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NATO's Shame - NATO Aware it was Firing at Pakistani Troops

Yeah, whatever the Pakistan Army, ISPR, GoP, Parliament says is all utter nonsense, but NATO is the lone symbol of truth and justice and gives gospel truth!

Anyways Mr VCheng, 4 days!
I don't think RAW or afghan commander is behind this.

I think NATO is trying to put blame on them so no reason will remain to block NATO supplies they (NATO) will easily say afghans misguided us and its not our fault.

Keep in mind pakistanis said that "after 15 minutes of continuous firing we told them that you are firing on pakistani check post but they keep firing on us for 2 hours"

It is clearly NATO who have done this.

Speculation is pointless at this stage.

I still maintain that we all should wait for the NATO report to be released.

Give it a rest - this is a forum and we are entitled to have an opinion and report news when we feel fit and believe it nay interest others. There is no harm in sharing. You and i will wait for your beloved report by Nato but as you are fully aware they lie and talk rubbish. In my opinion nothing much will be found and your "big bang" theory will fizzle and die when they releasing their rubbish. Dont stop people posting other theories and views as thats not what this forum is about.
RAW prompting NATO strike is really absurd. RAW is a white elephant. Do not overestimate RAW. We Indians will only laugh at this. Even though on a serious note...its really shameful to kill soldiers without warning. RIP
Lol...the "RAW" again.....guys...its more in-efficient than your zardari government.
NATO is not going to put blame on India. Its just face saving by Pakistan military. If they found the NATO responsible for the attack in their "investigation" Pakistani public would expect them to do more than "just blocking" the NATO supply line, which they can't afford to.

So put the blame on ANA and India, who are already hated by Pakistanis and seen as the enemy.
Speculation is pointless at this stage.

I still maintain that we all should wait for the NATO report to be released.

I'm rather waiting for the PA investigation report.

But then, from an army that did not even carry out the investigation of Kargil, OBL raid etc., I do not expect much.
^^ Very true, even if the NATO is at fault(something already know), nothing will be done. The only way the Pakistani establishment can save face is blaming it on others, RAW and ANA are the best :)
ISPR has denied the bbc report of indian intelligence fed to afghan commander. Just irresponsible reporting from bbc anb Pak media wasn't far behind in picking it up yesterday but slow to retract it afterward. Indian members should show a little maturity and read first before jumping up and down at the meer mention of India.

---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------

^^ Very true, even if the NATO is at fault(something already know), nothing will be done. The only way the Pakistani establishment can save face is blaming it on others, RAW and ANA are the best :)

Pakistan didn't blame India, it's your bbc starting ****.
speculation? paranoia? or simply allegations to divert the attention of Pakistanis towards India so that NATO can be given concessions?

Great understanding from your side buddy..:tup:

NATO is not so incapable that they fired on behalf of wrong information, they are technically very advance for that...
& firing after being informed from Pakistan side shows their intentions..
If there was a single bomb dropped then there was chance of mistaken target, but firing continuously for 2 hrs...:no:
Sounds like BS......NATO-US are either trying to shift the blame or the pakistanis want to open the border crossings for US supplies.
NATO is not going to put blame on India. Its just face saving by Pakistan military. If they found the NATO responsible for the attack in their "investigation" Pakistani public would expect them to do more than "just blocking" the NATO supply line, which they can't afford to.

So put the blame on ANA and India, who are already hated by Pakistanis and seen as the enemy.

Roy - you think this is a theory that hasn't already been predicted in the last couple of weeks? Maybe may fool some - but not the ones that count mate. I believe the US are sweating and getting excited about what theory and story they will present the world. This one would be a great big fail.
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