to the probe told the BBC.

Islamabad has shared the evidence of his involvement with Nato, saying that the evidence warrants action against him.

Islamabad has long suspected that archrival India is using Afghan soil to foment trouble in Pakistan’s border regions.

The investigators interviewed local military commanders and evaluated ground evidence for their report.

According to the report, troops deployed at the Salala border post spotted the suspected men in a seasonal stream which, according to US intelligence, was used by the Taliban insurgents for sneaking into the Malakand division and Swat.

As per standard operating procedure (SOP), the Pakistani military commanders ordered fire. Minutes later, Nato helicopter gunships attacked the Pakistani post. It turns out that Pakistani troops had fired at ANA personnel patrolling the area. Investigators cite two reasons for the fire. First, the area was not within the patrolling jurisdiction of the ANA. And if needed, they were required to inform the Pakistani officials 72 hours before entering the region.

Second, the ANA patrol didn’t use SOP after receiving the fire. Instead, they appealed for a Nato air raid — even though local ANA commanders were aware of the location of the Pakistani border post in the region.

The ANA patrol was deliberately sent to the area under a conspiracy and then ‘Link 16’ which is normally used for huge operations against militants and extremists.

Pakistani investigators also blame Nato for negligence. According to them, the officer on duty in the control room ordered the airstrike, after receiving ‘Link 16’ and did not bother to check the location on the map which clearly shows that the area is in Pakistan and a security post is also located in the region.

The version of events as gleaned by the BBC from the probe report is disputed by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the media arm of the Pakistani military, which even called it ‘inaccurate.’

The ISPR also clarified a related report which gave the impression that border coordination centres were closed and that officers posted there had been recalled. According to the ISPR, few officers were called for consultations only and now they have gone back to the border coordination centres.

This came after a Nato official said in Kabul that Pakistan has restored liaison officers at coordination centres on the Afghanistan border. “We have seen liaison officers, Pakistani officers, return to border coordination centres, General Allen (the top Nato commander in Afghanistan) has spoken to (Pakistani army chief) General Parvez Kayani, so we are moving in the right direction,” Brigadier General Carsten Jacobsen, a spokesman for the International Security Assistance Force told reporters in Kabul.

with additional reporting from agencies

Published in The Express Tribune, December 20th, 2011.

RAW collusion suspected: Probe faults Afghan serviceman for NATO air raid, says report – The Express Tribune

speculation? paranoia? or simply allegations to divert the attention of Pakistanis towards India so that NATO can be given concessions?
speculation? paranoia? or simply allegations to divert the attention of Pakistanis towards India so that NATO can be given concessions?

If in fact that BBC report is true; then that conclusion may be inferred.
However, it is also reported that ISPR of the PA has denied the report that BBC ran.
So is it all smoke and mirrors?
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