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Nato warns Russia on air strikes

Russia is an independent country. Russia will target and destroy Army of Conquest in Idlib for its own national security. No one can save Army of Conquest. Not the US, not Germany, not France, not Britain, not Turkey.
NATO is trying to protects its babies, the Isis and alqaida. This warning can mean only one thing. That the babies are being seriously harmed by Sukhoi bombings. I hope the Iran-Russia-Syria-Iraq alliance will crush Isis definitively.

Please spread this message:

Stop supporting Isis. Join the coalition of Humanity.

What are you mumbling about? The history is quite clear. US created alqaida and Isis. NATO even provided air cover for alqaida in Libya. In Syria, if it was not for Iranian and Russian help, the country would have fallen to Isis.
Time to kill Army of Conquest jihadist dark age fags. If Turkey wants to play, then Turkish jets will be blown out of the sky by S-400.

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Time to kill Army of Conquest jihadist dark age fags. If Turkey wants to fight, then Turkish jets will be blown out of the sky by S-400.

Turks will never dare to do such a thing. Even when Russia had not yet deployed into Syria, Turks never dared to implement a no fly zone. They always begged US to do it for them. But they never dared to do it themselves. Now with Russia there, Turks will stay clear. In fact Russia just sent two messages. One to Turkey by violating the Turkish airspace. Nato kept mum, while Turkey "protested" by inviting Russian ambassador for a tea. And the other warning was to Israel which previously used to provide air cover for Isis. The Russian air force intercepted the Israeli planes and warned them to stop their support for Isis.

The game has changed. For the good.

Russia is gaining ground....
so much big talk shot down RUssian plane and then do blabla
Turks will never dare to do such a thing. Even when Russia had not yet deployed into Syria, Turks never dared to implement a no fly zone. They always begged US to do it for them. But they never dared to do it themselves. Now with Russia there, Turks will stay clear. In fact Russia just sent two messages. One to Turkey by violating the Turkish airspace. Nato kept mum, while Turkey "protested" by inviting Russian ambassador for a tea. And the other warning was to Israel which previously used to provide air cover for Isis. The Russian air force intercepted the Israeli planes and warned them to stop their support for Isis.

The game has changed. For the good.

No one in the world is going to dare to shoot down a Russian jet.

Not America, not China, no one.

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