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Nato massacres dozens of Pakistani soldiers in an unprovoked attack

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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

May Allah grant all Shaheeds Paradise.

We have eunuchs in our army and in Govt who dont have balls to answer Americans or Nato in the same way.For how long our soldiers and people will die like this.If everything is taken for granted then why the hell these poor soldiers are posted there if they are not allowed to retaliate.They started with drone and killed innocent people,we keep on protesting nothing happened.They started coming with helis, we protested nothing happened..It's time for their foot soldier to enter in and you bet nothing gonna happen.May Allah give sense to our Army & puppet Govt.
These are unsubstantiated details reported in faulty manner by TOI. Indian army isn't rookie newbie that it'll loose 100s men in landmine accidents.


However it did. Just google and you will find the figure is very correct. No one talking about professionalism of any army but bringing out the facts that incidents happen and unlike the IA, NATO does not hide or fudge facts as we are covered by the Coronary Courts which investigate all such incidents in a very open manner and frequently expose our Armed Forces when the fudge facts, which can't be said about your Armed Forces.
There is no need to go overboard with this, there will be one or two impulsive people (and i am quoting a conservative figure), I have myself mentioned twice on this same thread that detailed investigation has to be done and those responsible for the reckless action be held accountable.

There are others who think the same, yes we know this is not a movie forum but if u knew that u should also know the distinction between sane posters and insane ones. You sir are trying to act too smart.


He thinks the Indians are bound to support them in every way. Sorry when you have done something wrong dont expect that.

Soldiers are soldiers even if they are Pakistani and we respect them.
You are venting your frustration here not me? USA or NATO has not invaded Pakistan so get a life. The border between Pakistan and Af is porus and not well demarcated just like Arunachal Pradesh. So shut up and stop egging Pakistan to war, something you were too scared to do yourself in the past. Pakistanis have a right to be angry as they have lost men but why are you jumping with them?
its not a question of being scared.. but if others can kill the enemy then let them, why waste indian life on it. I think pak should get angry and attack US/Nato over this incident, not just do diplomatic dances like closing border or pulling out ambassadors.
Bl[i]tZ;2326149 said:
Pakistan has a very difficult choice.

President Obama has been to say the least, less benign to Pakistan than say President Bush.

US army would never-ever do cross-border attacks unless and until they have Presidential directive - even if it addresses the rarest of the rarest situations say chasing militants in Pakistan territory or a raid on HVT.

Adding to my earlier statement - if they weren't under this very legal cover. US military personnel would be subject to prosecution for their unprofessional conduct.

IMO, the ddecision has been taken at the highest levels of the US govt to authorize these attacks in those rare cases.
That's f#cked up, they either thought there is a giant taliban military base or they got straight order to attack the pak outpost.
Pakistani officials say NATO helicopter raid kills 25 'asleep' Pakistani soldiers:

NATO helicopters from Afghanistan intruded into northwest Pakistan and attacked a military check post near the border on Saturday, killing up to 25 troops and wounding 14, Pakistani military officials told Reuters.

A senior Pakistani military officer said efforts were under way to bring the bodies to the headquarters of Mohmand tribal region from their post located on hilltops near the Afghan border.

"The latest attack by NATO forces on our post would have serious repercussions as they without any reason attacked on our post and killed soldiers asleep," he said, requesting anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

The Associated Press reported that Pakistan state TV had reported the same death toll, amid earlier conflicting reports.

A Pakistani military spokesman confirmed the pre-dawn attack in the tribal region of Mohmand and said casualties had been reported, but gave no details.

"NATO helicopters carried out an unprovoked and indiscriminate firing on a Pakistani check post in Mohmand agency, casualties have been reported and details are awaited," the spokesman told Reuters.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousaf Gilani strongly denounced the attack, according to a message on Twitter by Radio Pakistan.

The governor of Pakistan's northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province criticized the incident, calling it "an attack on Pakistani sovereignty."

NATO supplies suspended

Journalist Ahmad Mukhtar said in a message on Twitter that Pakistan was suspending NATO's truck supplies that travel through Pakistan to Afghanistan.

Reuters, citing Pakistani officials, later reported that trucks and fuel tankers were stopped at Jamrud town in the Khyber tribal region near the city of Peshawar, hours after the raid.

"We have halted the supplies and some 40 tankers and trucks have been returned from the check post in Jamrud," Mutahir Zeb, a senior government official, told Reuters.

Another official said the supplies had been stopped for security reasons.

The Salala check post, about 1.5 miles from the Afghan border, was recently set up by the Pakistan army to stop Taliban militants holed up in Afghanistan from crossing the border and staging attacks, officials told The Associated Press.

The attack took place around 2 a.m. local time in the Baizai area of Mohmand, where Pakistani troops are engaged in fighting Taliban militants.

Various unnamed officials had previous put the death toll at between seven and 13.

A spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Kabul said the coalition there was aware of "an incident."

In a message on Twitter, ISAF said it was "Currently gathering info in [sic] that incident."

The attack comes as relations between the United States and Pakistan, its ally in the war on terror, are already strained following the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden by U.S. special forces in a secret raid on the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad in May.

U.S. helicopters accidentally killed two Pakistani soldiers near the border last year, prompting Pakistan to temporarily close the border to supplies shipped through the country to NATO troops in Afghanistan.

Officials: NATO chopppers kill Pakistani troops - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan - msnbc.com
Assalam alaikum

this will keep happening untill we ppl of pakistan will not come on streets in all cities and block these army officers and politicans or just keep on get killed and embarrassed by these nato so called allies

i put more blame on army then civil govt. coz last time they block the supplies and they opened it

---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

mods ban whoever brings any other country name on this thread it is about nato and pakistan plz

Its now or never situation if we did not teach them a lesson now then they will teach us a lesson
Its a Wake Up call for Pakistani Nation
I agree, we shouldnt let foreign forces like china or US on indian subcontinent soil.
As for the support, for all the problems the the culture is almost the same in many parts of India and Pakistan and so there is a sense of identification with each other. If they feel that NATO had done some wrong they will express that.

You don't need to advise us who to support or how to express that.

So let the Indians here who want to PA to attack NATO defend their comments! Why are you acting as their mommy?
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