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NATO helicopters violate air space: Pakistani officials

PESHAWAR: Pakistani officials on Wednesday accused NATO helicopters of violating Pakistan's air space over the Taliban and Haqqani stronghold of North Waziristan, along the Afghan border.

"Two helicopters intruded several kilometres inside Pakistan territory in Datta Khel town around 2:00 am (2100 GMT Tuesday)," a military official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The helicopters flew in from the eastern Afghan province of Paktia and circled the border village of Zoi Nara for more than five minutes, the official in the provincial capital Peshawar said.

But a spokesman for NATO's US-led International Security Assistance Force told AFP that their "operational reporting" showed that no ISAF helicopter crossed the border, which is unmarked in many places.

A Pakistani military official said the choppers left after "warning shots" were fired by Pakistan troops. Officials said they were not attack helicopters.

Dildar Khan, a tribal police official in Datta Khel, said the helicopters flew at a relatively low altitude and returned after the warning shots. (AFP)
Why didn't PAF push NATO helicopters to force land....just like Indian helicopter recent one?

First there is huge different between 3rd world country and a so called SUPER POWER

secondly ...

remember my post in "Indian helicopter"

let me post again!

When Helicopter coming from west

When helicopter coming from East
Army statement "TUWADI ASI DE TESI"


'Apparently'?:what: Oh, never mind! Its not the Indians but the Pakistani Forces who are falling over each other due to their frustration at their inability to do anything about NATO violations! Lol! And you guys talk about sovereignty! Sheeesh!

What doesn't seem right? :pop:
What part of warning shots you did not understood?

Pakistani forces have used similar tactics against NATO helicopters before and it worked.

Also, we are not interested in opening a new front now. If we fire, they fire back. And this results in undue tension. Already the relationship between the two sides is not good.

Trust me, you wouldn't want to mess with NATO either.
What part of warning shots you did not understood?

Pakistani forces have used similar tactics against NATO helicopters before and it worked.

Also, we are not interested in opening a new front now. If we fire, they fire back. And this results in undue tension. Already the relationship between the two sides is not good.

Trust me, you wouldn't want to mess with NATO either.

that is true and specially Pakistan wont because we are partners in war on terror and war kills people and sadly in todays time colllateral damage is a part of it, Pak army shelling and bombing has left many civilans and own soldiers dead. blaming entriely NATO and using their helicopter incidents as a teasing subject is childish to say the least.

those waning shots are not aimed at them during low visibility tracers are used too and they are fired in the air ahead of the copter where the pilot can see them. like the NATO official is saying the border is unmarked and there is always chance of confusion, that’s why all methods are used to avoid any blue on blue.

thee are no open hostilities between NATO and Pakistan so talking about forcing their copter down or shooting it down is nonsense talk . it is good that neither NATO nor the Pakistani decision makers share the inflammatory attitude and trolling being exhibited on similar incidents.

If any side shared the sentiments of some posters here then there would have been an open conflict already happening but thanks heavens that’s not the case so all those members who live on trolling and cant post anything constructive can continue with what they are doing, the infraction poinst will eventually get them.
They were actually checking whether Pakistani radars are online or still in life extending mode.
A Pakistani military official said the choppers left after "warning shots" were fired by Pakistan troops. Officials said they were not attack helicopters.

Dildar Khan, a tribal police official in Datta Khel, said the helicopters flew at a relatively low altitude and returned after the warning shots. (AFP)

looks like they were testing the waters ... and radars

---------- Post added at 12:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

I think there are easier ways to check to see if the Pakistanis are on the ball. To risk personnel for this would be a careless approach. I think there are other safer means to check the preparedness

but if those personnnel had been shot/killed wouldnt that have led to a pretext for intervention ?
Because we did not force land the helicopter, it landed there by itself.

PAF gave instructions to this chopper to follow them, otherwise they will shoot down if they try escape. I am thinking what's difference in NATO helicopters, PAF can't do same thing.

A common nonsense fake statements (thousand times) by Air Chief Marshall Rao Qamar Suleman- "By the grace of Almighty Allah, Pakistan Air Force has inducted state-of-the-art weapon systems and its modernization drive is on track." "We do not want to accumulate huge inventory of weapons, our endeavour is to develop capabilities that are required to deter and defeat all internal and external threats and challenges that the nation confronts today, and in the foreseeable in future."

"the armed forces have given exemplary sacrifices in bravely meeting the challenges which the nation faced and, “We are defending with full force and resolve our sovereignty and national interest."

BS, he is fooling us for good! :hitwall:

First there is huge different between 3rd world country and a so called SUPER POWER

secondly ...

remember my post in "Indian helicopter"

let me post again!

LOL, indeed. :agree: Hypocrisy PAFs- 'only government gave order'. If so, who gave order within minutes to force Indian chopper down ??
PESHAWAR: Pakistani officials on Wednesday accused NATO helicopters of violating Pakistan's air space over the Taliban and Haqqani stronghold of North Waziristan, along the Afghan border.

"Two helicopters intruded several kilometres inside Pakistan territory in Datta Khel town around 2:00 am (2100 GMT Tuesday)," a military official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The helicopters flew in from the eastern Afghan province of Paktia and circled the border village of Zoi Nara for more than five minutes, the official in the provincial capital Peshawar said.


A couple of questions how if it was 2am did anyone see the helicopters, i asume when flying at night over hostile teritory US copters dont light up like christmas trees.

If they were over Taliban and Haqqani bases, seeing we have been told time and time again there are no Haqqani or Taliban bases in Pakistan they cant have been violating Pakistan airspace :)
Well then, I suppose your helis were made in Burkina Faso because they strayed into Pak space eh?
What a straw man argument! Jeeez! Did you know that the chopper that strayed across is of French origin? It is legacy stuff without any navaids. There is no GPS and other sophisticated navigational aids like the ones on the American Longbows and Blackhawks. Navigation is done by simple map reading. And one can't do that from the air in bad weather with limited visibility.:azn:
We would like to inform all readers that the accusation of NATO helicopters violating Pakistani airspace is completely false. There has not been an intrusion or violation of the Pakistani airspace by any NATO helicopters. The various media outlets had based their report on anonymous sources. We strictly monitor our combat troops’ actions and coordinate our activities in Afghanistan near the Af/Pak border. Hence, we would have the most accurate information to share with you. It is unfortunate that even though most of the news sources have reported the ISAF spokesperson’s rejection of this allegation and this fabricated story, still most forum members are accepting these accusations as the truth. This has caused unnecessary hysteria among Pakistani readers on several forums and blogs. False allegations only stir negative sentiments and animosity among people. They are not beneficial for either of our nations, especially when we are working diligently with our Pakistani counterparts to resolve all outstanding concerns.

MAJ David Nevers,
DET – U.S Central Command
U.S. Central Command
We would like to inform all readers that the accusation of NATO helicopters violating Pakistani airspace is completely false. There has not been an intrusion or violation of the Pakistani airspace by any NATO helicopters. The various media outlets had based their report on anonymous sources. We strictly monitor our combat troops’ actions and coordinate our activities in Afghanistan near the Af/Pak border. Hence, we would have the most accurate information to share with you. It is unfortunate that even though most of the news sources have reported the ISAF spokesperson’s rejection of this allegation and this fabricated story, still most forum members are accepting these accusations as the truth. This has caused unnecessary hysteria among Pakistani readers on several forums and blogs. False allegations only stir negative sentiments and animosity among people. They are not beneficial for either of our nations, especially when we are working diligently with our Pakistani counterparts to resolve all outstanding concerns.

MAJ David Nevers,
DET – U.S Central Command
U.S. Central Command

i agree with you sir.most of them are given wrong information and on that bases,they daily bash others:)

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